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RetroStation's Training Journal


The Eternal Casual on Hiatus
Sep 15, 2013
Reaction score
Unknown Unknown Unknown
Figured I'd have something to look back on once I get better... And laugh at it.

Still in unfamiliar territory, team-wise, but I'm looking at Painwheel to round out my team. How? No clue. But I figure Squig and Bella need a 3rd, and I've been curious about PW for a while... Let's see how this goes.
After getting acquainted with the basic stuff, along with tips from @Krackatoa, I've realized that Painwheel is a very technical character to me, but she presents a perfect opportunity to improve my execution.
Painwheel to round out a Squig and Bella team. Interesting. Have you thought about what order you're going to play and what assists you are going to run?
Painwheel to round out a Squig and Bella team. Interesting. Have you thought about what order you're going to play and what assists you are going to run?
I may end up running PW[c.MP]/Bella[Diamond Drop/LnL]/Squig[Drag 'n Bite/c.HP/f.HP]. Squig & Bella may be interchangeable, though, as far as team order goes.
There's a reason I go for Diamond Drop.
I may end up running PW[c.MP]/Bella[Diamond Drop/LnL]/Squig[Drag 'n Bite/c.HP/f.HP]. Squig & Bella may be interchangeable, though, as far as team order goes.

This sounds like a solid plan. I'm leaning more towards LnL from the simulations of your team I'm running in my head but Diamond Drop could also be interesting. I''m looking forward to hearing about how your team is going once you've gotten some matches in with them.
For some reason, Painwheel's combo I worked on in training mode hasn't burned itself into muscle memory just yet, because I either drop it or forget to convert into it against live opponents. However, the dirty Diamond Drop reset works. Also, I resorted to online PW shenanigans after giving up on trying to do long combos. High/Low flight cancels everywhere.
Going into seclusion after tonight's embarrassing performance. How long? No clue.
Thursday, January 24 2014: Determined as a fraud by SG community. Am now fully accepted into community, healing yet to start.
You had the guts to step up and that's cool. I want to play you at some point when you've made the proper sacrifices to the internet gods.
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Thursday, January 24 2014: Determined as a fraud by SG community. Am now fully accepted into community, healing yet to start.
You had the guts to step up and that's cool. I want to play you at some point when you've made the proper sacrifices to the internet gods.
We'll see about that. I have a lot to work on, so don't expect a challenge from me any time soon.
Thanks. I guess I'm making a name for myself in the worst way lol
Thanks. I guess I'm making a name for myself in the worst way lol
Nope, worst way to make a name for yourself is to tell everyone you'll attend every tournament and then never ever show up yet still act like you did or blame on illegitimate reasons.
Pretty sure you don't do that.
Januray 28th: I pretty much have Fighter's Block. Anything that isn't Squigly muscle memory just doesn't come out in live matches. Joy.
Feb 5th: Dropped PW and Bella, currently working on Val; may add on Fortune if it feels right.

Training Priorities:
  • LRN2PUSHBLOCK properly.
  • Improve reaction time on high/low assist mixups
  • Master PBGC to turn the match in your favor
  • Stop blindly attacking/panic super mashing
  • Improve muscle memory so as not to confuse one character's inputs with another's
  • Learn when to reset so that you don't get caught by mashing
Feb 9th: Further progress on Val; universal vial combo almost perfected. Just need better timing against light characters.

Also, how do I Filia. (YES, I KNOW THIS IS IRONIC AS FUCK CONSIDERING MY HATE FOR HER. But if I wanna get better, I have to learn how to be good with characters I hate). Squig + Val = Shitty synergy.
Feb 10th

  • Discovered combo that breaks 8k with 1 vial. Practicality of said combo uncertain; needs live testing.
  • Possibly ditching Squigly. Decision depends on whether or not I can find/develop useful tech.
  • Speaking of tech, developed possibly practical corner combo derived from @Duckator's Assist Call while loading vial. Research ongoing.
  • Need to develop midscreen tech where vial load before converting is possible (without the use of Silver Chord)
Feb 22nd

  • Progress has been made; scored a victory against Duckator after only 5 losses.
  • Do not get reckless in offense and waste meter. Always save at least one meter for reversal Daisy.
  • Val Lv2 > Daisy; remember that.
  • Pushblock more; do not down-back unless they are grounded and/or going for low assist.
  • Develop more patience; do not push buttons offensively unless you have a clear opening.
  • Use s.MP xx Throw more often w/ Val, it's tricky as all hell.
  • Learn Double Snaps
  • Use Alpha Counter more often.
Stop mashing throw is what I'd take from that if I were you.
Stop mashing throw is what I'd take from that if I were you.
That, too. I'm slowly trying to break away from mashing altogether; s'a bad habit long term. And some of those throws I thought I had you, but I misjudged distance. Oops.

Thanks for all the help, and GGs, Duck.
Feb 28th:

  • Learned various Squig/Val tech from Nuuance and experimenting.
  • Could not focus at all during set with Duckator; kept dropping inputs and doing wrong moves. Dunno wtf happened.
March 8th:
  • After taking a small break from SG, defense has markedly improved, and appropriate pushblocking has now started to become a habit.
  • With Nuuance's help, and a few experiments of my own, I've managed to break 10k for 2 meter with Squig/Val.
  • Aforementioned combo was successfully implemented against ShadowStew, killing his character after suffering minor damage beforehand.
  • BETA changes and curiosity led me to try Mike Z's Fortune combo. After learning it, and making a few adjustments of my own, I may add Fortune as my third. Would prefer mastering head-on before delving into headless.
  • Today is the Double Snap runback against Evilben. Don't choke.
March 16th:
  • Finally started learning Fortune, making her the final addition to the team.
    • Really need to learn neutral and matchups
    • I REALLY like how j.HP operates; can't wait to fully explore its utility.
  • Team St1ckbug is in less than a week, and I need to plan out a training regimen of sorts. Since it's most likely the PS3 build, I have to focus on Squig/Val over Fortune, unless I can sufficiently learn Double in a week.
    • Might even lean toward Bella if I don't wanna put in the time for Double... Though Double might be more versatile for me.
  • Still struggling against sub-conscious down-back'ing Filia's low j.HKs. STOP DOING THAT.
  • Need to start actually burning optimized combos to memory.
    • Need to stop doing c.LK, c.MK, c.HP, Chord as a Squig opener.
March 20th:
  • Played on NYGamer's stream and went 11-6.
    • Wasn't satisfied because quantity did not measure up to quality.
      • One opponent would not stop mashing Ultimate Showstopper during my combos, and every dropped combo (due to inputs or lag) earned me a Showstopper to the face, often costing me the match.
        • I was irritated even more that they teabagged between EVERY ROUND 1v1, whether they won the round or not.
      • My second opponent would not stop running away as Parasoul/Double. Kept backing themselves into the corner, even though they had me in the other corner.
  • I'm still doing the c.HP opener, and I've come to realized why; lockdown and relatively long duration. Opponents whose defense is lackluster will tend to block the first hit, but eat the other three.
    • c.HP xx Arpeggio isn't as safe a blockstring as it should be; Bella's keep countering with Diamond Drop or Showstopper, and it's just aggravating.
  • Today is the Mike Z Kumite, and I don't feel as prepared as I should (stupid job-hunting #kappa) be. However, I refuse to 0-2 against him. I will secure at least one win, no matter what.
  • Saturday is closer, and I'm mostly likely running just duo; have not been able to make time for Double training. Also, I can't psych myself out against the better players; I have to consciously remember fundamentals.
I have what it takes to beat the tourney vets; I just need to stop being afraid.
One opponent would not stop mashing Ultimate Showstopper during my combos, and every dropped combo (due to inputs or lag) earned me a Showstopper to the face, often costing me the match.
Did you try to bait it and punish? If he was doing it consistently, purposely dropping combos and avoiding would be a good tactic to use in the future.
Did you try to bait it and punish? If he was doing it consistently, purposely dropping combos and avoiding would be a good tactic to use in the future.
There was one time I dropped it just to bait it, and he actually Dynamo'd instead. It was really frustrating. I did catch him with the Double Chord reset, though.
March 20th, cont'd:
  • Embarrassed by Mike on stream. Yay. I almost don't want to go to St1ckbug on Saturday now, but the masochist in me will force me to go. I think that's enough Skullgirls for the night, though.
April 3rd:

Holy shit, so much has gone on since my last entry, I almost forgot this existed.
  • Went 1-2 at TSB. Naturally salty, but I ended up commentating a good chunk of Finals.
  • Lost my set to evilben 5-7 on Saturday Night Salt; cue typical wounded pride here.
  • Squig/Val is now on hold until I go through the typical Solo phase for learning Fukua.
  • Must resist urge to not laugh hysterically every time I win with Fukua.
    • Seriously, she feels like a Street Fighter character when she's not doing combos.
      • Not that I mind; Sweep > Drill is hilarious.
  • Hoping that kara-cancel'd HK xx Super doesn't get nerfed.
  • Went 10-6 against CloudKing in Fukua mirrors, with some Filia thrown in on his end later on.
    • Fukua mirrors are fuckin' weird without assists.
May 26th:
  • Musha Shugyo is done (I like Assassin's Fist so much I stole this term; bite me). Funny how time away can clear your head up enough to learn stuff you didn't realize you already knew til now.
  • Went up against @theDMAGS in Lobby. Nailed 10 wins, but my Fukua footsies still need work.
  • EVO is a shot in the dark at this point, but YAY EMPLOYMENT.
  • Might return to SNS if work allows (And if @Night Phyre will have me again).
  • I'm back, and fiercer than ever.
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- 'Assassin's Fist' was DOPE
- Once I get some more practice in and level up a bit more, I want a rematch :-) GG's though! I learned a lot and definitely picked up on a few things I need to focus on improving.
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- 'Assassin's Fist' was DOPE
- Once I get some more practice in and level up a bit more, I want a rematch :-) GG's though! I learned a lot and definitely picked up on a few things I need to focus on improving.
You need more BB combos. Also, whenever you manage to smack with a LV1, taunt right after; it'll make the next one hurt more. Your PW's decent, but it also still has a ways to go. Look up tech from Krackatoa, Elky Dori, or Elda Taluda... You'll definitely learn some awesome stuff from them.
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May 28th:
  • Went to NYC's Mashfest 2nd Anniversary. Ran into a SG player from Buffalo, and got a fair amount of wins. Apparently, I beat one of the better PSN players, if not top? (I forget what he said, but I remember he said he was up there in the leaderboards)
  • Realized that I'm a lot better than I tend to give myself credit for, so shoutouts to @dekillsage, @mcpeanuts, @Duckator, SLAP, and everyone else who helped me get to where I am today.
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just say they are retarded.....seriously. jump back fire ball
fireball fireball
an occasional shadow followed by pushblock....yeah its stupid and prolly one of the most silliest mirror matches
That's not how it went this time around. This guy's Fukua was more aggressive, and he didn't use fireball as much. I mainly did whiffed normal xx fireball, trying to position myself for cmd grab. Without assists, though, I have to be hella patient, which used to be hard, but I've gotten better at managing it. My impatience often makes me take unnecessary risks and often cost me the match. So level-headed demeanor FTW
June 15th:

Considering retirement after TSB on the 21st (assuming work allows me to get there in time). I just don't feel it anymore. I've yet to find anyone whom I legitimately enjoy fighting anymore. I just feel like I'm pressing buttons, and nothing more. The spark's not there anymore, and I feel like I've peaked, as far as skill goes. I still can't play matchups properly, and most characters I've tried just don't feel right to me. It sucks that I feel this way, especially since I really wanted to make a name for myself. Unfortunately, I don't think I have what it takes anymore.
I feel like I've peaked, as far as skill goes.
I've been here -- very recently in fact -- and it means that it's time for you to go backwards and learn something entirely new.

Without having seen you play recently, I don't know what those things might be. Maybe you need to learn a different team (the one you've got under your avatar is kind of a nonsensical mishmash, I have to say; Val in second, Squigly in not second, and running Val with no reversal assist?). Maybe you need different combo routes, whether for more damage or for better resets. Maybe you need to change up your strategy when it comes to going for resets. Maybe you've got problems with how you discipline yourself with respects to assist calls. Maybe you're hitting too many buttons in neutral. Maybe you're hitting too few buttons. Maybe you're going in too brainlessly without a real setup (@Dime_x noticed that this one is a real problem with me). Maybe you don't have a solid enough ground game (another problem I have, this one pointed out to me by @drewski ). Maybe it's something else entirely.

But, either way, there's something you need to rethink entirely when you're at this point. The key is figuring out what that "something" is; record some matches, and someone will be able to tell you what that "something" is.
June 15th:

Considering retirement after TSB on the 21st (assuming work allows me to get there in time). I just don't feel it anymore. I've yet to find anyone whom I legitimately enjoy fighting anymore. I just feel like I'm pressing buttons, and nothing more. The spark's not there anymore, and I feel like I've peaked, as far as skill goes. I still can't play matchups properly, and most characters I've tried just don't feel right to me. It sucks that I feel this way, especially since I really wanted to make a name for myself. Unfortunately, I don't think I have what it takes anymore.
Gonna quote IsaVulpes again

Keep playing.
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July 2nd:
So happy with my progress so far. My team is shaping up rather nicely, and I've finally take the time to learn someone new. After initially hating the fuck outta them, I realized how much fun they are to play. Can't wait til the next local to showcase the new team!
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March 16th:
Still on hiatus, only briefly playing with Beo and Robo to check what's been added/tweaked. Going to briefly put my hiatus on hiatus for the sake of playing at a local get-together, and here's hoping I haven't fallen off the horse too badly.