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Rising Thunder [PC]


You're crazy, he's absolutely bottom tier. Usage wise yes he gets a ton of play, but that has nothing to do with how strong he is.

Sure s1.2 beats some, not all, jump ins, but then I have to give up a ton of damage and mix up opportunities. Backdashing isn't free, you have recovery frames that you can be punished for. If you run s1.2 you absolutely can't charge s2.2 or you'll get blown up. His anti air is supposed to be his s2, but unlike the rest of the cast's anti airs it can neither trade with attacks nor protect you from crossups. It's not worth the slot.
You're crazy, he's absolutely bottom tier. Usage wise yes he gets a ton of play, but that has nothing to do with how strong he is.

Sure s1.2 beats some, not all, jump ins, but then I have to give up a ton of damage and mix up opportunities. Backdashing isn't free, you have recovery frames that you can be punished for. If you run s1.2 you absolutely can't charge s2.2 or you'll get blown up. His anti air is supposed to be his s2, but unlike the rest of the cast's anti airs it can neither trade with attacks nor protect you from crossups. It's not worth the slot.

S1.2 is easily better than s1.1 for the simple fact that it leaves you right next to your opponent on hit instead of throwing them half way across the screen. You have to spend meter to get that with s1.1. Plus you'd have to be crazy to pick s1.1 if you're using Deflect.
i use special 1.1 and I wreck fools. Also a charged 1.1 special gives you a chance to continue the combo without having to spend meter soooo it's actually really good.
Has anyone else's fightstick stopped working between the last few patches?

I've got a Qanba Q4, and it doesn't seem to work in PC mode or xBox mode with or without analog mode on.
Has anyone else's fightstick stopped working between the last few patches?

I've got a Qanba Q4, and it doesn't seem to work in PC mode or xBox mode with or without analog mode on.

"If anyone's having trouble with x360ce, check that you're using the 64-bit version and put the files inRising Thunder\RadiantGames\Rising Thunder\WindowsNoEditor\RisingThunder\Binaries\Win64"
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Patch notes here:

Still no KA nerfs makes me sad.

Chel nerfs seem unnecessary at this point, but pretty reasonable anyway.

New variations for both Talos and Chel (meanwhile Crow :( )
i'm... not going to comment anymore. at this point it's like talking to a wall. The issues with KA suck out all fun and the move sidegrade system is done in such a way where picking one move over another really doesn't change a whole lot, just feels bland and over simplified just for the goal "To have fighting game for the wide masses."
I'm gonna hold off on playing this till they:
1. Do something bout the voice acting. Dauntless' voice is the only one that doesn't annoy me. The rest of the cast are speaking on tongues and they don't even sound natural. Especially Edge and Crow. Not that I know Korean or Chinese, but they really sound like they're reading from a script. And Chel sounds more of an anime girl than a mexican chick. Plus the random English victory lines are immersion breaking.

2. Optimize how damn resource hungry it is.

3. Can we just have a fighting game without non punishable bursts and FADCs?

i'm... not going to comment anymore. at this point it's like talking to a wall. The issues with KA suck out all fun and the move sidegrade system is done in such a way where picking one move over another really doesn't change a whole lot, just feels bland and over simplified just for the goal "To have fighting game for the wide masses."

I agree about KA, 100%. I login every now and again and put in a good evenings worth, but then I don't touch it for a long time. KA is a piece of shit, and KD either needs a buff... or more likely KA needs a nerf. As someone else said, KA having defensive properties is tolerable in a game without burst, but in a game with burst it unnecessary and overloads the mechanic. Keeping it roughly as is, the choice should be: if you want offense, take KA... if you want defense, take KD.

That said, I don't think the sidegrade thing is true. The new throw (from a few weeks back) single handedly buffed Talos... to the point that I have zero idea what to do vs it as a Chel. Some of the minor differences matter too. One of Chel's DPs has more damage and a longer cd which is (often) the difference between keeping them out or letting them in.

That's clearly not every case, and there are definitely cases where it is a side-grade that doesn't change anything or even a downgrade that is simply not worth picking.
Do something bout the voice acting. Dauntless' voice is the only one that doesn't annoy me. The rest of the cast are speaking on tongues and they don't even sound natural. Especially Edge and Crow. Not that I know Korean or Chinese, but they really sound like they're reading from a script. And Chel sounds more of an anime girl than a mexican chick. Plus the random English victory lines are immersion breaking.

For the record Talos's voice actor sounds pretty normal except some english lines ("Prepare to be Crust!").
He sounds really similar to the voice on our TV commercials here at Greece.

I like all of the voice acting in Rising thunder, they add some personality to each fighter other than their designs.
Sure i'll agree it ain't the best but it would be pretty cool to know who are the voice actors.
unfortunately the sidegrades aren't well balanced. Talos has two of each specials but only one of each is actually worth using.
I finally started to put some work intot his game. I like Crow a lot but it feels like such an uphill battle with him. Does anybody have any tips for me, or should I just pick another main?
I finally started to put some work intot his game. I like Crow a lot but it feels like such an uphill battle with him. Does anybody have any tips for me, or should I just pick another main?

Crow is very strong but also the hardest character to use. A good crow will keep you locked down the whole match. Maybe start with a different character.

Talked to one of the cannon brothers at pax, they're still debating whether to make offline play possible. I don't think it's a valid option not to.
I think Crow will actually be seen to be worse as the game goes on. People are already figuring out his tricks, oki, etc.

Outside of damage, the only thing he really has going for him is the same thing El Fuerte does in SFIV... he's not playing the same game as the rest of the cast which can make him both annoying and difficult to deal with since standard approaches don't work as well.

As for tips, I'd really recommend starting Chel for much the same reasons you'll be told to start Ryu in SF. From there, Dauntless is a fantastic second choice. Her buttons are arguably the best in the game, and she's still fairly straightforward.

In any case, the cast size is small enough that I'd really recommend putting in about 50 wins per character before really settling on a main.
made it to legend. Definitely had the hardest time against crow and edge.
Did they wipe it or something? I was legend in like week 1, is it harder/better now?

I dunno, I liked the way the game felt to play but they aren't doing enough with the special variations to keep me playing anymore.
harder? mmmhhh... not really. Better? ehhhhhh that depends on who you play as. Chel and Edge got some things, but they don't have any major changes in how they play or their combo routes. Vlad got a missile strike which can make his okie after knock down really good. But other than that nah there is nothing that is really cool ( to me everything just got super stale after playing it for 10 hours )
Did they wipe it or something? I was legend in like week 1, is it harder/better now?

I dunno, I liked the way the game felt to play but they aren't doing enough with the special variations to keep me playing anymore.

My issue was 100% KA vs KD. So many smart choices and then they put in the dumbest thing about SFIV only stronger...

Ninja is right though. I think the game is generally better. Talos is completely viable now. Chel and Edge aren't as dumb, dumb. Crow has literally got nothing new. Dauntless is of course showing herself to be amazing, and Vlad is... Vlad.
Aaaaaaaaannnnnnnnndddd There we go the final nail in the coffin for Talos players who though his alt grab specials were good.

"Meteor Slam and Titan Wreck armor now activates on frame 3 rather than frame 1."
Dude, don't overreact. Those throws single-handedly raised Talos in the tiers. Some believe he went from the worst in the game to one of the best in the game.

He'll be fine. They are simply no longer the answer to virtually everything. They were so strong you couldn't jump-in on him... ever. He'd throw you. Couldn't try and Oki... he'd throw you. Couldn't use slow but close ranged normals... he'd throw you.

If he needs buffs, let's hope they give them to him, but let's not do it via dumb mechanics.

Here's a crowd-sourced tier-list. Whether accurate or not, the current perspective is that Talos is the strongest character in the game. Anyway, to reiterate, he'll be fine.
Wait, what?

I've only ever played it on my Q4.

My only complaint with the arcade stick is 1 button throw is dumb.
@Wenzel no no no, here go download the 64 bit version of this and put it in there, click on the program and it will let you config keys. It emulates a 360 controller. Then you just run the game normally.

@Wenzel no no no, here go download the 64 bit version of this and put it in there, click on the program and it will let you config keys. It emulates a 360 controller. Then you just run the game normally.


Is that the issue? Just needed an xbox emulator? Would something like motionjoy work seamlessly then? Or would it still error out?
Eh, is this an "online only" game, meaning you can't play the program offline? Or is this just the end of online play?

TBH I feel like this game gets the whole "appealing to non-fg players" thing totally wrong. Juggling cooldowns for moves sounds more confusing to newcomers then anything. And in my experience, that's not where the difficulty of learning fighters comes from.

The main thing that I see non-fg players (and myself, originally) struggle with is normals and the neutral game. I remember watching two guys pick up Marvel Super Heroes Vs Street Fighter at an arcade years ago, and they spent the whole match walking up to eachother and throwing light punches, before giving up and leaving to play something else.

It was the same when I've tried to get some of my non-fg friends into the genre. I'll try to get them into Skullgirls, and they just can't fathom how to approach or attack, and they'll spend the whole match walking up and hitting random buttons. I try to explain (as simply as I can) the whole concept of how it's like a big game of rock-paper-scissors and all your moves/options are designed to counter different stuff, but it's like I'm talking rocket science to them.

IMO, if you want to make a game that appeals to a larger demographic of people who don't play fighters, do something more like Smash Bros. Ditch the whole Street Fighter style control scheme and make it feel more like a platformer or a hack and slash. Make it simple, make it control more like the stuff that they're used to, and make it feel good before they've learned how to gracefully air dash around. As long as it has potential for deep 1 on 1 mind games, it can still be as deep as any fighter. The aforementioned friend who I tried to get into SG has learned how to do some basic spacing in Smash Bros and is kind of good, but he still cannot fathom any "traditional" fighter.
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Had tons of fun playing with my man Talos, making reads and dealing the pain with his charge grabs, i regret not putting enough time into the rest of the cast.
Hope Riot puts the team into good use.
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Ahh, that's too bad. I wasn't floored by the game, but I thought it was competent for a new IP, and I looked forward to trying it out again at a later point in development. The characters also had sort of a Go-Bots vibe to 'em, which I liked. Oh well.

What's really annoying though, is that in their news postings, they've tried to play this off as a positive thing to their Rising Thunder community. Apparently most of the people on the RT forums didn't even know this change was coming, so they're suddenly hearing "Good news guys. We're gonna bounce and close access to this game you all supported over the past year. But hey, at least we got more $$$ now! Kthx!" Sounds a little messed up.

I mean sure, companies go through tons of changes all of the time, but it's not like anyone's going bankrupt here. They're pretty much just telling their fans that this whole fiasco was a part-time love affair to get closer to that big developer's bank account. I guess the Cannons must be chasing that dollar pretty hard these days.