Oh, I will totally hit you.
But the subsequent combo will be short.
Oh, I will totally hit you.
Hey guys, you should remove my name from this list. I just don't play Skullgirls much anymore and the interest just isn't as strong. In the case that I was selected I would prefer that you sent someone who is more invested in the game than I am and would be far more appreciative because of their investment of what you are doing for them. Whoever that is I hope they have fun and thanks again guys.
Yes. We will raise as much as we can, and that will pay the travel expenses of however many people it can cover, in the order of the voting (at the time of the campaign launch).
Excellent. Considering he's up at the top of the voting, his response was important. Thank you for contacting him.
SIG said tweeted earlier that if he can't go, he'd like 159man to go.
I tweeted it out.