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[Sep 6, 2014] West Coast Peace Rally - SG, GGAC+R, Vampire, and MvC2 (Panorama City, CA)


Defender of the Night
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Cerebella Big Band
Make friends, not war! Support an all-inclusive FGC.

A one-time thing for those who want to play games not included at West Coast Warzone, because WCW doesn't have a BYOC (bring your own console) room.
I can't in good conscience support such a decision as the future of the FGC. We should never become that eSports.

$5 (I told got it was $5, so I hope that's true!) for all day, $5 per tournament.
Bring your own consoles! Play lots of other stuff on the huge number of TVs and consoles they already have!

3PM till whenever, tournaments probably starting around 5PM.

Skullgirls - PS3
Vampire - arcade board, supports PS3 and 360, starting whenever Rob wants
MvC2 - Dreamcast, I hope! I'll bring mine.

If we get enough entrants for other games we can run other games as well. There will be a stream all day, so at least top 4 of everything will be streamed, hopefully much more. It's kinda short notice.
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Can I bring Lethal League?

Also, no way in hell I'll make it there by 3:00.
Sure, bring whatever you want.

Yeah, the event starts at 3, tournaments probably start at 4 or 5.
gonna get nth place in sg free. calling out x on his/her fraudness

I don't know where I'm going with this but I do know where I'm going next week.
If only my PS2 still worked, then I could have brought Melty ;_;)
Sure, bring whatever you want.

Yeah, the event starts at 3, tournaments probably start at 4 or 5.
I don't even think I'll be able to make it by then. Earliest I wanna say I can get there is around 7. Maybe I can beg my supervisors to not give me so much work that day.
If only my PS2 still worked, then I could have brought Melty ;_;)

I imagine Numakie be there and bringing a PC version of MBAACC. So if you're coming for Melty Blood, you probably won't be disappointed.
If only my PS2 still worked, then I could have brought Melty ;_;)
I have my free mcboot PS2. we can work something out? I also additionally might bring my computer with da melty on it

EDIT: After reading the above, that is probably a better idea, but I'll have stuff like Jamestown, Lethal League or something I suppose!
gonna get nth place in sg free.
Considering that n would be the pronumeral used for the number of entrants, by virtue of entering you are guaranteed to get at least that place which is also the definition of free.
How is it "eSports" to not include a BYOC room? Just seems like an attempt to make the tournament exclusive. I don't know what it has to do with being eSports.
Considering that n would be the pronumeral used for the number of entrants, by virtue of entering you are guaranteed to get at least that place which is also the definition of free.
I said that in less words
How is it "eSports" to not include a BYOC room? Just seems like an attempt to make the tournament exclusive. I don't know what it has to do with being eSports.
I guess I see eSports as having a clear delineation between the Athletes (play games in the tournament) and the Fans (came to watch the Athletes play and buy merch), like regular sports, which the FGC has thus far managed to avoid.
I guess I see eSports as having a clear delineation between the Athletes (play games in the tournament) and the Fans (came to watch the Athletes play and buy merch), like regular sports, which the FGC has thus far managed to avoid.
There's footage of a panel on youtube where UltraDavid explains this idea of 'who is a player' as seen from the FGC vs. esports quite well.
There's footage of a panel on youtube where UltraDavid explains this idea of 'who is a player' as seen from the FGC vs. esports quite well.
If I may, do you have a link to said footage so I may view it
How is it "eSports" to not include a BYOC room? Just seems like an attempt to make the tournament exclusive. I don't know what it has to do with being eSports.

By not having a BYOC or Side Tournaments, your focus of a fighting game tournament is entirely about the money. Traditionally fighting game tournaments have been gatherings to play games as well as have a tournament; WCW is all about the money it seems. So yeah it definitely feels eSportsy.

Also whenever anyone sees "WCW" does anyone else think of this?:
How is it "eSports" to not include a BYOC room? Just seems like an attempt to make the tournament exclusive. I don't know what it has to do with being eSports.
I don't remember seeing an eSports event with a free play or BYOC area. Usually, the setups were just for the event even if they are going unused and if there is anything playable to public, it's usually for promotional.
I figured eSports just meant everything was much more professional (like deciding to NOT put random people on the mic to spout nonsense) and involved people getting sponsored to promote products as a result of the size of the event and the genre as a whole. I didn't really think it'd change how FGC tournaments would be run.

It makes more sense how tournaments for PC games end up naturally creating a disconnect between player and spectator since PCs are big and hard to carry and require many more periferals per person for a single setup. Also, much of the way those games are designed make online play a valid competitive environment meaning there would be less need to have a time and place where everyone congregates with their setups to play.

Fighting games are something different and should be treated as such.

From what I've seen, Fighting Game tournaments are becoming more "convention-like" with things like panels, assorted promotional and shop booths, and stick modding stations. There's lots to do at big fighting game tournaments.

I never really thought eSports would actually act like Sports because the physical requirements to play games is significantly lower than in Sports.
From what I've seen, Fighting Game tournaments are becoming more "convention-like" with things like panels, assorted promotional and shop booths, and stick modding stations. There's lots to do at big fighting game tournaments.
"There's lots to do" that doesn't involve playing fighting games, and instead involves spending money? No thanks.
As long as the free play/BYOC still remains, I'm glad they are doing stuff to appeal to the fans who aren't into playing competitively like cosplay and showcases.
Except they don't have a BYOC or Free Play area.
Except they don't have a BYOC or Free Play area.
I was responding to World Jem's latest post, which was talking tournaments not WCW.
"There's lots to do" that doesn't involve playing fighting games, and instead involves spending money? No thanks.

Convention-like != an actual convention.

My point was that making FG tournaments more eSports should just be an improvement of what we already have and not change it entirely and treat it like it's something else.

Also, if I could go to this, I'd bring Nidhogg. lol
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I will be willing to host GG. Bringing more setups would be helpful!
I will be willing to host GG. Bringing more setups would be helpful!
AND MY AXE! Er, I mean, I'll be bringing my console with GG on it again.
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I would love for anyone to bring Chaos Code so I can get a real good look into its mechanics once more.

Still wondering whether or not bringing my own computer (desktop rig) is acceptable or if I have to pay some sort of extra fee or what?
I dunno, I'm hesitant to call what WCW did "a deliberate attempt to steer the FGC into e-sports" or "a deliberate attempt to exclude people who play games that don't matter". I looked on WCW's facebook page and it basically seemed like the organizers wanted to have a BYOC area, but the venue just didn't have the space for it.

The jury's out for me but it looks like something just didn't work out for the organizers.
They probably aren't anti BYOC or anything stupid like that, but an event like this is one of several good ways for the community to say that BYOC is something it finds very valuable.
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That should have been a no-brainer from the beginning. The organizers were clearly myopic if after three years and the FGC as big as it is now, they thought they could run that many games at the same venue and think side-tournaments and BYOC wasn't a necessity. Oh, but did have the insight to brainstorm for a special TO organized side-tournament for people that go 0-2!

Action speaks louder than words and even if their intent wasn't to say "If you aren't playing the headline games, what are you doing here? GTFO!" having it resemble an e-Sports event where one's options outside of sitting with your thumb up your ass waiting for your turn to play in tournament is to watch other people play or enter another official tournament doesn't paint a positive image for the venue. So it's no surprise if the people see it as being more profit driven and exclusionary.

Again, that may not have been their intent but this is the result of the shortsightedness of the organizers.
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Hey, at least you *can* just rock up and enter the big-game tournaments. We aren't invite-onlesports yet.
I looked on WCW's facebook page and it basically seemed like the organizers wanted to have a BYOC area, but the venue just didn't have the space for it.
You mean "they sold all their available space to sponsors/vendors without leaving any for BYOC"? Because if the venue has space for vendors, it has space for consoles if those vendors aren't there.

Given that they are doing some other pretty cool things (the "Continue?" tournament is an excellent idea to give 0-2 people something to do) you must assume that not leaving BYOC space and instead opting to make as much money as possible...is intentional.
Because if the venue has space for vendors, it has space for consoles if those vendors aren't there.

This is the part that gets me, the fact that they would've done it if they had space, but didn't put it high enough on their list of priorities.
I would love for anyone to bring Chaos Code so I can get a real good look into its mechanics once more.

Still wondering whether or not bringing my own computer (desktop rig) is acceptable or if I have to pay some sort of extra fee or what?
CC you say?....................
Good show to everyone that was able to attend!

Wish I could've stayed longer but I was honestly super sleep deprived. See ya'll on one of the regularly scheduled programs!
So, when's the Mike Z v. Dekillsage grudge match?

Mr. Zed was talking some good trash
So, when's the Mike Z v. Dekillsage grudge match?
After the next patch?
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I got there super late. Fuck work.

On the plus side, Lethal League was quite the hit. Will bring to next week's Salty.

By the way, thanks for getting me that 1,000,000 ball speed achievement.
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I'm mad at myself.