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Show Your Fightstick


Commissioned https://www.facebook.com/schijtkind/ for it.
Go check her stuff
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You can, but the hole is a bit different and not really convenient for it, unfortunately
It works. Probably better than my phone camera does. :P Cost 60 bucks. Since I'm still a novice at all fighting games, I just wanted something so I could get muscle memory with a fightstick before getting too attached to using asd-zxc and arrow keys on a keyboard.
My idea of customization would be getting something drawn on a sheet of paper and gluing it on. :PUN:
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Finally got a stick after being dead for 2 years,changed the case because the older case was made of cheap wood and made spinters fall inside after long play sesions.
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FWIW cheap (wood) supplies are very useable if you know what to pick. For something like a stick, MDF or similar (not chipboard though) should be fine, and is probably better than this sheets of softwood and definitely way better than ply.
FWIW cheap (wood) supplies are very useable if you know what to pick. For something like a stick, MDF or similar (not chipboard though) should be fine, and is probably better than this sheets of softwood and definitely way better than ply.
Yeah, i'm not gonna keep it like this forwever. Just need to find some time and the materials.
Btw that's not wood at all, it's just a really hard cardboard shoebox. The 2 wood sticks are there to keep the screws :D
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My 1st handmade hitbox.
Pcb from a PC pad controller (some soldering work), Sanwa buttons.
Wood from broken Ikea chairs :P + reused piece of advertisement pannel




My 2nd attempt
Brook Universal Fighting board PCB. Sanwa buttons.
The same Ikea chairs for wood & ad. pannel



Sometime later, made this one for my girlfriend for her birthday.
Same materials, just a different piece of reused adv. pannel.


First fightstick.


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My 1st handmade hitbox.
Pcb from a PC pad controller (some soldering work), Sanwa buttons.
Wood from broken Ikea chairs :P + reused piece of advertisement pannel
Nice Hitbox. I like what you've done with the button layout.
So I just got a Hori Rap 4 and I want to customize it.

I've found some artwork I like online, but I'm not sure how the process goes. Do I have to get the artists blessing to use the artwork on my fightstick or do I just download anything from google images and have it printed out?

I'm not sure what the ethics are with fightstick artwork.
So I just got a Hori Rap 4 and I want to customize it.

I've found some artwork I like online, but I'm not sure how the process goes. Do I have to get the artists blessing to use the artwork on my fightstick or do I just download anything from google images and have it printed out?

I'm not sure what the ethics are with fightstick artwork.

Always, always, ALWAYS get the artists permission before you use it on your stick. That's not even fightstick ethics that's just plain common sense, it's art theft if you don't ask.
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So I just got a Hori Rap 4 and I want to customize it.

I've found some artwork I like online, but I'm not sure how the process goes. Do I have to get the artists blessing to use the artwork on my fightstick or do I just download anything from google images and have it printed out?

I'm not sure what the ethics are with fightstick artwork.

Asking permission is good thing to do in some situations. Some artist put permissions and uses about their art in their profile or description.

Another note, it's not art theft to use google searched images online as long as you don't make profit out of it.

If you can't get permissions due to language or no contact details, you should at least credit their work.
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G0073934.JPG G0113956.JPG
DP fight stick. The case is made from poplar, pine plywood and galvanized steel. On the bottom, it has a pocket handle and a hidden trap door that slides open. The storage compartment is large enough to store the cable and a couple of candy bars. The artwork came from a 24 pack of Dr. Pepper.
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What can people tell me about Mad Catz Fightpad Pro? Is it good for GGXrd too or just optimized for SF5?
Okay, I really need to know something.

Are custom arcade stick joystick parts longer than the standard ones? I keep seeing people hold them differently and I want to know if my hands are just weird or if there's parts that are longer.
Okay, I really need to know something.

Are custom arcade stick joystick parts longer than the standard ones? I keep seeing people hold them differently and I want to know if my hands are just weird or if there's parts that are longer.
Depends on the brand. Sanwa and seimitsu levers are shorter, even the battop. American levers are longer. There's a Korean lever famous with tekken players that I don't know how big it is.
okay, I'm actually looking at some aftermarket 360 sticks since I bought my brother's 360 from him.

I'm currently choosing between 2 used ones from Amazon, both Madcatz. the Soul Calibur 4 one, and the Street Fighter 4 one. both are TEs. has anyone here ever bought a stick used from Amazon and which would be easier to fix up if they're both sub-par in their conditions?
okay, I'm actually looking at some aftermarket 360 sticks since I bought my brother's 360 from him.

I'm currently choosing between 2 used ones from Amazon, both Madcatz. the Soul Calibur 4 one, and the Street Fighter 4 one. both are TEs. has anyone here ever bought a stick used from Amazon and which would be easier to fix up if they're both sub-par in their conditions?

Street Fighter TEs are good, I've used them before and they come with sanwa parts like most higher end Qanba sticks. You can switch out the buttons, the stick, or even the faceplace and get custom art for tekinnovations. Just make sure its not the all white SF TE, but the one that looks like this:

I always recommend Qanba q4s, but these TEs are cheaper and work just as well.
The thing is, I don't want to pay too much for a good 360 stick. Lots of the high end ones are over 300 bucks while used TEs on amazing start at around 70x
The thing is, I don't want to pay too much for a good 360 stick. Lots of the high end ones are over 300 bucks while used TEs on amazing start at around 70x

The only ones that are 300 are the really high end ones, there's no reason anyone would need one of these. The really nice ones are 150-200 new, and the cheap ones are 70+. If you get a used one, it's probably going to be 70-100 regardless (used Qanba Q4s are usually a little over 100). There's always the option to get a mayflash stick for 60, which doesn't come with the best parts but works fine. If you want to save money, I highly recommend getting a Qanba Q1 from ebay. It's big enough to be used properly and you can swap the joystick or buttons out in the future if you want. I just looked on ebay now and found a new one for 65 flat.
I own a qanba, but I'd also like to get a TE for cheap if I can.
Heard the Hori RAP5 Kai (for 360 and xbone iirc) is great quality and is 150 or something. I'm no stick expert though.
YI love the Hori RAP series, but Ive already got my heart set on one of the two TEs.

I just need to know if Amazon's criteria for used sticks is good or not. Here's what I'm looking at.

just finished this up.
That looks really awesome. There's a lot going on in that image.
okay, I'm gonna get the SF4 TE, but I need to know one more thing

are aluminum bat tops comfortable to hold? I've used plastic for so long my skin is sensitive as a big salty babby.
and focus attack hasn't restocked any of the plastic ones.
okay, I'm gonna get the SF4 TE, but I need to know one more thing

are aluminum bat tops comfortable to hold? I've used plastic for so long my skin is sensitive as a big salty babby.
and focus attack hasn't restocked any of the plastic ones.

They feel the same, and obviously they feel like metal. They get cold if stored in a cold place, but that doesn't really matter. I would warn you that it's only a metal coating, the whole thing isn't metal (at least on the older one that I have). That being said, if the paint wears off it reveals the plastic underneath and looks kinda bad. I'm not sure if the new metal balltops are different, I think they've fixed that. On my Qanba Obsidian I haven't run into that problem yet, but I haven't used it that much either. I'd say get it if you like it, and take care of it if you do.
thankfully I asked FocusAttack on their twitter and they said they would be restocking soon.

so no worries.

EDIT: okay, one more thing.

I found you can mod the face plate of the Hori, but you need to remove all the buttons. are there some kinda separator tabs or stickers that I can use to make sure I dont get the cords for my buttons mixed up?
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Got my custom stick artwork today! I'm quite happy with it :)
That's nice. I like how you've got the Guilty Gear button layout in gold.
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So, I got my TE today, opened up the box and found it with different buttons and a yellow balltop instead of a white one, thought to myself, "oh, I guess this was a custome someone had to sell, alright then" the buttons were the nice quiet ines too. So, I hooked it into my 360, used it to turn it on, meaning home button works. Tried to move the joystick, nothing, I also found it had an octagonal gate. Pressed the buttons, they all work. Welp, guess I'm still looking for a good 360 stick.

tl;dr my afternoon in a nutshell.
I fucking did as soon as I found out it didn't work. It's supposed to be used like new. Do they even test this shit?
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Based on Eliza's poster, but I drew/put it all together myself in Phtoshop.
I wanted to wait till the new plexi, start button, and art showed up from FocusAttack, and here it is! I'll be getting a replacement plexi to fix that little crack at the bottom tho. Also I feel like replacing the Seimitsus with black and red Sanwas, mostly bc of the housing shape, but that's another $20 I don't feel like spending quite yet.
That's pretty fucking awesome! Where did you get the balltop?