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Project Skull Chart: Skullgirls as Visual Data


you're gonna carry that salt
Dec 12, 2013
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Filia Peacock Big Band
This thread: a place for myself and anyone welcome to try to express the Skullgirl universe in a visual medium other than text. Make a chart about canon information (you can go into speculation, but make sure you note it as such). Submit a graph you've found somewhere on the Internet, or simply discuss your idea for a way to present Skullgirls information. Perhaps you have a question that can only be answered with charts.

Over at the Skullgirls subreddit, Spookymank made a graph for the cast's physical measurements. Later they created an update based on official data. So when Eliza came out, I thought it would be fun to revise the "only truly important tier list." The results are the image above.
Character B/W/H
Filia 34C/26/39
Cerabella 32D/23/36
Peacock 18A/17/20
Parasoul 34DD/24/38
Ms. Fortune 32B/23/34
Painwheel 21B/18/23
Valentine 36E/25/40
Double ??/??/??
Squigly 28B/21/38
Big Band 170/160/150
Eliza 36DD/24/41
Fukua 34C/26/39


Not exactly a Venn diagram. Some characters are placed nearly overlapping borders for symbolism (i.e. Brain Drain is the least human among cyborgs. He's almost a robot). There are plenty of humans to list, but I left them out. Talesin is an elf and I left him out too.
@Maji wins a gift certificate to the all-you-can-eat buffet at Yu-Wan's restaurant for pointing out my Gigan-tic mistake with Scythanna placement. She's half Gigan when I had her as whole.


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On your shape chart, you've got Filia listed as bustier than Cerebella, but Filia is a C cup and Cerebella is a D cup, so... yeah. Chart's wrong.
On your shape chart, you've got Filia listed as bustier than Cerebella, but Filia is a C cup and Cerebella is a D cup, so... yeah. Chart's wrong.
Hmm, you're right. Can someone summon a boob expert? 34C vs. 32D. 34 is bigger than 32. Does the D over C really make that much of a difference? For busts, the cup data was approximated (A= +1 unit, B = +2 units, C = +3units, etc.).

As for the derrière data, it was a simple ratio of waist over hips. Perhaps the bust data should go into a ratio with waist for more accurate results.
Hmm, you're right. Can someone summon a boob expert? 34C vs. 32D. 34 is bigger than 32. Does the D over C really make that much of a difference? For busts, the cup data was approximated (A= +1 unit, B = +2 units, C = +3units, etc.).

As for the derrière data, it was a simple ratio of waist over hips. Perhaps the bust data should go into a ratio with waist for more accurate results.
For bust, the number is the literal size when measured all the way around the chest, and the letter is the cup size. Technically, a 44A is larger than a 32C, but this comparison makes it easy to see why people look at cup size more than chest measurement.

In this case, Filia's chest is technically larger, but only because she's... heftier.
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On your shape chart, you've got Filia listed as bustier than Cerebella, but Filia is a C cup and Cerebella is a D cup, so... yeah. Chart's wrong.

Glad I'm not the only one that noticed. Does that make me some kind of pervy weeaboo waifu nerd? Wait, hold on...just realized I don't care. Let's make more charts about boobs.
I'll edit the Shape chart once I can get to the PSD. For now, here's another graph:


Did you know? Big Band weighs more than a minivan. The heaviest character in the Skullgirls universe is either Tommy Ten-Tons (20,000 pounds, or 4 Big Bands, if his nickname is factual) or Eliza in blood kaiju mode.
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I'll edit the Shape chart once I can get to the PSD. For now, here's another graph:


Did you know? Big Band weighs more than a minivan. The heaviest character in the Skullgirls universe is either Tommy Ten-Tons (20,000 pounds, or 4 Big Bands, if his nickname is factual) or Eliza in blood kaiju mode.
Because it's just one number, they should probably just be listed sequentially by weight, for easier comparison. Also, lol @ bb's bar
And now for something more difficult than physical attributes...


(The two known Skullgirls shown are Selene Contiello and Queen Nancy Renoir. Imagine Marie's block floating over the present, to the right of zero. The fourth known Skullgirl, Annie's Mom, doesn't have enough data to be shown.)

Difficult because there are only a few events to set the timeline and to display an entire year as a unit, some details get smudged. If I knew what month things were happening, it would be much more accurate. So that's why Squigly's 15th year is marked with a color to signify deceased. She's 14 until her birthday on November 2 so it is safe to assume the Medicis crashed Selene's party and ruined everyone's lives before then.

When Ben Birdland became Big Band the cyborg
According to the canon info thread, ASG veterans Ileum and Big Band fought 2 previous Skullgirls (before Marie). And in Squigly's bio it mentions her teaming up with the ASG to take down Skullgirl Selene. He's 35 then. I think going against the police corruption and getting almost beaten to death was a rookie mistake. I mean that literally. Ben must have been a rookie (around 25ish?) because I don't see him tolerating the Medici mob influence for long. Thus Big Band might have been a cyborg for a decade before taking on the Contiello case (give or take a few years to adjust and refine his new lifestyle/body).
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The Grand War ended 7 years prior to the current events of the game, and Queen Nancy died as a Skullgirl at the end.
Umbrella is 7, not 10.
For the species graph, Fukua is definitely bonded with a parasite. I don't know for sure if Shamone is artificial or not, though.
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The Grand War ended 7 years prior to the current events of the game, and Queen Nancy died as a Skullgirl at the end.
Umbrella is 7, not 10.

Well according to the wiki.....

What's wrong with the wiki?
It's not official, it's been written by untrustworthy people and it's full of an ungodly amount of mistakes.
Trust only your own knowledge an what's been recorded in the Canon Info Thread.
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Well where did you get that she was 7?

Edit: Not that I don't believe you. I just want proof.
Well where did you get that she was 7?

Edit: Not that I don't believe you. I just want proof.

The Grand War ended 7 years prior to the current events of the game, and Queen Nancy died as a Skullgirl at the end.
Umbrella is 7, not 10.
The Grand War ended 7 years prior to the current events of the game, and Queen Nancy died as a Skullgirl at the end.
Umbrella is 7, not 10.
Wait, wasn't 7 years ago the Continello skullgirl and not Queen Nancy??
Wait, wasn't 7 years ago the Continello skullgirl and not Queen Nancy??
No,that was 14 years prior,because the Squigly was 14 then,and is presently chronologically aged 28.
Wait, wasn't 7 years ago the Continello skullgirl and not Queen Nancy??
Nooo Selene was 14 years ago when Squigly died.
Maybe this is the raging idealist in me talking, but if the Skullgirls wiki is so terrible, shouldn't we as fans of Skullgirls make every attempt possible to rectify the errors they've made?

I mean, anyone can edit a Wiki; that's the whole thing about them.

Graphs are a good way to visually represent things, by the way, but I feel that they're drastically missing out since only like a quarter of the cast is up there.
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I like the Species chart. Would be nifty to see it expanded to accomodate the rest of the DLC characters. But, do we know that elfs are actually a thing in Skullgirls?

The rest of the charts don't seem all that useful (except for making clear the distinction between 10 and 7 years old). Would sorta like to see a relationship chart, though.
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Oh yes, Elfs are definitely a thing (to my surprise as well). The canon info thread answered why Dr. Avian had pointy ears (I was thinking he was a feral or half Dagonian or something. But no, he's an elf.).

Graphs are a good way to visually represent things, by the way, but I feel that they're drastically missing out since only like a quarter of the cast is up there.

Oh, you mean the extras like Hive, Beatrix, and Isaac? I'm thinking of making an expanded species chart to pull everybody in (it will be tough since some details are muddy). In fact, all the good feedback I've been getting has shown all the charts need revision/expansion.

Umbrella is 7, not 10.

I agree, one cannot 100% trust a wiki as its contributions can from anywhere. To CHAOS_FANTAZY's point, constant vigilance will be required to maintain the truth once it is in place on the wiki. This comes from the canon info thread:

- Around 10- to 11-year-old

I thought she was younger than that, but I had to set her at 10. Besides, I don't see how a Skullgirl can give birth. Look at Marie, she's not even fully transformed and she's falling apart.
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Oh. Maybe I should actually check that Canon info thread, it looks like it has a lot of new info since I last checked.

And about a potential relationship chart, I am reminded of this:

It's in Japanese and I can't read it, but a lot of the connections are obvious. And some of them I know are funny, like the connection between Ryu and Guile says something about Ryu trying to get Guile to try some Japanese food, and Guile had to politely eat it or something.
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Besides, I don't see how a Skullgirl can give birth.
I think that she gave birth before she started falling apart.
Her wishing for peace because she wanted to be with the king was selfish, but I guess it was slow enough to let her give birth?
This comes from the canon info thread:
Oh well then I stand corrected. I guess Nancy's transformation must have taken about three years and she must given birth to Umbrella during that time. I wonder where that info came from, but I trust it.
Just wanted to say I'm glad someone has finally acknowledged Squigly's booty superiority
Yeah, that's about the only acceptable source I hope the canon thread is based on.

I think the confusion for Umbrella's age stems from the circumstances surrounding Umbrella's affinity to Skullgirl power (associates it with her mother). Let's go to a scene from Parasoul's story mode:

Double: As you suspected, as your mother carried your sister as she also carried the Skull Heart.
Double: Darling Umbrella is already attuned to the Skull Heart's power, thus she will forge a stronger and more terrifying bond than even that of your mother.
Parasoul: So... it's true. But I won't allow that to happen!

So, turning into a Skullgirl can take at least three years to happen. Four years after Skullgirl Selene was destroyed, Umbrella was born. Either before or during the pregnancy, the Queen made the wish for peace and thus began her slow transformation into a Skullgirl. Is this what Double means? When you make a wish, the Skull Heart becomes a part of the wisher?


Incidentally, to confirm that Double probably gave the Skull Heart to the Queen:

Double: My, my... such anger. Your mother used to pray for peace here every day. How disappointed she would be!
So it appears one get's the Skull Heart by either defeating the Skullgirl or waiting around for Double to bring it to you as a gift. It seems the latter has been the common choice: Selene Contiello, Nancy Renoir, and Marie Korbel all given the Skull Heart directly by Double.
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I think all the graphs should be added to the top post.

Also please excuse me, as I'm not great at reading graphs, but doesn't Cerebella have a bigger bust than Filia?

Also the Umbrella info from the Canon Info Thread:
- Hungern's favourite food is spicy food, but really he would eat anything.
- Around 10- to 11-year-old
Black Dahlia's revoked elf status led to a new species chart. It is a bit more chaotic as I tried to jam in as many characters as possible.

  • Technically, Peacock is a cyborg so she's on the edge of that class. Painwheel, and perhaps Hive and Leduc might qualify as cyborgs but it is difficult to say. For this chart, a cyborg is someone with some organic parts replaced with biomechatronic/artificial parts. Painwheel appears to have added parts rather than replaced parts.
  • Mrs. Victoria and Deep Violet are one person, but are represented twice because the teacher's alter ego wields a living weapon, the Pazuzu Whip. That's why they have an asterisk.
  • Atheists in the Canopy Kingdom will argue the Trinity are humans with strong parasites. I'm not sure what to classify the goddesses, Venus and Aeon, but whatever they were, they are beyond human now.
  • Tom pilots Ottomo, but does the bot have it's own A.I.?
  • Some of the class overlaps are intentional (Fukua drifting toward Imaginary) while others are space-constraints (Robots squeezed next to Dagonians)
I also fixed the shape chart.
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Shouldn't Painwheel, Parasoul, and Umbrella be like,
skirting the edge of the Skullgirl circle, since they seem to have some kinda connection? I mean Painwheel explicitly has Skullgirl blood in her and Parasoul and Umbrella seem to be in the same boat???
Shouldn't Painwheel, Parasoul, and Umbrella be like,
skirting the edge of the Skullgirl circle, since they seem to have some kinda connection? I mean Painwheel explicitly has Skullgirl blood in her and Parasoul and Umbrella seem to be in the same boat???
For lack of a better expression, that sounds more like carrying the gene of the disease than actually having the disease itself. Unlike the whole half-human, half-gigan Scythana thing, the Skullgirl isn't a race, it's a curse.
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Parasoul and Umbrella seem to be in the same boat???
Just Umbrella, Parasoul was already born when her mom made a wish.
Basically what Witchfinder said.
chart edit: Taliesin was in the wrong place

Very good points. Some of characters overlap in many ways.

If I had more room, I'd have Marie, Nancy, and Selene in the Human bubble that loops into the Skull Heart's influence. (even transformed into Skullgirls, they're still part human)

As for Painwheel, to put it crudely, just as a guy won't be a girl if he gets a transfusion of blood from a female, Painwheel isn't part Skullgirl. The Skullgirl blood in her veins should eventually decrease to nothing as her own blood recovers her circulatory system. I mean, she's not generating the Skullgirl blood, it was injected.

Umbrella is like those horrible stories in Health class where babies are born with their drug-abusing mother's addictions. She craves the Skull Heart power her mother was host to. But it doesn't make her part Skullgirl. She just has an affinity and is sensitive to the Skull Heart. Squigly shares a similar thirst for Skullgirl power, but it is much more symbiotic (she relies entirely on it for maintaining consciousness).
I wouldn't call Ms. Fortune undead, and definitely not a zombie. In the story mode she said that she swallowed the Life Gem and woke up underwater after B. Dahlia chopped her up, so she may have been dead for a little while.
Her losing quote against Squigly is also, "But we're the same." I guess she experienced death, but she's not undead.
I mean, you wouldn't call someone revived after a heart attack an undead, would you?