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Skullbats EU PC

The end results are much less tied if we look at the tie-break scores. That being said, this might be a good time and place to explain how dem tie-break scores are calculated in the first place for those who don't know.

Add the number of rounds each of your opponents won (byes included), ignoring the opponent with the highest and the opponent with the lowest number of wins out of the people you faced. That's your tie-break score.

If two people have the same number of wins, the one with the higher tie-break score gets a higher rank since the system detects he got the same result while fighting overall better opponents.
Woofly took 1st place because he won all of his matches.
GN4RK, Mr Peck, RuRi and 123stw won 4 matches and lost 1 match each. GN4RK has a tie-breaker score of 9 and he is ranked 2nd above the other 3. RuRi and Peck both have a tie-breaker score of 8 and they're tied at 3rd/4th place. 123stw's tie-breaker score is 7 and he's below the other 3 players.

Take a look at GN4RK's opponents and their final scores (How many wins), take out the biggest number, then take out the lowest number, then add up all the numbers and you get a tie-breaker score.

GN4RK's opponents were MooN TreeS, Hashshashiyyin, kenz>, Izzmo and Woofly.
Their Final Scores were: 1, 3, 3, 3 and 5 respectively.
Take out the biggest number, then the lowest.

Please correct me if I'm wrong. This is how I personally understand the Median Buchholz tie-breaker system which is most likely used by Challonge.
I get that there's a tie-breaker, but winning 4 out of 5 FT3s, tying for 2nd and being pushed down to 4th place because of the tie-breaker is considerably less satisfactory than having a solid position or being pushed down just one spot. I dunno, maybe it's just me who gets annoyed when that happens.
Isa's winnings in the other SB EU



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Just a small reminder that we're not playing in the Beta tonight. We'll be now playing in the Standard edition from now on, since we have the new Undizzy and VSav-style Solo matches.
Skullbats PC EU #13 - round 1 - Muro vs Woofly

Skullbats PC EU #13 - round 2 - Muro vs Izzmo

Skullbats PC EU #13 - round 3 - Muro vs Scarnix

Skullbats PC EU #13 - round 4 - Muro vs Stimoro

Skullbats PC EU #13 - round 5 - Muro vs Bubbles

Skullbats PC EU #13 - round 6 - NeZ vs Muro

Skullbats PC EU #13 - round 7 - GN4RK vs Muro

Skullbats PC EU #13 - round 8 - Muro vs Mr Peck
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Damn, Muro had the worst lineup against all the big shots. GGs guys.
GGs again!

Oh and,

Supreme Champion: Woofly
Worthy Adversary: Mr Peck
Maybe Next Time: GN4RK
Supreme Champion: Woofly
Worthy Adversary: Mr Peck
Maybe Next Time: GN4RK
Supreme Champion: Woofly
Worthy Adversary: Mr Peck
Maybe Next Time: GN4RK

This will be the result for all entirety if we don't step up our game folks. They shouldn't be that hard to beat. Let's go, don your tracksuits. Hit the gym. Punch some bags. We must kill the wooflynator, and his little friends too. >: D

Very much agreed, got 6th on my first try (GG's to errybody), definitely gonna train my ass off for the next one

I want that sweet sweet minecraft art
One day I'll take GN4RK's (or maybe even Peck's) spot on that list. I don't think I've beaten Woofly ever though, not even by some fluke/cheap Fortune trick so I'm gonna keep my goals within reason... For now.
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Reactions: GN4RK
One day I'll take GN4RK's (or maybe even Peck's) spot on that list. I don't think I've beaten Woofly ever though, not even by some fluke/cheap Fortune trick so I'm gonna keep my goals within reason... For now.
I hope you beat them in a legit way and not with a spotty online connection like how you defeated me on Sunday. :P
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Skullbats EU PC #14 - round 1 - Dengoan vs Muro

Skullbats EU PC #14 - round 2 - Muro vs Xedders

Skullbats EU PC #14 - round 3 - Hashshashiyyin vs Muro

Skullbats EU PC #14 - round 4 - Izzmo vs Muro

Skullbats EU PC #14 - round 5 - Vladislav_Paizis vs Muro

Skullbats EU PC #14 - round 6 - Muro vs Paatwo
21:15 - [UOTS] Muro: Welp, no stream from our match.
21:16 - Paatwo: good
The video got accidentally obscured, decided it's best to drop this one.

Skullbats EU PC #14 - round 7 - Muro vs GN4RK

Skullbats EU PC #14 - round 8 - Muro vs Mr Peck
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Reactions: Vladislav_Paizis
I won't be there tonight... Sorry :|
Challonge gave me a bye for round 3, so no match for that one.

Skullbats EU PC #15 - round 1 - Xedders vs Muro

Skullbats EU PC #15 - round 2 - infected melon vs Muro

Skullbats EU PC #15 - round 4 - Muro vs Vladislav_Paizis

Skullbats EU PC #15 - round 5 - zeknife vs Muro

Skullbats EU PC #15 - round 6 - Muro vs Zlia

Skullbats EU PC #15 - round 7 - Steinspisar vs Muro

Skullbats EU PC #15 - round 8 - Vilicamoz vs Muro
I won't be there because of AGDQ ♥
16th tournament finished!

RESULTS - http://skullbatseu.challonge.com/sbeupc16

*1st - Xedders
*2nd - Kawalorn
3rd - Ms Torture

*I don't know why Challonge gave Kawalorn 27 Tie Breaker points when both he and Xedders got 26 points each (Challonge plz!). Xedders is declared the winner because he beat Kawalorn in one of his matches. I contacted Challonge about it. It's no guarantee that they'd respond to me, but it's worth a try to get an explanation or maybe a fix.
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Go home Challonge, you're drunk.

Also, posting my matches:
Skullbats EU PC #16 - round 1 - Muro vs infected melon

Skullbats EU PC #16 - round 2 - Muro vs zeknife

Skullbats EU PC #16 - round 3 - Steinspisar vs Muro

Skullbats EU PC #16 - round 4 - Muro vs Kawalorn

Skullbats EU PC #16 - round 5 - Muro vs Vilicamoz

Skullbats EU PC #16 - round 6 - Muro vs Veritas

Skullbats EU PC #16 - round 7 - Muro vs Ms Torture

Skullbats EU PC #16 - round 8 - Scarnix vs Muro
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Reactions: Vladislav_Paizis
Here are my matches :

Round 1 - Bombad vs Zlia

Round 2 - Bombad vs Dengoan

Round 3 - Bombad vs Infected Melon

Round 4 - Bombad vs Mr Peck

Round 5 - Bombad vs Beuzer0

Round 6 - Bombad vs Xedders

Round 7 - Bombad vs Ventuxe

Good games everyone. Let's hope there will be more participants next time, the more the merrier !
My matches:
Skullbats PC EU #17 - round 1 - Muro vs zeknife

Skullbats PC EU #17 - round 2 - Mr Peck vs Muro

Skullbats PC EU #17 - round 3 - ventuxe vs Muro

Skullbats PC EU #17 - round 4 - Muro vs Beuzer0

Skullbats PC EU #17 - round 5 - Dengoan vs Muro

Skullbats PC EU #17 - round 6 - Zlia vs Muro

Skullbats PC EU #17 - round 7 - Muro vs Veritas
I guess challonge put me in 3rd because I beat woof and woof beat Vilicamoz. Though I don't get why it didn't just put Vil and me against each other in round 8. Challonge is weird.

GGs everyone!
Peck won a tournament that Woofly entered?! yooooooooooo

Peck downplaying his victory anyways? prooooooooobably
Peck won a tournament that Woofly entered?! yooooooooooo

Peck downplaying his victory anyways? prooooooooobably
Yes, he doesn't consider himself to be a good SG player. Then what does that make other European players? Stay free, Europe!)))
Challonge gave me a bye point for round 2, so no match for that one. Also sound is unfortunately a bit desync. No idea why, recordings from yesterday's 1v1 tournament didn't suffer from this. Ah well, what can you do.

Skullbats PC EU #19 - round 1 - Xedders vs Muro

Skullbats PC EU #19 - round 3 - Ravishing Fire Hydrant vs Muro

Skullbats PC EU #19 - round 4 - Vladislav_Paizis vs Muro

Skullbats PC EU #19 - round 5 - Muro vs Hashshashiyyin

Skullbats PC EU #19 - round 6 - Muro vs zeknife

Skullbats PC EU #19 - round 7 - Muro vs Professor Slack