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Report Skullgirls 2nd Encore: Challenges, Trials, Voiced Story Mode, and More!

Well, I have read in some places that Sony may have provided part of the funding for new features in 2nd Encore, not 100% sure on that though.

We have timed exclusivity with Sony... which will effectively be lifetime because MS is demanding extra content to release it later, and we don't have the time or money to do as much as they want.

Anyway, Sony didn't pay for any of this - all we get from them is a bunch of free marketing support. So, for example, that kiosk that "leaked" the voiced story mode? EA and them would have to pay for that, but we get it free since we're a partner title. And we'll be in their booth at E3. And get preferred placement on PSN when it's up for preorder and sale. Stuff like that.

Peter said the funding for this was Autumn. I'd take his word on it, since I imagine making these deals is part of his job.

That is a big part of my job, yes!
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Aww, was Del unavailable?

I asked around, and apparently Patrick has been voicing Samson in all the lines he's gotten after vanilla. So, you're probably already used to his voice!
I asked around, and apparently Patrick has been voicing Samson in all the lines he's gotten after vanilla. So, you're probably already used to his voice!

The fact that I didn't hear ragna is definitely impressive haha
Yay Kyle's finally in Skullgirls, and Kaiji's Yu-Wan gets to be official!

Kinda sad that Sarah and Danielle don't have more parts though. Especially Sarah, since she's been in so many of the VoG runs. Oh well, at least they got to work on the alternate voice packs.
Black Dahlia: Wendee Lee
If I'm guessing correctly that Dahlia has a rather calm tone, it will provide an interesting contrast to Lee's role as the wrathful Sekhmet.

Lorenzo: Mike Zaimont
Not only "murderize ya!" but also "Kill her! Kill her and bring me her heart!". I can picture Mike thinking of the beta thread when recording these.

Annie: Erica Mendez
Fans of Kill La Kill can probably rest assured here, knowing Mendez already has experience in angry/annoyed female protagonists after starring as Ryuko.

Seems almost unfair to cherry pick roles, though. The whole actor selection looks promising, really looking forward to hearing how each character is defined with a voice.

Side note, I guess the list can be seen as a semi-spoiler, as it states quite definitely who will NOT have lines in RoboFortune's story mode (not that anyone realistically should have expected Hubretch or Scythana's foot to have a casual chat with our suicidal machine).
Side note, I guess the list can be seen as a semi-spoiler, as it states quite definitely who will NOT have lines in RoboFortune's story mode (not that anyone realistically should have expected Hubretch or Scythana's foot to have a casual chat with our suicidal machine).

How do you know that list is comprehensive? :p

Also, Leduc and Vitale share the same VA. Props to hiring people with range.
Platinum trophy? Unless Sony policy has changed or they're doing some kind of special arrangement that means it's a full priced game. Don't get me wrong, Skullgirls is easily worth that and I will certainly be buying it, but I wonder how people will react seeing as the retail priced for the current version has always been $15. With DLC included, it's actually not much of a leap at all, but this is the internet we're talking about.

I wish you guys every success (and am still hoping for that limited physical release).
Thing is, Second Encore being a separate, full-priced game might work in favour of Lab Zero.
Despite countless gameplay changes, balance patches and several character DLCs, some people still think Skullgirls Encore = vanilla Skullgirls gameplay-wise.

All the content added/improved between vanilla and now more than justifies it being called Skullgirls 2 (keeping in mind other fighting game franchises released following full-priced sequels with less changes included), so this should be a clear signal for them that "Hey, this is a new thing. Buy it, play it, host it at tournaments."
I can't even wait YO! This will be awesome! Except there won't be any voices in the PS3 version :( but I can understand there are hardware limitations for it. the Xbox 360 version won't have it either, so...yeah.
*Crosses fingers for canon story mode one day* Either way if we never get one I will still be happy with this.
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The only thing keeping me from saying I'd buy a PS4 just for SG2ndE is the fact that I already have other games to buy one for. That said, it's now the biggest fucking reason for me to
Thing is, Second Encore being a separate, full-priced game might work in favour of Lab Zero.
Despite countless gameplay changes, balance patches and several character DLCs, some people still think Skullgirls Encore = vanilla Skullgirls gameplay-wise.
I agree, I've even said as much before, and I really hope it works out that way, imagine the FGC actually giving it a chance as a new game? This time there's no excuse for ignoring it, and it actually getting the attention it deserves would be wonderful. I'm just imagining people who don't pay attention throwing a fit like they always do because they're charging more for the "same" game.
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Thank you Lab Zero for having Kamina voice five members of the male cast.
That's almost as good as a palette for Beowulf. lol but for real tho this is great.
Now I can seclude my self into SG on the go

"Hey, how's it going man?" *turns on Vita*
"That girl is kinda cute, eh?" *turns on Vita*
"This place is on fire! We gotta go!" *turns on Vita*
"Why aren't you playing MKX? It's so much better!" *slaps person with Vita then turns it on*
I'm so excited - I hope this gets the Lab Zero team the funds they deserve! Definitely going for the platinum trophy...
I would have liked to voice Brain Drain, but I can wait until they make him playable ;)
All we get from them is a bunch of free marketing support
That's quite a boon by itself. Glad to see you all are getting support!
Full priced Skullgirls 2 to change FGC's opinions
My inner marketing nerd wholeheartedly agree with this. You'd be surprised how powerful price is as a reference criterion for quality.
I asked around, and apparently Patrick has been voicing Samson in all the lines he's gotten after vanilla. So, you're probably already used to his voice!
Not the first time Seitz is involved in a multi-voiced fighter. Scorpion does have those Ed Boon lines. :)

The age of Franky Samson has begun. Or was already here apparently.

Annie: Erica Mendez
Fans of Kill La Kill can probably rest assured here, knowing Mendez already has experience in angry/annoyed female protagonists after starring as Ryuko.
I'm not a big fan of Annie as a character, but her having a surly Ryuko voice may just change my mind.

All this stuff sounds amazing and my only hope is (my original point in the other thread) that they tone down/remove the filter on Double.

Also, is the Marie 300% sequence getting dubbed too? Or maybe even getting overhauled because the Squigly "2 weeks" release jokes may be a bit out of date.
Sony understands that devs need Steam sales to thrive.
Wow... that's really progressive of them! I'm really impressed! Holy crap!
Oh that they could only understand it for Bloodborne. Still, that's good to know for Skullgirls.
To be fair, they actually paid for that.
Platinum trophy? Unless Sony policy has changed or they're doing some kind of special arrangement that means it's a full priced game.
I have no idea what 2nd Encore will cost, but plenty of not-$60 games have platinum trophies. Resogun, Trine 2, Dead Nation, Strider, Mercenary Kings, Transistor, PixelJunk Shooter, Dust, and Binding of Isaac and all have platinums, and those are just the ones I own and bothered to look up.
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Unless you have ANOTHER BIG BAND

It's not that. As Noaa already adressed, I jump too much, so playing vs anyone without jumping is pretty much impossible to me.
I wonder... should we ever get a SG2, would these voices cast be kept if those character ever come out?

Also, still waiting on that playable George update after Robo Fortune is finished.
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I wonder... should we ever get a SG2, would these voices cast be kept if those character ever come out?
@render already mentioned that recasting would be a likelihood if these characters eventually saw more screen time, so yeah.
Also, still waiting on that playable George update after Robo Fortune is finished.
Playable George a la Servbot would be dope :O
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