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Cosplay Skullgirls general cosplay thread.

Hello everyone, I'm new to these forums and I'm planning to Cosplay as Painwheel for halloween. I may need some help.

For anyone that specializes in Arts & Crafts I plan on cosplaying Painwheel this Halloween and would like some tips and suggestions on some materials, where to get them etc.
Such as:
Mask Making
That tarp clothing she has.
Beur Blade. - I'm considering either Card Board or Styrofoam (Good Quality) for that. As for attachment no clue.

TTN: (Things to Note)
1. Yes I know Painwheel is a girl character and I'm a guy. Doesn't mean a guy can't cosplay as a girl?
2. Painwheel is practically naked so I'm not doing that either, I need to shave my legs.
3. The materials are some what common I believe. I can get some supplies but I'm not sure what to make the mask. (Micheals, Home Depot [Styrofoam], Walmart etc.)
4. That clothing she has? No clue how to make or get one.

Yeah. Anyone else planning to Cosplay for Halloween?
I'm planning to Cosplay as Painwheel for halloween. I may need some help.
Here's a couple of interpretations:
For a closer look at the Zerggiee Painwheel, here's some other angles on flicker: one, two, three

dress = I suggest a sturdy cotton that you can rough up the edges. Buy two aprons and sew them back to back for a quick dress form.
mask = spray paint brown a hockey mask or off-the-shelf Halloween mask (like Spider-man) and then style in the stitches, add red lenses
Gae Bolga = one of the toughest parts. If I was short on time, I'd cut the blades out of thick cardboard, paint it, and affix it to a tiny backpack, ignoring the metal "spine"
skin = paint your veins and blacken your finger nails
shackles = fabric cuffs or modeled cardboard
feet = Painwheel is shoeless, but I'd go for comfort rather than authenticity. Find some slip-ons that match your skin tone, like ballerina shoes
Hello everybody!

As my favorite character is Miss Fortune, I'd like to share you my cosplay of her.
I decided to make her in her original colours, because I love her redhead! :)


If you want to see more of my work, here is my fb page:

And my DA:

Feel free to ask questions if you need help to make a cosplay! :)
Awesome work! I tend not to see the original colours, so this is a treat! I'll definitely check out your page!
I found what I think was an original artwork, and the colours were like that. I don't like the blue/white colours of the actual Miss Fortune. ^^ Thank you so much, I'm glad you like my work, and that you want to check my page! :)
So while I'm getting the Beur Blade for my Painwheel Cosplay, I had the thought for the Metal Spine she has. I know I'm running low on time since its 13 more days until Halloween starts, any ideas/help anyone?

Also what's the best place to get a Bague color Apron? Plain colors and what not as well long enough too. I literally went to multiple stores: Dollar Tree (x2) , Big Lots, Macy's, Sears, JCPenny, Francisco's Halloween Shop and other 1 Dollar Marts and found nothing. Hell not even the Hockey Mask I needed!

If that seems unobtainable, what fabric is best to use?
Update: I finished one of the blades, I'm going to sand out the edges a little to make it a little more smoother before working on the next ones.
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So I just finished on all 4 blades, now I need to obtain some Silver/Grey Spray paint and get them colored. I figured I'll paper mache the mask. It shouldn't take too much time in all honesty. Only final problem is the Red Lense and the Clothing she has. I dunno what to do.

Update: http://fav.me/d9dtc9z
So I just finished on all 4 blades, now I need to obtain some Silver/Grey Spray paint and get them colored.
Just in case you're not aware, many spray paints will eat foam. The blade looks to be foamcore, so you'll want to seal the edges with some white glue. For the styrofoam ball mentioned in the link a mixture of water and white glue should work.
The other option I've used has been to use duct tape (or something similar) before painting. A buddy has also used cloth before. If you find the right color, you can tape it down tight enough to look clean
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Just in case you're not aware, many spray paints will eat foam. The blade looks to be foamcore, so you'll want to seal the edges with some white glue. For the styrofoam ball mentioned in the link a mixture of water and white glue should work.

Thanks for that tip, didn't know that. I just grabbed a spray paint can from Michael's called: Krylon: Color Master and Shortcuts.
Also the Blades are made out of Elmer's Foam Boards, they're like thick paper outer side perfect for spray paint while super thick foam on the inside.

Says its good with foam so I can't be too sure. However if that's still the case I'll do what you said, I'm going attach them all together then spray paint the whole thing, I forgot about one blade and already spray painted one side.
EDIT: I found about the spray paint, its usually cause when it 'eats' the foam, the spray paint is too much for the styrofoam to handle, what's best is to spray from a short distance so its not so close of a spray. I found a video here:

The other option I've used has been to use duct tape (or something similar) before painting. A buddy has also used cloth before. If you find the right color, you can tape it down tight enough to look clean

Most of my friends recommended/suggested using that Party Table Cloth, tape 2 together and cut into a drape that Painwheel has.
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Recent Carol/Painwheel stuff done for fun! Gonna have to dress up again on the 23rd for her birthday... and feed myself cake







Oh, cool, didn't know there was a cosplay thread, this should be co-

Well, gentlemen and women I do believe it's about the time to make my exit have a good day
Oh, it's you, I remember you! Your cosplay was ADORABLE!
Oh my gosh, thank you so much!! I didn't think I was that memorable, hah...
Says its good with foam so I can't be too sure. However if that's still the case I'll do what you said, I'm going attach them all together then spray paint the whole thing, I forgot about one blade and already spray painted one side.
EDIT: I found about the spray paint, its usually cause when it 'eats' the foam, the spray paint is too much for the styrofoam to handle, what's best is to spray from a short distance so its not so close of a spray.
Usually the problem is the propellant the spray uses. If the can says its foam-friendly you're probably good, but try it on a scrap piece first to be sure. I used to make a lot of Warhammer 40,000 terrain so I've run into this a fair bit.

Foam board is good stuff.
So I'm currently making the mask right now and its still a work in progress using paper mache. I did lots of progress and still need to add more layers before attempting to pop the balloon and paint it. I'm assuming if its too big for my head/face I can simply trim it a little. Right? I never paper mache'd a mask before in my life.

As for the blades, I spray painted them Grey, This cosplay work is going nicely.
Hi guys I want to post something i made for this coming halloween
I really love beowulf and i desided to make a wulf hood I have the belt and furry leg things done but you can imagine how simple they look so i thought that just the gem of the costume should be shown. So please give me feed back on my work, thanks!
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Hi guys I want to post something i made for this coming halloween
I really love beowulf and i desided to make a wulf hood I have the belt and furry leg things done but you can imagine how simple they look so i thought that just the gem of the costume should be shown. So please give me feed back on my work, thanks!

Looks pretty good actually it's one of the better beowulf hoods I've seen before.
Looks pretty good actually it's one of the better beowulf hoods I've seen before.

Thank you! I've done my best with what i had, believe it or not it was a foam alligator hat i found at a dollar store but after a bit of mods and fabric it became the wulf hood.
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What!? All of those costumes were pretty good really.
The Beowulf one looked a bit lazy the longer you look at it. But really those weren't bad cosplays by any means.
I agree they look like average cosplay to me. That seemed a bit mean and judgmental.

Here are some photos from my Brain Drain cosplay this past weekend at Ikkicon in Austin, TX! My helmet and gloves were made by Cute Monster Cosplay and my coat was made by Hoozasaurus Designs (look them both up on Facebook, they do great work!)









WOW that is awesome!!

Haven't seen a Big Band posted yet. How is mine?View attachment 9490 View attachment 9491

My Painwheel(from Filia's ending) cosplay from Anime Expo this year! I want to cosplay normal Painwheel too someday...

Aw that's cute/sweet ^_^ (and just a little sad). Great job though!

I was at Project A-kon 25 last weekend and found 5 Skullgirls Cosplayers combined in 2 separate groups. The first were a pair of Valentine and Beowulf early on the second day. The second I found laer that evening and while the Painwheel was not with them I got the other three in a photo.

Why do I mention the Painwheel not being there? Well....


Second Place in the Open Division as a walk-on group will get some attention
Also that double is possibly the coolest thing. I've wondered how someone would go about that!! ^_^
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@KiokuChan Please don't make multiple posts when replying to the same topic. You can add quotes from several posts into a single reply.

Just click "reply" on the bottom right of all the posts you want to quote and they'll all appear with the Reply window at the bottom of the page.
@KiokuChan Please don't make multiple posts when replying to the same topic. You can add quotes from several posts into a single reply.

Just click "reply" on the bottom right of all the posts you want to quote and they'll all appear with the Reply window at the bottom of the page.
Sorry about that, and thanks for fixing it. (Also on a random note, Razmi was my favorite character in the Indivisible demo ^_^ )
Greetings posters, so like I was working on my Painwheel Cosplay, I had a blast doing it at school. It was all done on time. Unfortunately I don't have multiple pictures but just one. So here it is. :P

Edit: First guy to cosplay as Painwheel? wut.
Greetings posters, so like I was working on my Painwheel Cosplay, I had a blast doing it at school. It was all done on time. Unfortunately I don't have multiple pictures but just one. So here it is. :P

Edit: First guy to cosplay as Painwheel? wut.
Cool. Nice job with the wheel ^_^
Cool. Nice job with the wheel ^_^

Thanks! Worked on it pretty hard for that part!
Of course I had to dress up as Painwheel for her birthday last week, and again yesterday for Halloween!
Lots of pictures ahead eheh






I didn't really dress up or anything but hey






Almost done with my Razmi cosplay for the indivisible cosplay contest. My lantern is going to arrive on Tuesday and then I hope to get some pictures done next weekend.


This looks great! Can't wait to see you wear it when you get the lantern.
So I'm planning to cosplay Eliza at AX 2016 this year but my main question is how can I get her ankh to not move? I have it lined with buckram, and piped with wire but gravity is not my friend and it bends still. Any suggestions?


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Tie it to your arms or back with something that blends well with the dress
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Tie it to your arms or back with something that blends well with the dress
I'll give that a shot! Thank you!
Hello! I'm new to posting to this forum, but I've popped by a couple times to see if I could find a few tips. Unfortunately, not what I needed, hence the post ^^"

Anyway, for a convention in May this year, my boyfriend and I plan on cosplaying Squigly and Beowulf, respectively. My main problem is the skull chest piece and bottom skirt hem, while for him we're trying to look into how to make the wolf hood sine we've never tried anything like this before. I've scoured the Internet to find tips for my skirt, but haven't found terribly much. It's also my first time requiring makeup for a different skin color, so this should be interesting lol

I'm almost halfway done with my Squigs, but we have yet to start on his Beo because he's currently working more hours than I am and we both need a little bit of a workout before either of us are ready for any of this.

Any help is appreciated ^^
not enough tentacles. 2/10