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Skullgirls Mobile Bug Reports

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I'm on a Galaxy A8 phone.


Winning a repeated fight causes ending exp screen to display incorrectly.

When you win a fight in story mode, the ending screen will show your team getting XP and leveling up. For example, I gain 6000XP and my level 24 Peacock levels up to 25.

If I select 'Replay' and win the fight again, I will gain the same amount of XP and it will show Peacock leveling up from 24 to 25 again.
When I select 'Continue' and go out to the story mode map again, Peacock will now be level 26. She actually leveled up correctly when I replayed the fight, but the post match display was just wrong.

Short version: Replaying a match will give you the correct amount of XP for playing two matches, but will only display the XP gained for the most recent fight.


Faulty 'choose a new character screen' when replaying fights.

If you try to replay a fight when you don't have enough energy it will ask if you want to choose a new team or spend Theonite. Choosing to pick a new team will send you back to the the character select screen, but there are numerous errors. [I'll upload a screenshot as soon as I get to my phone]
The opponent's name will be displayed as a random string of letters. There will also be a button to FIGHT them if you spend 1 Thenoite (regardless of how much the actual fight costs). Tapping this button does nothing.


If you decide you don't want to pick a new team and hit the back button, all the characters you and the opponent have chosen will vanish. Their character coins will be replaced with Red Beowulf coins and then the game quickly quits back to the stage select screen. I don't think I can screencap this as it flicks by pretty fast, and screenshots are mad slow on this phone.



Painwheel's Buer Thresher super will occasionally not drain any meter when used. I have repeatedly used it back to back in fights.
It seems to only give itself one additional use though. After the super is used twice it will grey out and need to be recharged again to use.


I came across a daily quest "Use a team of 3 Fire characters. 0/10". I couldn't get this quest to trigger at all. I tried teams of 1, 2 and 3 red characters, plus teams of all blue and all green. It was stuck at 0/10.


Filia's Hairball special will occasionally cause the game to crash. It's an identical crash to the one I get when I or the opponent's Parasoul uses her Yawn special.


One of the loading screen tips says we can earn special Hero specific relics for beating dailies. We don't earn relics in Relics. We only earn special attacks and blockbusters.

There's also a couple that talk about the VS mode Arena, which doesn't exist anymore/yet. I've already met a person asking about this.


Minor obsessive fan bug. On the story mode "A Fishbone to Pick", the main art shows Ms Fortune leaning on a railing. The art is taken from the console build of Skullgirls, so she's shown with all her scars. At the end of that story mode you meet Fortune and she has no scars.
"In episode 2F09, when Itchy plays Scratchy's skeleton like a xylophone, he strikes that same rib twice in succession yet he produces two clearly different tones. I mean, what are we, to believe that this is some sort of a, a magic xylophone or something? Boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder."
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Sometimes when breaking Peacock's throw as Cerebella, the bag used by Peacock gets left behind and it continues to wiggle.

iPhone 6s on iOS 10.3.1
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After upgrading a special move or blockbuster, the colours of the icon reverts to the default palette colours instead of staying the same as before.


Another bug I noticed with equipping special moves and blockbusters: the game seems to reset your custom configuration for the moves. For example, I set my Cerebella's moves to Grab Bag/Excellebella/Diamond Dynamo/Battle Butt/Lock N Load but after a fight it just resets to another order like Diamond Dynamo/Lock N Load/Battle Butt/Grab Bag/Excellebella. This bug affects all characters, not just Cerebella.
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After upgrading a special move or blockbuster, the colours of the icon reverts to the default palette colours instead of staying the same as before. View attachment 14434
View attachment 14435
I was just about to bring this up, here in the forums! Besides the faulty select new character part of the menu (With the Beowulf coins), it seems to be an odd graphical glitch though for me it changes back to normal rather quickly should I upgrade another move. Before, it would continue and change all the other moves to the original palette should I upgrade them!

Another thing I found odd was that the daily quest for a character always resets each week and forces you to restart at Basic level for farming. I'm not sure if this was already brought up before, or rather, something meant to be established, but my original understanding was that, for example...

You beat Painwheel's special event up to Advanced say for, and wait until next week for it to roll by again. Unfortunately, this then means you will be reset back to Basic and will have to redo the entire event once more, just to get back to Advanced.

Does this mean then, that there is no way to unlock the other difficulties while still resetting the completion of an event?
I was just about to bring this up, here in the forums! Besides the faulty select new character part of the menu (With the Beowulf coins), it seems to be an odd graphical glitch though for me it changes back to normal rather quickly should I upgrade another move. Before, it would continue and change all the other moves to the original palette should I upgrade them!

Another thing I found odd was that the daily quest for a character always resets each week and forces you to restart at Basic level for farming. I'm not sure if this was already brought up before, or rather, something meant to be established, but my original understanding was that, for example...

You beat Painwheel's special event up to Advanced say for, and wait until next week for it to roll by again. Unfortunately, this then means you will be reset back to Basic and will have to redo the entire event once more, just to get back to Advanced.

Does this mean then, that there is no way to unlock the other difficulties while still resetting the completion of an event?

MightyZug mentioned somewhere before that in a future update all Event difficulties will be available regardless if you 100% completed the previous difficulty or not.
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audio "Beep-boop-meow!"

Something went wrong while
contacting your login provider.
Please try again!

Error Code: 2​

This happens no matter which of the login options I use, even Login as Guest.

I denied both permissions on start-up, but I don't see how having access to photos/media/files or make/manage calls would affect this. And if it does, isn't this an incorrect error message?

This happened after restarting the app multiple times and restarting my phone multiple times. My Wi-Fi is on and works for all other apps.
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Found a new way to softlock! Tapped Burst a bit too quickly after Scalpels, because I've gotten that to combo before for a little bit of bleed. But doing it too early ends up canceling the superflash, leaving my opponent frozen and the screen zoomed in. Val could act but nothing hits the opponent, so I thought as long as we're stuck like this I'll just tag Band in for his regen to get the life lead and win via timeout. Band doesn't come in and the game is completely stuck now. Once time runs out, no win/loss animation plays and the whole game is softlocked.




Managed to reproduce this in Training pretty easily, just hit Scalpels and Burst real quick.
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Found a new way to softlock! Tapped Burst a bit too quickly after Scalpels, because I've gotten that to combo before for a little bit of bleed. But doing it too early ends up canceling the superflash, leaving my opponent frozen and the screen zoomed in. Val could act but nothing hits the opponent, so I thought as long as we're stuck like this I'll just tag Band in for his regen to get the life lead and win via timeout. Band doesn't come in and the game is completely stuck now. Once time runs out, no win/loss animation plays and the whole game is softlocked.

Thanks for the bug report! We've actually found/fixed this in the build since our Hard Launch release submission - it will be fixed in our next update!

Also, per @Liam's note, if you could use these forums instead - it'll be much easier to ensure things don't slip through the cracks:


Thanks again!
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Bug in bronze blood sport (rip multiplier bonus)

fillia vs eliza when eliza is in her alternate form thing,
All i remember is doing a raw bug super with fillia then immediately tagging in peacock right before eliza goes back into normal form, I think there was some sort of trade with peacocks tag in

Couldnt exit game after time up. had to force close.


just saw the post to goto the other website ill post the bug there too
(cant get my email registered at http://forum.skullgirlsmobile.com, i gave up)
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I thought it was just a one time thing, but I have had this bug happen a bit more and will try to document it better in the future (should it happen again).

When leveling up in the prize arena, I sometimes do not get the exp. So here is what happened. My Baseline Big Band was on the verge of level 30. I win a match in the Prize Fight arena and earn enough points to level up. Eager to evolve for the first time, I go to my collection and it won't let me evolve. It says I don't have enough exp. So I go to Daily Arena and win another fight and level up again. I go to my collection, and my EXP is still not full and I can't evolve. So finally I play another match in story mode and to my relief, I am able to evolve my card. I saw this happen with my Rerun Peacock card, but didn't pay too much attention to it as I didn't know there was a level cap for bronze cards and I didn't have the material to evolve it at that time.

Similar to the problem above, when I level up a card in a fight (So far it has happened in all aspects, i.e. Prize, Daily, and Story), sometimes the energy doesn't refill. An example would happen as follows. I play a match in Prize Fight. one of the three cards level. When I find another match, all three of my cards have exhausted all of their energy (though it should only be two if I am understanding the game correctly). As with the earlier problem, I wasn't too focused on it before because I wasn't really sure it was really happening and I didn't expect it to happen too often.

I hope I am in the right spot. Please feel free to redirect me if I am not. Hope my contribution helped a bit.

Just happened again twice but only managers to capture it on camera once. This is after a Prize fight.


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I thought it was just a one time thing, but I have had this bug happen a bit more and will try to document it better in the future (should it happen again).

When leveling up in the prize arena, I sometimes do not get the exp. So here is what happened
Hey there Warturtle!

This is an issue where the game is displaying that you gained a larger amount of experience than the amount you actually received.
It will display that your character gained enough experience to level up, which will refresh their energy and do other good things, but the actual experience the character received wasn't enough to level up.

You can see that in the first picture Peacock's fight score hits 453, but in the second image it goes back down to 430.

This bug is also explained briefly here on our official Skullgirls Mobile forums, which I encourage you to sign up for and start using, especially for bug reports :)


This bug will be fixed in our next update, sorry for any confusion it caused!
The problem happened in Prize fights: silver two to tangle. I (the red peacock) was blocking a string of Green Parasoul's attack when I saw an opening. I quickly tried switching Blue Cerabella. Just as the switching animation for peacock started parasoul started attacking again. As soon as that happened peacock and parasoul froze in place. the game was still running. I could pause and un-pause, the timer kept counting down as normal, and parasoul's sprite was moving in place. Her hair and chest were moving fast. They seem to be repeating the same animation just sped up. lately the icon of the character i was controlling was stuck on cerabella. No inputs i made for the character registered. I decided t quit the match so I could start a new game.

I'm on ios 10.3.1

If you need me I'm on the discord server under that same name.


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when ever I get exp after a battle whatever it depicts is usually not what I get. I will Lv up from a battle (pictures 1 and 4) yet when I check on the units (pictures 2,3,5,6) it will have not received that much exp and may not have gained a lv. There will also be times where the exp bar shown after a battle will completely fill but no lv up notification pops up and the exp gained is less that shown. In picture 7 after two battles when I gained a lv it gained two skill points. After turning closed and opened the app it fixed itself to 3.

I'm on ios 10.3.1


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when ever I get exp after a battle whatever it depicts is usually not what I get. I will Lv up from a battle (pictures 1 and 4) yet when I check on the units (pictures 2,3,5,6) it will have not received that much exp and may not have gained a lv. There will also be times where the exp bar shown after a battle will completely fill but no lv up notification pops up and the exp gained is less that shown. In picture 7 after two battles when I gained a lv it gained two skill points. After turning closed and opened the app it fixed itself to 3.

I'm on ios 10.3.1
Thanks for the report.
This one is fixed in our next update.

You can read the response to this bug in the post above yours.

As for that first bug report, we'll have to look into that one.
It would be helpful if you could repost that bug report on the Skullgirls Mobile forums located here:

Thanks for the report.
This one is fixed in our next update.

You can read the response to this bug in the post above yours.

As for that first bug report, we'll have to look into that one.
It would be helpful if you could repost that bug report on the Skullgirls Mobile forums located here:


I think i found a post similar to mine so i put it here: http://forum.skullgirlsmobile.com/threads/filia-big-band-animations-frozen.276/#post-1830
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There is a bug I encountered during Who's The Boss campaign, I got video but I can't upload it here but it's an opponent Eliza and her skeleton is stuck outside body, also stuck in animation where it's trying to go in and I can't hit her anymore.
There’s a bug where i finished the first 3 stages of the tutorial, but it still tells me to complete the Valentine boss. at the same time it says i finished it, and it doesn’t let me progress to do other things so i’m just stuck


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There’s a bug where i finished the first 3 stages of the tutorial, but it still tells me to complete the Valentine boss. at the same time it says i finished it, and it doesn’t let me progress to do other things so i’m just stuck
Hey there!

It would be great if you could post this bug on the Skullgirls Mobile forums in the bug report section:

Heya guys there's this bug I'm experiencing which is "bugging" me for quite a while now, it isn't a very gamebreaking bug but it gets annoying overtime throughout my playthrough of 2 months.
Basically as you can see the fighters are just a bunch of black blobs. This is fine at first but then the moves/blockbusters are also just massive black blobs; It get infuriating when you have a ton of moves/blockbusters. Am I the only one experiencing this? Pls helpScreenshot_20180210-155832.jpg


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Hi. I’ve been having this bug for a few days now. Every time I open up the game there is absolutely no sound, what so ever. I attempt to restart my device, uninstalled than reinstalled it. I had even checked my settings and everything else I use is fine, except Skullgirls. It’s a tad upsetting since I adore the music in game, and I would really appreciate some help with this matter.
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