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Skullgirls Slapfest tomorrow at 7pm EST (feat. SpaceCadetKeon)


Nov 6, 2013
Reaction score
Filia Parasoul
Hey everyone, Slapfest is an online community that focuses on helping new players get acquainted with the game and establish friendships, in order to facilitate a healthier and stronger Skullgirls community. We would love for you to join us. Some thing that we have done in the past:

  • Lobbies with all of the participants in Mumble
  • Team battles with commentary
  • Sets of games with the "first to 5 wins" condition
We're trying out something new this week (and something that we will continue to be doing, if people are interested), and that's to help people with a specific character. Tomorrow, SpaceCadetKeon (#1 on the ladder) will be joining us and helping us work on our Parasoul. The format is as follows: one member gets picked to play a few games against the teacher. The teacher allows the student to get into the groove and demonstrate his game (as opposed to just stuffing him). Then the teacher goes over the matches with the student and points out something that the student did well, something that the students shouldn't do anymore, and something that the student can practice in the upcoming week that will help him take his game one step further. After that, a brief Q&A session with the teacher and anybody who is interested in learning the character. If you want to be the student this week, message me. The whole thing shouldn't take more than 45 minutes. Everybody is welcome to join us in Mumble, and if we run out of spots in the lobby to spectate, no worries, the lesson will also be livestreamed.

If you are interested in following SpaceCadetKeon, here's his information: Steam, YouTube, Twitch.

This is a feature that we think will help people take their game to the next level. We already have teachers lined up for Squiggly and Filia, but are still looking for the rest of the cast. We also have an online tournament in the works, something to get the veterans involved. If you have something that you want the group to do, something that you think will help you and others learn, let us know.

EDIT: Just to clarify a couple of things. We all play on PC, if you want to join us, add one of the officers (listed on the Steam group page) on Steam and get into Mumble (here's the Mumble info).
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Just add one of the officers (the steam group has them listed towards the bottom, it's Krye, myself and I<3Nuns) to get invited to a lobby, or join the group and get into group chat. Also jump into Mumble (here's the Mumble info)
This sounds like fun. I can be the "pro" for Squigly :p
Nice to come across this post, being my first time here. Glad to know this community is friendly and helpfull :D Joined the group, hope to play some day with a 'teacher'!