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Steam - Windows [SOLVED]Unable to run the game


New Member
Jun 3, 2015
Reaction score
Pentium Dual-Core E6800 3,33 GHz
GeForce GTS 450
Windows 8 Pro x64

Unable to start the game. When running both Beta and normal versions, a "loading screen" appears briefly, then the window turns black, and the game freezes and does not respond to commands.

Restarted steam, verified integrity of game cache, reinstalled SG, etc., nothing helps.

Have been instructed to delete the Skullgirls or Skullgirls Beta folders in the Documents folder, and to find a logfile within them, but could accomplish neither - none of the folders exist to begin with.

Have been instructed to unplug headsets etc. - to no avail.

Did not actually buy Skullgirls yet - picked it up on Steam on free week.

Wat do?
There's a thread about this on Steam in which, 14 hours ago, VALVE admitted the mistake:
post #61 said:
Hey guys, this was due to an error on our side Marvelous brought it to our attention and it's now fixed- you might need to exit steam completely and log back in. Sorry to keep you waiting!

If the folders aren't in your Documents, then perhaps it hasn't fully installed. All I can suggest is quit and restart Steam and try again.
Not related. I downloaded less than 14 hours ago, and the game actually downloads.

I've restarted steam/verified game cahce/deleted and reinstalled the game a couple of times, no change.

Had a stroke of genius and decided to actually CREATE the folders, but alas, that didn't change a thing. Having a friend send over the contents of their folder didn't change anything either.

Either I am not looking at the right place(libraries > documents), or something is incredibly wrong.
Not related. I downloaded less than 14 hours ago, and the game actually downloads.
The problem might be steam-side so it probably won't fix itself unless you exit steam completely and log back in?
As said - I've already restarted steam completely, with logging out and whatnot, a couple of times by now - no change.

Restarted my computer as well - no change either.

So no, whichever end this problem is on, a simple reset doesn't fix it.
Mine said missing executable but I wouldn't know what to do with yours.
do we tag mike for this sort of stuff...?
Since nothing has worked so far, the f2p week is rapidly coming to an end, and I don't have any ideas...

/me summon @Mike_Z
Hmm. What OS? What language is your computer in by default?
As a VERY stupid question, do you have Steam installed in a nonstandard location? Or is your MyDocs in a nonstandard location?

Do you have multiple monitors, any kind of joy-to-key program like vjoy installed, or some kind of nonstandard USB devices?
Have you tried running it in offline mode for steam?

My first thought would be multiple monitors as some of those setups are known to cause problems. Try the launch option "-res 1280x720" or whatever else, if that doesn't work, try a single monitor.
Second would be vjoy or other similar programs, as they are also known to do that. Try the launch option "-vjoyfix" or get rid of those programs and check.
Third would be disabling any kind of USB device it might think is a joystick but get wrong info from. Try "-defaultkeys" although that shouldn't really do anything to help.

It would be more helpful if Retail had "-log" but I'm not allowed to do that...or if you had the Beta, which does have "-log".
Hmm. What OS?
Kind of stated in the first post... Win 8 Pro x64
What language is your computer in by default?
As a VERY stupid question, do you have Steam installed in a nonstandard location?
"E:\games\SteamGames\" nonstandard enough? Not on the same disk drive where the system is.
Or is your MyDocs in a nonstandard location?
Can... you even do that? I think I have it in the default location
Do you have multiple monitors, any kind of joy-to-key program like vjoy installed
Nope, nope
or some kind of nonstandard USB devices?
All I have is a gamepad, a web-cam and a tablet that is hacked into being my modem :U
Tried unplugging all of that, no change
Have you tried running it in offline mode for steam?
Tried, no change.
<launch options>
Tried all of those, no change.
It would be more helpful if Retail had "-log" but I'm not allowed to do that...or if you had the Beta, which does have "-log".
As told by the first post, I do have both Beta and the normal version... and as also told by the first post, the problem with the log file is that it doesn't even generate to begin with.
I apologize, I don't know how I missed that info in the first post. >.<

and as also told by the first post, the problem with the log file is that it doesn't even generate to begin with.
This doesn't make sense.
If you get to see a loading screen it has already printed LOTS of things to the log.

If you run the Beta with -log, do you get the "The -log option is enabled this might be slow" window?

I'm very confused now.

Could it be something really dumb like your computer not supporting DirectX 9? I don't know how Win8 handles that.
If you run the Beta with -log, do you get the "The -log option is enabled this might be slow" window?
Yes, that window appears. My friend told me that the log should get generated in the documents/skullgirls beta/save data/ folder, but the SG Beta folder still doesn't generate.


Manually creating the folder - again - seemed to have done something.


  • skullgirls beta.txt
    51.8 KB · Views: 634
Aha, okay.
The next thing it's attempting to do after printing that line (before printing the next line) is create a shader, but before that it's attempting to print something onscreen using a system font.
Let me add some more debugging things to tonight's Beta update.
Aha, even more info.
DirectX9 has been REMOVED from Windows 8 and is entirely deprecated in favor of the more complicated DX11. Thanks LOADS, Microsoft.

If that is indeed the problem, then Win8 doesn't support D3DXCompileShader.

Try installing either the DX9 web installer
or the full DX9 redistributable
see if it can even install. If it does, see if it fixes your problem.
Perhaps after installing this you need to force Skullgirls into WinXP compatibility mode, too.

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DirectX was the problem. Installing DX9 specifically made everything work.

Thank you very much!