By #GreatswordMasterRace are we talking Ultra or standard Greatswords? Because either way, I rock both. Mostly UGS tho.
I'm reminded of one particular moment when me and another Phantom were both packing GSs...and the host power-stancing 2 GSs. Was thinking to myself "this guy looks über-l33t. disgonbgud", only for him to be swiftly squashed by Raime in about half a minute. -_-"
Can't deny that damage though. If he got his evades right, it would have been a very short fight.
Also the best place I found for sunbroing was the covetous demon since it's a stupid easy boss and doesn't bloat up your souls too quickly, I could not see trying to sunbro at raime turning out well since most people die at him. Sir alone would prolly be easy to sunbro.
Indeed, but I also need practice against Raime. I beat him solo but it was a VERY close call. Out of Sunny D and nearly dead close.
Personally, I found Sinner's Rise, Shaded Ruins and Amana (by bonfires 2 and 3) to be the best spots for Sunbroing. Your summon sign will get a lot mileage in those places.
I have to say that the optional bosses from Crown of the Iron King are actually too much for me.
Real talk, got repeatedly steam rolled by all of them.
NG++? Here's how I got shit done with my SL150 Dark Chime of Want +5 hexer (relevant stats - 20 VGR, 11 STR, 50 INT, 50 FTH):
Smelter - took the Mastodon AI phantom (and only her!) to tank him while I pumped him full of Great Resonant Souls. #MLG
Raime - very easy for a hexer, just GRS again. Went solo. #Pay2Win
Forever Alonne - very hard for a caster. Everything does pathetic damage and he will punish you anytime you try to chug (gamesandgoodies' mentions you can chug after his dash attack but I personally had no luck; should add my ADP is very low). His dash attack has different timings so I recommended evading on reaction and not anticipation as I do like an idiot (I see him take the stance and roll away - because he moves so fast it some times works but it's not a smart tactic). Anyway, all this talk and how did I pulled it? Brought a Sunbro. (.__.)
With both Raime and Alonne, you really need to learn their combos so you can roll into the last strike (in Raime's case, most of his UGS attacks) and get a hit.
For NG Alonne, I suggest taking the twinblade AI phantom (and only him! yeah, it's the opposite of Smelter). He's very helpful. Doesn't heal but can stay alive a lot longer than the Mastodon phantom.