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Beowulf SPOILERS - Beowulf Story Mode and Other Lore

Which is why I almost expected her to be playable for the Double fight. And not to keep harping on Beowulf but he had good expressions, but a few look...well...
He's a 37 beefy white man do you expect him to be kawaii or something
I did accidentally misread that as "Annie will rub on Beowulf".

The fanworks could happen because of accidents like those.

I'm sorry.
Annie's cute will rub off on Beowulf.

He's gonna be desu as shit.
Or Beo's manly will rub off on Annie.

Just wait, she's gonna be wearing black soon.
I did accidentally misread that as "Annie will rub on Beowulf".

The fanworks could happen because of accidents like those.

I'm sorry.

Too late. They were already at the same screen at the same time and *gasp* talked to each other.

Joking aside, I want to see the adventures of team StarWulf.
Better question will doubles cool shades rub off on to Annie in Beowulf? before you know it everyone is wearing shades

So does Beowulf story make the Zone flash canon?
I didn't like Beo's story mode.
Probably because he has no major role on the whole plot, so yeah.
It felt like "hey, this character was voted but he wasn't on our priorities, so yeah, take this story mode with some annie on it"
Annie was fun.
DDB was right all along and she should've been elected.
So does Beowulf story make the Zone flash canon?

As a fan of Zone and her Filia flash, explain yourself, how does Beo story hint it to be canon? serious question.
I guess this storymode confirms that Sagan is mute?
Oh yeah, that's something else I noticed.
It's clear he's capable of fighting on his own and making his own decisions, but not a word out of him.
Maybe Nuse being mute isn't unique to her, maybe it's a trait shared by all Remote Parasites.
Better question will doubles cool shades rub off on to Annie in Beowulf? before you know it everyone is wearing shades

So does Beowulf story make the Zone flash canon?
You're saying it as if it weren't already cannon.

Never forgot... I know I wont
That's fucked up, man. It's fucked up.
Mainly because Filia's underage.

And I will personally use Grendel's arm to squash the first person to say the words "age of consent" into the ground.
Oh yeah, that's something else I noticed.
It's clear he's capable of fighting on his own and making his own decisions, but not a word out of him.
Maybe Nuse being mute isn't unique to her, maybe it's a trait shared by all Remote Parasites.

I just assumed with the situation being tense and Annie saying everything that needed to be said he didnt have a chance to speak if he could.

Of course he also spent a very short segment of his screen time with a mouth full of other characters and Wulf hand.
Annie's cute will rub off on Beowulf.

He's gonna be desu as shit.
Annie is the cutest damn cute thing of cuteness, my newfound love for Annie is destroying me.

how do you deal with this
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Reactions: Fumako and DDB
That's fucked up, man. It's fucked up.
Mainly because Filia's underage.

And I will personally use Grendel's arm to squash the first person to say the words "age of consent" into the ground.
Ok then good luck with that.
You merely adopted the Annie love. I was born in it, it.
I feel it's only a matter of time before you capture MikeZ and Alex Ahad and for the ransom they have to put Annie in.
I feel like Denizen is Beowulf and DDB is Annie... Look at their glorious profile pictures. It's Overwhelming me with cuteness and manliness. Migod.

Anyone have any opinion regarding Beowulf's move where he says "What'chu gonna do?!" ? What is the meaning of that?
I feel like Denizen is Beowulf and DDB is Annie... Look at their glorious profile pictures. It's Overwhelming me with cuteness and manliness. Migod.

Anyone have any opinion regarding Beowulf's move where he says "What'chu gonna do?!" ? What is the meaning of that?

So do they team up in some sick ass TV show?
Oh yeah, that's something else I noticed.
It's clear he's capable of fighting on his own and making his own decisions, but not a word out of him.
Maybe Nuse being mute isn't unique to her, maybe it's a trait shared by all Remote Parasites.
You try talking with a child's desu eyeball jammed down your throat
Not only that, but the move is pretty hard to punish, so it's a pretty valid statement. What'chu gonna do?
Meanwhile, during all this, Minette's just trying to get by in this cold, vicious world and some crazy dude wearing a wolf pelt keeps popping up everywhere whispering arcane things to her.

Just finished this story for the 3rd time. God I missed so many jokes. Lab Zero, never stop being funny. EVER.
Can you list all the jokes? I can't tell which ones are jokes and which ones aren't.
(Big Band = Squigly > Eliza > Beowulf)
That's probably how I would rank them too. I mean, I don't think Beowulf's story was bad at all, but I just felt the other ones did a slightly better job putting me in the characters' shoes. For Beowulf, it wasn't until around the Marie fight and afterwards that I felt a genuine connection with the guy. I don't think this was a fault of the writing though, but just an overall challenge in dealing with this type of character in this format.

I think what makes Beowulf's Story Mode more complicated than the others, from a narrative perspective, is that it's dealing with a mature character going through a legit image crisis. He's fighting between who he used to be, who he wants to be for the people, and who he wants to be for himself. As a result, Beowulf's personalities before and after the Story Mode are just as important, if not moreso, than his personality during the Story Mode itself. Squigly, Band, and Eliza have fewer identity issues like this, so we can get a clearer picture of who they are within the brevity of their Story Modes.

As a comparison, I think Beowulf's Story Mode is similar to something like Darth Vader's fight with Luke on Cloud City. It's a series of climactic moments, where we see a lot of important character traits in a short span of time, but we still lack some context of how these events truly affect the characters in the long run. Likewise, I think Beowulf's story does a good job giving us slices of his character, and some climactic points, but it still leaves me wanting to know more. I can see where the character arc curves, but not the whole arc.

It's just one of those things that makes me so eager to see these characters revisited somehow in other media. I think a short graphic novel focused on Beowulf could go to some interesting places!
Can you list all the jokes? I can't tell which ones are jokes and which ones aren't.
I wouldn't even be able to remember what the jokes were. I just found all of Beowulf's story to be fairly humorous and light hearted, which I like. SG needed more of that. It made me laugh, quite a bit, and for that gets an A+ from me :D
He's a 37 beefy white man do you expect him to be kawaii or something
Wait you're telling me he isn't?