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Beowulf SPOILERS - Beowulf Story Mode and Other Lore

Fun little tidbit about Japan+Skullgirls: when I recorded my lines, either Mike or Earl joked about how funny it would be to have me record the Japanese version of Beowulf, had there actually been JP voices on their localization. It would've made him seem even more 'NOPIAN!

I'm blanking on the name, but evidently it had been done with some other FG character to make him seem foreign and meat-headed :P
I totally agree. I just think that the art team wanted to both show off certain characters *and* show off some man meat, so the characters were tweaked (in this shot) to meet their desires. I don't know that for sure, it's just that they look so different that it's what makes sense to me.

A shame artistic freedom can destroy my head canon, oh well muscly guys are pretty awesome too
I imagine that other character was Frank West for TVC

He was the only character that had an english voice as opposed to the completely-japanese-voiced rest of the cast

Wait, you mean you'd speak in Japanese? Hmm, who was it
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I imagine that other character was Frank West for TVC

He was the only character that had an english voice as opposed to the completely-japanese-voiced rest of the cast

Wait, you mean you'd speak in Japanese? Hmm, who was it
Yeah, evidently if was a non-native actor doing the JP voice, just doing it phonetically.
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If I had a dollar for every time I heard that in-Zane pun I would be a millionaire...
On the Japanese wiki they have got translations and meanings to Beowulf's quotes and they think the 'Step aboard the AROOO train!' line is a reference to Futurama. XD Pun-barrier!

I tried to find out some more nicknames with by basic-peasant Japaese skills, but couldn't really find that much else. So I got some non-Beo trivia here if you are interested:

Peacock uses the first-person pronoun 'atashi' which is very informal and is often considered cute. It is rarely used in written language (but common in conversation, especially among younger women). There seems to have been some translation difficulties (?) with Peacock, as some words in her bio/dialogue don't have a Japanese equivalent. For example some people get the impression she is contradictory for being a fan of anime (Annie of the Stars/Cartoons) while hating 'geeks' (a less extreme otaku (?)) as 'nerd' can't be translated into Japanese directly, so a similar word has to get used. Also fans had a lot of speculation before the game was translated on what her pronoun would be, as she has a 'heroic and charismatic spirit'. I think the latter is referring to her being adventurous/rebellious but I'm not 100% sure.

Also Squigly seems to be really popular because her personality is gentle and understanding, probably moreso in Japan as her dialogue uses old (feudal?) language making her more relatable to the culture. Don't quote me though. Marie also seems popular but I didn't look into much about her. Another thing I found interesting is that I saw some people complain about Valentine because she's too old. Yeah. I'm pretty sure they are in the minority though...
For example some people get the impression she is contradictory for being a fan of anime (Annie of the Stars/Cartoons) while hating 'geeks' (a less extreme otaku (?)
Peacock pointing out Annie show canon inconsistencies in the end of Beo's story seems extra funny now.
While walking, you chance upon a calm meadow, lush green grass beneath you. It feels cool against your bare feet, so very unlike what you walked on to get there. Though you saw many bright, beautiful flowers on your path here, this is different, and the sensation feels refreshing. You notice another person not too far from you, sitting in the grass with an angry expression.

"I like flowers, though!"

I am disappoint.
I dont get it
Pig-chan? Sheesh, what's the vendetta against Filia's weight? She's barely even chubby! Give her a break.

Anyway, I think it's for the best that people were mistaken about Leduc's gender. I can't really come up with the right words, but I think it's something to do with shattering the thought that men can't be fundamentally attractive in the same way women are?
The Japanese steam community call Filia pig chan because they're too intimidated by her thick thighs and chubby belly.

They dont goddess thighs when they see it
I feel like a lot of the appeal and references in the story and beowulf as a character was lost on me since i'm not a fan of wrestling, (Though I think that he's very well written for what he's supposed to be and kai did a fantastic job for the in battle lines) but the fact that after escaping from double beowulf and annie popped out of one of the cyan veins on final atrium has a lot of interesting lore implications.

...And just like with Eliza's story mode seeing double do all of these cool shapeshifting into dragons and monster stuff really makes me wish she had some more unique moves in her moveset. Every time I say this I feel bad because of how cool and well done the animations are with double and skullgirls is in general but man it's like standing on top of a mountain and seeing an even higher one in the distance.
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Um... Isn't that Final Atrium?
Final atrium is bits of the church suspended mid-air by skull veins isn't it?
The area between the church and Gehenna is a dark cavern with veins coming out in places, I love it.
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Final atrium is bits of the church suspended mid-air by skull veins isn't it?
The area between the church and Gehenna is a dark cavern with veins coming out in places, I love it.
It just looks like the catacombs under Marie's influence.

A catacombs stage would be awesome though.
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I've been thinking... that maybe Beowulf did die in his Story Mode. But not physically. In the end he (most likely) didn't wrestle anymore, thus losing his "Beowulf" nickname, and became Annie's partner. That is if "Beowulf" is his wrestling nickname.
Can we please, PLEASE get the place between Gehenna and the church as a stage~?
I thought it was below the Final Atrium, then in Beowulf's story, it was Double's stomach........

Yeah, I'm late. But, I went through Beo's story.

I dunno. He's a little...dumber than I envisioned. lol

I can understand throwing in a little bit of Hercule/Bang Shishigami flavor in there, but at times, it was like...dude, really? I did enjoy him thinking that Yu-Wan and Minette were camera people, though.

And the whole Grendel thing being staged really kind of makes his one claim to fame/feat of strength slightly lesser than, though I find the premise of why it was set up to be interesting. But, it being like almost everyone that he met seemed to know that his status was a hoax to begin with + Annie just kind of showing up and being all-knowing/all-powerful just only served to make both characters kind of lame for completely different reasons.

I'm not saying it was a complete wash, as Beo did have some cool moments (lol at suplexing the arm) and I had to stare at the Zane/Double thing to make sure that I was actually seeing two pairs of sunglasses and I wasn't high or something.

And I was unprepared for gratuitous tentacle hell. lol
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And the whole Grendel thing being staged really kind of makes his one claim to fame/feat of strength
Grendel wasn't the only person he fought, remember that.
Throughout his entire career he was undefeated.
I think they are having an internal freak out over Filia being cute although she is a little chubby.

They are totally tsundere over Filia.
They're too scared to admit the cute chubby girl is cute huh? Guess that's their problem.

Honestly I think Filia is hot, and her chubby belly, chubby thighs, and umm... large posterior makes her way better overall.
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