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Eliza SPOILERS - Eliza Story Mode Discussion

I wanna say this is obviously meant to be a joke, but I'm scared to because this seems like the kinda shit Lab Zero would put in their game.
Skeleton wars confirmed for cannon
It seems we lost the "Deal with it." winpose and the "Victory looks great on me." dress. The other dresses seem to have shifted around, with the new ones on LP and HK.
The story mode was pretty entertaining. Cerebella getting killed (Apparently Eliza is a jojo vampire), Fortune being used as a slurpie, the reunion between samson, leviathan and sehkment (or neferu as they called her).


Also that cliffhanger at the end ;)
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Classy there, chap.

I know she might cause you troubles but come on.
Nah, I don't have major problems with Bella, specially because I DO play her and know how she works, but IMHO she sucks so fucking much as a character.
SO here's a fun fact for you:
The voices in the Gehenna stage sound about the same backwards as they do forwards.
So no luck there.
Beowulf is gonna be such a palate cleanser, geez.
Not happening. After defeating Mega Maid XL, Eliza wrecks the Medici family and is about to enslave the world until a man with a little-more-than-ordinary chair suplexes her. From there, he becomes a new god that the people worship in a ring fit for the gods. And he become worse than Eliza

Chicks dig giant robots
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REMEMBER she said something on the lines of how mortals over time tend to make our lives into fairy tales? So she's trying to say that there are no goddesses just people who once lived long ago with an unidentifiable source of power and the norm called them God.

Eliza the cause of all the theon's problems and Lamia not a god. I figured Aeon and Venus weren't gods but didn't think they were dead
I'm personally stand at a 'just above heh' feeling with Elisa's story to be honest. I like that we got some more backstory to Samson and Dalilah and to as why Parasites are looked down upon. Also setting up a forth major villain is nice as we as the other 3 villains are either too much in the spotlight; the Medicis and Double/Skullgirl, or too out of the way; Braindrain (though that could argued with painwheel but the fact that he isn't playable or involved directly other than to painwheel doesn't really help). Though I found somethings to be completely ridiculous with Elisa's story, like killing Aeon and Venus seems really absurd, as while Elisa maybe powerful in her story mode, it is reveled that she either died or came close to dying after being attacked by, what I assume, may have been Parasites tired of her and 'reign' (one of which being Leviathan [or just Leviathan himself] (also I'm speculating that this was after the whole Dalilah incident). So killing Aeon and Venus seems kind far fetched, maybe in this time line back when she was Crimson Scourge she was able to do so IDK we're still to much in the dark to say one way or another. Also going from fearing the Medici's blackmail threat to giant blood monster is making me think that Elisa's power is being played up a lot. Like this is her at her peak, not her actual strength, kind like how Peacock in her story is an unstoppable killing machine but in BB's story she to inexperienced to take down BB let alone Marie. So yeah the story over all was fun and all but I feel it was a bit much, especially as Squigs and BB's stories were seem so much more down to Earth by comparison.
Posting this theory by http://skullboysfinale.tumblr.com/post/98855108055/way-to-go-eliza-way-to-go-more-okay

(Way to go, Eliza, way to go…)

(Okay, that was an incredible story mode. To be honest, Lab Zero is doing a fantastic job with the DLC story modes, and I hope we can get rewritten story modes for the rest of the cast, or at least extended story modes for them; you know, Squigly, Big Band and Eliza’s story modes are full of meaningful fights, while the default roster… let’s say they use the Touhou method: beat any sorry girl who crosses your way until you find the root of the problem and some info in the process.

There was a lot of shocking moments. The fact that “Parasites” apparently were revered as Gods -Theons?-, how Eliza’s actions apparently made the Theons to be feared and despised… and of course, Cerebella’s death, Filia and Nadia being enslaved by Eliza, and even poor Squigly ended up as an alarm clock in case of the Skull Heart0s return. Lorenzo was practically a walking corpse, so that confirms he was actually using the Life Gem to extend his life. That ties up with Cerebella’s ending; it’s obvious Vitale won’t give the gem back to his father… after all, I’m sure he wants to be the next heir of the Medici mafia empire.

The Trinity might not be goddesses at all, just… Saints? I mean, apparently they were like Eliza; princesses or queens with powerful Theons, but when Eliza killed them and destroyed their kingdom -probably they were the empresses of the old Meridian empire-, people mourned their deaths and praised them as goddesses. Still, maybe Queen Lamia found a way to become an actual goddess and revive her daughters as godly beings. I never expected Eliza to not know about the existence of Double, though…

Finally, but not least important, I’m really glad about Marie’s surprise appearance at the end. Yeah, sure, it might look cheesy, or related to giant robots from sentai shows, but here’s my two cents:

Double/Lamia wants Eliza dead. She might have her own agenda, but she hates Eliza so much, she’s willing to throw everything she has at her. Eliza destroyed the Heart, we saw the exact moment her blood beetles devoured it. Squigly’s “demise” is the perfect evidence of this. So why is Marie still “alive”?

Easy. Lamia resurrected her as her champion. There’s no time to make another Skull Heart, and the last Skullgirl, Marie, was powerful enough to wield the Heart without succumbing to its powers. That’s why Lamia brought her back and even gave her power over the Skull Heart; she will be able to do anything she wants -Kill all the Medicis- as long as she kills Eliza for good. What does this means? Marie confirmed for DLC Marie’s defeat is not canon and her role will be pivotal in this conflict, effectively making her the equivalent of Rachel Alucard.

To be honest, I felt… sympathy for Double/Lamia, even for Dahlia, who apparently is ready to fight against a fucking feral blood titan just to protect Lorenzo.

Gentlemen, I like Skullgirls. Gentlemen, I like Skullgirls. Gentlemen, I love Skullgirls. Gentlemen, I desire a Skullgirls 2 game that is like Hell.

Not happening. After defeating Super Maid,

Not "super maid", it is MEGA MAID.
I'm sure this has been clarified somewhere on this thread, but god damn, Eliza's story sprites are creepy as fuck.
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"That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die."

Aeon is indeed pretty strange, she's made out of an hourglass. Case closed.
Best story mode so far.


It was incredible. It was shocking as hell, I couldn't believe Eliza killed Cerebella and then went on with everyone else!

And now I truly believe that Double is some kind of puppet with limited freedom. She may act on her own, but Lamia can take control of her body any time.
I also believe that Aeon and Venus were powerful beings like Eliza, they got killed but somehow they became divinities. Maybe because people started to worship them. Some kind of tulpa?

The final fight, zomg. I really wanted Fillia and Squigly to win, but... you know, it felt strange. It was like you were controlling the final boss of the game lol

Eliza is nothing like a anti-heroine or something. She is a villain. We played with the villain!

(I loved the appearances of the Medicis and Dahlia, they were awesome. Lorenzo is a corpse for Lamia's sake)

Dat cliffhanger.

I was like "holy shit now we start a fight between Mega Marie and Super Eliza? is this like some mecha fight?" but then it was over!!

So I believe that Beowulf will team up with Marie and maybe some other important characters that didn't show up (Parasoul, Big Band). Because they will need the Black Egrets and the Lab 8 on their side if they want to defeat Eliza.

Albus and Horace were some great comic relief, I want more of them.


Lab Zero, they outdid themselves.

edit: I love you, Aeon.
I had a bunch of different outfits on my playthrough. Just luck probably? I think they're all random.


:LP:,:MP:,:HP:,:LK:,:MK:,:HK:,:PP:, or :KK: gives you diferent outfits after you win. And they did add some eliza contest outfits :)
It seems we lost the "Deal with it." winpose and the "Victory looks great on me." dress. The other dresses seem to have shifted around, with the new ones on LP and HK.
I wonder why those aren't around, we can have Eliza naked in her bath but not super skimpy winposes? I loved those!

Edit: It seems only Ragyo's dress is nowhere to be seen. Interesting.
Man, too creepy that story mode. And the fact that I had to fight againist my team at the end didn't helped.
BTW, something I found hilarious in hindsight:

Lorenzo: "You want to see desperate? Desperate is when I rip out your skeleton and see if it's more useful to me then you are!"

And Eliza is just like


Eliza: BRB I'm gonna kill half the cast, then break your little tower in 2.

:LP:,:MP:,:HP:,:LK:,:MK:,:HK:,:PP:, or :KK: gives you diferent outfits after you win. And they did add some eliza contest outfits :)
Thanks! I love the :PP: dress. A pity #1 Diva isn't in.
Never seen a skeleton look this flirty before.

Even the ankh arm is folding into an "oh you, teehee~".

Oh Dear mercy....am I...finding that skeleton attractive...somewhat? *insert dated Super Model joke, drink heavily and weep under bridge*
Ah, I seem to have been corrected. We just lost Raygo dress and gained a sweet new smoking pose and an even more covered up skimpy bikini. Never thought of double punches, just held down Throw and two tags before giving up. >x<
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Ah, I seem to have been corrected. We just lost Raygo dress and gained a sweet new smoking pose and an even more covered up skimpy bikini. Never thought of double punches, just held down Throw and two tags before giving up. >x<

But we gained sweet, sweet servant ass.
I don't really hate bella and i don't particularly love Ms.fortune but i'm glad bella died in this story since she killed ms.fortune. It's only fair.

After going through that story it made me realize everyday must be that time of the month for Eliza.
I hope beowulf doesn't come and save the day from Eliza. Maybe teamed up with Cerebella but not by himself.
parasites are not living weapons, uhhh