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Street Fighter 4

If it's broken let's not bother fixing it. Crapcom's motto
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"we suck at balancing so you can choose which version you want"
lawd only knows how this is gonna affect the scene
I see this as a really good thing. every character could have a chance to be OP and the game becomes super offensive or, specific versions of the characters will be allowed in tourneys for ultimate balance. I like this idea!
tournaments will need REALLY strict rules about this

and very clear options about it in online play too
NO! everyone is broken! therefore everyone is god tier and it becomes the ultimate balancing!

truly! the age of gods has ended and the age of men will commence!
Oh this will be a glorious moshpit of Vanilla Sagat, Super Cammy, and Arcade Yun :D

Capcom logic in action.
This might not be good for the new characters, now that I think about it. There's going to be 5 versions of certain characters, but the new ones only get one? It would be expected, yes, but how many people are even less interested in them now?
This might not be good for the new characters, now that I think about it. There's going to be 5 versions of certain characters, but the new ones only get one? It would be expected, yes, but how many people are even less interested in them now?
what if we get multiple forms of the new ones though? :O
what if we get multiple forms of the new ones though? :O
Next you're gonna tell me there's gonna be 3S versions of 3S characters
what if we get multiple forms of the new ones though? :O
That's a possibility, but I don't think it's that simple. I never played the games, so I don't know how older character's versions would feel like, but I know that they should fall into a category based on the game. If they give multiple versions of them here, it won't be like older versions of them, it'll be like multiple versions of them balanced specifically to Ultra.

That's what I'm pretty sure would happen, though I may be wrong.
Next you're gonna tell me there's gonna be 3S versions of 3S characters
... what if there were?
If it's like the Hyper Street Fighter games we've gotten before (and I bet whatever Capcom gaming cred I have that it will be), there won't be AE versions of Ultra characters or 3S versions of SSFIV characters.

Online and tourneys, though... yeah. They're both screwed without some sort of edition lock feature.
but think about it, everyone will pick the best versions of every character. every character can be viable.
Online and tourneys, though... yeah. They're both screwed without some sort of edition lock feature.
there will probably be two online setting modes:

oh my god, ex. sesmo will not be throw punishable and be more invincible i'm a freaking out rn

i can dream right?
guys! you're only seeing one side of this!

yes one person can use a version of a character that was over powered, but so can the other person! its like Mahvel in your Street Fighter!
One of the things worth noting is that it appears that the older versions of the characters aren't going to have a lot of the mechanics from later updates available to them, similar to how the O.characters in ST didn't have supers. So going vanilla means only having one ultra, and I presume going Ultra is the only way to have access to W-ultra, red focus, and delayed wakeup.
guys! you're only seeing one side of this!

yes one person can use a version of a character that was over powered, but so can the other person! its like Mahvel in your Street Fighter!
Is going the Mahvel route really a good idea in this case?
Is going the Mahvel route really a good idea in this case?
I was actually thinking about buying Ultra, but not anymore because the thing that doesn't make sense is that Crapcom spent all this money on editions and balancing out the OP characters just to put them all in the game. Wasn't Crapcom saying how this will be the most balanced edition because of fan feedback? yeah Crapcom your doing a great job "balancing".

I'm just gonna stay with my 3rd strike, but when(if) SFV comes out I hope they look back at 3rd strike for inspiration.
Zombies, this isn't a bad thing. I honestly fail to see why it is.
Unexpected development, but I don't mind.
So long as there's RULES for this online.
I do NOT wanna end up facing all the overpowered versions of characters all at once online.
Because it'd literally just be all the OP ones.
Unexpected development, but I don't mind.
So long as there's RULES for this online.
I do NOT wanna end up facing all the overpowered versions of characters all at once online.
Because it'd literally just be all the OP ones.
then why not use an OP character too?
every character could have a chance to be OP and the game becomes super offensive or, specific versions of the characters will be allowed in tourneys for ultimate balance.
So unbalanced it's balanced.
Because that worked out pretty well in the past.

Might as well add System Direction if they're going to let people indulge in such madness.
I do like the idea of Bison getting the old Psycho Punisher input and as a Seth player, I keep reading on how he gets progressively weaker with each iteration (not sure if true) but I'unno....
A very uneducated opinion but I feel that if such a thing is allowed in tournaments, it will only narrow down the number of "viable choices" even further. Theoretically, at least. There's still surprises like Gen and Hakan (not remembering the players' names atm).

Wasting time with this shit when they could be adding Karin or Q... *mumble mumble*
I'm really only on board with this purely because of how stupid it is.

I guess multiple character types could work as a tourney standard.

Isn't that how Melty works?
Zombies, this isn't a bad thing. I honestly fail to see why it is.
I just hate how Crapcom kept harping how Ultra will be balanced because of fan feedback, but then just go the easy route and put all the characters they wasted time balancing into the game. Also with all the unbalanced characters back what's the point of learning one of the new characters when I could just jump on the bandwagon and use an OP character. With this new version it completely destroys variety that you'll see online as well as tournaments.
That's what I'm worried about too.
I don't wanna fight just Sagat over and over again, and be forced to use a similarly OP character just because I can't keep up.
That's what I'm worried about too.
I don't wanna fight just Sagat over and over again, and be forced to use a similarly OP character just because I can't keep up.
you mean how other fighting games have the top tier character constantly picked? and I'm sure that online will have some way to limit whether or not they can pick other versions or just use the ultra versions of the characters.

I just hate how Crapcom kept harping how Ultra will be balanced because of fan feedback, but then just go the easy route and put all the characters they wasted time balancing into the game. Also with all the unbalanced characters back what's the point of learning one of the new characters when I could just jump on the bandwagon and use an OP character. With this new version it completely destroys variety that you'll see online as well as tournaments.
Capcom is still making the Ultra versions of the characters too. its exactly like Hyper version was.

:/ they didn't give up they're just giving us chances at more variety. plus, there would still be people who would complain about the balancing and say it sucks anyway.

this way, everyone is pleased.

also, theres the possibility that this is a MODE, meaning there might still be normal ultra stuff going on alongside this. let's wait to throw the schoolyard insults like "crapcom"
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Although I had Super for a month and didn't win a single match and super hated the game, I picked up AE and hoping to get into it (maybe I can go to tournaments and not have to HOPE a game i play is there). Still shit at it though. :D

from what I gather about the whole versions thing, i've heard that it's a mode that can be turned off, and tournaments will only play Ultra-only. someone told me that Jebailey said that last part, but I don't have a source so take it with a grain of salt.
from what I gather about the whole versions thing, i've heard that it's a mode that can be turned off, and tournaments will only play Ultra-only. someone told me that Jebailey said that last part, but I don't have a source so take it with a grain of salt.
Ok good, I'll accept that.
If I'm bored and just wanna laugh at how unbalanced some characters are, I'll play any version mode
from what I gather about the whole versions thing, i've heard that it's a mode that can be turned off, and tournaments will only play Ultra-only. someone told me that Jebailey said that last part, but I don't have a source so take it with a grain of salt.

They mentioned that it was a new mode on stream earlier.
https://twitter.com/CEOJebailey He tweeted this:
As of now edition select won't be selectable at #ceo2014. Gonna be sticking to strictly Ultra SF4 for official tourney play. Maybe in 2015.

Sounds pretty clear to me.
i mean you'll be able to have tourneys with exclusively past versions as well
i guess
shenanigans are okay too
when's wrestling
Edition Select will be where the real fun's at anyway.
What's the best version of Dan?

This is important because I need to be as OP as possible.
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