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stuck at creating a room, creating a lobby

Dat chink

New Member
i cant join any find any lobby, join game from friend list i got (version dismatch)
cant create a lobby, got this screen and stuck forever http://love-n-peace.org/EccM/temp/l1.jpg
cant play quick match, stuck at creating a room
happen in beta and retail
Some ppl in here got same problem
this problem start 1 week ago

keeping reset steam and try to create a lobby, if i m lucky it will not stuck and then i can play until i closed the steam
this is the second time i report this
We are from Taiwan, and now i m sure all of our people got same problem, this is not an single case anymore

we cant join any, or find any lobby, or join game from friend list all i got is (version dismatch)
if we create a lobby, we got this screen and stuck forever http://love-n-peace.org/EccM/temp/l1.jpg
cant play quick match, will stuck at (creating a room)
happen in beta and retail

if we wait long enough in steam and not start the game, we will get a disconnect from steam, if we are lucky we can play the game until we close the steam,

skullgirls is the single case now, we got "steam disconnect" problem for a long time, but the skullgirls problem is started at may
we can play any online game we want, except skullgirls online match

this problem is very annoying, someone please fix this
this is the steam chat from our group talking about this problem, if u want u can do google translate,

OldHung8624: 換我不能連也不能開了= =
OldHung8624: 會傳染耶
ChinkeChinka417.TW: 他會出現什
OldHung8624: 連人跟你一樣
OldHung8624: 開的話就卡住了
OldHung8624: 音樂畫面繼續然後我不會到大廳右邊格子
ChinkeChinka417.TW: 所以我不是個案了
ChinkeChinka417.TW: 我去BUGREPORT也是沒回應
ChinkeChinka417.TW: 推側是
ChinkeChinka417.TW: 國家與線路問題
OldHung8624: VENTOS和LESSON也有過啊
ChinkeChinka417.TW: 整體的狀況
OldHung8624: 臺灣又爆炸了
ChinkeChinka417.TW: 因為沒有人有類似的問題
ChinkeChinka417.TW: 除了我門
OldHung8624 is now Online.
ChinkeChinka417.TW: 不要重開STEAM
ChinkeChinka417.TW: 等
OldHung8624: 他自己斷的啦
ChinkeChinka417.TW: 偶爾會斷線不是
ChinkeChinka417.TW: 在上去
OldHung8624: 這幾天斷很兇
ChinkeChinka417.TW: 通常就可以玩了
ChinkeChinka417.TW: >>通常<<
ChinkeChinka417.TW: 我先寫BUGREPORT
OldHung8624: 連斷後可以開了 太神奇
OldHung8624 is now Online.
I'm no expert or anything, but have you tried re-installing it?
I've actually gotten the "version mismatch" error about 3 times. I haven't received the error since.
I'm no expert or anything, but have you tried re-installing it?
I've actually gotten the "version mismatch" error about 3 times. I haven't received the error since.
"version mismatch" is a different problem, i beleve u can still do quick match
and yes, reinstall the game, even reinstall the windows, a clear install without anti virus software only steam and skullgirls

ChinkeChinka417.TW: the overall situation
OldHung8624: Taiwan has exploded

Best thread ever
google translate for the win