you say that now. Just wait until he starts licking his lips when ever he's near one of his "targets"
I never found that unsettling, either.
Christina Vee and Mike Z for everyone.
They've said on the campaign page, and in interviews, that the base funding goal covers Voiceovers to the extent that they're found in games like Valkyrie Profile (PS1). This includes the cost for casting VA talent they haven't necessarily worked with before.
That's cool. :)Just to start a discussion, lets talk anout the possible real weapon Ren use with is hair.
*I don't want to talk about his beauty*
It is possible he is using a karambit.
"The karambit comes from Southeast Asia, where legend holds that it was inspired by the claws of big cats. It was used as a farming tool in the region by the peasant class but, eventually, was used as a weapon. (As all pointy objects usually are.) In Indonesia, it was considered a peasant’s weapon but soldiers would use it as their last resort when their other weapons were lost. A point of interest is that it became popular with women as a self-defense weapon. They would tie it into their hair."
Just realized that means Ajna is actually Kirby this whole time!
That would be really nice.I really really like Ren, wondering how he'll turn out in the actual game. Loving the blades in the air and i wonder if he'll have an attack where he attacks with his braid or something.
For some reason i hope they ran into him like he's been hired to kill Ajna and then beaten he goes "alright you won i guess you're my boss now"
Not necessarily. Ajna might pick up the kusarigama elsewhere, and finding Ren might just let her unlock a secret special ability with it.