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Team Building Guide + Feedback

Dropping a little questionnaire for Marie to help with working on her guide when I get to it. If anyone has any answers to these, please share. It'll make things much smoother for me.

1. How would you describe Marie's role on a team? Can she do something that no/most other characters can't as a partner?

2. What reasons are there to put Marie on point/mid/anchor over other strong points/mids/anchors, if any?

3. What are her good assists, and are any of them particularly good for helping deal with certain character archetypes? (EX: Band Brass against... anyone, but it's /the/ anti-zoning assist)

4. What are the weakest aspects of her game that assists can help with? What are her strongest aspects worth making stronger with assists?

5. What are her favorite assists and why? (Ignore this if it's just Brass/Beat/Beam)

6. Do any characters particularly love any of her assists?

7. How is her meter building, and is she notably weaker without meter/notably more threatening with meter?

8. Are there any characters who enable strong, unique game plans for her? (In the vein of Val/Excellabella, Beo/A'Train)

9. Does Marie enable unique game plans for any other characters?

10. Are there any particularly strong DHCs or tag routes/setups with Marie (either direction)?

11. Are there any characters of note that she pairs poorly with? Do they compete for a position, meter, really poor DHC synergy, etc.?
Hi, I am not a good player. But I have a lot of teck that maire can do and because I know not many people will respond to this thread I feel I should do something. I know because I am not even close to intermediate (around the 800 hour mark if you want to go by hours, I don't) my opinions are subjective but I can at least provide information and a place to go for more.

1. everyone will put her on point, it is her best role. she does not have what it takes to be a mid and she just sort of does not work as a anchor. this is mainly do to her assists. Now her assists are a mess of complications and opinions of people. especially because not a lot of information on them is out there. So ultimately there needs to be a whole discussion about how you use Maire's assist, but on the whole they're a bit too hard to use for the reward that they give you. not that the reward is bad but getting there is so much harder compared to other assists. yes I know that is vague but this needs a whole essay to be discussed. And because her only good DHC Target is her level three and Marie is such a good battery, like really good, she is always put as point.

2. As stated above she is a really good battery, There are not many good ways that you can be DHCing into her. But her supers are very malleable and can be used with a lot of other characters as DHC targets. Basically if you have her on point you can DHC into another character incredibly easy but if you have her as mid or anchor it becomes a whole lot harder for a charter to be DHCing into her, unless you're level three but at that point it's probably not worth it.. She works best when she has assists, especially some that can boost damage or have armor as they greatly increase her neutral. outside of that it just comes down to people don't quite know how to use her assists currently / they're just not worth using because they're too much of a work around you must do to get the positives out of them.

3. The best ones are probably H Haymaker and Dust Bunny. H Haymaker I have found to be an incredibly good neutral tool and if you land a hit before the Haymaker comes out it boosts your damage significantly. I remember when Marie first came out I would call it a mini Lenny that does not cost meter, I don't do it anymore but still. Dust Bunny especially with taunt up is incredibly good pressure on the ground. But if the opponent knows what to do versus them they're effectively useless especially since a lot of other assists the opponent could run just kind of cancel them out. beam springs to mind. these help with Specific charter that have bad neutral but that is about it. again these need to be talked about in longer form.

4. I might as well start with the obvious: she has incredibly poor defense. I think it is tied with a robo as the weakest in the game although in some ways she is worse than robo or Robo who could be considered worse depending on what you want in defense. Marie has a single hit of armor move, like robo, but it comes out so slowly that you can mindlessly Mash on it and will break the armor. But because it is cancelable at any point technically you could take one hit and then cancel into an invincible move, Maire’s only Invincible level 1 super to be specific. Marie has a reversal command grab supper unlike robo but it's kind of useless if the opponent is constantly in the air like a Beowulf. You could also level 3 but everyone seems to dislike that move significantly so I just won't kind of. I like it but I think that's because I'm a beginner and it gets anybody off of me. so I will consider them a tie with the worst defense in the game.

Second is she has a very big problem with damage. well I wouldn't say very big but it's very noticeable. basically because a lot of your best moves that you can get in with scale you so incredibly hard you basically do nothing. Bunny, lazer and jLP to name a few, and because the in-betweens of your resets don't let you fit in a lot of damage you just kind of end up not doing a lot. I suspect this could be mitigated with the use of a meter between resets but that gets iffy and is strange. So basically you end up constantly needing to go for resets and this runs into the problem of having too much undizzy or needing to play around the undizzy and be predictable to get the undizzy lower assuming the opponent knows how Marie resets work. currently not many do so a lot of us can get away with doing stupid s*** but when people start catching on with how maire resets work it won't last that long. Assuming you want damage.

Third, This comes down to our neutral. normally in Skullgirls to make up for low damage you have incredibly good keep away and Zoning tools. think Robo or peacock. where effectively if you let them they can play keep away forever. she can't do this. She can kind of cycle through beam and bunny one or two times but eventually she has to go in or will be opened up really easily. At least that's my experience, people have said other things and I know there's a lot of discussion going around about how this isn't true. but effectively you're going in as Marie you kind of have to. Ultimately people will come to you and that helps out a lot because you can go to air to air buttons But if they're smart it gets a whole lot harder. again this might change with people knowing more about the character and what to do against her but for now her neutral tools just don't feel as useful as other characters. and her damag/mix isn't enough to make up for it. Also I might as well say this here cuz I don't know if I have another spot to put this but she has a really good mix. it's just that a lot of people don't know about it or how to use it but it's there it's good.

That doesn't feel like everything but it's the most I feel comfortable with putting into stone. and even then the third paragraph feels kind of iffy and more personal opinion but I think it should be stated.

5. Her favorite assist is 100% H brass. it just adds so much utility and damage to her kit that it is undoubtedly the best she can possibly have. But because I don't play band,somy favorite is Heavy Lock and Load. it does kind of the same things H brass does but lets me play Bella. effectively having armor, damage and it can fit easily into combos. It is amazing and neutral and helps out a lot. From what I can tell the actual best assists she can run with Bella is excelaBella. But I like lock and load too much.

6. As stated above her assists are not all that good. or at least that is the general conceits. I love having H hay with bella, feels amazing in neutral. I will not say it is good but I love it.

7. She has amazing meter building. consistently I will have like six Bars by the end of the game Just by how much I build up in use. I think because people have incorporated level 3 or high damage in meter combos into Marie's game plan that people don't see her as a threat with meter. but a Marie with three bars or a character with Marie in the back with three bars is actually rather threatening because Spirit Bomb is surprisingly good and you can crank out like 10K without any asists in the combo. But I think that is very much my personal opinion and most likely there's a better way to use that meter. Either way I think more meter should be used in her game plan but I don't know how to do it. it's kind of hard considering how her supers work

8. Marie effectively loves anybody's best assists. I have so much random Tech, resets and random things you can do with basically everybody in the cast that make her look like a top five character. she's not one but it's a lot. I don't think it lets her play in unique way. I just think it gives her more tools and more ways to mix/pressure you.

9. nope, not that I have seen at a top level. it is just kind of maire stuff. anything I try does not work out because of my skill so I will firmly say nothing on this until I am better.

10. I probably have something in the playlist that I made, but not that I know of. I most likely could find some.

11. Beo, probably Dahlia to but jury is still out. otherwise she loves everyone. like everyone can do something good with her, she will work well with everyone. even fortune.

12. (just some stuff I want to get out there) I find that a lot of her problems come form people not knowing everything she can do/how to beat it. a lot of core information is scattered around and needs to be put in one spot for people to see. I am trying to do that but ultimately I am failing. but she is defiantly in a ruff spot. I think she needs some of her damage nerfs reverted (the one that hit our base damage comes to mind) a real defensive tool that we can use to compensate or a way to do more mix. I think the most uncontroversial diction is to make Hay Despawn faster faster when we are combing someone.

But I don't think we can ask for this because when Marie was just kind of fine everyone shut down any sort of complaints you could possibly have about her strength. you weren't allowed to complain because she's a zoner, even though she's not, like not fully. The topic around Marie is weird but ultimately I think what needs to happen first before anything is for people to know what she can do and how she works so that we don't make rash decisions and consistently belittle people who don't have all the information cuz it's hard to find. And this goes for both parties because neither side normally knows what the hell they're talking about. Which is sad because I really like how she plays but people constantly want to shove her more in the direction of a zoner even though they don't play the character. At least that's the consensus I get when talking about it online with people who don't play the character.

I didn't get to talk about all the positives I think she has or like why her mix is so good or that it is good in the first, because it is. Baby feels a follow-up with how her game plan flows and what she can do in each scenario. I could explain it better there. But yeah if you need help with anything feel free to ask. I at least know the people to talk to who know more than me and know better.
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Marie's page and corresponding sections on other character pages are done now. Also made some changes to recommended character positions such as no longer calling Beowulf a "point only" character, Umbrella changed from point/mid to mid/anchor since it seems some Umbrella players think point is her weakest slot. Though if you wanna argue against this then I'm all ears.

For Marie in particular, I'm not exactly confident on some of the synergy and duo ratings and pretty much defaulted to just "Yeah, this sounds good" for most matches. She's still new so I'm not stressing it, but if you can argue that X character is one of her favorite partners or Y partner is "decent at best" then feel free to speak your mind. Any specifics on pros/cons for Marie shells are appreciated.

And as always, videos on team combos/resets/setups etc. are always welcome, for Marie especially but also any member of the cast. Youtube videos are vastly preferred over other formats, Twitter videos vastly undesired. My own Twitter account just got "permanently suspended" out of the blue so I am once again stressing how awful Twitter is for archiving tech.
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