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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Steven W. Hunt

Patron Saint
Sep 5, 2013
Reaction score
Moesko Island, WA
Valentine Ms. Fortune Peacock
My active interest has waned a few times, but the TMNT are pretty much my favorite thing ever. New school, old school, middle school... even the dumb and obscure stuff like Next Mutation and the anime.

The current TV series on Nickelodeon and comic from IDW are pretty freakin' sweet. Good amounts of humor and action. And both love taking original characters and turning them into old favorites.

How much do I love Turtles? See for yourself. This is the newest pic I've taken of my spare room wall.... http://img801.imageshack.us/img801/2613/yg0u.jpg (link'd 'cause huge).

Unfortunately I hear the new "Out of the Shadows" game isn't all that great (I'm waiting for the PS3 version since I have the dough on my account already).
I have love for the Turtles as well. While I grew up on the 80s show the 2003 cartoon is my absolute favorite incarnation. I re-watched the original movie on youtube two weeks ago and it still holds up. The segments of the movie where everyone is at the farmhouse still remain my favorite part of the movie.

I wanted to get the PC version of Out of the Shadows but it's a godawful port. I'm reading all over the steam forum how mutliplayer doesn't work (impossible to start a private game or invite friends to a lobby), can't cancel out of quick match, unresponsive controls, wild camera and other glitches. I won't until the problems get patched if ever.
I find that the 2003 series sadly gets the least love these days. The elements from it haven't been integrated as much into the new stuff yet (IDW's just getting it's first big element with Hun).
The 2003 stuff got a lot of love in the 4th volume of the Mirage series. Hun, the foot mystics and the battle nexus were used in that volume
Yeah, that's true. But still, you know... there's like zero new 2003 merch and very few reused characters. Even the MechWreckers from 2003's toy line are being re-issued with the '88 Turtles.

Though I guess they deserve some lovin' since outside of Turtles Forever, the 25th Anniversary line, and All Tomorrow's Yesterdays the Turtles of the 80's/90's never got much appreciation at all.
I wasn't aware of this lack of love the 2003 series is receiving. That's disheartening to hear. 2003 series introduced so many great characters and concepts. It sucks if none of those ideas get reuse i future Turtle projects.
I haven't watched much of the new show, but I'm glad that the turtles are going strong after all of these years. Probably my favorite TMNT piece is still the first live-action movie. That, for me, was when the turtles really started to shine as characters. Shredder felt like a legitimate villain too. Training street kids to become ninja is a pretty believable idea, and it was refreshing to see the Turtles actually struggle against them in some scenes.

Here's one of my favorite little moments:

Now if only we could do something about this Michael Bay nonsense!
Before this gets out of hand...

It's not Michael Bay's movie.

He's not writing.
He's not directing.
He's only producing and promoting.

The writers are a couple of blokes who have only written for TV before (a couple of decent things, but nothing amazing) and the dude that did that Snow White movie with the Twilight girl and Chris Hemsworth... which I had heard was abysmal.
I've only seen two things that the director (Johnathan Liebesman) has done:
Darkness Falls, which was crap
and Rings, which was really, really good.

Darkness Falls had numerous troubles that could have stemmed from way, way outside his scope, though. In contrast, Rings definitely owes a lot of its quality to the direction. Then again, it was just a short film.

So this new movie may end up being garbage, as there's a lot to be cautious about. But if it ends up falling flat, make sure you only point the finger in the right direction.

(As an aside, everything I have seen Bay direct: Bad Boys I & II, The Rock, and Armageddon - are at least watchable. In fact Armageddon is the only disaster flick I'm able to stomach. I have no intention of seeing the Transformers films so those don't matter to me.)
So this new movie may end up being garbage, as there's a lot to be cautious about. But if it ends up falling flat, make sure you only point the finger in the right direction.
I don't want to derail the topic either, but I will say, I wish I could share some of your optimism. As a Transformers fan, my finger of blame is now proudly pointed in Michael Bay's direction whenever he's affiliated with something. The guy's worked hard to mold his audience, and if he's going to attach his name to a franchise as big as TMNT, then he's going to make sure this new movie reaches that crowd. His Production credits pretty much confirm this.

And y'know, I also liked The Rock and Bad Boys 1&2. Then again, I also liked The Sixth Sense, Signs, and Unbreakable, so...
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Go, Green Machines! I've been a hero in the half-shell junkie for a long time. The 80's cartoon still remains my favorite because it's the one I grew up with along with the 2003 series at second. One thing I always loved/looked forward to was when Shredder (voiced by James Avery) and Krang (voiced by Pat Fraley) always bitched like an old married couple.

As anyone seen the new show? I watched the entire first season. While there's a lot I dislike it's a decent cartoon. My main dislikes being that Shredder isn't the main villain of the show and Mikey, my favorite turtle being turned into a dumbass. He's not the smartest of the four. he can be dense some times and not know any better but never outright stupid. He trends on too dumb to live and it pisses me off.

Shredder being a secondary enemy I feel is a bad move. Shredder's rivalry with splinter in new show is much more personal than other incarnations so him taking a backseat to the Kraang sucks. The Kraang are generic villains with no standout character in the bunch with the majorly of objectives largely unclear. With how poorly characterized the Kraang are they would be better served in the role of the Purple Dragons.
One 2K3-ish morsel that the new show has given that I was super surprised to see since it's so obscure, is the name Spider Bytez. While the character is completely different, Spider Bytez was the name of an action figure for the Sub-Sewer line that was never released (very similar monsters showed up in Back to the Sewer, but were unnamed).


I don't want to derail the topic either, but I will say, I wish I could share some of your optimism. As a Transformers fan, my finger of blame is now proudly pointed in Michael Bay's direction whenever he's affiliated with something. The guy's worked hard to mold his audience, and if he's going to attach his name to a franchise as big as TMNT, then he's going to make sure this new movie reaches that crowd. His Production credits pretty much confirm this.

And y'know, I also liked The Rock and Bad Boys 1&2. Then again, I also liked The Sixth Sense, Signs, and Unbreakable, so...

I wouldn't say I'm optimistic, as I'm more than certain that it's going to be trash. I'm just saying that it won't be Michael Bay's fault if it is.
Bring back the 80s! That was the Turtles I really like. I've seen some others incarnations, but idk, I didn't find them too interesting. I'm too attached to the old cartoon and the arcade videogame, even if it was too cheesy.

Unforgettable! It was amazing, even with that Steven Seagal-looking human Splinter lol
I went back and watched a few episodes of the old cartoon the other day, and holy cow it was pretty painful in some episodes. A few of them were just horrible animation-wise and a couple plots bordered on "this would only work if every character was a complete idiot".

That said, it's still at least watchable, unlike any number of the other '80's cartoons I've tried watching.
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Holy shit

I didn't know there was an argentine version of the TMNT theme.

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RIP Uncle Shredder. You died with honor!
WHAT? "Uncle Phil" passed away?!

As a 80's kid who loved both the TMNT show and Fresh Prince, these are some seriously saddening news. This man's work gave me so many good laughs when I was kid. The burdens of mortality truly weighs on us all.

Anyway, to add something to the topic proper - I was a big fan of the 80's series but lost touch with the series afterwards. I loved all the slapstick and 4th wall breaking, especially Rocksteady and Bebop. I think I still have the action figures somewhere, probably encrusted in dust by now.
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He's enjoying his pillowy mounds of mashed potatoes as he plots against those four genetic accidents in that big Technodrome in the sky.

God speed, James Avery. You were my childhood and my reason for loving villian characters.
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So... is the "Euro-Gourmet Chef's Envy Professional Food Slicer" any good? Might want to try hotlinks before posting them ;D

The designs don’t look to shabby, but that’s not the problem. The problem is that Michael Bay is going to dump this great franchise like he did with Transformers. If this movie will be actually decent, I wouldn’t believe it.

I just read some plot details about “Age of Extinction”, Bay’s fourth attempt to insult the giant robots, and now my head hurts because I had to slam my hand against it more than a few times.

I don’t know what’s so hard about getting these franchises to work on the big screen. Mostly because money, they want to make this stories appeal to a wider range of people, which just won’t work with something like Transformers or the Ninja Turtles. Do it right, or don’t do it, but these mainstream catastrophes are just a pain to watch. In the case of the new TMNT movie, it’s even a pain to know it will come out sooner than later. I mean: It took the future audience, not the production team, to figure out that alien turtles are not mutants and therefor bullshit? That settles most of this movie to me.

So... is the "Euro-Gourmet Chef's Envy Professional Food Slicer" any good? Might want to try hotlinks before posting them ;D

The designs don’t look to shabby, but that’s not the problem. The problem is that Michael Bay is going to dump this great franchise like he did with Transformers. If this movie will be actually decent, I wouldn’t believe it.

I just read some plot details about “Age of Extinction”, Bay’s fourth attempt to insult the giant robots, and now my head hurts because I had to slam my hand against it more than a few times.

I don’t know what’s so hard about getting these franchises to work on the big screen. Mostly because money, they want to make this stories appeal to a wider range of people, which just won’t work with something like Transformers or the Ninja Turtles. Do it right, or don’t do it, but these mainstream catastrophes are just a pain to watch. In the case of the new TMNT movie, it’s even a pain to know it will come out sooner than later. I mean: It took the future audience, not the production team, to figure out that alien turtles are not mutants and therefor bullshit? That settles most of this movie to me.


I still think the movie will suck ass. At least the turtles will look badass.
Still trying to erase the fact that Megan Fox is April 'O Neil.

Better look at the toitles.

So... is the "Euro-Gourmet Chef's Envy Professional Food Slicer" any good? Might want to try hotlinks before posting them ;D

The designs don’t look to shabby, but that’s not the problem. The problem is that Michael Bay is going to dump this great franchise like he did with Transformers. If this movie will be actually decent, I wouldn’t believe it.

I just read some plot details about “Age of Extinction”, Bay’s fourth attempt to insult the giant robots, and now my head hurts because I had to slam my hand against it more than a few times.

I don’t know what’s so hard about getting these franchises to work on the big screen. Mostly because money, they want to make this stories appeal to a wider range of people, which just won’t work with something like Transformers or the Ninja Turtles. Do it right, or don’t do it, but these mainstream catastrophes are just a pain to watch. In the case of the new TMNT movie, it’s even a pain to know it will come out sooner than later. I mean: It took the future audience, not the production team, to figure out that alien turtles are not mutants and therefor bullshit? That settles most of this movie to me.

As I said further up the page:

"It's not Michael Bay's movie.

He's not writing.
He's not directing.
He's only producing and promoting."
Then why does it feel like he was making the movie? :D
I hope those sunglasses are just in the promotional material. It brings down the designs
Those are the 12 inchers... the normal scale ones are reportedly a bit better. I don't personally hate these ones except the color of Michelangelo's head being different. That just seems weird.

Definitely better than most of Playmates' other output lately.
Gotta skip action figures and waiting on busts. I want one of movie Ralph
Yikes! That's what happens when you keep borrowing lotions from Double's bathroom.
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Am I the only one who likes that the Turtles are the size of Master Chef?
The nostrils are way too much for the characters and Mikey's voice doesn't sound anything like him.
Mikey's had like 10 different voices in the last 30 years.

I'm well aware, but his voice doesn't sound anything like his character.

Townsend Coleman
Wayne Grayson
Robbie Rist
Michael Kelley

^ These guys know how Mikey is suppose to sound.
So you want him to sound like four different guys who sound completely different?

That makes perfect sense.

No, these are many examples of how one should voice a character. Learn from the experts.

If I wanted somebody to sound like four different people I'd go watch the masterwork of Mel Blanc.
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