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The Official League of Legends Thread!

Just suggesting. That's all =p

Oh they finally gave Zac a Skin? Hate to ask, but can I get a link/photo post? Hate you slow internet! *fist shake*
I was just naming ppl I knew who only had like 2 skins.

Zac got the Pool party skin iirc.

Anyone down for some games today? I got the day off so I'm just chilling do random things and I'd be up for some party play...even if I can play ranked yet Q_Q.

I have realized something. I love playing Leona top. Ya get a good jungler who helps you get the inches ahead you need, and the rest is a blast.

EDIT: I'm too nice. I like playing draft, but no one ever wants to play jungler, so I always get stuck with it...Even though I wanna play other roles XD
When I get home I'll play some games with you. I want to try jungle riven out tbh.
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So can Riot crack down and give us backstory/lore for almost every skin now?
Like, come on.
Make me like the skins even more
Okay. An update.

The reason the four projects skins aren't on sale is because of the limited loading card screens.

After the 17th, the limited loading cards will be gone and then the skins will go on sale for 975 RP.
holy crap they weren't kidding about the loading issues with the shop. I didn't realize they were so popular. Well...anyone else gonna get any of the project skins during this first strike period? I might just cause the change in minions and other touches it gives is nice. It might make a sense of "Haves and have nots." but honestly the basic designs of the minions and a lot of the scenery in league gets a bit boring, so such big visual changes is a nice change of pace, at least too me.
I'm not.
The only real thing you get the the "First Strike" are the loading bars, I believe you can do the minions with the non-first sttrike verisons
The life of not hitting lvl 30 yet... *sniff*
stay away from rankeds.

They are not fun
The reward is not worth it.
Find a group of friends and just play normal games with them.
I just wanna unlocked rank so I can say I've unlocked it. I enjoy the draft mode more and it doesn't seem very active compared to blind pick. I wanted ranked as a chance to play draft on a more consistent basis.

Plus, if I do play ranked, it'd definitely be with at least a few ppl I know. ppl willing to overlook my many many flaws at this game XD
my say is play teambuilder for a while with friends and if you eventually want to tackle ranked, do it.
I need to unlock team builder, too, though DX. Least I'm getting pretty close. I don't even know the difference between team builder and a normal game tbh.
man jungle kayle is pretty strong right now, as long as you have 1 other lane just go even you can basically carry the game yourself after 20 minutes, if I decide to actually try to get plat before the end of the season I'm definitely gonna grind her but I don't really feel like playing ranked at all rip
man jungle kayle is pretty strong right now, as long as you have 1 other lane just go even you can basically carry the game yourself after 20 minutes, if I decide to actually try to get plat before the end of the season I'm definitely gonna grind her but I don't really feel like playing ranked at all rip
good luck making sure you A. not get her on the banned champ lists
and B. getting her before the enemy team.
Played some Vladimir after last night, kicked the shit out of a Fiora top-lane but then the focus came. Not fun :(
Least everyone liked my vintage Nosferatu Vladimir skin
I miss the times where i could make the lantern with xin zhao or Udyr and carry the game...

Or when i could just pick leona and dominate the entire bot lane.
Picked up Sejuani. I enjoy using her quite a lot. Her W has almost no cost and no recharge time. It hits an area around her for damage based on my max and ap over 3 seconds, and applied Frost which I can use to slow and kill minions. She's got a really strong super early game, like, level 1-3 she's hard to kill solo. You'll basically trade and be near death, but you should win any fight and it works for locking down nasus early game, too.

The problem is that I don't know how to build her. I've been focusing on the HP to get the most out of my W and playing top. So I grab RoA first, starting with a Crystal for extra starting HP. thinking of swapping tat for a Doran's Sheild since it blocks damage and gives max HP, or an Ancient Coin to get extra gold. But eiter way, I got for RoA, Rylai, Iceborn, and Randiun. Not necessarily in that order. Spellblade is useful, and on Iceborn it applies a slow to an area that just adds extra to the area I'm hitting with W anyways and then my e will damage them and slow in exchange for using up frost so I can just Q into them and then w again immediately. Sejuani doesn't seem to have much bulk and goes down pretty fast mid and late game, so my kd with her is always pretty ridiculous. Large death toll, massive assist toll, decent kill rate. Cause Sejuani's slowing power and her Ult. HER GODAMN ULT FREEZES THE TARGET AND EVERYONE AROUND THEM! The freeze is more then enough for a sated devourer Yi to delete most champs an it hits everything around the target, so you can setup group freezes or use it to catch the fed person on the team and just throw everything at them after Qing to maximize stun time. It's ridiculous and I love it.

Wow, wth am I doing, rambling like a crazy man about this?

EDIT: sorry about the ramblings. It's just when I get a style I like, I tend to go into detail, as you can plainly see. I'll try to spoiler these from now on, so that anyone with anythng meaningful to say about them can still read them and no one as to deal with seeing my giant walls of rambling XD
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jungle kayle is really fun and is quite easy to carry with considering no one can 1v1 you
though it feels like she becomes a support after 30 mins tbh since everyone takes ur kills

sejuani was fun until she was played in lcs and got nerfed so hard, RIP AP sejuani

anyways the shop was closed for so LONG last night i had to wait to get zed smh but i did get yi like the min he came out lol
Vel'Koz mid is the same way, lul. once you get rolling you're a murder machine. But once you get past the 30 min mark or your team starts grouping up you stop getting consistent kills and mostly serve to wittle down the opponent's HP at a ridiculous rate.

But of course Vel'Koz is 100x better than Kayle. Vel'koz has lasers.
I usually use MOBAfire to know what to build spell-wise, if I'm particularly clueless I'll go for items too

Also, yesterday played my War Boy Sion gimmick again, think that was the first time I won though.
Managed to kill a Pantheon, died, then took out the Eve that snuck up one.
After that I yelled "WITNESS ME!" in the /all chat

At the end I think I said "Oh what a day, what a lovely day!" when they surrendered
anyways the shop was closed for so LONG last night i had to wait to get zed smh but i did get yi like the min he came out lol
I was lucky enough to do the same for fiora.
had to wait a while until the servers gasped for air long enough for me to get Yi as well.

Managed to kill a Pantheon, died, then took out the Eve that snuck up one.
current pantheon sucks now.
he needs a skillshot really bad.
I picked up PROJECT: Fiora. Might pick up Leona, too. Anyone else got a project skin? We should just all totally get 5 of us togethor and run blind pick and torment everyone :3
I play on the BR server (good ping, bad community).

I can't buy skins anymore, i don't play as much, and i hate the new fiora moveset. :/

But if i get back into the game i'll pick Project Leona, since she is one of my mains.
I'm trying to et 4800 IP So I can buy Fiora and try her out, fi I like her I'll get her PROJECT skin with Lucian and Zed