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The Official League of Legends Thread!

Changes to Kassadin's kit. What do you think about it?

-Q now grants magic shield and instead of silencing, cancells channeling (like Kat's death lotus and this stuff).
-W now is an autoattack modifier that deals bonus magic damage on first hit when activated and restores 10% mana. It has passive magic damage on hit that (i think) scales with his mana. Might make OHE and AD Kass with Trinity viable. YES.
-E is pretty much the same with new particles.
-R is pretty much the same too, but they took off the damage scaling by multiple uses. The extra mana cost for mutiple uses is still there, tho. 100 extra mana per use in an 8s period. Stacks up to 10 times.

Almost pretty sure nobody here is from the brazilian server, but if someone is, add me there: Colossi
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The effects are pretty badass, but he's got pretty nerfed. His shield size, ulti damage and W passive damage lost their AP scaling and now scale off his total mana. I think he'll be builded as an AD bruiser top, with Muramana, Iceborn Gauntlet and Frozen Heart. His W has 6s CD, restores 42% mana when hit champions and deals 140 (+0.5 AP) every use, plus the bonus 20 (+2% total mana) every normal hit.

Probably main build: Muramana, Iceborn Gauntlet, Frozen Heart, BoRK (judge me as much as you want, i love this item), Merc Treads/Ninja Tabi, Visage/Banshee.

His W now has 6s cooldown every level instead of 7/6/5/4/3.
More information here (more recent) and here (older with more information).
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Oh, I also want to bring to discussion the viability of AD Fizz. Works pretty nice as a clean-up champion or assassin.

Pros in relation to AP Fizz
High sustained damage
-High sustain with lifesteal
-Not (much) cooldown dependant
-Not mana dependant (if played smartly)
-Not skillshot dependant (at least not as much as AP Fizz)
-Brings more CC (BotRK <3)
-Brings more chasing and escaping capacity (BotRK and Phage <3)
-Great earlygame damage and killing potential

Cons in relation to AP Fizz
Has burst damage, but nothing compared to AP Fizz
-High cooldown on E until lvl 18
-Suffers more when OOM because he lacks mana regen masteries/runes/itens and hardly receives blue buff
-Less roaming possibilities
-Seems to work out better in teamfights because of shark damage

My build is
Doran's Blade > Bilgewater Cutlass > Boots > BotRK > Sheen > Berserker's > Trinity > Hydra > Defensive items/Homeguard or Furor/Trinket upgrade
Core build for me is BotRK-Trinity-Hydra.
BotRK gives him a chasing/escaping tool, AS to proc his W and insane AA damage.
Trinity gives him everything he needs: AP for ability damage, hp and mana for sustain, AS to proc his BotRK and W, Crit to boost his AAs, MS from Zeal and Phage to chase/escape, Sheen and AD to increase damage. It also procs on your Q. 10/10 Must buy.
Hydra gives him split pushing potencial, a AoE damage dealing active and AoE fast! autos that will wreck the enemy team in teamfights. Also, the AoE damage both from the active and from the AAs proc lifesteal.

As defensive items, you can get: (bold ones are my main options)
Visage/Banshee/Mercurial Scimitar against heavy magic damage;
Zephyr/Mercurial Scimitar if they have low killing potential but lots of CC;
Randuin/Thornmail/Frozen Heart/Sunfire Cape against heavy AD;
Guardian Angel because fuck everything, you're an assassin.

Some results i've got as AD Fizz:

so im downloading this, what do I do as a begginer?
Play the tutorial, play as a team, never go off on your own, use every free week champion as soon as you can.
Save your money.
Don't get runes until like level 20
made big ass text about a new playstyle that should be tested and everybody ignored it

-It's not worth going for a kill if you're dying during the process, but it's worth killing someone that's trying to kill you even if you die.
-Objectives are more important than chasing kills.
-Always carry at least one ward.
-If someone tries to kill you around your own minions and there are lots of them, keep running in circles.
-Search for builds and gameplay if you intend to learn a new champion. Don't try to create anything out of the metagame if you don't know how to play it normally.
-20 minions have more gold value than a kill.
-If you have the advantage in lane, zone your oponent away from your minions. He'll lose exp and eventually levels, but make sure to ward possible gank paths so you don't get caught.
-If you have the opportunity to take a turret OR a dragon, take the turret. It extends your team's map controll.
-Always call MIA using your ping (press G, click on the ground and move the mouse to the left). Always, even if they died.
-If you're against a champion with skillshots, never run away in a straight line.
so im downloading this, what do I do as a begginer?
Literally, just play. Trust me you'll learn eventually and if you really hunger to be better you'll seek it out. My only real advice though is to play with friends as much as possible because the lower levels can be really toxic.

also if anyone doubts my opinion due to possible skill here is my lolking. (I ain't no challenger but I'm competent enough)

Ninja Medic edit: Also try to play normals as much as possible once you feel comfortable switching from bots because it prepares you so much more. (Seen people in co-op who are horrible and clearly got to 30 by only playing co-op)
You can mute players by pressing Tab and clicking the speech bubble next to their name row.

Best tip i can give anyone at any level.
In a lot of situations though it hinders teamwork and I've always been against it. Recently however when I know someone will put me on tilt if I keep reading what they're saying I'll temp mute them until later in the game unless they're a real douche nozzle.
Though yeah, it is most assuredly a Super Rumble thing.
If you look to the left, you can see a panel, and it's colored like a really old comic.
It's pretty much thrown at our faces. The old comic style, the text, the concept...

Still waiting Car Washer Rumble and Janitor Pantheon.
I thought there were actually going to make the "Gurren Lagann" skin that had cool fan art for rumble a while ago.
It's pretty much thrown at our faces. The old comic style, the text, the concept...

Still waiting Car Washer Rumble and Janitor Pantheon.
I hope we get a reassured confidence heroic Rumble instead.
I always thought that Rumble was pretty confident on himself and Tristy.
"Let's get in the fight!"
"The bigger they are, the harder I hit 'em."
"Who wants a piece of this?"
"Come on, I'm not even holding the controls!"

He just lacks equipment.
I get what you're saying, but it always seemed like he always fought for himself. he never really had a goal that was connected to someone else. fighting for the pride of all yordles seems like a noble goal.

I just want some newfound confidence from an outside source that makes rumble a hero.
I really like Rumble's design and history. He always fought to show everybody that he can be a successful inventor by himself, without depending on the others to learn stuff (like Ziggs, who goes to Heimer's school), and I think this is a noble goal.

Also, he fights for Tritana's love.
I get what you're saying, but it always seemed like he always fought for himself. he never really had a goal that was connected to someone else. fighting for the pride of all yordles seems like a noble goal.

I just want some newfound confidence from an outside source that makes rumble a hero.
Long story short rumble got intelligence bitch slapped by heimerdinger and the yordle college so he said "fuck you" went to a junk yard built his machine and after compensating in front of the yordle college academia he joined the league. (I think I remember it right)

edit: I also forgot to mention that a Korean Rioter apparently it is a Tenga Toppa Gurren Lagann related skin
should I atleast be able to play each lane or should I just fight for top every time to play as Garen?
should I atleast be able to play each lane or should I just fight for top every time to play as Garen?
Since you're still new I would say to just mess around. After you get past the sea of smurfs you can pretty much take any champ to any lane without someone complaining. Though learn base mechanics over learning a specific character first. Tryndamere and WW would be good for learning how too last hit, but I would recommend trying every adc you can during free weeks to get a feel for one you like. Think of it a little as your first time learning how to play fighting games.

edit: really neat story actually. This guy posted on the reddit a while back that he had this guy in his ranked queue who all the way from 1 - 30 essentially just played swain. This gentleman had to support and he told them it would be fine and they trusted him. They apparently won the game super hard for some part of it because of the swain. (Swain is considered a mid champ and would never be considered for the support role usually)
They think about team comp too much, pick a champion that fits well the role but they don't have skill with it, get stomped (the game is most of the times decided early game) and complain about the rest of the team.

I'll simply take my AD Fizz, mute everybody that complains and play my game.
Pre-Release Teaser - Void Fizz Skin - League of Legends

Pre-Release Teaser - Atlantean Syndra Skin - League of Legend
What's extra cool about Void Fizz is that it's been a fan concept skin for about 2 years.
Except instead of a Void Piranha, in the concept it was Cho'goth.
Guess it had to be changed
The Syndra skin isn't doing it for me. I'm still waiting on Pool Party Syndra with beach balls or Pop Star Syndra with disco balls.

Hell, Gym Teacher Syndra with dodge balls would sell me.
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double post, sorry
  • Atlantean Syndra (finally a totally water elemental skin besides Nami's classic and toilet-man)
  • Void Fizz (ugly, but WANT)
  • TTGL Rumble, as said before in the thread
  • Malphite new splash art (whatever)
  • Rengar rework (When's Viktor, huh?)
  • Useless buff to Scrying Orb because nobody uses that
  • Feral Flare is back
  • Summoner Spells changes

I really got mad when I saw Rengar's new passive. He's still a viable and common pick, while Viktor is underpowered/underrated because he is OBLIGATED to sacrifice an item slot.
I might start playing League again soon.
I took a sabbatical from it like last June because of crashing issues.
I wonder if they're fixed now...
Yeah NA.
I havent played since last July, played a bunch last night with a friend and enjoyed it a lot. There are a crapload of changes and new items
I'll start playing again on NA, but it's hard because I have 200ms stable ping.
Oh well, still have to level up the account.

Add me there.
MC Mayara
If you're on tonight ill get some games in.
playing with low-level people always makes for funny games :P
Well ok, not since June.
The crashing started in June, after 4 years of not a single crash.
Then it started crashing in strange circumstances, whenever I mouse over an enemy champion, ususally when trying to cast a spell, I get a bug splat.
But again, last time I played was December.
I'm HOPING They fixed that shit by now