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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

If it exists, there is porn of it.

Endless Ocean.

I've checked.

That's how obscure and underrated that game series is.

I do like how there's two versions of the Boxing Ring

I do too, but there's a stupid amount of people crying that it's a wasted slot and that clone stages are in and blah blah blah
This makes me really wonder if there's autovore porn, that is, eating yourself.

Oh the things I can think
I think it was a mature ecchi, but....I've definitely seen something akin to it. I purged all but the faintest wisp of images of it from my mind.
Endless Ocean.

I've checked.

That's how obscure and underrated that game series is.

Hang on.
I just got to set the record straight for a moment.

Endless Ocean.

I've checked.

That's how obscure and underrated that game series is.
Just because you can't find it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
You guys do realize you probably won't able to choose which version of the Smash Ring you want, right? It'll likely be like Mushroomy Kingdom, switching versions every round, or like Spear Pillar, completely random.
You guys do realize you probably won't able to choose which version of the Smash Ring you want, right? It'll likely be like Mushroomy Kingdom, switching versions every round, or like Spear Pillar, completely random.
All I know is that it's definitely tourney banned and thus will not be played on my game whatsoever. Random select for that stage will be OFF.
Wait, so a Boxing ring is banned? Really?
Walkoff stages are always banned. Gives chaingrabbers too much of an advantage.
Even though there are barriers for the main stage itself?
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Of course, knowing about DI also kills such "infinites".
*Brrr brrr*
[Press Select]
Snake: "Colonel, I think I see an angel on the battlefield!"
Colonel: "Sn.... sig... cuttin.... can't..."
Snake: "Colonel? Can you hear me?"
Pit: "Yeah I can! And don't call me Colonel. I'm a Captain!"
Pit: "I was switching channels on my portable radio and just happened upon it."
Snake: "That voice... Chico?!?"
Pit: "Chi-who?"
Snake: "N-nothing... must have just been my imagination."
Pit: "Well, alright. Shouldn't we be fighting?"
Snake: "R-right."
Even though there are barriers for the main stage itself?
Plus it's kind of a pointless ban since extended chain grabs(3+ are banned any way). And arent Castle Siege and Delfino Plaza partially walk off?

And whats the point of banning stages AND banning the exploits you banned them for? I just looked through the reasoning for some of the banned stages and its kinda BS. On stage was banned because it promoted stalling.....when stalling is already banned to an extent.
gotta make rules banning the rules that banned the rules man
we gettin rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrru up in this bitch
I don't care anyway, I play Melee. Competitive Brawl sucks.
careful guys he plays melee and has a negative opinion of brawl
we're dealing with someone never before encountered by mankind
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Honestly unless I personally don't like a stage, I don't care if it's banned or whatever, I'MA PLAY IT.

Like, Hannenbow, 75M, Rumble Falls and Mario Bros are my only 100% not allowed stages in Brawl. In Melee, Brinstar Depths and the Ice Climbers stage are as well.

I think that the Boxing Arena looks hella fun. I'ma play it so hard and no competitive smash player can stop me
I said competitive Brawl sucks. Big difference.

Frankly I'm not fond of Brawl as a whole but I won't diss the overall game too badly. I can say everything I want about competitive Brawl though.
i just hope we get some decent punch out music for the stage
stuff like Disco Kid, Aran Ryan, Soda Popinski
all them guys
Punch Out Wii had fuckin awesome music
Even though there are barriers for the main stage itself?
And there's undoubtedly a wall where the outside of the ring meets to walkoff portion. Walls of this nature are also banned for various reasons.
I don't think we'll get nearly as much music as SSBB, but I do hope we'll at least get alternate songs.
Like he said, Mr. Sandman theme or Disco Kid.

Also, some leak said King Hippo was playable?
Maybe next game, he'll be a good Assist Trophy until then though
I don't think we'll get nearly as much music as SSBB, but I do hope we'll at least get alternate songs.
Like he said, Mr. Sandman theme or Disco Kid.

Also, some leak said King Hippo was playable?
Maybe next game, he'll be a good Assist Trophy until then though
That's a silly leak.

But why don't you think we'll get more music? There's gonna be tons of space!
Well, just seems like it'd take up more time and development.
I mean I think we got so much music because we needed extra stuff for SSE.
But I don't know, we haven't gotten any news or signs of CDs yet
Well, just seems like it'd take up more time and development.
I mean I think we got so much music because we needed extra stuff for SSE.
But I don't know, we haven't gotten any news or signs of CDs yet
A large portion of the work is already done! It's not like they're creating brand new songs (Aside from the game's main theme and menu music) they're just remixing and remastering :P

Speaking of which, who else didn't care for the overly dramatic latin opera bullshit called a main theme for brawl?
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i was neutral
i just want a ballin' OP like melee had
that's all i want
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Brawl's opening reeked of "let's just reuse cutscenes from our dumb story mode", though. And the "awesome" theme song saw WAAAAAAY too much use throughout the game.