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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

I fucking love it.
You guys finally get Paper Mario representation, and you get it with the lowest rated game in the series.
This is next level Sakurai trolling at it's finest.

Though who knows, maybe there'll be a different Paper Mario stage for the Wii U version



Please let this mean we get a Paper Mario stage for Wii U. A TTYD stage in Smash could bring me to tears (though it's far more likely to be a SPM stage).

I could already imagine the perfect PM stage: It would take place on the battle stage from TTYD with the audience watching and all, you could stand both on top of the stage and directly below the stage. By the nature of the stage, it would be a walk-off, and ideally it would have Paper Mario & co battling with enemies/non-spoilery bosses from all 3 of the games. Every once in a while the curtain would close (the curtain is part of the background) and then the scenario on stage would switch, randomly going to a different scenario from any of the 3 games. And of course the stage hazards that appear in TTYD would be appear here and the audience would occasionally throw mushrooms and rocks at the players.


"Pic of the day. For the first time ever in the Super Smash Bros. series, here's a Paper Mario stage! It's made of paper, so strong winds will blow it away."


"Since the stage is paper, it transforms when it folds over and opens up again. This ship is the S.S. Flavion from Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door."

This stage goes series wide, peeps

"Since the stage is paper, it transforms when it folds over and opens up again. This ship is the S.S. Flavion from Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door."

This stage goes series wide, peeps

Ah. It's supposed to represent the entirety of the Paper Mario subseries.


Guys not to rain piss all over your parade.
But, 3DS stages only have two songs.
Unless we have a Paper Mario Stage in the Wii U now (unlikely, especially since this covers all Paper Marios), it'll be slim pickings.

Though hey, think this gives any more credit to Paper Mario as a character?
I personally don't think so, but it's a good sign.
Actually, the fact that this is a full-series stage instead of just Sticker Star might be a point against Paper Mario as a newcomer, since this is probably gonna be considered THE Paper Mario stage instead of just A Paper Mario stage. Besides, unless the Wii U version ALSO gets a PM stage, all of the newcomers have always gotten a home stage on the Wii U version, and this stage is on the 3DS version.
I fucking love it.
You guys finally get Paper Mario representation, and you get it with the lowest rated game in the series.
This is next level Sakurai trolling at it's finest.

Though who knows, maybe there'll be a different Paper Mario stage for the Wii U version
Well to be fair (Super) Paper Mario and Goombella got trophies in Brawl so it has had have rep it the past, just this is the first major appearance in Smash
I think it would have been better to have a Mario & Luigi stage on the 3DS, and the Paper Mario stage on the Wii U but eh.
I just want it to be something I like that'll make everyone else mad
if it's something everyone else likes and makes me mad well that's fine too I guess

edit: also the stage could just
you know
be a medley of different Paper Mario themes
like a battle medley or boss medley
I think all 3DS songs are going to be remixes mixing a bunch of songs together, at least that's what every song on the 3DS right now is. So we could easily get the battle medley.

This is all I need though
I do wonder if/what Super will get for representation.
Like, Merlee's Mansion where if you knock over the jar your character gets attacked by Mimi or has some kind of payment status effect put on them.
Or like, the first level where you can switch from a shorter stage with no hazards to a longer stage with enemies and platforms all about.
Or Downtown of Crag with feuding Gragnons and Floro Sapiens in the background.
Or Castle Bleck where you can get tormented by all of the boss characters.
You ever heard the saying "the easiest way to win is to not play"?
well the easiest way to rep SPM is to not
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You ever heard the saying "the easiest way to win is to not play"?
well the easiest way to rep SPM is to not

But that saying only applies if your a hyper-intelligent computer program capable of starting a thermonuclear war among the largest countries on earth, already at the brink of massacring each other, whose only true flaw is that you can't beat yourself at tic-tac-toe.

Also, quit being a douche-bag because you don't like a thing, that's also very important advice.
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Also, quit being a douche-bag because you don't like a thing, that's also very important advice.
there's a lot of things I could say in response to this but I'm gonna leave it at

I don't have a problem with Ruin's opinions.
In fact I think they're pretty valid.
He just needs to stop being an asshole about them.
I figure if I'm gonna be known as the guy with the bad opinions I might as well milk it a little
but whatever
I can just shut up about SPM when it comes up
or not
who knows
only the future will tell
Can you tell when we're going on our honeymoon?
It's entirely possible that my mind, for whatever reason, connects Ruin to DDB, and some of my hatred for that man spills over onto Ruin.

But I feel like there's a way to discuss a game you don't like without bashing the thing.

I mean, I absolutely hate Skyward Sword but I don't feel the need to angrily comment at all the representation the game gets in crossovers.

I dunno.
at this point I'm mostly just being facetious and getting a chuckle
I got all my anger out in the Paper Mario thread, really