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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

This thread has a distinct lack of talk about our dark lord and savior Ganondorf, for he is our savior crushing all of his foes with his mighty up tilt and warlock punch.
People of the dark legion must speak up and talk about the dark lord.
Hate to interrupt, but the link to the .GCT for Project M 3.5 just leads me to CLASH Tournaments' homepage. Suggestions? Elucidations? Somebody just link me to a mirror? Any help is much appreciated.
Except the Challenge specifically says Jigglypuff.

I didn't realize you were a scrub who only cared about achievements.
This thread has a distinct lack of talk about our dark lord and savior Ganondorf, for he is our savior crushing all of his foes with his mighty up tilt and warlock punch.
People of the dark legion must speak up and talk about the dark lord.

What is there even to talk about?
Perfection is not an easy thing to comment on.
Auto-followup side-b, 60% in two hits, and, like, eight separate kill moves are sweet.
He can also still do his suicide thing, which makes him a bit better than Bowser.


You have no idea how much I love the headcannon that Roy and Pichu are now roommates after being kicked out of Smash.
Roy and Pichu got absorbed into Sakurai when he stole their souls and used them to fuel his eternal youth.
That's where every cut Smash character goes.
Mewtwo just barely made it back out.
This thread has a distinct lack of talk about our dark lord and savior Ganondorf, for he is our savior crushing all of his foes with his mighty up tilt and warlock punch.
People of the dark legion must speak up and talk about the dark lord.

I love Dorf so much in this game. He's become one of my pocket characters.
When playing as Ganondorf and your opponent likes to attack in place all the time, have any of you got a warlock punch off, since the attack does nothing to you and they have little time to react it's pretty great landing move if your opponent gets cocky or is not paying attention.
I didn't realize you were a scrub who only cared about achievements.
Ouch! The sting! Nothing can heal me from this burn.
This thread has a distinct lack of talk about our dark lord and savior Ganondorf, for he is our savior crushing all of his foes with his mighty up tilt and warlock punch.
People of the dark legion must speak up and talk about the dark lord.
As a Ganondorf main in Melee and Project: M, I absolutely despise Ganondorf in this game. He's better than Brawl Ganondorf, but that really doesn't mean much of anything.

I am aware that he is pretty good in the right hands (I lost several times to a good Ganondorf online), but that isn't even the main reason why I hate him: I hate his feel. For me, he just doesn't feel fun to play as, and that is a shame given that his Melee and P:M versions are so much fun.
So hey...
You guys remember the factory defect Samus toy? The one with two blasters that we were laughing at a little while ago?
This one:


Now, the guy who posted this monstrosity decided to put it up on the hive of scum and villainy known as Ebay.
Vaguely link-like thing.
Now, at this point, one of two things has happened:
-You've doubled over on the floor, vomited, stared dumbfounded at the screen, or in some other way have expressed extreme surprise,
-You've yet to notice that this particular factory defect has now sold for 2,500 United States Dollars.

That is 2830 Canadian Dollars.
That is 2005 Euros.
That is 1589 Pounds Sterling.
That is 215025 Dinars.
That is 10,578,876 motherfucking Dogecoins.

What the fucking fuck, internet?
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If that's a factory defect then I don't want factories to function properly anymore.
As a Ganondorf main in Melee and Project: M, I absolutely despise Ganondorf in this game. He's better than Brawl Ganondorf, but that really doesn't mean much of anything.

I am aware that he is pretty good in the right hands (I lost several times to a good Ganondorf online), but that isn't even the main reason why I hate him: I hate his feel. For me, he just doesn't feel fun to play as, and that is a shame given that his Melee and P:M versions are so much fun.
I love his punish whatever you do play style which makes him stand out a lot compared to the rest of the cast, but he does need some buffs like him having a grab range instead of using T-Rex arms. His match up against anyone who can zone or heavy rushdown really hurts him though, which means I had to pick up another character. After playing Rosalina life became a lot easier.
So I dropped Diddy at least until everyone stops bitching about him. Fucking thanks Zero.
Some people in the world have money

Let them spend it, it's not hurting anybody
Except for all those starving african children, but hey who cares about those guys am I right?
So I dropped Diddy at least until everyone stops bitching about him. Fucking thanks Zero.
It's okay I will always be here to complain about diddy, as a Ganondorf and Rosalina main, the match up is already mad plus I just suck against him in general. Kappa
But give it some time, he is just the flavor of the month, before it was rosalinas for days online and now you see little to none, same goes for little mac.

On a side note since you main diddy, what are his weaknesses? I really REALLY struggle against him and I would love some advice.
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It's okay I will always be here to complain about diddy, as a Ganondorf and Rosalina main, the match up is already mad plus I just suck against him in general. Kappa
But give it some time, he is just the flavor of the month, before it was rosalinas for days online and now you see little to none, same goes for little mac.
He's flavor of the month but his time as flavor of the month doubled when zero said he should get banned. I mean he's good, no one's questioning that, but that's some bullshit right there.
I'm not even that good as him and I still get picked on by my friends for playing him now. Like "oh look at mister try hard! using the broken character that's going to get banned!"
Except the Challenge specifically says Jigglypuff.

Wait there's a challenge to beat it with Jigglypuff on 9? I didn't unlock anything like that when I did it. Or maybe I did and forgot.

"On the other hand, the rules in Crazy Orders are very different. You'll earn one turn for every win, and each turn gets harder and harder. Some of your accumulated damage will get carried over. Crazy Hand will challenge your after 2 turns, so you'll earn your rewards if you beat him. The final battle will be an HP battle and the more accumulated damage you have, the more HP you'll have in the fight...so the trick is to be a little risky."

Master Orders and Crazy Orders are incredibly fun. If you haven't checked them out yet, I highly recommend you do so.

I didn't know Higher dmg=Higher HP, thanks Sakurai. Counter-intuitive but interesting.
I played Master Orders once and died at only the second challenge because I accidentally Ganon-cided when MARTH HAD HIS FUCKING BIG TOE OFF THE PLATFORM.
I didn't know Higher dmg=Higher HP, thanks Sakurai. Counter-intuitive but interesting.

It's meant to be another incentive to keep playing way far in the 100s, to keep adding to that risk-reward thing that Crazy Orders is all about.
Like, sure I'm at 175% and all my battles are against giants, but 200% means I get more time vs Crazy Hand so let's g-shit, there goes all my items.
but i have to play as lucina
i don't even like playing as marth why would I like his inferior version
when he says he was jumping at a ledge for 8 minutes, he means literally.
Because no one could possibly do that, even when spamming counter.
So there's this exploit.
Wait there's a challenge to beat it with Jigglypuff on 9? I didn't unlock anything like that when I did it. Or maybe I did and forgot.
Yeah there is. Otherwise I wouldn't be fuckin OCD about it.
So it seems that error 160-0103, which is an uncommon flash-chip error which prevents the loading of specific games appears to be happening on SmashU, so a few tips to avoid complete disaster:
-First and foremost, do NOT, under any circumstances, reformat or reset your Wii U to factory defaults; doing so will brick your console.
-The issue is in the hardware, not the software, so don't be afraid to download system updates.
-If this is happening to you, call Nintendo support and request your system to be repaired. This could be costly, up to 100 USD, though some people have had luck trying to haggle it down.
Just be careful, and you should be fine.
So it seems that error 160-0103, which is an uncommon flash-chip error which prevents the loading of specific games appears to be happening on SmashU, so a few tips to avoid complete disaster:
-First and foremost, do NOT, under any circumstances, reformat or reset your Wii U to factory defaults; doing so will brick your console.
-The issue is in the hardware, not the software, so don't be afraid to download system updates.
-If this is happening to you, call Nintendo support and request your system to be repaired. This could be costly, up to 100 USD, though some people have had luck trying to haggle it down.
Just be careful, and you should be fine.
It's faulty hardware.
If you get it there's nothing you could have done save opening up your wii u and replacing the flash chip, just call up nintendo and get it repaired.
Also realize that smash 4 has sold a bajillion copies and we have about 10 reported cases so people need to stop freaking out about it.
Oh fuck that, I'm using a hammer on that one. I'm no masochist.
The scariest part for you?

So, there's been a new AT discovered.

So, a few things you need to know going in:
- Foxtrot (Called S-Dashing in the video for some reason)
A rhythmic tapping of the analog stick to allow a dash to go to neutral, then cancel the neutral frames into another dash.
The timing for each character is different.
Here is a gif (The gif is from Brawl, but it works in all the games the same way)


- Stutter-Step F-Smash (Called Kara Smash in the video for some reason)
By tapping forward c-stick or A during the first frames of a dash, you can perform a F-Smash while moving very slightly forward, which can help with spacing.
Not incredibly useful in and of itself, but it has its moments.
No gifs for this one, sorry.

So, you Foxtrot up to your opponent, then, on the last Foxtrot flick, follow it up with a tap of the A button or a flick (Or hold, if you want to charge it up) of the c-stick, and you will have done a Dash-Smash.


"Keeping you up to date
- MMan (FastLikeLightning)
I thought you meant an assist trophy and got excited
then it's just this
He's flavor of the month but his time as flavor of the month doubled when zero said he should get banned. I mean he's good, no one's questioning that, but that's some bullshit right there.
I'm not even that good as him and I still get picked on by my friends for playing him now. Like "oh look at mister try hard! using the broken character that's going to get banned!"
I've been saying since the 3DS version that Diddy is top 3 easily. He's going to remain in the top 5 at least as the game progresses without a doubt.

Is he ban worthy? Hell no. Not anywhere near as good as metaknight was in brawl.

Also, wasn't that fox trot smash thing in brawl already? Might not be understanding the wording.
Also, wasn't that fox trot smash thing in brawl already? Might not be understanding the wording.

It was in Brawl, but in Brawl, if you were doing a Smash out of a dash, you just used a DACUS, or, usually, you just didn't do it, so Stutter-Step F-Smash wasn't very well known at the time, or much today.
It's also just good to know it and know how to do it in Smash 4, a game which is currently at an almost hilarious deficit for useful things to do out of a dash.
I don't get it, there is nothing new in that long winded video.

Sounds like someone wanting attention changing the names of things we already know about to try and make it seem like something new.

It is literally just foxtrotting and stutter stepping? There is nothing else there.

Did I miss something or did that guy try to say that combining 2 techniques that have been known forever is something new?
we could have gotten chunky kong
but instead it's this