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The Yaya Annual Montreal Expos Memorial Kumite 3


Anchor Peacock is the future
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
Double Big Band Peacock

Wow it's that time of the year again. Time sure does fly. People told me to never do a Yaya Kumite again, but actually I had already filed all of the paperwork and it's too late to stop it now. No brakes on this hype train! For those of you not familiar with Yaya, he's arguably one of the best Squigly/Big Band players in Vancouver, famous for placing 2nd at Northwest Majors, for attending Combo Breaker (an accomplishment in its own right!), and being dead. And now you have a chance to play him at Skullgirls! Or watch other people play him. Whichever one you prefer.

This event will be happening Saturday, January 21st at 7pm eastern time. The format is ten first to 5 sets. If you're interested in signing up for this event, indicate so below along with a short statement about your feelings regarding the Montreal Expos. Here's the list:

1. Pickles
2. Alcoholic Robot
3. DawnHibiki
4. Clawmaster
5. Swiftfox-Dash
6. Stuff
7. Lawnba
8. JamesMcCloud / Smashtaper / Osiris
9. Mocktopus

This will be streamed live at www.twitch.tv/mcpeanuts Hope you can all make it out!
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I'd love to enter again. I think the Montreal Expos are a great institution helping Squigly mains around the world every day. Vry grateful that they continue to work for those poor souls on a daily basis
Yo Peanuts, just letting you know that's the date of the GU monthly. I dunno if that changes anything or matters, just letting you know in case you're unaware!
Yo Peanuts, just letting you know that's the date of the GU monthly. I dunno if that changes anything or matters, just letting you know in case you're unaware!
I'm aware. Monthly should be done before the start of the kumite. Unfortunately does mean that I won't be around for casuals.
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I'm aware. Monthly should be done before the start of the kumite. Unfortunately does mean that I won't be around for casuals.
Cool, just making sure :)

EDIT: Not cool about you not being around for casuals though! :'(
I'd like to do this again. The expos will always be a good 'deez nuts' joke.
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I'll do things with the thing. I work that day and don't know my schedule but I should be free around the time.
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put me in so I can finally get my run back.
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A few updates.

1. KPB apparently has a tournament on Saturday so I'll be streaming this on my own channel, which you can find in my signature, along with the rest of my social media information (follow me on Friendster!)

2. @DawnHibiki asked to be earlier in the lineup so I swapped him with @Stuff. Dawn let me know if this works for you. Stuff let me know if this does not work for you. Hopefully it works for everyone.

3. There's still a signup slot open! If anyone still wants to sign up hit me with a post in the thread. If you have a friend who wants to sign up but doesn't have a Skullheart account or is afraid of Skullheart, let me know and I can add them in there (this is how Alcoholic Robot signed up). Otherwise we'll probably just pull someone from stream chat for the last match.
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I'm fine with that
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(not participating, that's my hometown)
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It's over! Here are the scores. VODs will be up when it's VOD time.
1. Pickles 4-5
2. Alcoholic Robot 5-4
3. Dawn Hibiki 2-5
4. Clawmaster 5-0
5. Stuff 5-1
6. Lawnba 2-5
7. TJ 3-5
8. Osiris 5-1
9. Mocktopus 5-4
10. Mike Z 3-5
It's VOD time! Check out game 3 of set 2 it does not get better than that