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Toonami Thread

i think skullgirls is gonna need a need a new anime color set to go with the madoka colors

apparently even more SG VAs are going to be on SAO this week.
Space☆Dandy was as Dandy as ever tonight, I really love this show.

By the looks of it next episode they're going to introduce a new major character, also fan service.
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Man, Space Dandy was enjoyable tonight! Fucking love this show so much! Can't wait for next weeks episode!

Though Episode 2 never explains how they survived the super nova...guess that'll never be explained...lol
Anyone catch the Cowboy Bebop/FMA references in that Space Dandy episode? Lol

I liked this one better then the pilot because they got the character introductions for the main cast out of they way which meant things were less slow. This anime is best whenever things go fast.
missed space dandy episode 2 crap

This. I'm away from a TV once again and the Toonami stream I found a few months ago wasn't on tonight. :(
At least FMA was awesome tonight, and SAO actually had 1 interesting scene for once.
If you have a TV provider, the adultswim website will allow you to watch the latest Space Dandy. GET ON IT BABY!
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i think skullgirls is gonna need a need a new anime color set to go with the madoka colors

apparently even more SG VAs are going to be on SAO this week.

How ironic. Cristina Vee went from fighting a cat girl to portraying one.

Anyways, I'm dreading these upcoming SAO episodes people keep telling me are awful. (even though I blame everything wrong with this Fairy's Dance arc on how poorly written and OP the villain is. The last two episodes were actually enjoyable and I attribute that to the lack of his appearance)

EDIT: Oh and five bucks says once we get enough footage, expect like two dozen AMVs of Space Dandy set to the Johnny Bravo theme.
How ironic. Cristina Vee went from fighting a cat girl to portraying one.

Anyways, I'm dreading these upcoming SAO episodes people keep telling me are awful. (even though I blame everything wrong with this Fairy's Dance arc on how poorly written and OP the villain is. The last two episodes were actually enjoyable and I attribute that to the lack of his appearance)

EDIT: Oh and five bucks says once we get enough footage, expect like two dozen AMVs of Space Dandy set to the Johnny Bravo theme.

I've been getting lots of terrible warnings for the next episode too. If I die watching SAO, do I die in real life?
I might not be able to watch Space☆Dandy this Saturday because of a late running Tri-meet.
Does the Toonami website allow visitors to watch past episodes? If not then where can I find it legitimately?

Also yes I will always type Space☆Dandy with a ☆.
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I think they allow you to watch past episodes. You can try Funimation's website, but that'll be subbed
So....tonight's episode of SAO....


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Welp this episode of Space☆Dandy...all I have to say is..

Why is it always the hot ones?

Can't wait for next week X3
Tonight's SAO certainly was . . . whatever the hell THAT was.

The reactions all over the internet are pretty legendary to read too.

And remember, SEASON 2 is on the way! :PUN:
I don't know anything about SAO and I don't have any interest in watching it...but I'm kinda curious what you guys are talking about.
And now I know why I did not watch this show.

It's arguably the worst show ever on Toonami, competing with Tenchi Muyo GXP. I only watch it because it's on Toonami, and because it's so bad it's funny.
Are you talking about SAO ratings on Toonami or personal preference? Ratings it's doing decent for the time slot (unlike Tenchi for awhile) and preference is a mix bag depending on the episode. Not one of the better episodes in any case for me. Show will eventually come back to the block after the inevitable S2 dubbing.

Space dandy

Poor space cat thing. Oh well you will be alive again next episode. Also suddenly we have mecha action now. Dandy is a terrible shot with his gun too, but maybe because he fucks around too much to care.
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LOL I'm watching the SAO episode right now. I'm assuming you guys haven't read the latest chapters of Fairy Tail. I'm really glad I dropped this series (I'm just waiting for FLCL to come on)
As for Space Dandy
lol fanservice gone wrong.
R.I.P. Meow
EDIT: I just watched the scene. I'm amazed fans still defend this show.
Also incest
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Are you talking about SAO ratings on Toonami or personal preference? Ratings it's doing decent for the time slot (unlike Tenchi for awhile) and preference is a mix bag depending on the episode. Not one of the better episodes in any case for me. Show will eventually come back to the block after the inevitable S2 dubbing.

Personal/Just about every sane person's preference. I know ratings are (for some mysterious reason) good.
LOL I'm watching the SAO episode right now. I'm assuming you guys haven't read the latest chapters of Fairy Tail. I'm really glad I dropped this series (I'm just waiting for FLCL to come on)
As for Space Dandy
lol fanservice gone wrong.
R.I.P. Meow
EDIT: I just watched the scene. I'm amazed fans still defend this show.
Also incest

My defense is this was due to the franchise being handed to the wrong fucking people who instead of making an actual adaptation, just wanted to make a cheap cliff's notes w/ added otaku spank material. I refuse to believe the light novels had THAT in there.

I really, REALLY like the concept behind ALFheim Online so it makes me angry and embarrassed that the story arc this takes place has to ruin the experience for me by putting that shit in there.

On the other hand, compared to
Space Dandy's titty monster
this was kinda tame. Not pleasant though, don't get me wrong. I just felt less repulsed and more angry at the people behind SAO's anime version who thought that was a good idea. Again, refuse to believe that scene was in the light novels.

EDIT: God going back through my Twitter history for that night, you can tell I was pissed and having to talk about it here just opened up old wounds. Excuse me, I'm going to find something else to take my anger out on.
Yeah the tentacle scene was pretty tame, but I think the problem was that the situation developed into a cliche moment for the suppossed main heroine character(young japanese anime girl + tentacles= lewd situation) that can be cringe worthy to some viewers. Also yeah the LN can get that risque if you read the infamous chapter 16.5
that can be cringe worthy to some viewers.
SAO went way into "wait WHAT?" territory a long time ago. The show is such an insane mess the real fun is in watching the reactions of others.

I recall reading some folks that looked in the next season saying its about an FPS. Of course Kirito wins by doing melee only.

I assume he's got the Halo 2 sword.
I want to defend SAO for some god-forsaken reason

Pretty sure the "light" novel was even worse. Here's a direct (NSFW) quote from it that didn't make it into the anime, but was implied:


Also this episode wasn't the first with a tentacle monster.
Pretty sure the "light" novel was even worse. Here's a direct (NSFW) quote from it that didn't make it into the anime, but was implied:


Also this episode wasn't the first with a tentacle monster.
This is from the extra chapter 16.5 from Volume 1
Reading through this volume to search for that part felt like I was reading 50 Shades of Grey
EDIT: Never mind, this extra chapter is fanfiction, but it's heavily implied in the main story that they did it
EDIT 2: The fanfiction is by the author himself, so.... ._.
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Pretty sure the "light" novel was even worse. Here's a direct (NSFW) quote from it that didn't make it into the anime, but was implied:


Also this episode wasn't the first with a tentacle monster.
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I'm really hoping Space Dandy will have more episodes with Colleen Clickenbeard. Because everyone loves Colleen Clickenbeard.

Also, Honey has been getting quite a bit of screen time throughout. B) nothing wrong with that.
I'm really hoping Space Dandy will have more episodes with Colleen Clickenbeard. Because everyone loves Colleen Clickenbeard.

Also, Honey has been getting quite a bit of screen time throughout. B) nothing wrong with that.
From the Japanese opening, it looks like she'll be a prominent side character on the show. Same with Scarlet
This is from the extra chapter 16.5 from Volume 1
Reading through this volume to search for that part felt like I was reading 50 Shades of Grey
EDIT: Never mind, this extra chapter is fanfiction, but it's heavily implied in the main story that they did it
EDIT 2: The fanfiction is by the author himself, so.... ._.

0_______0 Goddamnit. Now I'm even more pissed that this production team DIDN'T make a true adaptation and fix some of these nasty flaws. Is it that hard in Japan to make a decent series w/o all this perverse bullshit in it?! Again, I really do like the setting and gameplay concepts (well Alfheim more than the titular SAO) but then the creators have to shove shit like that in there that alienates the casual fan and for what? Pleasing some lifeless brand of otaku that's been slowing creeping out of the woodworks lately and ruining it for the rest of us?

I pray to god that this supposed new season of SAO that's been announced doesn't do this. I really like Alfheim as a concept but I hate how the story that takes place in it is so freaking....god, really hard for me to think of something more respectful to say than r------ded right now.
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the thing is that we're a different culture from japan. a lot of pervy stuff ios more considered funny unlike how we view it in other parts of the world.

I just want more .Hack//. that series is probably the best MMO based series around and nobody has been able to even get near how well done it is. I mean I loved Quantum!
Well you realize SAO is also bad because of terrible writing, abuse of timeskips, Kirito (and others) being an idiot and a dick and seeing no repercussions for it, the entire show being one huge harem, wasting time on pointless romances no one cares about, and lots of stupid miscellaneous shit. Like how they attempt to sympathize with the scientist that killed thousands of people for no reason. And how Kirito can go beyond the limits of the games he's in, once again, for no reason. And Suguha not realizing Kirito is Kazuto despite looking and sounding exactly like him.
The only things SAO gets right are the 1st OP, the animation, and a few of the fights. And the voice work isn't terrible either.
the thing is that we're a different culture from japan. a lot of pervy stuff ios more considered funny unlike how we view it in other parts of the world.

I just want more .Hack//. that series is probably the best MMO based series around and nobody has been able to even get near how well done it is. I mean I loved Quantum!

I've never seen it. Also isn't .Hack originally a video game series? Wouldn't I need to play those in order to get the full experience? Yeah I'll just stick to SAO for now. Maybe there's more that take this MMO premise and make it better in addition to .Hack but until I see them, I can't judge.

I'm just upset that SAO's second half creates this cool MMO idea of taking fairies and portraying them as essentially Tolkien style elves and ruins it with perverted imagery.

Also I'm aware of the cultural thing but even THEY have to be tired of trying to shove tentacles into everything that doesn't need them. They have a fucking sub-genre in the adult section for that. It has no purpose in a show about an MMO death trap. Or an MMO where the users are ass-kicking fairies.

Well you realize SAO is also bad because of terrible writing, abuse of timeskips, Kirito (and others) being an idiot and a dick and seeing no repercussions for it

I blame that on the anime more than anything. And if you think SAO's writing is terrible? Try watching Eureka Seven AO. That's far worse by comparison, especially if you love the original Eureka Seven.
I've never seen it. Also isn't .Hack originally a video game series? Wouldn't I need to play those in order to get the full experience? Yeah I'll just stick to SAO for now. Maybe there's more that take this MMO premise and make it better in addition to .Hack but until I see them, I can't judge.
you dont really need to play the games in order to understand the anime. the stories themselves can work as standalone stories and make minor referrences to past stories. Quantum is pretty standalone from what I can tell. I wasnt confused at all.
My friend suggested I watch Log Horizon since it's basically what SAO should have been. Has anyone else seen it?
Me and my friend watched SAO together. It was hilarious, we started laughing up a storm by episode 2.

They just introduce characters, expect us to care about them in the 5 minutes we get to know them, and kill them off like 5-10 minutes later.

Oh don't get me started on the Mary Sue main character Kirito and his army of women that fall in love with him and fawn over him constantly as he effortlessly cuts through his enemies.

My friend was so angry with it though, because she has friends who actually like it but I guess turned off their brain during the process of actually analyzing whats going on.

"Oh Kirito is so dreamy, with his black hair, black eyes, black swords, and black clothes. He's just so edgy, how can anyone not want to get in his pants?" was literally our response, sarcastically of course.

We both had to stop by episode 10 because we couldn't take it anymore.

"Dear Kirito, I'm dead because me and everyone I know are too stupid to realize an obvious trap when it's right in front of us, so let me sing you a song. Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm~"
SAO should be more than enough reason for .hack// to make a comeback. bring us the better MMO based anime!