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Training Diaries of A Bad Man in the Hopes it Makes Him Better


I Skull'd a Girl once
Sep 4, 2013
Reaction score
The Internet.
Valentine Squigly Cerebella
Well hello there. I guess this is where I'll post matches and maybe stuff I should practice and hopefully I do practice.

I'm Bit. Hey. I'm from NorCal and I play Val(crMK), Squigly(crHP), and Bella(Cerecopter). Squigly is probably my best character. And by probably I mean she is by a landslide. I played this game not too seriously and on and off from release on console to PC release. That's when I decided I would really make steps to be good at this game and I did. Found good and fun people to play with and they helped me get a lot better but the road never ends. I don't think I'm a bad player but I'm by no means a great one. Maybe even not actually "good". I tend to be predictable, I am told. I can see that. For now I'm going to post some videos of my older player. One from February where I just kinda had okay combos and a few resets. Then one from a few months ago where I'm mostly where I am now but lacking some more knowledge. Then a match from today where I was trying to get some rust off but that excuse doesn't really hold up.

vs Stuff. Pretty sure this would go much differently now. I know we've both gotten a lot better but I think last time we faced off he got the better of me.
Edit: Go to, like, 27:12 to see the actually match with me. Or relive the old days of red Savarin's reign of terror.

vs EvilBen I lost to me here, I think. I should have won a few matches but I threw them away. Still a good set.

vs Gllt will go here once he finishes uploading it. It was mostly a stomp. But that comes with learning.

Any feedback would be great. I'll post what I can when I can. Hopefully I can actually do stuff to make good progress.
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If you want a match with me and can record it that would be super swell. I can't record on my own so I could the help there. And if you can't record it and want a match that's fine too.
I can go ahead and embed the link now and in about 80~ minutes it'll be done uploading, then some time to process. Just check back here. You can bump the thread to make it visible to people, etc. I'll try and write some commentary if you remind me!

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I can't watch that set without cringing at my play.

Anyways I played some quick match today. Meh. I didn't really play that great. Beat bunch of who cares and lost to others that I shouldn't have. I'm seeing weak neutral and bad defense. Bad assist calls. The works. I'm noticing my Val feeling a bit like dead weight sometimes. So I really need to start improving her. which is sad because she's way better than she once was. I like my Squigly play half the time at least. And Bella is and always will be, it seems, just there.

Playing some games with @Dolfinh I tag people now. Gonna post some thoughts on it.

Pressing too many buttons. At really bad times.
Finish the combos when they'll kill. I don't have to punish the assists with so many hits. Sometimes one is enough and anymore is too risky. Don't try to charge as often. Do it only at points that actually seem safe. Never charge against Double with meter. If I've got the charge, DP with Squigly everyone now and then. Air grabs are a thing. Despite how I seem to play her, Bella is a grappler. Fucking jump less please. DHC out dying characters every now and then.
Having a local gathering is haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard. I only get one person to play and he still needs to work on stuff to get better.
Yeah, I hear you on local matches. Cool seeing your gameplay. I only do PS3 & am in the Bay Area. Let me know if you're looking for some matches this weekend.
Yeah, I hear you on local matches. Cool seeing your gameplay. I only do PS3 & am in the Bay Area. Let me know if you're looking for some matches this weekend.

I work all weekend. Pretty much every weekend. It's a curse.

More matches with @Dolfinh
Better than the last one I showed you but worse than the last time we played. I made numerous mistakes. (42. I counted. Probably more honestly.

I've deduced somethings about his play to adapt to and hopefully some things to adjust on mine. Gotta bait. More resets. Don't go for throw as much.
Been playing a good amount recently and just haven't been updating this. Oh where to start?

I try to pushblock too much. It gets me hit a lot. Gotta know the right places to pushblock since I can get baited this way.
Up back right into their hands. Damn. Gotta learn to stay grounded sometimes.
My Squigly, dawg.
I think I'll start a Google Doc, too. Seems like a good idea.
Sometimes it's a good idea to play the zoning game with Val. It's not a great one but it provokes people into getting reckless, at least in my experience.
Bella has grab moves. Use one or two from time to time.
Use more of Val's reset options instead of sticking to a set few.
My Squigly, dawg! Could still use some work. Gotta divorce sing sometimes. walk up with charging Dp or Mortis so if they super I'll let go and reversal them. Bakow.
vary block string endings.
Ahhh geez. I just don't know how to fight Peacock properly. It's awful for me. I know Val has the advantage but I just don't utilize the tools right. It's a match up that makes me not enjoy playing so I guess it defeats me mentally before the match even begins. I need some serious help there.

Also need Big Band specific resets and junk.

But mostly need work on the Peacock match up.
So what do you attempt to do, why does it not work, what did you try to fix it, do you have an example video

How would you get serious help without serious questions; I figure "Bypass and Doublejump are good" won't be too new?
It's been way too long. Especially since now I can record my matches. Which I have been! Which is helpful in it's own way. Plus I've got notes from playing on defoxschool.

My most recent set I recorded with @MEXICO JUICE
Demon yeah. I need to work neutral and defense the most. This set was pre defoxschool so hopefully my next one will show improvement!