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UNDERTALE; A wacky throwback for EARTHBOUND/MOTHER fans!

I hope they don't go out of stock soon. I'll have to save up some money first.
I wanna order it, but Fangamer charges you at the moment of order.
Not when it ships.
I'm not sure I can afford to pay $64 for a game I already own this month.
If it does go out of stock I can at least hope they'll restock or at least offer the necklace as a solo order later down the line.
I should be okay waiting to preorder until tomorrow afternoon, yeah?

They aren't gonna run out of collectors editions, yeah?
That link leads to a tumblr that wrote some essays on the game. Those were pretty good reads. I mean the case of abuse and Frisk's personality.
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The full trophy list shows neither Pacifist Nor No Mercy are required for the Platinum.
So, thankfully, you can Platinum this.
You can platinum the shit out of this on your first go.
So, uh.

Did anyone get their Collector's Edition yet?
I wanted to just for the locket but didn't order it in the end.
So undertale is out on the switch, and comes with a little bit of new things!

starting off we got this "mew" trailer
And on top of that, we got...a hint of something ominous...

btw is this really real or a fake?

btw is this really real or a fake?
I was tild dataminers found new dialogue so this may indeed be lwgit. I havent checked if other peeps have found it tho
It's not a full game, but it IS the entirety of "Chapter 1" of a new game.
They're Mother 3ing it, boys!
Also... if you tainted your save with No Mercy... it remembers.
I love how the Vocal Hatedom has been drowned out 'cuz everyones remembering that yeah, Undertales fuckin' rad
Finished it and it reminded me of good old days of playing Undertale for the first time.

If you are talking about the scene at night at the very end, then no, it's not connected to No Mercy. I got it too and all I ever did was a Pacifist run.
so fun thing

the game isn't kidding when it says your choices don't matter. fight all you want, nothing will actually die. Not even letting Susie do all the work will cause a kill

deltarune is going some interesting places and knowing toby the theme of choices not mattering is gonna tilt super fuckin' hard
And that's why I'm holdin' off on the demo, if it really becomes a full game (even if it takes a few years...), then I'd rather just wait.
But man, if he actually gets a team together it might take less time, but probably around as much as Undertale (2.5 years)
Ok so

This theory I found on KYM



If this turns out to be true, then I'm inclined to believe DR is the second game of a trilogy:

-Sans gave up trying to go back, but it doesn't mean Frisk would try to convince him. Remember the timetraveler trick he pulls with you?
-Maybe the machine can only be repaired with data/materials from DR, and Clamgirl says "Suzy" might be the reason why you came to the Underground in the first place.
-The vessel in the beginning of DR is Frisk in UT. The soul escaped with it to go to a world where choices mattered.
-You, sans and Papyrus arrived to Ut to gain one possible choice inaccessible in DR: save the world.
-Delta is a triangle-shaped Greek letter. C'mon. Three.

Deltarune might not have a good ending.

At first.

It doesn't stop a madlad shitty-font skeleton from creating a third timeline and messing with Chara's/Kris's plans.

The power that shines within you fills you with DETERMINATION.