Episode: This Episode. Quality Uncontrol
casuals with
@Dhoppler from today
The quality of the video matches the quality of my play cause I forgot to change the settings after streaming.
mostly jazz until like 75% through.
also it was funny to see
roadroller freak out with two bigbands, a fortune, and a peacock on screen at once. It flashed a bunch on my end but since I recorded in 30fps the front half of the roadroller dipped like a st fireball.
Whenever I get weird input problems I start to go on tilt a little, like when I think I'm blocking low and then the game says I wasn't holding down, and then I get hit by the next mixup because that distracts me. For a while I've been having a problem with supers though, because as fortune (sometimes bb too I think) I'll want to do something like pbgc csf, and I'll get pbgc forward dash or forward dash into super and it makes me mad. I believe it only happened one time in this set, but I got forward dash and sneeze when I tried to super. I don't know if I'm missing the 2 in 236 or something when this happens, cause more often than not my input is "higher" than what I think it is. I've been running into another problem with fortune that's hard to explain as well. This also only happened I think once in the set, but lots of times when I try to pushblock fortune I just end up getting hit for what seems to be no reason. Like, I pushblock when I see/as smk is happening and suddenly my block ends and I'm getting hit and it confuses the hell out of me. Another another problem I've been running into is my parries seem to be dropping on hella easy things like argus (especially). It really bothers me cause I think I've got it, then I'm hit. One last thing I've been noticing that confuses me, a lot of times when I try to do a head action with fortune like zoom, the head will just go inactive for a second and do nothing. That makes me upset.
Dhoppler seems to play fortune pretty weird compared to other ones, but I don't really play that many different ones I guess. I notice he goes for airthrows way more than I'm used to, cause fortune's airgrab is kinda dook. also chk into h fiber I got hit by a lot because nearly every time thought I could punish chk. Its weird to punish though because it'll hit some normal punish tools like brass so you gotta be different. I noticed he was doing the thing that lots of people should be doing, which is snapping in bb because lots of people kinda don't know bb and just use him as an assist. This worked on me, but I feel like it wasn't cause my bb is bad, but because being snapped in puts me at a disadvantageous situation against a character with decent overheads and bb specific combos. I could never bait him to fiber reliably. Why does peacock have such nonsense with dhcs.
I've kinda cemented knowing which snap to use and when to use it. I really need to work on recognizing what normals I can snap with though. With BB I kinda always use cmp to snap, so I usually kinda flail about and drop when I hit cmk, which I could be snapping with. I also need to work on confirming l brass with ssj, cause there was a match where I hit with l brass like 3 times before confirming with ssj when it probably would have killed the first time. I don't use giant step often (probably should) for the same reason that I don't use el gato often, because its kinda slow and vulnerable, though step is faster. Also the reason I don't really use headless puppet tools is because when I try to do that, I focus too much attention on the head and and up getting my body hit. That, and I just don't like the way it feels to do zoom>nom/zoom>sneeze. I also usually don't go for overhead resets with headless cause her airdash sucks and I mess up iad jlk every time, and because of the thing I said about gato.
brick message decoders
Brick 1: Things don't work how I want and im cry
Brick 2: Dhopscawtch does things
Brick 3: Things I do and need to work on
I always forget like ten things I need to write down and complain about.