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Video Game Characters You HATE

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Oh boy, this is way too easy. Let the ranting begin.

Kuma, Panda, Roger, and Alex from Tekken - Just why? It is way too stupid for me to comprehend. You have humans, robots, angels, devils, and ancient creatures. You could say that too is pretty dumb, but at least they can be cool. Plain old animals plus a dinosaur? It just does not fit, in my opinion. It ruins some of the awesomeness in Tekken, along with making too many characters complete jokes.

Shout from Bomberman Jetters - This can also apply to Dr. Ein from Generations as well. Constantly calling you every ten steps to tell you something completely and utterly useless. "Gee, I wonder which way you should go?" I CAN THINK FOR MYSELF, BITCH! In the beginning, you may find the first few transmissions to be okay. You know, first level and all. But you will quickly hate her because she does not leave you alone, ever. She will keep calling you throughout the game, even in the final levels just to bother you and waste your time. Couple that with her annoying voice and you have a character that will cause your blood to boil.

Bed of Chaos from Dark Souls - I hate this boss more for the fact that it is cheap and just not a fun boss. The main reason for this is...the floor breaking. Hated it.
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If there's any character I dislike the most in Skullgirls, it's Double. I find her AI cheap and annoying to fight against when I do some Arcade, mainly for the way she spams Luger Replica until she hits you and then immediately does her Lvl 1 super the instant it hits you. And I don't care that I'm playing on Nightmare, Nightmare isn't even that challenging in the first place (excluding Nightmare Marie.) But for me, Double's AI ruins the experience most of the time.

As for other games:

Zangief (his Street Fighter IV iteration) GODDAMNIT STOP SPAMMING GRAB

Defalt from Watch_Dogs - What a fucking cocky bastard. I enjoyed taking him down, the smug prick. It doesn't help in the mission you bring him down that you have to chase him in a shitty little smart car of all things, plus he's using CTos against you. I don't care if the game tells me to knock him down, I shot him in the head with my pistol a dozen times after. That's how much I hate this abominable piece of shit kid. TWO PLUS TWO IS NOT FIVE YOU UNEDUCATED SON OF A BITCH.

There's probably more, but I've played tons of games to think about it right now.

Also, I have a conflicting view on Wesker with pretty much everyone else. I personally think D.C Douglas is and always will be the best Wesker, considering how in touch he is with his fans, kinda like the Skullgirl's VAs. And come on, he has a panel at cons where he reads out loud erotic Wesker fanfiction. That reminds me...

THE FINAL BOSS FIGHT IN RESIDENT EVIL 5 IS COMPLETE BULLSHIT. No, not just because Chris punches a boulder, but pretty much everything about it. It's broken at times, and new players are easily baited into death traps, yet pros can finish him in about as short as 2 minutes. This doesn't ruin my view of Wesker, just an dishonorable mention.
The Rabbids. Just...why, Ubisoft?
I second that. It was alright for one Rayman game, but then it just got to the point where you forget they originated from Rayman. They didn't deserve all those sequels and that TV show.
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Dogeyes from Sleeping Dogs. He talks all high and mighty, but when you catch him, he turns into a huge bitch.
To be honest, that does not excuse him for using the exact same grab over and over again without any breathing room.
I personally think Doubles transformation gimmick is lame as hell (aesthetically).

I remember when she was first announced as a cast member, and some people back on SRK were trying to defend it as "oh it's unique and if they played on her more grotesque side it would be played out". IMO not really. I like the game and all, but I'm not going to pretend that a really awesome monster design (which stands out even in comparison to other designs in the very crowded "lovecraftian horror" aesthetic) being squandered on a gimmick that essentially limits its true form to one attack is a good thing, and that it wasn't done to save time and money*.

I will admit that sometimes the quickness of Doubles transformations gives her movements a strange and ghostly look, like something viewed through a strobe light. But this is rare imo. For the most part it's just cheap looking and doesn't really impress me as interesting or cool. Hell, they could have made it fit in with her aesthetic mode with icky partial "imperfect" transformations into the rest of the cast or something like that, which would have been very cool.

I'm not blaming them because obviously they don't have a infinite time and money, and even the big companies pull lame shit like this when they have much less reason to (I would make a joke about Decapre here but there are far more examples from every fighting game franchise than that). I know we're spoiled if anything and that this is a great game, but I'm not gonna say it looks good when it doesn't (at least not to me).

(maybe someone will get in a Mike Z quote or Alex Ahad interview that says she was always supposed to fight that way or they had enough time and money for Squigly but wanted Double for whatever reason, but even so it's still a weak aesthetically IMO)
Claptrap- the main reason I dislike Borderlands.
Sonic- stupid "look at me I'm hip" character
Mike from Mother 3- He has a rainbow fedora.
- Yellow Devil (Megaman Series) and also his green buddy in MM9... Even if they're just blob they're f***ing irritating to fight.

- This piece of s***

- I never liked monster bosses like Ogre (Tekken) and Tengu (DOA) in martial arts themed 3D fighters.
I never understood the omochao hate. omochao is cute too, it's only really annoying in games where he talks after you come near h--oh I remember now.
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While there is a sort-of-understandable point of view as to why the character wasn't necessarily the worst person ever for what they did, Pikmin 3 had a character that screwed over your entire group in every single feasible way... in one night... after you saved said character's life:



Note: I didn't play Pikmin 2. I don't know what he was like in that game.

OMG, Louie is the FUCKING WORST. Btw, he's just as bad if not worse in Pikmin 2...

At the beginning of the game, the company that Louie and Olimar work for goes bankrupt because their cargo gets stolen. At the end of the game (after 100% completion), you find out that it was Louie who stole the cargo and ate all of it. Not only that, but in the second half of the game Louie gets lost, takes control of a giant boss spider, and tries to kill Olimar and the President. Louie is a fucking ass hole.
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I never really hate the character, I hate the writing. If I hate a character, It's usually because they were written poorly. There are some exceptions, characters I just hate. Kendra from Dead Space is one. Some of the more ridiculous Metal Gear bosses as well.
I hate Lana from hyrule warriors she is a stereotypical anime girl and her design is just an eyesore
I've always hated the Scout from TF2. He's fun to play as, but personality-wise, I f*cking hate him. Just imagine a baseball player from Boston who won't shut the hell up about how he's supposed to be better than you and he jumps and moves around so fast around the map that it's difficult to land an even decent hit on him without him going for a health kit as soon as you do hit him.

Also, I hated Cicero from the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Not because he's a rotten sack of shit, but because he's annoying. He maybe be a bit deranged, but his voice makes me want to stick needles in my ears plus his outfit, while it may provide okay bonuses for thief/assassin character in the middle of the game, is really ridiculous and out of place for a game like Skyrim.
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This one is aimed towards Telltale, where their strenghts are well-rounded characters and sometimes not-so-well-rounded characters.

Toad from "The Wolf Among Us".


Let's see:
He is neglectful to his son, and the times he pays attention to him, he threatens him.
He spends all of his money on himself and not to fix the situation his family is living.
He constantly points fingers and blames everyone else but himself for his problem, specially toward the playable character.

And I am very glad the game knows that you are going to hate him, because there are moments where you can call on his behaviour, and even beat him up, and that's the nicest thing I can say about this guy.

Unlike William Carver from "The Walking Dead Season 2".


I hate him because of one reason: bad writing, unlike Toad.
To everyone familiar to the Walking Dead franchise, you probably know the Governor and the act surronding him, and that's literally all I have to say about Carver. Just give him the eye patch and you get him.
And also that they got Michael Madsen, AKA, Mr. Blonde from freaking "Reservoir Dogs", aka the guy who cuts the ear off during the "interrogation" scene. I really wanted to see this character develop from something other than the Governor in-game form, but nope, they kill him off right away in the next episode, possibly due to the fact that people will realize that we are just having a Governor clone halfway during the episode, or more accurately, because they couldn't afford Mr. Madsen to voice act more than two episodes.
Badly written and biggest misuse of a celebrity voice actor, specially one that comes from a movie I adore.
There's only one character I hate in the soul calibur series: Abyss
Sure he's fun to play as but when you go up against him, he is anything but fun.

I also hated that Ansem-possessing-Riku boss from Kingdom Hearts. I couldn't beat him, mostly because I didn't have enough EXP. Which prompted me to start a new save file and try again (I did beat him eventually).
I hate babies in general
Sundowner from MGR:R, game I played recently and the first name I thought up when I saw this thread. He was one of those characters that I looked forward to fighting because they did a good amount of building him up. Jump cut to the most boring boss battle in the game. Luckily I feel like they knew that it wasn't a very fun boss fight and threw Sam in shortly after. I know Sundowner was basically training you for the last boss fight, but it didn't help that the pace of that fight was balls. Luckily the last few bosses put a really good taste in my mouth.
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Guilty Spark
All Gerudos
Any asshole in Mass Effect
Johnny/Gyro on their horses
Advanced Battle Droids in Republic Commando
White Glint (love-hate relationship)
Senator Steven Armstrong
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Nightmare (SC)
Claptrap (Borderlands)
Fi (Skyward Sword)
Jin (BB)
Nick, Rosalind & Josey (Lollipop Chainsaw).

and this fucker

him and plasma hydra just. goddamn

and there're probably more but my memory's awful so
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It has been a long time since last time I acctually disliked any video game character (or have I?). But this one I didn't like at all!
The only one I ever felt pure ultimate hatred toward was I-No from Guilty Gear.

And not for gameplay reasons, but story reasons.

Oh, Seymour. I cannot recall any of our battles being enjoyable. not to mention this guys is a super douchebag. Not even a fun to hate douchebag like Hazama or the Joker, he is just downright despicable in almost every way.




FAAAAACK! *Runs to hide under bed*

In all seriousness though, I had a strange experience with Night Terror. After losing somewhere in the range of hundreds of times against this guy with nearly every single character, I selected Nightmare as my next character to attempt against him... and he suddenly became a cakewalk. I'm not even talking that I'm that much better with Nightmare... It's like NT's AI just suddenly took a vacation. He just ate attacks to the face without blocking them, he never did any of his crazy laser or flying shenanigans, and I beat him on my first attempt with Nightmare. Does anyone else have any accounts like this occurring against this horrible boss?
I remember Night Terror!
FAAAAACK! *Runs to hide under bed*

In all seriousness though, I had a strange experience with Night Terror. After losing somewhere in the range of hundreds of times against this guy with nearly every single character, I selected Nightmare as my next character to attempt against him... and he suddenly became a cakewalk. I'm not even talking that I'm that much better with Nightmare... It's like NT's AI just suddenly took a vacation. He just ate attacks to the face without blocking them, he never did any of his crazy laser or flying shenanigans, and I beat him on my first attempt with Nightmare. Does anyone else have any accounts like this occurring against this horrible boss?

I remember Night Terror! I had a Create a Character Ninja (dressed up like Phoenix from the X-Men) who was pretty good for taking him out. Unblockable sidestep-fireballs and flying jumping kick attacks hurt him pretty well. Especially since one of the most basic combos- a triple rekka-like kick- had the AI almost never block the second or third kicks. I should try that again sometime...

i was neutral abt her when she was first annouced and put in the game and it just kinda when downhill from there
i personally dont see her appeal. shes literally just a recolor of filia, who didnt even take a full week to make, with a couple different animations and moves. to me, gameplay wise she feels a lot clunkier than filia. everyone treats her like shes the best thing to ever happen and its just like. what the fuck. after she was put into the game as a legit character i just kinda lost all respect/interest for her.
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I'll have to edit this later because I am such a huge fuckin' nerd that I can't think of ANY character, in all the years I've been playing video games, that I truly hate...just some that I am "meh" about.

Nathan Drake (Uncharted series) - I find him boring.
The "New" Dante from DMC - He was everything the original Dante wasn't: ordinary and lame. I know they wanted to add a realistic touch to him but you just can't put realism in DMC. Dante is meant to be an over exaggerated hero. I mean, did you see the cutscenes in DMC 3? lol
Edge (Star Ocean: The Last Hope) - He was ripped RIGHT out of your stereotypical shonen anime. Heroic yet weak, whiny with morale. And his voice - in Japanese and English, I could not stand it. He was a big disappointment. Shame because I wanted to love that game so much and rank it better than "The End of Time".
Not happenin'.
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