Top-Hatted Assassin
Note: this an opinion of someone 24 hours into Okami. I know that it is a loooooong game, and I have not had what happens past this point spoiled to me as of yet, so this is an opinion that can be swayed. Events in the game have already made me hate this character less, but I still hate him:
I personally do not like the trope of the "Know Nothing Know It All" when the character it applies to is reaches a certain level of arrogance, incompetence, selfishness, or simple annoyance.
Susano hit all four levels.
I understand that the intent is for the character to be comic relief, and I can see how he can be funny to others, but I could not help but get increasingly frustrated at how arrogant he was, how unbelievably useless he was in every given scenario, how often he smugly took all the credit for all of the times I helped him out, and how he SLASHED AMMY WITH HIS SWORD AND TOLD HER TO GET LOST!
The sad thing is that the very same game has a character that falls under the same trope, but I still like a lot: Issun. Issun is arrogant and not as skilled as he thinks he is, but he acts serious when he needs to, cares about others, and actually helps the player.

Susano hit all four levels.
I understand that the intent is for the character to be comic relief, and I can see how he can be funny to others, but I could not help but get increasingly frustrated at how arrogant he was, how unbelievably useless he was in every given scenario, how often he smugly took all the credit for all of the times I helped him out, and how he SLASHED AMMY WITH HIS SWORD AND TOLD HER TO GET LOST!
The sad thing is that the very same game has a character that falls under the same trope, but I still like a lot: Issun. Issun is arrogant and not as skilled as he thinks he is, but he acts serious when he needs to, cares about others, and actually helps the player.