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What is Next for Skullgirls After Robo Fortune?

Honestly, I got the game cause of the artwork first. I like fighting games in general so that was fine too, but I think I learned more from SG than the others. I've bought it twice(?) already which reminds me that I might get it for a friend if her BF doesn't get it for her now that she has his PS3 >w>

I have bought a little under 10 copies for friends because i fucking love this game. Also your post makes me think about how good a chicka skin for Peacock would be. (Bonnie for Bella, Foxy for Filia)
I have bought a little under 10 copies for friends because i fucking love this game. Also your post makes me think about how good a chicka skin for Peacock would be. (Bonnie for Bella, Foxy for Filia)
lol, I myself think Foxy for Robo would be humorous X3
When there's sales I buy 4 packs from places and give them to strangers that complain about not having a copy.
If it were up to me, [Don't leave it up to me], Make Marie, Black Dhalia and Umbrella then Annie for "Final Big Bang" DLC, that's the bare minim to me if it was going to continue.
Correction, the "bare minimum" (i spelled it wrong, eww) Is Marie because there are already assets for her, even if its like, 1/25th of what she should have.
We would then have 15 characters which is about the size of Vampire Savior's cast. But in the end we get what they are physically able to do.
Really? Darn. :/
I would of thought just her floating there without the bones and shit would of at least made her idle.
But the real question is... Would you really want THAT Marie playable compared to the concept art moves she had?
Would you really want THAT Marie playable compared to the concept art moves she had?
Not THAT Marie playable. But if nothing can be reused then she is pretty much the price of a full character.
Why are you people so desperate to grab a little girl

I dunno maybe it's because the pain of playing a grappler character on a character that cannot be grappled.
Why are you people so desperate to grab a little girl
Because when you go through the entirety of :BEO:'s story mode using almost nothing but grapples and sweeps and then Marie is immune to both of these, you turn to desperation. Seriously, we thought :BIG: had a bad enough time in that fight...
You're clearly understimate the power of that chair!

But yeah the few concept art i've seen of pre-skullgirl Marie were fun enough, but i currently have a hard time guessing what her fighting style would be like!
I dunno, it's probably still Skullgirl Marie, considering HER SKIN POPS OFF HER SKELETON.
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Why are you people so desperate to grab a little girl
are you saying you wouldn't grab Annie ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
No seriously if Annie was released RIGHT NOW on every platform DDB would be the first to grab her
I guess the topic have now gotten off track and is crashing down...it was bound to happen i guess!
I'd just want Marie in game as a real character because even Mortal Kombat X got the right idea by making Corrupted Shinnok subject to normal throws and combos. Mortal Kombat . . . with a reasonable boss. That is a weird sentence. (Ok he also has that unibeam that does stupid damage.)

Also MKX has caught on that spooky skeleton hands are a great boss accessory.

EDIT: Checking some videos I guess he can't be thrown. Well that's disappointing.
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I'd just want Marie in game as a real character
And with that we'd be set for the canon storyline, it's still only a dream tho....
Its easy!
Just win the lottery and donate all of it to Lab Zero!
They DO say you only need one kidney...
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A kidney's only, like, 3000 dollars.
We need at least 300000 for a character.

I might have maybe sold one of my kidneys before.
A kidney's only, like, 3000 dollars.
We need at least 300000 for a character.
Then i'll get started on the search for victi- eh, volunteers, we need more characters AND the canon story.
Okay, so this may be the worst idea ever, but I'd think an actual bundling of some DLC + game could be in order. Because the game is $15, but Squigly, Band, and Eliza together are $15 itself. It just seems a little silly. Plus if Squigly is necessary for a canon ending (should it be made), it seems wrong to have a DLC character required for something so central to the game.

x: Crucify me now.
Speaking of bundles, I'd totally buy a Skullgirls vita bundle with the vita's back touch-screen as Bigband's iron lung.
Plus if Squigly is necessary for a canon ending (should it be made), it seems wrong to have a DLC character required for something so central to the game.
I didn't even understand a fraction of that...