Update! I'm still gawrbage. I don't know what to do, really. I'm using Fukua and Eliza because I don't know where to start with Robo Fortune or Double or anyone that I want to learn, really. I'm just lost. Like a sad little children's movie about a bag of trash trying to find his way back home to the dump.
I still have no fucking clue how to deal with Filia.
I still have no fucking clue how to deal with Robo-Fortune.
I still don't understand why I'm losing so much. I know that's not """"""""""progress""""""""", but if I was actually getting better I still wouldn't be getting perfected all the time. I'm at that frustrating point where I'm not improving and I don't know what I can do to improve. It's hard to find 'intermediate players' because, turns out, pretty much all 'intermediate players' are leagues better than me, but I'm too experienced to be a beginner.
I don't know. This is frustrating.