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who strims

What kind of stream would you like to see?

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Anchor Peacock is the future
Sep 2, 2013
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Double Big Band Peacock
Since the end of Who Yall Like, I've wanted to get another weekly competitive Skullgirls stream going, given that there seems to be a demand for it. However, because keninblack wanted WYL to end, I don't want to do something that had the same format of that show. I've got a few different ideas, and I wanted to get some feedback from the community. Which of these would you be the most interested in?

1. Kumites
One person plays a series of long sets against multiple opponents. People seem to like watching these and/or playing in them. There's some issues with this format: getting someone every week to go through one of these gauntlets could be difficult, and a lot of the more prominent members of the community have already done a kumite (and presumably wouldn't want to do another).

2. Topanga-style league
The basic idea behind this* is having some number of players (let's say 8 players) in a round robin tournament where every round of the tournament is a first to 7 set. Each weekly stream would have maybe 4 of the first to 7 sets. This could be cool, however, a lot of people had complaints about WYL having the same set of players on every week... given that this tournament is limited to the same 8 players, people who had that complaint would probably not like this format.

*This is my understanding of how this works; I tried to look up the exact rules that the real Topanga league uses but they're in Japanese =|

3. Division/playoff based league
The Tekken community had a weekly stream like this which I thought was pretty cool to watch. One example of how this could work is having 5 divisions of 5 players, organized by region (such as, Northeastern USA/Southeastern USA/Midwest/Pacific Northwest/California). One season would be 8 games long. At the end of the season, the player with the best record in their division, plus the 3 players with the best records who did not win their division, would enter an 8 person single elim tournament. The winner of that would be the winner for that season.

These numbers are all just placeholders btw. If you like the basic idea here but don't like 5 divisions or 8 games in a season or whatever, that could all be tweaked.

4. Single elim tournament with conditions
Pretty self explanatory I think, each week would have a different condition like "solos only" or "your team has to include both Valentine and Painwheel" or something. I guess an issue with this is that some conditions would benefit some players while penalizing others ("solos only" isn't much of a restriction for people who already play solo). I'm also not sure how many different restrictions we could think up, we might run out.

5. A fifth thing
If you have a good idea that I didn't think of, post it in this thread. If there's a suggestion that a lot of people like I will add it to the poll (unless it turns out you can't edit polls, I don't honestly know if the forum software lets you do that).


6: Queen of the hill lobby (ty Skarmand)
First to X held wins.
Pick 3-5 players before hand and then just start the lobby.
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I like the idea of regular division, maybe the occasional kumite (monthly?) Look into how new your did A and B league for divisions. I like that a lot, skill seeded divisions that is. And you can advance/drop division at the end of the season
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1, 2, and 3 all sound great to me not. Not too keen on the gimmicky tournaments unless they are like super occasional, they can be fun sometimes but not regularly
Why not just curate some good FT7s? It's not like that was exclusively WYL's thing, you know. Plenty of streams have done it, but not many right now, so it's a good time for you to do it, imo.
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Why not just curate some good FT7s?
I answered this question in the first paragraph of the first post. Thank you for your response.
I answered this question in the first paragraph of the first post. Thank you for your response.
Yeah, I get it, I'm just saying it's a bad reason not to do it. Seems arbitrary.
Yeah, I get it, I'm just saying it's a bad reason not to do it. Seems arbitrary.
I am respecting kenin's wishes to not continue the show. I don't feel like a new show with the same format but a different name is really in the spirit of respecting said wishes. Also, his show wasn't the only way to do a weekly Skullgirls stream and I'd like to try a different format.
I am respecting kenin's wishes to not continue the show. I don't feel like a new show with the same format but a different name is really in the spirit of respecting said wishes. Also, his show wasn't the only way to do a weekly Skullgirls stream and I'd like to try a different format.
I can understand the deference to Pat's wishes, but if Roscoe's BBQ closes, that doesn't mean you can't open a new BBQ joint; it means you can't use Roscoe's name, you dig what I'm saying? Roscoe didn't invent BBQ, he doesn't have a patent on BBQ, and it's no disrespect to sell BBQ if he's out of the game.

I can totally feel it if you just plain ol' wanna do something different, though.
I think weekly is too often tbh

It gets hard to find players wh ich one didn't see 3x in the last month (playerbase+count of ppl who want to play is too small), it burns people out ("ugh, another of these?wasn't it just yesterday or something.."), and it lowers the importance of every respective single event ("who won three days ago? Sage? Nah, wasn't it peanuts? Or was he the week before? Didn't yaya also win recently? Ah whatever, in 3 days will be the next one..")

Every month sounds a bit too rare for me though
Every 3 weeks sounds p.decent to me, but then the date varies pretty wildly?
Maybe biweekly is best (though I'd prefer 3 week cycle frequencywise)?
The ft7's thing gets boring pretty quick though. Not enough good players/not enough improving players to really do it atm I feel.

I'd like more streams dedicated to sharing information and helping people improve, but even when I did it I had trouble figuring out the best methods of doing so.
3. Sounds like a bad idea because it forces west coast to fight west coast and is that really what you want.

I am all about having a bellaball or fugazi tourney. We need to diversify our minigames portfolio. Typing of the Skullgirls 2v2 would be great but that doesn't work online so rip I guess.
I'd like more streams dedicated to sharing information and helping people improve, but even when I did it I had trouble figuring out the best methods of doing so.
You might wanna talk to @doubledark and @dapurplesharpie they're working on something like this atm.
3. Sounds like a bad idea because it forces west coast to fight west coast and is that really what you want.
I was planning on making the schedule such that half the matches in a season are against the other players in your own division, who would be in the same general part of the world so the pings should be good there. But yeah there would be no way getting around east coast vs west coast happening at some point and that could be pretty rough (especially if it happened in the playoffs).
Just let WYL die.
focus on helping the community grow by sharing info on Skullgirls and do something to cater to the non competitive and new crowd. Only like dekillsage school, newbie night, and my own tourney/streams in general are welcoming and inviting new people to join the community instead of just being something for people who are already really into the game.
Just let WYL die.
focus on helping the community grow by sharing info on Skullgirls and do something to cater to the non competitive and new crowd. Only like dekillsage school, newbie night, and my own tourney/streams in general are welcoming and inviting new people to join the community instead of just being something for people who are already really into the game.
I'm explicitly looking to make something that appeals to the competitive crowd, though, and there is a demand for it based on people I've talked to + posts I've read on the forums. This appeals to a different group of people than your streams so I think it's ok if they coexist :)

@Ninja wanted to do something called "The Gladiator Pit". its pretty much a display of random guys jumping into the ring in ft5 format i believe.
ironically enough when i saw MMDS' name called "king of skullgirls" i think i got an idea

so the event would basically have the first tournament to declare "king of skullgirls". Then the 2nd tournament the king of skullgirls has to defend his title from the "contender"

the regular matches will be ft3's while final fight will be ft 5's. this is of course dependent on entrants at the debut day. Another rule could be that if the "king of skullgirls is not present" then the "Wild Card" will have their chance against the contender and will decide who's "king of skullgirls"
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There already are multitudes of online tourneys that appeal to the competitive crowd and I thought you would want to have your own thing instead of just trying to beat the WYL horse.

Bit hey here's an idea for an interesting event.
make it FT5 between popular people and have a salty bucks function to bet on these hype matches.
I did say that I want a different format than WYL, yeah. Some of the examples of things I was thinking of are in the OP. I'm also trying to do something different than a standard double elim tournament since as you say there are already regular streams for that.

Your proposed idea sort of seems exactly like WYL, except FT5 instead of FT7? We usually had SkaBot in the chat which had a betting feature.
In case it's not mentioned; Queen of the hill lobby, first to X held wins.
Pick 3-5 players before hand and then just start the lobby.
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I did say that I want a different format than WYL, yeah. Some of the examples of things I was thinking of are in the OP. I'm also trying to do something different than a standard double elim tournament since as you say there are already regular streams for that.

Your proposed idea sort of seems exactly like WYL, except FT5 instead of FT7? We usually had SkaBot in the chat which had a betting feature.
Ah whoops totally forgot how WYL worked never liked it myself, little too repetitive with the cast of people who did it, (in my opinion)

Then your idea of one person vs. The world is good is good provided you get really good people for it and making sure it is not lopsided in its match ups
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In case it's not mentioned; Queen of the hill lobby, first to X held wins.
Pick 3-5 players before hand and then just start the lobby.
Oh, I really like this. Thanks for the suggestion!

e: It turns out I can in fact change the poll options, nice. I also made it so users can change their votes, so if you like Skarmand's suggestion you can change your vote to it.
In case it's not mentioned; Queen of the hill lobby, first to X held wins.
Pick 3-5 players before hand and then just start the lobby.
i did this once and i think it's a great idea and i would love to see that happen again

edit: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLh6tHK2h1vMEtb3CzAA8c2ofzixB80P54

here are some examples of what skarmand is talking about. i haven't watched these videos in a while but i'm assuming that i'm REALLY loud in them and talking mostly silliness so you might want to watch your speakers and not expect any intelligible commentary
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Ninja wanted to do something called "The Gladiator Pit". its pretty much a display of random guys jumping into the ring in ft5 format i believe.

Hmmmm Gladiator Pit is a little misleading of a name, it's more a kind to one guy getting beat up by like a gang of 5+ people in a couple of hours. if you can tough it then you got hair on your chest.
I'd like more streams dedicated to sharing information and helping people improve, but even when I did it I had trouble figuring out the best methods of doing so.

Yeah, @mcpeanuts is right. I'm working on a stream like that right now.

You guys may know it as Newbie Night, but I'm revamping it to be more inclusive to not just new players, but also players like me that struggle with other mechanics.

If you'd like to help Sage, I'm sure we can find a section you can work on.
whatever shows the most matches with top players all fighting each other.

negus' elitist stream from way back when was really good; it lets people see how different top players deal with other top players stuff and generally showcases a lot of talent.
I have been following their streams for the least 3 months. I like the concept, and it stays interresting. Just wish i would understand anything. Maybe this could be something?
Basicly how they have it set up that you have 12 different ranks.

Everyone starts at low rank and accumulates points by defeating opponents of same rank or higher ranking to get to the next rank. From there on forward you get pitched against opponents of the same skill level or higher depending on how many points you have in your rank.

I guess it's something like division but not really.
For anyone that understands japanese and could let me in on how this actually really works i'd be interrested to know more about this.

But yeah. I would like to see something along these lines.
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who would be in the same general part of the world so the pings should be good there.

I'm exaggerating how bad it is, but the problem isn't playing vs. east coast as west.

I just remembered something that might make an interesting steam though, Quickmatch Bingo. Something I saw dark souls players do once. A couple of players get bingo sheets with requirements like "Win with X Move" or "Win with X Character(s)" and have the competitors stream. Granted this might be more interesting if qm had more than 3 different people on it 90% of the time so maybe lobbies would be the way to go since they'd end up fighting each other anyway.
alright bitch this is how its gonna go down feel me first we mod blaise alright then the illuminati picks their finest warriors to face off winner is the best loser dies irl die in the game die in real life feel me each section of the illumintitty across the world shall fight who shall reign supreme you may wonder find out this sunday night as john cena defends his world title at the WWE suuuuppperrrslamm (pay-per-view) the illuminbugahtii shall control?
Queen of the hill only really works if you get players who wont get steam rolled by one dude, so be careful with your crazy... picks.
Could also make it so that after one person wins the others keep playing until they get to their 5 points so you can get your 1st, 2nd, 3rd place peoples. I like the idea, just don't go past 4 people imo
In case it's not mentioned; Queen of the hill lobby, first to X held wins.
Pick 3-5 players before hand and then just start the lobby.
My one issue with this is that it could take 20 minutes, or literally until the end of time.
People do these willingly already (for some reason what the fuck) so I don't see the need of having a consistent stream doing it.

Topanga-style league
This sounds awesome but it would require a lot of cooperation with availability on the 8 players part. Which could get inconsistent and drag it out too long.

Division/playoff based league
This would be boring because Northeast/East Coast would be too overpowered.

Unless you do other regions than after all that is said and done the winning team plays team Northeast. Because right now it would be really boring unless something like that occurred. This seems very fun!

Single elim tournament with conditions
As you mentioned, it would require a ruleset to not let people enter who don't care about the conditions... and than it gets finicky. Like no point in having a solos only tournament with people who can't beat actual solo players and stuff like that. So I feel like this could work we'd just need more ideas. Single elim in a game like this would also be pretty "haha"

Queen of the hill lobby
This could be dope too. It would run into the same problem with "same people all the time" but honestly that is a whack excuse. What do people expect? This game only has 10-15 strong players IF that and the numbers probably lower now due to who is actually playing. Than you have 3-4 (tbh 2) players that are marginally better than everybody else. So people just need to put up with it, its high level play and thats whats good about it <3

But yeah I hope it works out and you find something to work with!

And I mean, you CAN do FT7's and stuff (just don't call it WYL pls name it something else) but we already did that. So while its definitely possible, I can't imagine it going a month before people get sick of the same old same old.
I would expect a queen of the hill lobby to just be something to have fun hand mess around.

Nothing serious would be put down imo for a queen of the hill
I would love to have the division playoff thing happened and here is my proposal for what we could do.

8 Regions? Or 4 region round robin? We'll have to figure this out.

I'd like to run auditions or something or have a thing where...

-Each region gets a team captain.
-Team Captain decides the team.


It would proooobably have to be US/Canada/Mexico??? We could do a separate Europe, Japan, South America, or any other region based events if this one is popular I suppose? But just for netcode and yeah all that.

Regions in question...

8 Region Idea:
East Canada
West Canada
2nd Midwest Region or Mexico?

This is just a draft don't laugh we can figure it out xD

Or for the 4 round robin idea...
South/Mexico something.

Northeast/East would be the final boss.

We could do A League and B League... I have so many ideas what the fuck....

Okay... so A league has like the killers the best rank players.

B League has more up and comer players playing at a slightly lower skill level (THEY'RE STILL GOOD ENOUGH TO DO THINGS IT WONT BE TRASH) and we have 2 separate leagues going. If captains of the A league notice anything you could like trade a player down to B league or some shit I dunno we can make it wild.

For THAT to happen though it would definitely just have to be 4 regions/round robin though. B league would have NE/East involved though for 5 teams in B league.
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Than... thats why it'd be region based? I don't understand what you mean.
If team east coast was our 5 from EVO then we can't really do that, considering 3/5 of us either don't play or can only play on PSN.
Keninblack and Skull Girl Leagues. Should I make Tradeable BaseBall Cards of Players in both Leagues? that would be nifty. oh and a stick of chewing gum in each card pack!
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If team east coast was our 5 from EVO then we can't really do that, considering 3/5 of us either don't play or can only play on PSN.

It'd be something like Sage/Sonicfox/Twerk/Drewski/Me if I can get a PC and or find a way to play on a PC during days I need to or McPeanuts/Zid/Winnie if he wants to etc

That still needs to be final boss status. Than B team can be something idk. We'll figure it out once/if its put to practice.

I'd be down to run/organize but someone would need to host and stream.