To be honest View, in every thread that a beginner has complained about something you've given them the same shit along the lines of "don't expect us to help you get better", which is the absolute worst attitude towards a beginner to have; sure, you don't need to hold their hand through every step, but don't just leave it at "everything you said is pointless".
If anything a thread like this at least shows beginners why those characters do not need buffs/nerfs. Just telling the beginners they're idiots who need to figure stuff out for themselves or that their voices mean nothing isn't exactly encouraging anyone. What's that thing they say to kids? "If you've not got anything nice to say don't say it at all"
At least when Vulpes or the like insult someone's intelligence they throw in a nice video we can admire or a pile of frame data that no one reads and just takes for granted, and even they are polite enough not to talk to beginners like they should know everything already.
"This community is so scrubby why aren't they getting better", maybe has something to do with the fact there are only a handful of good players encouraging improvement, instead of complaining that it's not there.