- Joined
- Mar 11, 2014
- Messages
- 183
- Reaction score
- 72
- Points
- 28
- Location
- Kansas City, Missouri
- Website
- www.twitch.tv
- Steam
- Zephyreles

Diary cleaned up. Deleted alot. Added abit ALOT. Currently on hiatus from SG for the foreseeable future. Planned Return: Fall 2016.
Big Band
General Character-Specific Notes.
Player Studies
Diary cleaned up. Deleted alot. Added a
TODO tl;dr be a lab monster again
- Practice BnBs for all characters on all character weights until consistent.
- Optimized and assist-specific combos. CH combos. Tag combos. Resets.
- SOID3 has alot of potential as a reset tool due to being an overhead with 2k+ or so damage, like a harder hitting, charging version of Horace birdkick, and it can be totally noncomittal for the assist if called and then the opponent is crossed up so that they are sandwiched between the Peacock and the Point. It also allows for conversions not otherwise possible in any situation, or possible with 1 or 2 other assists at most, if not none at all, such as OTG off Grab Bag (big damage, 1ResetToDeath), extensions from SSJ into Taunt ATrain TubaTubaTuba, fullscreen conversions into combo off of SSJ raw or Brass/ATrain SSJ.
- Character Kill Combos in 3 meters or less, 1x ratio. If possible, 3v2 and 3v3 ratio.
- How to use LNLH, Excella, George L, SOID3, and BE L/M in neutral properly.
- Can George L and/or SOID3 be fullscreen conversion tools for Big Band and Bella given the right circumstances? What are they?
- How to deal with getting pushblocked and staying in efficiently. This also means utilizing Fuzzy Gaurd, particularly with BB and Peacock.
- Fuzzy Gaurd is hitting an opponent blocking high, and utilizing their high stance during blockstun while they switch to blocking low, to hit them with an overhead, usually one that's not possible on a crouching opponent .
- This has been my achilles heel to my offensive pressure with Bella.
- Fuzzy Gaurd is hitting an opponent blocking high, and utilizing their high stance during blockstun while they switch to blocking low, to hit them with an overhead, usually one that's not possible on a crouching opponent .
- Defending against offenses with lockdown assists. Particularly Squigly, Eliza, Fortune, Robo.
- Practice MOVEMENT.
- Practice effective zoning. Zoning is tied with movement and spacing!
- In addition to zoning, how do I zone and pick up momentum against zoning shells meant to stifle the opponent into the corner? Teams such as any combination of Peacock, Fukua, Parasoul, and Robo, with Love Dart, Napalm Shot, Beam, and any Peacock projectile assists. See: Skarmand, Lawnba.
- Take note of the entire casts + On Block moves.
- Video: How to Parry and Punish every Super with a HCH (sHP starter) Full Combo
- Video: How to Parry and punish most common approaches and options.
- Video: PBGC Parry. When is the tool an appropriate reversal?
- BB Offensive Pressure and utilizing (air) Parry as an oki tool to bait/cover reversal and reversal super options. Used to be good at that.
- Utilizing Meaties: Throwing a move on a recovering opponent that's active on frame 1 of wakeup.
- Understanding EVERY character's meaty options.
- How the hell do I deal with Headless Fortune? Snap the bitch?
- I need to watch the archives of FuLLBLeeD:, Dhoppler, LazyDiablos, and Elda Taluda playing in previous tournaments, in addition to watching the Skippy McYay reset video, to understand the offense and resets and tools better.
- How the hell do I deal with Filia, with each and every character I have?
- How do I deal with literally almost everything being plus on block, including and not withstanding sHP, sHK, and Hairball, besides reversal assist?
- Peacock: Practice PBGC cLK AA punish into full comboagainst instant overheads, Updo, and Fuzzy Gaurds.
- Bella: instant mash5A (jLP) is an option for everything. What about AA sLK?
- Band: Uh. Hm. Be patient?
- How do I deal with literally almost everything being plus on block, including and not withstanding sHP, sHK, and Hairball, besides reversal assist?
- I'm fairly decent in reading certain things and throws and can throw tech decently.
Always room for improvement.- Throw Teching against Low/Throws by Fortune and Filia. Crouch Block and release on throw tech. Hardware note: A fightstick/thumbstick with a heavier spring returns to neutral quicker. Modding possibility for upperhand.
- Pick up and Learn Painwheel... ......? Maybe also Beowulf?
- Find time to learn all of this. Jesus.
Main - Lock N Load H
Alternative Assists - Cerecopter, Excellabella
Alternative Assists - Cerecopter, Excellabella
Big Band
Main Assist - Beat Extend M
Alternative - Brass H/A-Train H
-Actively practe parries. Become consistent.
Alternative - Brass H/A-Train H
-Actively practe parries. Become consistent.
Player Studies
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