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USA Organizing Skullgirls' Event Calendar 2016-2017

So, remind me again why we're announcing a calendar year tour by skipping the first half of the tour and having it abruptly end partway through the calendar year?
It's just what people wanted. I also don't think starting in one year and ending in the next is that strange. The dates match the span of both the NBA and the NHL seasons, for example (both start Oct and end in Jun).
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Also, since I haven't plugged it here yet, but the #SkullgirlsTour is up on Smash.gg:
This will have all of our relevant info, links to important stuff/footage/stream, I think merchandise will be available (that may or may not end up supporting the tour), we should be announcing prizes soon-ish (looking into giving people stuff based on region and points, to farily distribute), we also are talking with all the relevant people as far as potential pot bonuses and additional prizes are concerned. We should be announcing all that cool stuff at some point.

We got it kicked off a bit late, but hopefully you guys like the format and we can keep going into the future with this kind of thing.
didn't know if you were gonna be making a thread or anything for the finalized tour, seems that this seems to be the place to discuss it though (maybe? could make a thread for this idk).

that said, I do have some questions/concerns.

-why are there 7 online tournaments?
-if there are 5 offline tournaments, and revolution is now one of them, that means that either FF or NWM is being cut. why?
-i have no issue with the tour not starting January 1st and ending December 31st or anything, but if the point of the tour is to try to drive attendance why are we starting the tour with half the offline events already completed?
-will there be any sort of restriction on location/ping/internet connection etc. for the online tournaments?
-will the online tournaments be weighted equally with offline events?
-why are there SEVEN ONLINE TOURNAMENTS in a tour that is designed to drive attendance to a select number of offline events?

if it wasn't apparent, my main issue with the tour is the number of online tournaments. Last I had heard, there was going to be one online tournament in the tour to sort of fill the gap between majors in the first half of the year, which is understandable. Even CPT had a handful of online events smattered about to give people who can't travel an opportunity to compete. The fact of the matter is, however, quite frankly that online events are considered by most people to be less reputable than offline events due to the inherent issues of netplay (Put a restriction on internet connection in bold, italicize, underline, 36pt font), so the fact that there are more online events than offline events concerns me (not to mention the fact that, again, the original intent of this tour idea was to basically tell people where to turn out offline). The only reasonable way to have that many online tournaments without skewing the points is to make each online event worth relatively little (and at that point then what's the point of having so many?)

On the topic of offline events, what tournament are we cutting? The only reason I can possibly think of to not include FF/NWM is because you weren't able to get in touch with the TO and you wanted their approval before putting them on the tour or something like that. I'd just like to hear some reasoning for why that seems to be happening. Regarding the tour starting halfway through, again I dont feel like it needs to line up with the calendar year but if we ARE supposed to value points then at this point its a bit late for anything besides CB.

It wouldn't be such a big issue if this was just a little thing we were running on our own, but now that this whole system IS now in place and TOs are involved, this is going to be the face of the SGC to the rest of the FGC so I think these issues definitely need to be addressed. I know I am not the only person who feels this way about the slant of the tournament being so heavily netplay as well.
-will there be any sort of restriction on location/ping/internet connection etc. for the online tournaments?
This definitely needs to be a thing. The Capcom Pro Tour Online events had rules in place for this both for cases of poor connection speed and cases where players had unplayable connections with each other. This isn't something like Skullbats/Ronaldo's weekly tournaments where it's much more of a casual setting so anyone can participate and be matched up with whoever with games having to be played. Like Pickles said, if this tour is going to be the face of the SGC then we can't let [player known less for their skill and more for having a bad connection] place well in seven online tournaments. That would not be a good look.
tldr; the skullgirls community doesn't need or benefit from this tour or ranking system

My first problem with this tour is that it's ranking people from tournaments held last year, when the people who entered it didn't know they were playing to be ranked. That isn't how a ranking system/ tour works; you tell the people participating in advance, not just throw it out there.

Also, do we fund the people who place high in online tournaments to offline ones? What about people who won't enter them, but are unequivocally strong players like 159man? Do we not fund him to cb2017 if he decides to go/ needs the help? Or do we fund some random dude who places high in the online tournaments but never makes the effort to travel?

If there are going to be online tournaments there needs to be a set precedent for connections, region, and lag; you simply can't have someone in the east coast fight against someone in south america or brazil and take their laggy match as a serious result. You can't if you're trying to emulate the capcom cup/ tour, which brings me to another point.

Why exactly do we need this? How does this tour benefit us? There has been a steady increase of players and tournament attendance over the past year/ year and a half without needing a tour/ ranking system. Combo Breaker being the end all be all tournament has been enough for people who want to seriously compete to try their best and make it out, and we fund people who we believe are worth attending (mwisk/ winnie for 2015, and 159man/ zeknife/ yaya for 2016).

I don't see the point in having a glorified srk ranking system for this game at this point in time, that's really my biggest issue with this whole thing.
And whether or not this idea was taken from the CPT, having a similar-styled tour is not a good look for the greater FGC to view us as a whole, it feels cheap and unnecessary.
Regardless of all the other stuff, I think starting the tour with most of the (offline) events already completed and retroactively awarding points for them is strange. It's a fact that no one entered those three tournaments for ranking points because they didn't know they would be given points, but now we're so far through the season that people who didn't go to those events are already locked out from doing well overall. I assume it's too late for a lot of people to book time off for Frosty, so it's even worse for them. So instead of the points system being a way to encourage people to turn up to events, it's a way to discourage them from turning up for the rest of the 'season' unless they already happened to go to CEOtaku, GUTS or Revo.

None of this applies if the online tournaments (as a whole) are worth as much as the offline tournaments, but that's a much worse problem so hopefully that's not how it works.
I'm confused: would people that DIDN'T go to GUTS or CEOtaku have gone if we announced they were a part of the tour?
(I mean, we totally announced the fact that both GUTS and REVO were a part of the tour)

If people are that frustrated with it, we can definitely remove those events and start it with NWM.
-why are there 7 online tournaments?
I believe the online lineup consists of one JPN event, one EU event, and two BRZ events, so over half of them are outside of NA. Since it's hard to setup offline events in all of these places (though we did manage to talk with Revo), it felt like this was a fair way to include more of our players from all over. As far as how they're weighted: one offline event is worth two to three times what you get online in points.

There will also be regional based prizes, so people who can only ever play in BRZ online tourneys can participate and win stuff despite never having a chance in the overall rankings. This also means that there are 3 online NA events and 4 offline, helping even out the point distribution within the region. No one is winning the whole thing with offline points, but participating in both offline and online events is advised.

-if there are 5 offline tournaments, and revolution is now one of them, that means that either FF or NWM is being cut. why?
Frosty, and there were three reasons. The first was there's no reason to make people go to Chicago twice, since we're already going to there for the big event. Similar to why we don't have both CEO and CEOtaku, even though CEO had a fair number of people entering recently. The second reason was that this year seemed pretty hectic, with over 30 games over fri-sat, so it wasn't something I wanted to tell people to go to over other events. The last reason was that it was super close to the smash.gg announcement; ontop of all the other reasons, we were only able to get this setup like 3 weeks beforehand, so I don't want to rush anyone into going that wasn't already planning on it.

-i have no issue with the tour not starting January 1st and ending December 31st or anything, but if the point of the tour is to try to drive attendance why are we starting the tour with half the offline events already completed?
Regarding the tour starting halfway through, again I dont feel like it needs to line up with the calendar year but if we ARE supposed to value points then at this point its a bit late for anything besides CB.
Well... we already started the tour, this is just a smash.gg which gives us more structure is all. We've been talking to people and trying to build buzz since like September.

-will there be any sort of restriction on location/ping/internet connection etc. for the online tournaments?
Well, yeah. NA players can only play in online NA tourneys, sets with ridiculous pings will be looked at (offending player DQ'd), etc. I feel like our community is already pretty good at doing that for big events (kumites and whatnot), didn't think I needed to explicitly state it.

do we fund the people who place high in online tournaments to offline ones?
We haven't mentioned funding anyone. If the community wants to continue funding players to go to CB or what have you, they are under no obligation to pick from people who place well in the SGTour. If the SGTour gets to the point where we can afford to fund players (which would be nice and we are interested in) we probably would look at both region and placements to decide who we would send (if we ever could).

None of this applies if the online tournaments (as a whole) are worth as much as the offline tournaments, but that's a much worse problem so hopefully that's not how it works.
We can't announce anything yet, but no one is currently incapable of winning something in some fashion due to not attending events that already happened. I'd like to find a way to reward online players that can't make offline events in addition to rewarding each region and the overall Tour point leader.
I'm confused: would people that DIDN'T go to GUTS or CEOtaku have gone if we announced they [awarded ranking points]?
(I mean, we totally announced the fact that both GUTS and REVO were a part of the tour)
I assumed that one of the reasons to have a points system was to encourage people to turn up to offline events. If you don't think that it would have encouraged even one player to attend an event that they otherwise wouldn't have gone to, then what's the point?
Well... we already started the tour, this is just a smash.gg which gives us more structure is all. We've been talking to people and trying to build buzz since like September.

You can't start a tour without the players knowing beforehand; what sense does this make?
There has been no buzz, and you've said absolutely nothing to the greater community.
Brainstorming logos on twitter doesn't count by the way. There was no official announcement of a tour until New Years Eve.
You can't start a tour without the players knowing beforehand; what sense does this make?
There has been no buzz, and you've said absolutely nothing to the greater community.
Brainstorming logos on twitter doesn't count by the way. There was no official announcement of a tour until New Years Eve.
There was, the entire Kai blowup was a result of it. All I have to say is please put reasonable rules regarding regions and connections in online tournaments or nobody in this community will take them seriously. Regional online events is a sick thing, just give them your all and make this clear beforehand. The concern people have is "please do not rank them to the weight of offline events"

I don't care/am neutral or against a ranking system. Never found it necessary. As I already said many times here and in private, the goal of this should have been to get people to focus on attendance for specific events for quality > quantity. That's all that was really needed and what was already done.

I DO think people should give this a chance. Clarify the role of online tournaments and points, and that's all that needs to be done. Most people aren't going to care about the rankings though.

i'm aware this isn't my community anymore but I figured I should say something for people who aren't up to voicing their opinion.
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You can't start a tour without the players knowing beforehand; what sense does this make?
There has been no buzz, and you've said absolutely nothing to the greater community.
What? I didn't tell anyone? There's been no buzz at all? We've had... the open letter, three seperate threads on this topic (two were tour specific), the SRK announcement months ago, the writeups for tour events, and me mentioning it on SRK every chance I get. Where've you been?
You can't start a tour without the players knowing beforehand; what sense does this make?
There has been no buzz, and you've said absolutely nothing to the greater community.
Brainstorming logos on twitter doesn't count by the way. There was no official announcement of a tour until New Years Eve.

Well this is one way to do so. I mean this can be posted on all social media platforms to get the word out, and sharpie did announce this last night on her stream...so uh yea it be out there in some degree. Unless yout Mike Z its kinda hard to get the attention of the entire SGC is not that easy. Unless its posted in srk which I am sure will happen soon
Unless its posted in srk which I am sure will happen soon
You seriously overestimate the number of people who read/care about SRK articles in this community.

There isn't really a universal platform for announcement.
You seriously overestimate the number of people who read/care about SRK articles in this community.

Srk is the top #1 fighting game news site out there. Weather it does generate eye views or not its better to have it out there and generate interest out there. When your making a huge announcement of this size its important to use every assest you have to promote your thing. So using srk to write a piece about it is good for PR. On top of using facebook, twitter, youtube, etc. this is another part to it that helps get the message out there since not all 100% of people go on SH to find or look for SG news
I don't see the point in having a glorified srk ranking system for this game at this point in time, that's really my biggest issue with this whole thing.

I think the rest of everything here is open for opinions and debate, but this item is probably worth ongoing discussion.

Almost every major growth spurt I've seen for games in the past few years has come on the back of 1 of 2 things happening;

1. A sequel/content pack releases
2. A local or national power ranking is set up

I've rallied against ranking systems in the past, partially because I maintain a "Championship is all that matters" mentality personally. However, after a few years of watching communities and talking to a wide breadth of mid-level enthusiasts I've discovered that a ton of competitively minded players use ranking systems as goal posts / ability metrics. This is part of why a game like KI (with a weak traveling player base) has an absurdly active online leaderboard. Its kept the community connected, brought new players together, and in turn that has kept parts of the community hungry who I think otherwise might've ventured off or never shown up.

The above is more general and ties into online tournaments having value, but thats a tangent for another post.

I assumed that one of the reasons to have a points system was to encourage people to turn up to offline events. If you don't think that it would have encouraged even one player to attend an event that they otherwise wouldn't have gone to, then what's the point?

I tend to agree with this. I'd imagine they were worried about most of the events they wanted to catalogue having passed by already.

This strikes me as something that will (I hope) be refined over time. People here are definitely connected to the vocal and/or empowered pieces of the community. If you found reason to build in or around this there's probably something worthwhile in the end, even if this initial launch has headaches or confusions. I say that as someone generally supportive of anyone trying anything anymore though, as too often stuff just doesn't happen or dies on arrival. Thats an FGC wide pain point though.
I tend to agree with this. I'd imagine they were worried about most of the events they wanted to catalogue having passed by already.
A combination of this and wanting to get started, because I have no idea how long people are willing to wait to help us get started (who knows if smash.gg/others would want to help us 8 months down the line when everyone will be focused on MVC:I).

Because of the vast majority of players have already expressed that they want CB as the finale, starting at the beginning and ending on GUTS5 (or whatever) wasn't what people were asking for, and neither was a tour with two/three events. If we wanna start while we know we can, because nothing is guaranteed, this was the best way we could think of to do it.

I think we'll sit on our feedback for a bit, maybe we can find a better way to approach this. We do want to get off the ground, so we will be starting something, but maybe we can tweak something to appeal to everyone.
I think we'll sit on our feedback for a bit, maybe we can find a better way to approach this. We do want to get off the ground, so we will be starting something, but maybe we can tweak something to appeal to everyone.

Always wise to reflect. I think the most important thing, regardless of what you and your team decide to do, is that you choose to continue forward with something after you've reflected. That something is happening is important. So keep the project alive.
Official Update on the 2017 Skullgirls Tour

Earlier this week, we officially announced the Skullgirls Tour, with the assistance of Smash.GG, complete with five offline events (CEOtaku, GUTS 4, REVOlution, NWM, and CB) and seven online events. At the time of our announcement, three of the offline events had already reached completion and were retroactively awarded points and standings in the Skullgirls Tour. The Skullgirls Community reached out to us regarding this and gave fantastic feedback regarding this. It is our belief as the tournament organizers for this tour that the community should be the first and foremost priority in this event. That being said, we have decided at this time to completely change the format of the 2016-2017 Skullgirls Tour.

Firstly, we will be using the 2017 Tour as a precursor tour, meaning that the standings and events held during this event will be utilized as a preliminary tournament to the 2018 Tour. We will not be including the standings from any events that were held in 2016, with the exception of REVOlution, in the 2017 Skullgirls Tour, meaning that this year’s offline events will be REVOlution, NorthWest Majors, and Combo Breaker. We will still be rewarding participants for this year’s event, but our major focus with the 2017 Tour is to assist us in preparation for a much larger tour next year (2018 Skullgirls Tour), which will start in September 2017 with CEOtaku and complete May 2018 with Combo Breaker. It is our hope that we can learn and grow with the precursory tour so that the 2018 Skullgirls Tour will be nearer to the community’s dreams for Skullgirls.

Secondly, the observance of the point system was not explain very thoroughly in our original statement and we apologize for our lack of clarity. The main goal of the point system is to incentivize players to participate in offline events, while still rewarding players that participate in online events. With that in mind, our point system awards a larger amount of points to participants of an offline tournament than an online tournament. Previously, we did have a singular point structure for our online events and a singular point structure for our offline events, but we have come to decide that as each region will have a varying number of online/offline events, that model will not best meet the regional requirements. The point system will remain for all North American events, but will be modified for the Brazilian and European events, allowing a more fair and balanced scoring system.

While we will be using a scoring system that incorporates all regions in the event, we will be rewarding prizes on a regional basis, meaning that we can actively honor and reward players from each region with recognition.

Finally, while we did not give explicit confirmation that there will be preventive and active measures taken to lower any chance of rollback, lag, or otherwise poor connection in online tournaments, we want to stress to everyone that this is a very important subject of concern and we will have rules and regulations to prevent connection from negatively affecting gameplay in this tour. We would also like to officially announce that, with a few exceptions, all tournaments will be regionally locked and the only people that may participate in the tournaments must reside in the region the tournament is taking place in. We will continue to work with smash.gg to confirm that matches are as fair as possible.

Thank you very much for your feedback and we greatly look forward to the remainder of the 2017 Skullgirls Tour!
Thank you very much for your feedback and we greatly look forward to the remainder of the 2017 Skullgirls Tour!

I appreciate you taking the time to listen to feedback and explain your reasoning for your decisions. The idea of a "precursor tour" is a great way to go about introducing the idea of a tour without punishing people who didn't happen to go to previous events (I assume revo is kept because EU doesn't have as many offline tournaments as the US). There are still a few things I disagree with (Frosty being cut foremost among them) but I'm much happier with the tour going forwards than I was.

I am in particular very glad to hear that the online tournaments are region specific, I think regional online tournaments giving each person a chance to participate in a tour event even if they can't make it out to majors (while still weighting favorably towards offline events) is a fine idea. However, as I'm sure you are aware, bad internet is not region specific, and I am certainly looking forward to what measures will be in place to prevent as many issues as possible.

Thanks for listening.
I assume revo is kept because EU doesn't have as many offline tournaments as the US
I believe Revo was also promoted as being part of the SGT a reasonable amount of time before the tournament actually happened whereas CEOtaku was a bit last minute in that the tour only got organised just before the event started.
I believe Revo was also promoted as being part of the SGT a reasonable amount of time before the tournament actually happened whereas CEOtaku was a bit last minute in that the tour only got organised just before the event started.

Revo was promoted as being part of the tour but from what I've been told no one was really aware of what the "skullgirls community tour" even involved at the time of the event, it was just kind of "oh you're part of the tour cool what does that mean"

Also something i forgot to mention in my previous post, but one thing to make sure to keep straight in the future is the listings of players on smash.gg possibly overlapping. In the rankings for EU players, there are quite a few players who are listed as being from the U.S. (likely due to sharing the name of a smash player), with inaccurate twitch/twitter links to go with them (my personal favorites are ATH being a speedrunner from cali and Smile being a "former semi-pro resorting to playing games for fun" from connecticut).
We will not be including the standings from any events that were held in 2016, with the exception of REVOlution, in the 2017 Skullgirls Tour, meaning that this year’s offline events will be REVOlution, NorthWest Majors, and Combo Breaker.

So the only event from 2016 that KPB included was also the only event in 2016 where a member of KPB made top 3.

Also something i forgot to mention in my previous post, but one thing to make sure to keep straight in the future is the listings of players on smash.gg possibly overlapping. In the rankings for EU players, there are quite a few players who are listed as being from the U.S. (likely due to sharing the name of a smash player), with inaccurate twitch/twitter links to go with them (my personal favorites are ATH being a speedrunner from cali and Smile being a "former semi-pro resorting to playing games for fun" from connecticut).

REVOultion was not hosted on smash.gg last year. As a result, the entrants had to manually be entered into the system. As we do not have their email addresses, we were unable to create individual accounts for them or link them to an account they already owned. We are working with Smash.GG to fix this information.

It is worth noting that all events that are not run through Smash.GG will experience this disconnection and we will be working to correct any and all affected participates as soon as they are identified. In Ath's case, he informed me shortly after I made the announcement, but if any other users notice something not linking properly, feel free to contact myself directly.
When discussing the event line up for the Skullgirls Tour, we had original designed the tour to include CEOtaku, GUTS, Frosty Faustings, Northwest Majors, and Combo Breaker. As we progressed with organizing the tournament, it became more apparent that we would have to decide between Frosty Faustings and Combo Breaker. With two Midwest-events, we ran the risk of having participants that did not have the capital to attend or justify returning to the same area twice. In an effort to help polarize future entrants to the biggest Skullgirls event of the year, we made the difficult decision to drop Frosty Faustings from the event lineup.

Despite the fact that Frosty is not included in the Skullgirls Tour, the tournament organizers of the Skullgirls Tour still actively hope and encourage members of the community that have the means and ability to attend Frosty Faustings and Combo Breaker to visit both tournaments.
Pre-Cursor/Prelude Tour makes a lot of sense to me. You can use the time to establish community needs while reflecting on vehicles, rules, and resources available. This should really help your 2017-2018 tour arrive in a well-developed way.

Continued luck SGT team.
I don't agree with the logic of not including Frosty. Traveling is traveling, if Frosty and Combo Breaker look like they're THE tournaments I want to go to due to their dates, what the event has to offer, etc. etc. then I'm going to go to those whether they're both in Chicago or not. Maybe I'm not thinking of this the way that other people do, but I really don't see the difference between going to Chicago twice for tournaments, or Florida then Chicago, or California twice or whatever.

Yeah, I guess it's different expenses depending on where you're traveling from, but that's the only reasoning I can think of. But, a lot of people including myself live closer to Chicago than the west coast so it's technically more convenient to go to both frosty and combo breaker than to go to NWM and combo breaker.

I dunno, I'm sorta ranting but i really really honestly and truly believe that Frosty should absolutely be represented.
for me its like, what is the COST of including frosty? Everyone and their mum who plays SG knows that CB is the place to be so if someone can't go to the midwest twice its not like they'd go to frosty instead of combo breaker.

One thing this tour does, in my eyes at least, is "legitimizes" events that have SG because its basically the community saying "this is a tournament worth going to", and if there is more than 1 tournament worth going to in a region in a year then there's no reason not to have both on the tour IMO. (In fact I believe that in the future, if events have SG and provide things like main stage, setups, possible pot bonus etc. then they should be added to the lineup, I would hate for events that want to support and grow the community to be excluded because they happen to be in the same geographic region as an existing tournament)
The reason we're doing a pre-tour is to show people the concept so they're comfortable moving forward. The reason people weren't happy was in fair portion because of retro-points, because people didn't have the chance to attend specifically for points. If we include FF, that isn't enough time for someone to decide to go (ask for time off/build money) who wasn't already going.

Including FF and not retroactively including past tournaments contradicts the complaints we were getting, where players don't have the time to consciously choose it for points. I don't know how to add Frosty and be okay not including past events, because the community at large plotted the events they wanted to attend in advanced.
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Going out of your way to not include Frosty is throwing away a great opportunity to reinforce the support their TOs have shown us over the last few years, not to mention the money Autumn's thrown in. If we're not reciprocating with the entities that show us the most support... then what are we doing?
Unfortunately, at this point in time, we are unable to add the tournament to the lineup.
We will look at addition of the tournament for 2018 Skullgirls Tour and still encourage all players that can attend to visit Frosty Faustings.
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There is still time to register for FF. Flights to Chicago are very cheap because the holidays are over. Anyone who would take the tour seriously is either already going or willing to fork the asking price to get there.

FF has been a tournament that has slowly built up SG for a while. Even before our more modern resurgence, Frosty Faustings 4 was a tournament that hosted the pre-vanilla Skullgirls demo when it was first making the rounds over 5 years ago.

Right now, it's still modest still but I believe we've already beat last years number, and oh yeah there's $1k in the pot from the publisher of the game. To not include it really is strange.

Why is it impossible to add it? What is the extra work? I'm not sure I've seen one post anywhere that would agree with FF not being on the list and the reasons given so far don't really make sense. If this is a "precursor" then why is it such a hassle?