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Indivisible Ideas Thread - No L0 developers Allowed <3

I resisted saying the T word so hard cause it'd sound like an insult from me.
I really don't like people like me being called traps, many trans women find it uncomfortable because its deeply rooted in "Oh but they're really a boy" thinking among other things

If she's a trans woman she's just a woman at the end of the day

Just please try to avoid using that terminology in more public spaces, it's simply so easy to be misused or misinterpreted that I'd argue it sometimes actively makes it harder for not yet realized trans women to come to grips with being themselves.
I rispectfully disagree Sanity. The term "trap" =/= a trans person of any kind. It originated from an image of Admiral Ackbar saying "it's a trap" used as a reply to people discussing Bridget from Guilty Gear (a feminine character who is male and identifies as one), and even back then people loved Bridget (and still do), the "gay for Bridget" meme being proof.

Never seen "trap" used as an offense since most of the time I see trap characters being called cute (which they are imo), unless you count when people have the "are traps gay" discussion which is a dead meme by now.

I for one don't think Nuna is a trap, but right now we might want to go back discussing Indivisible itself and not gender politics. Those belong elsewhere.
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And by elsewhere hopefully you mean far, far elsewhere....

I think from the context it's pretty obvious i'm not trying to be offensive, heck that was part of why I spoiler tagged it.......plus I was making a fairly obvious Dark Souls reference.
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If you think a term may be offensive, maybe... Don't use to begin with.

Anyway, I'd be pretty down with Nuna being trans myself, we can always use more trans rep (and Paper Mario shoutouts are always good -w- )
I do remember Ravi saying the game would have lgbt rep too, in an interview... So hey that'd be doubly cool!
If it ends up being "Transexuality the Character" the same way ME3's Steve Cortez was a character build entirely around his homosexuality and not, I dunno, being a human being with personality and who happens to be gay, then no thanks. You first write someone as a person, then you may decide his identity.

This is the autist character discussion all over again. Homosexual men were disappointed by Cortez and I'm pretty sure you'd be disappointed too by someone representing your identity the same way The Big Bang Theory represents nerd culture.
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Listen I'm sure L0 knows better and will put characters who happen to be x rather than "token x who is also a character i guess" .
I for one thing am really open for more representation because i think it's neat and well, people who are of difference races , gender identities, etc exist in real life so there's no reason for them to not exist in games too.... But i also get pretty upset when it's just representation for the sake of it (and also because most of the time it ends up being tired stereotypes that can be very harmful. ie recent Persona games to not cite any series)

Anyway playing a bunch of Hollow Knights made me realize i really liked how the bestiary is done in it. You meet a NPC who's like "fill this for me" and when you kill an enemy once it gets written in the bestiary, and killing several of them gives additionnal lore about it (often pretty nice too)
So i figured an Incarnation could fill that role.... I remember a girl character with glasses in concept art who looked like she was fit for that.
If they want to break the mold they should of made a trans-boy/reverse-trap (said with affection). That's a real rarity.
Qadira is a reverse trap and one that I like.
Oops I keep forgetting that. She's been called a "she" for so long l forget she's supposed to be a guy story wise.

I'll be surprised if Nuna is female given all the possible clues.
Technically Qadira is a she but iirc her story said she disguised as a man to get military training or something.
In the original Indiegogo lore she WAS trained by her brother to begin and then took his place when he got captured without people knowing none the wiser. Of course it's all subject to change now.
Playing Latigo and Boazhai and they should totally have a team attack together. Latigo is the gun slinger but Boazhai is the one doing aiming tricks with the coins? She should toss out all the coins and latigo shoots them out of the air. Kinda like a 2 man version of Rubido's Storm Waltz from Xenosaga.
I KNEW I couldn't be the only one that thought of that move when I saw Baozai's level two! Yes, if they're still planning team-attacks I've love to see them both unloading into a huge cloud of coins!

Also congratulations on being another of the 6 people that actually played Xenosaga. We gotta stick together.