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Kingdom Hearts

Yo Literal-Olympus looks fucking amazing

EDIT: Why is Sora's outfit different in the first shot
Both these are teases for Drive forms, first is Guard, second is Power, the second one is censored because it's from an as of now unannounced world
hammer keyblade? wreck it ralph world confirmed doode
Actually sounds quite plausible I can't think of many other Disney Movies with a Hammer.

Is it weird I kinda want a Gravity Falls world in KH 3?
Is it weird I kinda want a Gravity Falls world in KH 3?

Everyone has been wanting Disney show themed worlds since Kingdom Hearts II. Hell, I've been wanting a Darkwing Duck world for the past 10 years.

I would even kill for a Gargoyles world as long as Keith David reprises his role as Goliath. But Nomura's concept is making worlds based on Disney themed movies.

At some point he's gonna run out of movies to use and I'm hoping when that happens he'll look into these shows.
I've always wanted to see a Hunchback of Notre Dame with Judge Claude Frollo dressed up as a Judge from FFXII just to push the whole FFxDisney the whole 9 yards.
It's extremely unlikely to happen seeing that all the Kingdom Heart games are void of FF antagonist save Sephiroth that only appears to be the most difficult mother boss in the game
Everyone has been wanting Disney show themed worlds since Kingdom Hearts II. Hell, I've been wanting a Darkwing Duck world for the past 10 years.

I would even kill for a Gargoyles world as long as Keith David reprises his role as Goliath. But Nomura's concept is making worlds based on Disney themed movies.

At some point he's gonna run out of movies to use and I'm hoping when that happens he'll look into these shows.
He's already starting to look into Marvel and Star Wars, so maybe he'll start breaking more rules and consider Disney Shows.
I'm just really sad that we never got to have some real stuff with Scrooge Mcduck before the passing of Alan Young
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8: Final Chapter Prologue Final Trailer

Time to pimp your Aqua.​
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Oh my...

@Zeriam is it still happening is the return of the Kingdom Hearts true?

or are we stuck with no KH3?

pls i must know. My friends are cry about this game and i want to understand why.
Oh my...

@Zeriam is it still happening is the return of the Kingdom Hearts true?

or are we stuck with no KH3?

pls i must know. My friends are cry about this game and i want to understand why.

If you mean any info on Kingdom Hearts III it will be a bit.
They stated a couple of months ago that no new info won't be shared until after the release of Kingdom Hearts 2.8 HD.

But, if you mean is Kingdom Hearts III dead? Then, no.
It's development status went on hiatus for a bit since it's reveal in 2013.

Mainly cause Square pulled the main development team away from it to help with the combat mechanics on Final Fantasy XV.
I can't explain the reason for your friends tears of unfathomable sadness.
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bringer of info

Everybody keeps referring to me by this...


So it wasn't just a coincidence.
I like the gameplay and boss battles, I kinda stopped following the story after 2, and kinda stopped enjoying the story after 1 lol.

IMO they should have kept it simple instead of getting into all this trippy philosophical stuff.

This is the exact same way I feel. KH1 was really good to me, especially the ending. KH2 was good too, but I don't think it was as good as the first one. I decided not to bother buying anymore KH games after the second because I wasn't really into it anymore.
SuperButterBuns Just dropped a video about this that pretty much sums up when I found when this gift from glob on my recommends~★

I did, in fact, cream my jeans when I saw this and Reeeeeeeally can't wait for the game to come out!
I mean seriously from the looks of it there gonna be a special move and Weapon you get from each world and that idea just sounds so Fliping AWESOME! ◠‿◠)

Also, 2018 release window.
Wonder how many worlds we got left.
Things I got from this trailer.

- The UE4 Makes the Toys really shine. They literally look just like their movie selves.
- Five party members on the screen is the new record. Do I hear six?
- Sora's a fan of RWBY & Overwatch going by his new weapon.
- Sora must love Titanfall a lot.
- A 2018 release window has me happy, but I'm not convinced yet.This is Nomura we're talking about.
2018 is 13 years after KH2
Nomura you cheeky fuck

it looks like everything is the actual models from 3
toy alts look great
this is perfection
The models are on point, the environment is on point, the dialog while hard to get through the Jap delivery seems to be on point. and hopefully (though this really isn't a worry at this point) the music will be on point. This entire thing has had me nostalgic for the old Toy Story games namely Toy Story 2
Just woke up to the new and Oooh my god~<3
This is so freakin awesome; Not just the cool looks of toy Sora, Goofy, and Donald.
Not just the looks of them in presumably the real world and how beautiful the world looks!
Not Just that fact that in the trailer it shows that you won't just get a world specific super but a keyblade upgrade on top of that!

But just the fact they got PIXAR in on this! Oh my freak in God; What does this mean?!
I thought they were limited to Disney and Square Enix properties but PIXAR?!
This just opens up worlds of opportunity! (Pun not intended =)

Also, Super butterbuns made another video on this that sums up pretty well again how I feel about all this! ◠‿◠)
They had plans for a Toy Story level sense KH1, there's even models for Buzz and Woody textured in game, but due to time restraints it was cut, if I remember correctly. But ever sense then they have been working on this level, apparently.
They had plans for a Toy Story level sense KH1, there's even models for Buzz and Woody textured in game, but due to time restraints it was cut, if I remember correctly. But ever sense then they have been working on this level, apparently.

Time well spent if I do say myself, The result is just jaw dropping! <3
And now, an ACTUAL leak, possibly. It's a pretty big one, so don't look until at least JumpFesta



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Thank you for warning, I most certainly will not look.
Leaks suck but just knowing we're getting SOMETHING at Jumpfesta is... encouraging, thank you again.
Sorry, i meant at least Jump Festa
i have no idea when the thing will be confirmed
but it's the closest bet on when it would be
If it ain't at Jumpfesta I will spoil.
If not, spoil away.

Seriously though historically KH has shown up at least to Jumpfesta so I think we're good.