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The Wulf Den, 2nd Ed. Back in the Pack!

I like Beowulf because fucking Riker palette.
The penguin uses humiliation to defeat his opponents.

In the match, it doesn't hurt physically; but after the match has ended and you're all bruised and bloodied from Beowulf's grapples and slams, it starts to haunt you and get to your brain.

Soon, you'll be drinking away your sorrows at the nearest bar, contemplating your life while at the same time thinking:

"Why the hell did I get pinned out by a penguin?"
I dunno I think my idea of hes Beowulfs drunk roommate who just got out of prison is pretty good. He's not even a ref but he learn to be a referee thanks to refereeing prison fights.
Hello, I wanted to say something about irl Beowulf.

I'd say as far as image goes, @Kai has gotten the most out of this Combo Breaker, outside of people who got to top16 of course. And maybe even more so than some of them!

He was a commentator and hype builder + did a damn fine job at it too. Showed that he doesn't just act when he's voicing Beowulf, being the community's man is who he is.
And on top of that proved he's no pushover in-game either, winning versus some very strong players (Europe will remember this) and holding his own against other titans.
We knew all of these points already, but Kai managed to put pretty strong and convincing emphasis on all of them this weekend.

Here's to you, baby, you did great.
I wonder if he's going to continue with voice actor work? As far as I know, Beowulf was the first time he ever did that.
Well whether is be that, music, or whatever, I hope he does well.
To my knowledge Nightphyre has done voicework before nothing major though so most likely..but its up to him.
Hello, I wanted to say something about irl Beowulf.

I'd say as far as image goes, @Kai has gotten the most out of this Combo Breaker, outside of people who got to top16 of course. And maybe even more so than some of them!

He was a commentator and hype builder + did a damn fine job at it too. Showed that he doesn't just act when he's voicing Beowulf, being the community's man is who he is.
And on top of that proved he's no pushover in-game either, winning versus some very strong players (Europe will remember this) and holding his own against other titans.
We knew all of these points already, but Kai managed to put pretty strong and convincing emphasis on all of them this weekend.

Here's to you, baby, you did great.
Thank you <3 I had a very fortuitous run in my pool, and every portion of this weekend felt wonderful to be a part of.

I wonder if he's going to continue with voice actor work? As far as I know, Beowulf was the first time he ever did that.
Well whether is be that, music, or whatever, I hope he does well.
To my knowledge Nightphyre has done voicework before nothing major though so most likely..but its up to him.
Beowulf is the first voice role of any import that I've done, yes. I don't consider car commercials to be important, no matter how many people hear them :P It's also hard to imagine any other role that will have that kind of personal significance, considering my appreciation of the game itself.

As for other roles, though, I actually am working on things right now, and I'll be sure to share them when I'm able. I wouldn't expect anything too major, but people liked Beowulf enough to reach out to me. My plan is to only take roles I feel like taking, and nothing more.
If Beo were to get an extra voice pack, what would it be?
I think it would be funny for him to have an overly verbose, possibly British voice pack. He'd be very condescending, like some sort of high-minded physics professor who's just a total jerk.

Also, though, I think a voice pack making fun of male protaganists in anime would be funny. Lots of nonsensical over-acting and shitty writing, stuff like that :P (inb4 "that's already there huehuehue")
Viking Beowulf, Classy Beowulf, Performance anxiety Beowulf. oh these are all good ideas.

although i may not be as enthusiastic of Beowulf as I used to be (I still love his gameplay, though) so there are some times when i feel like i'm not in sync with the rest of the Wulf Pack.

About the Voice Pack, I'd need some Viking Beowulf, though. That would really calm me down.
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If we can't have a Macho Man Samson VP, can we have a Macho Man Beowulf?


*Pomp And Circumstances starts playing*
I need a Beowulf voiced by POS
Like, the same lines, but in the POS charm
*licks lips* that would be too sexy, buuuuuuut.... then again so would be the British BeoWulf voice pack option. hmmmmm If I could take both I would but since this world is imperfect the one that I would pick would be... the British one? kinda want to hear some Duddly in mah Wulf Warrior. But still POS as Beo vs Kai as Beo would be a fun match made.

EDIT: I'M BACK BABY~! mah steam is dead just like Grendel's Mum so I made a new one.
poof: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198183872266/

although i may not be as enthusiastic of Beowulf as I used to be (I still love his gameplay, though) so there are some times when i feel like i'm not in sync with the rest of the Wulf Pack.

About the Voice Pack, I'd need some Viking Beowulf, though. That would really calm me down.

I look at it this way I wasn't totally happy with Beowulfs story but I still like his character, game-play and lines usually in the end that's what maters.
Hmmm. I like his game play, design, and story (in general) but I don't particularly like how Beowulf is written, including his lines. That makes me half-happy about Beowulf, I guess?