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Skullgirls PC Beta Updates Discussion

\After watching tonight's stream and seeing Pinion Dash assist being used, now I have a thought that maybe she'd get a special move version of Pinion Dash back as a charge move instead of the old revving it up style.
For some reason i just imagined painwheel having a turn punch input for pinion dash which would be kinda silly
For some reason i just imagined painwheel having a turn punch input for pinion dash which would be kinda silly
Actually, that was the silly idea I had. Painwheel getting low profile turn punches would be hilarious and it'd probably be a bit much.
Actually, PW getting TAP for Pinion Dash sounds fucking baller as hell. She either loses nails or she loses flight while she's charging it, and it would make some really sick combos.
I think I saw this posted already by someone but I'm to lazy to find it.
Yep. And answered - if you delay the j.HK a little it works on everyone no problems.

Filia corner combos that work in retail and don't work in beta without tweaking my timing.
I am fine with people having to change timing, since that means it still works. What I'd fix is things that no longer work ever.
But thank you!

I'd like to be able to use j.LK to hit people directly below me because it's the only not-j.HK normal that has a hitbox that can do that. j.HK stops your fall which you don't always want, and it's slower (and it's not even high in the beta).
I guess just think about it like j.LK no longer has a hitbox that can do that either, then.
IAD j.LP is much harder, so I prefer keeping it on j.LK. Plus this way it gets rid of j.LK being an ambigious crossup, so you are now choosing high-low (IAD j.LK) or left-right (IAD j.HK), which I'm fine with.

Turn Punch Pinion Dash, eh...
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Personally, I was hoping Robo Fortune would get Cody's Bingo Punch/Zonk Knuckle but if Painwheel got it at a pinion dash input that'd be cool

edit: man give it to Double give us zonk titan knuckle with invincibility LOL WAKE UP LIKE BINGO
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My beta wont update. It tried to the first time i went to update, and the little update bars were fully done but an error message occurred that it couldnt update because it had timed out.

Now everytime i try to update it the update bars dont show up or move at all, and i cant play the beta because it wont let me play without updating. All i get is the "ready to launch" and then "preparing to launch skullgirls endless beta..." Thing, and then an eventual "error connection timed out" message. So the beta is completely unplayable for me right now.

I dont know how to resolve this issue. A clue i guess might be that i have been away from an internet source for my computer for a coupl of weeks so it isnt just trying to update from the last update to this one, i probably missed a few updates inbetween.
So after restarting steam and getting nowhere, i decided to just un/reinstall. The deletion went fine but on the install portion, the same error command came up... No download bars moving and an eventual connection timed out. I have no cluse whats going on but now i dont even have a copy on my computer.
I have decided that LK+HK is the optimal buttons to hold for charging pinion dash on stick. You get to comfortably use all relevant air-to-air normals and still retain some kind of ground confirm. It would most likely be held during painwheel's air footsie phase, and let rip if she sees an opportunity to whiff punish some shit at mid/full screen.
ayy lmao

edit: don't do this, don't do this to yourself, don't weave your fingers like this even if it does look badass
What about hp+hk? Would leave your thumb free for the light and mediums.
It has to be either two punches or two kicks

just hold lp and mp you don't need those buttons
I would need REALLY fat thumbs to reliably hold lp and mp and still be able to alternate between lk and mk
That air pinion dash looks craaaaaazy.
Is a bug and going to get removed

My beta wont update. It tried to the first time i went to update, and the little update bars were fully done but an error message occurred that it couldnt update because it had timed out.

Now everytime i try to update it the update bars dont show up or move at all, and i cant play the beta because it wont let me play without updating. All i get is the "ready to launch" and then "preparing to launch skullgirls endless beta..." Thing, and then an eventual "error connection timed out" message. So the beta is completely unplayable for me right now.

I dont know how to resolve this issue. A clue i guess might be that i have been away from an internet source for my computer for a coupl of weeks so it isnt just trying to update from the last update to this one, i probably missed a few updates inbetween.
So after restarting steam and getting nowhere, i decided to just un/reinstall. The deletion went fine but on the install portion, the same error command came up... No download bars moving and an eventual connection timed out. I have no cluse whats going on but now i dont even have a copy on my computer.
Is a bug and going to get removed

Already removed tho. I know you don't have PC SG so excused.

I'd rather see this a one button move that only applies to non-HG moves.
So you're either charging HG or you're charging pinion dash (or both if you hold a button for each, so you can charge pinion during an HG normal)
But that's because I'm trying to use it in combos like a piece of shit so HAHAHHAHAHA
I'd rather see this a one button move that only applies to non-HG moves.
So you're either charging HG or you're charging pinion dash (or both if you hold a button for each, so you can charge pinion during an HG normal)
But that's because I'm trying to use it in combos like a piece of shit so HAHAHHAHAHA
I don't get why it can't just be QCB-P; that's not set to anything yet and would make a lot of sense since QCB-PP is the "Super" Pinion Dash.
If it was a one button move I could do stuff like..

cLK cMK(hold) sHP LNail dash cLP sHP LBuer LKFly jLP jLK cMP sHP Pinion

edit: this is not a reply to the above post he just got there before me
For the old school PWs:

What's the point of Pinion?

It is minus on block. Lower damage than buers. No invuln start-up (right?). Can it extend combos?
"Back in the days" 6HKx4 xx Pinion xx Crawl was the optimal combo ender (damagewise) on half the cast, since 6HK xx L.Buer didn't work. Not sure whether this is still the case.
I think she needs it for coolness factor but only if we can use it in combos. Sort of like the Val bypass change except don't give PW more damage pls or make it a fair trade somehow (Val loses corner carry for doing the cool bypass stuff)
Did she really lose all that much so much as gain extra options?

@RemiKz was saying he was getting almost 8k damage mid screen (that's better than PW w/o corner carry) which is just shy of what she's getting in a corner. The new Val is a net buff... and I'd say a fairly large one at that.
Ya I was getting 7.8k midscreen pretty easily and 8.2-8.6k with different assists thrown in. The damage has had 200-300 shaved off since then which is still a little too high for what Val should be doing imo. I didn't get around to optimizing a corner combo either.
For the old school PWs:

What's the point of Pinion?

It is minus on block. Lower damage than buers. No invuln start-up (right?). Can it extend combos?

Nobody had developed tech for the move yet except maybe for me? Its uses for level 1 besides combo fodder were:

The only special attack that pw had that moved forward with a hitbox. And it didnt have a billion startup frames unlike pws dash so it gave pw a reset option that she has an extremely hard time getting... Assist crossunders.

Anti pushblock move. Pw could get pushblocked out but use pinion plus assist call to get back in. She had UNPUSHBLOCKABLE (except for the first hit) hitconfirms, with hairball via things like cr.lk,cr.mk plus pinion and assist. If the opponent pushblocked the second or third hit of that string pw didnt get pushblocked out and if it hit pw could confirm easily. But on block she got another try at a mixup since hairball locked down for so long. So basically any blocked attack could result in pw getting 2 chances to mixup into hitconfirm instead of her standard one chance like she has now.

And she could also do it with moves like j.mp against grounded opponent, opponent pushblocks the 4th hit, painwheel lands and does pinion plus assist and locks down the opponent without the opponent being able to get out, and it works on hit or block so pw can run this lockdown pattern at will. This lessens her need to go for fastfall mixups on the first hitconfirm, and allows her to always go for j.mp confirm right off the bat, with an insurance card of being able to run another mixup no matter what.

Lvl 1 pinion was a surprising powerful move that i miss the hell out of, but this new command is not good imho. I want my pinion back, but pls no button holds. Qcb +p makes great sense and have button strength denote level such as lp is level one and hp is level 3.
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ok. i'm not the only one thinking this. has anyone really used fukua's M Drill? and for what?

it would be cool to see if L drill had the cilia slide(with no hitbox to it) and allow jump cancel capabilities. while the M drill was replaced with L drill we have now. just purely for movement options.
I have no regrets.

Truth of the matter is. i honestly stopped caring now about suggestions or even making suggestions. the only question i have is that is the beta changes coming to retail once beo is made? or when he appears in beta?
Much like all the other times there have been beta changes, it's probable that they'll stay in beta until the big new character comes out. If retail needs fixes its not like Mike can't just patch retail.
What about hp+hk? Would leave your thumb free for the light and mediums.

The reason why you would never use a punch button to charge pinion dash is because in the air, fly->holding punch->press another punch = unfly, not a normal. Also all of Painwheel's punch buttons have utility in the air, j.LP~j.MK for close fast air confirm, j.MP for general footsie, j.HP for armour/getting in/shenanigans.