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Beowulf SPOILERS - Beowulf Story Mode and Other Lore

Big Band's story was pretty boring, although it was nice to see more characterization of the background figures.
Squigly's story was good, but I probably would've enjoyed it more if MediEvil didn't do it first.

They're both good stories, but I trust in Night Phyre's assurance that Beo's will be the best.
basically saying Beo is Mr. Victoria due to something Night Phyre posted a bit back hah

I used to theorize that because he was compared with Mrs. Victoria regarding of age. But since Night Phyre calls them a fan pairing, it seems unlikely to me now.
Let's just make a shit-ton of theories about Beowulf and let FunkyHellboy post a shit-ton of theories about it.
The most easiest way to get our mysteries solved without us even trying.

-Beowulf is from the previous non-trinitist universe that collapsed after M. Bison exploded.

-Beowulf's real name is not in fact Beowulf

-Wulf is easy going, but knows faaaaaaaaaaaar more that he's letting on, so he may not have a dramatic story mode, but he's a guy who knooooooows a bunch and have seen a bunch
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-Wulf is easy going, but knows faaaaaaaaaaaar more that he's letting on, so he may not have a dramatic story mode, but he's a guy who knooooooows a bunch and have seen a bunch
that sounds a lot like big band
Big Band 2: Big Bander

Hah, jokes aside. I believe Denizen was the one who had the theory, but it went like Wulf was like Forest Gump in that he was a background character in major historical events. Some clever things could be done with such an approach.
-Beowulf is from the previous non-Trinitist universe that collapsed after M. Bison exploded.
I know that was a half-joke, but it's actually an interesting idea, that instead of straight-up alternate universes at face value, it's actually some kind of event to reset the whole timeline into a different, refurbished one by Aeon <maybe that's what happens when she keeps replaying the in-story copy of Skullgirls>

Maybe the Monster Samson with Filia tied up was from an earlier timeline that got reset into the current Samson and Filia with a drastically improved relationship. Hell, we could even use this to canonize certain characters' beta designs for past timelines <like the redhead Fortune or the Parasoul that wore German-inspired military regalia>

Of course, the Trinity <and possibly Double and Isaac> have the potential to move on into sequential timelines unchanged. Maybe Something similar can happen to Beowulf, maybe even as a way to explain his 4th wall breaking intro in-story.
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timeline reset
I think time is more like a tree in the way that it starts out with this one single trunk, branches off and those branches branch off and so on and so-forth.
Monster Samson could possibly arise from Samson facing a moral question in which he could either take over Filia to do it himself, or to sort-of take her in and gently nudge her/mentor her. Likewise, German-inspired Parasoul could very well be her choosing instead to turn the Canopy Kingdom into a Totalitarian state with the goal of almost making it impossible for a skullgirl to pop-up without escaping instantaneous government intervention. I mean, when you've lost your mother, possibly your father, and the kingdom relies on a Mafia group to rebuild after every skullgirl (Boosting them to near-untouchable, if not untouchable, status) you'd definitely want to make everything right again, no matter what it takes.
Aeon's items from "our world" is probably just her taking stuff from a timeline where the Trinity didn't give the world the skullheart.
Yes, I am fully aware how little sense I'm making right now.
Well he's the forth with more posts and he's quite pissed off all the time, it's hard to ignore the guy
It's not that hard, you click on his profile page and the hit the 'Ignore' option on the top right.
It's not that hard, you click on his profile page and the hit the 'Ignore' option on the top right.

Not to mention the ignore button can bring confusion in discussions, since it covers quoted stuff too, it's rarely of any good use
I don't want to ignore Zen in the first place, anyway
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Here's something on the Wiki from Voltstorm-JAPAN

I may not be a contributor to the wikia, but I'd just like to say:

Cruiserweight is not even close to 287, that is a whole two weight classes down. It's generally:

Featherweight - Usually females. (From about 100-147.)

Cruiserweight - That being Rey Mysterio. (From about 147-185.)

Light Heavyweight - That being Ric Flair or CM Punk (From 185-220.)

Heavyweight - That being The Rock, Stone Cold or John Cena (From 220-280.)

Super Heavyweight - That being Brock Lesnar or Mark Henry. (From about 280-450.)

Ultra Heavyweight - That being Big Show, Andre the Giant, Yokozuna or Viscera/King Mabel. (450+)
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I assure you Zen is perfectly awesome
I don't want to ignore Zen in the first place, anyway
Thanks guys that means a lot, but let's try to stay on topic so the po-po doesn't crack down on us.
Cruiserweight is not even close to 287, that is a whole two weight classes down. It's generally:
I was really confused when I heard Beowulf's weight because Alex always said he would be just shy of heavyweight. Then I remembered, Beowulf fights in a league where some of the combatants are literal giants.
I mean Grendel's got to weigh at least a ton.
Please do remember that this is a game; Not everything makes sense in general.
Beowulf can be 287 lbs or 143.5 kilograms in weight and still be a Featherweight if the previous gigans that enters the wrestling ring at cruiserweight is around 4 tons.
Also, for reference, LOOK AT HOW HUGE THE RING IS.
It really depends on the fourm this thread has been going on for 12 pages usually that's when things start to slow down, we'll probably see the thread arise when beowulfs release date comes close.
...we'll probably see the thread arise when beowulfs release date comes close.

Or when we finally hear his voice,which is probably around the same time.
I culled a few posts that had nothing to do with Beowulf. Nobody's being punished or singled out, it just got off topic for a half page, so I zapped 'em. I deleted your now context-less posts, but thank you for at least trying to rerail the thread, @Jimbob :)
Or when we finally hear his voice,which is probably around the same time.
I think this is about right. The voice reveal and the story reveal are what's gonna give people things to talk about, from here on out.
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so when is beo's voice gonna be heared. I remember Mike saying on salty a couple of weeks ago that we were supposed to get an update on that.
so when is beo's voice gonna be heared. I remember Mike saying on salty a couple of weeks ago that we were supposed to get an update on that.
For the last two Salty! streams I thought I was gonna hear my voice, lol

At this point, it's almost gotta be this Friday, or else it'd be in danger of not making console cert by the end of March.
I noticed everyones been changing their profile pictures. I will stick will mine because its dark and cool and scary lookin
I noticed everyones been changing their profile pictures. I will stick will mine because its dark and cool and scary lookin
I change mine pretty frequently, I just stick with the same theme. I've always liked that Beowulf illustration, though. Lightning-seal hasn't drawn much Skullgirls stuff since then, but he did good work :D
Hey speaking of releases. Is it just me or does beowulf feel like he has had the most time to be worked on. I mean eliza took like 4 months but beowulf is taking like 6.
Hey speaking of releases. Is it just me or does beowulf feel like he has had the most time to be worked on. I mean eliza took like 4 months but beowulf is taking like 6.
A lot of small scheduling and production issues have added up, is all. Lab Zero is working on the PS4/Vita release along with actually making the characters and their related assets, so they're admittedly a little behind. Take my word on it, though: Lab Zero's time spent is not time wasted.

I used to theorize that because he was compared with Mrs. Victoria regarding of age. But since Night Phyre calls them a fan pairing, it seems unlikely to me now.
Right now, there's nothing to suggest it's anything more than a fan pairing. And, as you know, I have never, ever deceived you guys ಠ‿ಠ
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Whats with the weird faces at the end of some of your sentences? (:V)
He's trying to seduce/decive you.
WHAT!?!?! B-but night phyre senpai I-I'm married!!!!

Hmm...your wife or beowulf. From your position is there really a choice?
I choose Hubrecht
WHAT!?!?! B-but night phyre senpai I-I'm married!!!!
Wow, you're 20 and you're already married? That's young.

OK OK I think we're getting out of topic here.