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The Wulf Den

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Here's a thought: Since Beowulf deals with mystical creatures, what if he mentions a castle with a naked snake in it needing to be slayed?
Here's a thought: Since Beowulf deals with mystical creatures, what if he mentions a castle with a naked snake in it needing to be slayed?
I don't get it, what are you referring to? Is it Medusa?
“If we wait until we're ready, we'll be waiting for the rest of our lives.” I like that quote, who said that?
I don't get it, what are you referring to? Is it Medusa?
“If we wait until we're ready, we'll be waiting for the rest of our lives.” I like that quote, who said that?
Lemony Snicket in one of the Series of Unfortunate Events.

And it's mostly referring to Castlevania and Metal Gear solid. Terrible joke really. Er, what I said, not the quote.

I just finished watching Gurren Lagann.
It is hands down the greatest anime that I have ever seen.
I would even say that it is the greatest entertainment that I have ever experienced.
I don't think I've ever read a book, watched a show, or played a video game that touched me as deeply as TTGL. Through all 27 episodes I experienced the full range of human emotion in full, I laughed, I cried, I was inspired. Never before have I been more motivated to pursue my dreams, no matter how grand and far-fetched they are.
I am now more determined than ever to join the military, to protect the people I love!

I am so happy knowing that Beowulf would be like Kamina...
Dude, I'm glad you've been so touched by that show! It's been on my to see list and now I've gotta bump it up a bit higher. :)

I just finished watching Gurren Lagann.
It is hands down the greatest anime that I have ever seen.
I would even say that it is the greatest entertainment that I have ever experienced.
I don't think I've ever read a book, watched a show, or played a video game that touched me as deeply as TTGL. Through all 27 episodes I experienced the full range of human emotion in full, I laughed, I cried, I was inspired. Never before have I been more motivated to pursue my dreams, no matter how grand and far-fetched they are.
I am now more determined than ever to join the military, to protect the people I love!

I am so happy knowing that Beowulf would be like Kamina...
Nice way to advertise it
Wait, Zen... You want Beowulf to be like Kamina?
Dead by the 8th episode?
...We won't know what happens to Beowulf until Alex Ahad is able to finish the canon story, but I've come to terms with the possibility that Beowulf could die...

However I know one thing for sure, if he does die Beowulf will go out in a blaze of glory that will be remembered throughout all time! Beowulf will die smiling and it will be one of Skullgirl's greatest moments, a moment that will spur on his allies in the fight for freedom!
He'll live on in the hearts of the next generation!

"A true man never dies, even when he's killed!" ~Kamina
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I would like to build a snowman. Too bad I'm on the southern Georgia coast. Lots of rain, but no snow.
That bites. That's me normally, but holy shite snow


South Carolina seeing the most snow it's seen in almost a decade.
Last time it snowed more than this (Last time it snowed before 2010 was 97. And that was maybe one inch.) was the Blizzard Northwest Georgia had in 1993.
There's only one problem I've got with snow.

The millions and millions of layers of clothes.
I can't live an a place where it doesn't snow, I love it too much.
Don't move here.

There's only one problem I've got with snow.

The millions and millions of layers of clothes.

Funny, I only had one jacket on.
South Carolina seeing the most snow it's seen in almost a decade.
hopefully we wont have a multistatewide power outage like last time we got this much ice.
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Before my family moved to Georgia, we lived in Minnesota. I have fond memories of walking through piles of snow that were bigger than me in the morning to feed the horses and chickens before the school bus came. My favorite part about the cold was when it went from being 20-below-0 up to around 20-30 and everyone would be out in t-shirts. Good times.

I definitely miss snow, but I don't miss driving through it.

I just finished watching Gurren Lagann.
It is hands down the greatest anime that I have ever seen.

Now was it sub or dub? The sub for TTGL is infinitely times better than the dub.
Now was it sub or dub? The sub for TTGL is infinitely times better than the dub.
It was dub, and I prefer a decent dub over any sub, no matter how good it is.
If I have the option then I prefer to hear things in my own language instead of reading it.
It was dub, and I prefer a decent dub over any sub, no matter how good it is.
If I have the option then I prefer to hear things in my own language instead of reading it.

The Gurren Lagann dub was barely decent. But I will not argue over this, I watched it first in japanese with subs (I don't care whether it is sub or dub it just comes down to what I see first) and I'll stick to my guns in my opinion on my favorite anime. But, at least you enjoyed it. Thats what counts.
The Gurren Lagann dub was barely decent.

But, at least you enjoyed it. Thats what counts.
Were there multiple dubs? I'm just asking because I think what I watched had a great dub and I find it hard to believe that we could both have such a different opinion on the matter.

I more than enjoyed it man, I loved it.
There was only this dub:
Vs this sub (Too gawdlike):

The argument of subs vs. dubs is just a battle of subjective viewing. Everyone likes different things, even different versions of the same thing. But, those differences can not and will not break team Dai-Gurren.
The argument of subs vs. dubs is just a battle of subjective viewing. Everyone likes different things, even different versions of the same thing. But, those differences can not and will not break team Dai-Gurren.
Although I still like the dub more, I'll always agree with you on that last point. We're all still watching the same show, we're still fans of the same story and the same characters. There should be no animosity between us or any other fans just because of minor differences in taste, that's the way team Dai-Gurren rolls.
Hah, thanks Sano. Say what you will about the quality of the show, but that line from Bison was so dark and amazing.
I have headcanon that Aeon created the chair, seeing if people could realize its true potential beyond its simple looks. Beowulf had humble beginnings in wrestling and found the chair in a downtrodden place. He vowed to use something simple (just like who he was) and achieve the highest status.
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