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Anime/Manga General Discussion

Gurren Lagan feels very different without Kamina. The new character isn't bad, I'm pretty sure her voice actor is Star Fire from Teen titans, but I just miss Kamina so much.

He was the manliest of men.

I find it extremely gutsy of them to actually kill off one of the main characters, especially a popular one like him.
Gurren Lagan feels very different without Kamina. The new character isn't bad, I'm pretty sure her voice actor is Star Fire from Teen titans, but I just miss Kamina so much.
Wow you're right it is Starfire, good ear.
We all miss him man, but there's a reason for everything in Gurren Lagann. This show will be one of the best you'll ever see because of the heartache.
still wished they could have done something different with that ending
I just hate it when as series is like "and they all lived happily ever-nope. final heartache."
I just hate being teased cuz it just leaves me the feeling of
though I still don't hate the series. I'm just BEYOND picky with my anime endings.

still dont care about the symbolism, so please dont explain it to me cuz I really don't fuckin' care.
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Whatever, I'm just happy that people are watching it, the world is a better place with Gurren Lagann.
I could say the same with Gaim.

gaim more like gaym
lmao get rekt loser

in other news, Turn A Gundam is the best Gundam or otherwise tied with G Gundam
I'm gonna spend the summer pounding through the UC animes sans Victory Gundam since Victory Gundam is stupid
and also Gundam X since Jamil Neate tip top tier
gonna stay the hell away from SEED and probably 00 and AGE as well. Haven't heard good things about either, aside from the first act of 00 being decent.
Well I have finished part 1 of gurren lagan.

The fight against the spiral king was extremely epic. An amazing battle and one of the best I've seen in awhile. Part 2 feels like a completely different series now. This should be interesting
Well I have finished part 1 of gurren lagann.
I'm really enjoying your updates as you watch, it's like going through it all over again.
I really don't watch anime anymore but a few that stuck out to me was

east of the eden, it literally is such a brilliantly told anime
Serial experiments lain, this is not a standard anime and will mindfuck you left right and center.
I can't remember the anime but panda bear cafe?? That was really cute i mean kawaii desu
I can't remember the anime but panda bear cafe?? That was really cute i mean kawaii desu

Holy crap I have to watch this now, I'm drawn to it like I was drawn to Nichijou.

Hey that woman on the right looks kind of like Mariel.

Holy crap I have to watch this now, I'm drawn to it like I was drawn to Nichijou.

Hey that woman on the right looks kind of like Mariel.

The story is usually told with animals, very very few humans are in the actual anime lol
So I have reached episode 21 of Gurren Lagan.

And damn, this stuff is getting intense. We got some Majoras Mask stuff going on. The Anti Spiral do not fuck around. Rossiu has become a real dick, but I kinda understand where his character lies, in a terrible position. Also man, when they were explaining the plan of taking all the animals onto the Dai Gurren, I realized that this entire thing was supposed to reference Noahs Ark. The moon is basically the great flood that would wipe out humanity and the Dai Gurren was the ark...except looks like the Anti Spiral, whoever they are, set a trap. Man, things are getting crazy.

Also beginning of episode 21, the little kid who bullies that one kid in the flash back is overlord laharl. Overlord Laharls voice is in Gurren Lagan, I almost had a stroke.
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Prison School is getting more and more ridiculous the more I read it.

NSFW disclaimer


What happens when an idiot with girls gives dating "advice" to a bigger idiot with girls"
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well, since Zen wants to know more about Star Driver since I mentioned it on the Annie in Motion thread, here's what I would say about it:

long story short, its basically like Gurren's little, more flamboyant, brother. with REALLY good characters. I have yet to see the ending, but I haven't heard bad things about people who stuck with it till the end, so theres that. it basically sort of shows you can be manly and yet at the same time FABULOUS!~ as all hell and it does it well. and the mech fights are just GLORIOUS!~

hell, the main character's title is "The Galactic Pretty Boy"/"Ginga-Bishounen" which already is pretty fabulous.

so it's poor man's jojo's mixed with poor man's ttgl?
but why do i need that when I have normal jojo's and ttgl
Because more anime needs to break the mold and at no point does it hide its roots. hell, its also from Bandai, and it really has an interesting plot, and a good main character as well as a great supporting cast. plus, we need more FAAAAAABULOUS!~ anime cuz JoJo's shouldn't be the only one. Let JoJo's get some companions within reach of its thick muscular arms.
You keep emphazing that it's FABULOUS~(why do you type it like that?) yet manly at the same time.
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure already does a pretty good job of doing that and I just finished parts 1 and 2 of the anime. How do you know that it won't fall short of my expectations after seeing such a perfect example?
I'm not automatically assuming that it's bad, I just need some motivation to watch it.
well, you aren't gonna get a TON of action (even though theres almost 1 fight every episode). the best way to describe it from what I've seen in people's reactions, it's good, but you can't point your finger to why. I guess it just has so many influences that it pulls off with such gusto and originality that you both notice the influence yet don't. some people find influences from Sailor Moon, to Eureka7 in this series. I still recommend you try it.

and this is just a really good example of the action and fabulous nature working so perfectly with each other. plus the scores in this anime are just REALLY REALLY good. plus the opening by Aqua Timez makes you just feel really good.
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Some people find influences from Sailor Moon, to Eureka7 in this series.
Dude you really shouldn't have told me that, I don't like either of those shows.

However, I watched a couple videos and I've decided to consider it. The characters seem pretty cool, the animation is good, and I love outer space settings so it's definitely going on my list. It's not that high on the list though.
Also you're right, the music is pretty good.
well, you can CLEARLY see the sailor moon in this Zen. you can see it VERY MUCH in the transformation. and the Eureka 7 parts I guess are the fact that the plot is more focused on the people than the mech fights kinda/sorta/hard to say without spoiling a plot point. I still say at least check out the first episode. they have the entire series on Crackle and you can watch it from the Crackle section of the PSN store if you don't mind ads.
Transformation sequences aren't something unique to Sailor Moon so I'm not worried about whatever influence it has on Star Driver souring my viewing experience.

That being said, if you tell me that this is a magical girl anime I'm probably not going to watch it.
Transformation sequences aren't something unique to Sailor Moon so I'm not worried about whatever influence it has on Star Driver souring my my viewing experience.

That being said, if you tell me that this is a magical girl anime I'm probably not going to watch it.
no. I meant that character's body as a silhouette showing his body's physic and tons of special effects background stuff around him whilst his fighting attire appears on his body whilst he poses. something sailor moon is known for.

like, he's not pulling out wands and shit. Takuto is a cool character. you might like him. he's not over the top manly but he's certainly got no major reason to not like him. he's just a nice guy and he also pilots a somewhat feminine looking mech with a nice hat.

god i hate spindly mech design
they need to be thick and meaty
like an attractive woman

and also like an attactive woman, they need vulcan guns and beam weapons
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I like the mech design. it's doing something different like Big O did, and I am all for challenging the concept of how mechs can look. plus, star driver has big beefy mechs too. don't worry.

its just that this one is more meant to resemble a musketeer or a chevalier.

also I love the name of the mech. Tauburn.

also, the french design kinda compliments the word they use to summon the mechs, "appriovise" referring to "apprioviser"
That robot is pretty cool...

Does anyone have mecha anime that they think I would enjoy? If you need to know what my tastes are then all you need to know is that Gurren Lagann is my favorite thing ever.
well, not a lot go over the top like that, but certain Macross series are good. ;D and if you've seen my earlier posts here, I love the Big Wednesday formation from Macross Frontier: Wings of Goodbye. you'll be pissed at me for saying this Zen, but I would argue it tops a lot of what happens in Gurren. just this one scene alone.

also there's Big O. which is a mech known for challenging the concept of mechs having to completely resemble people (gundamns, and stuff like that) and just goes for "it punches really, really, really, HARD"
yes G gundamn. all the way.

I also like Stardust Memory. I don't know why, but its a personal favorite of mine.
You're right Sano I am super pissed, FIGHT ME.

Seriously though, I will consider Macross and G Gundam, but I'll drop them if they aren't visually appealing to me. When it comes to giant robots, good animation is a necessity.
I already watched most of Big O so that's out the window. I won't watch Stardust Memory because I'll only take on one Gundam at a time and I would prefer to watch G since I've heard good things about it.

Oh look, this is very helpful.
Stardust Memory is still a good series. I recommend it. its also short.

and just wait till you see Big Wednesday Formation in Wings of Goodbye. ;D you'll see what I'm talking about.

and again zen, if you're expecting the all out over the top magnitude of Gurren, you're going to be sadly disappointed. Gurren is a special case in that it thrived on the over the topness to add to the limitless potential stuff for the main characters. a lot of the anime we're mentioning is more plot driven. and that means it focuses less on being over the top. G Gundam and Macross though still are great, but they do have different messages and deliveries.

though Macross Frontier has lots and lots of missiles on screen to the point it tops a lot of Bullet Hells.
Oh it's short, you know Sano that's a great way to get me to watch something. I only gritted my teeth through Madoka Magica because it was so short.

Give me a link to the video and I'll judge for myself, I find it hard to believe anything could top TTGL.

I'm fine with nothing else being as hype as Gurren Lagann, that doesn't sadden me at all.

Oooh I like Missile Storms in anime, although I hate shmups.
I can't find a clip of the Big Wednesday formation. probably because theres so much music in that movie (I mean its a major theme in every macross and the music is godlike). and it doesn't top all of GL, just a lot of stuff. you can find descriptions of it but the best way to find out about it is just to see it. reading about it and then seeing it just seems wrong. you'll know what I mean when you see it. and I have no idea where to find the movie for you to watch it online so my advice is to hunt it down yourself.

and again, even though its short, it doesn't go as grimdark as madoka. :/ especially considering the fact that madoka is a deconstruction of the magical girl genre and the fact that Urobuchi is known for stuff like that. (episode 14 in Gaim....)

Stardust Memory is still good and the animation is amazing which is not surprising since it's an OVA. and it doesn't go grimdark.
I'll never accept it, Gurren Lagann is tip top over the top in everything. I'll find that scene though, a claim such as yours has to have some basis.

Hahaha, Madoka... Grimdark...
also, I did find the scene, but the problem is its muted.

here's the music

I can tell you aren't gonna like it from the start just from the die-hardisms I've seen in your post :PUN:

and again, I said A LOT of, not ALL. don't assume I'm saying this tops gurren entirely in over the topness, but I think it tops with doing a less is more with what it's got.
Wow that is a LOT of CGI, I didn't expect that.
Man that scene was awesome, but I still think that it was cooler when Gurren Lagann did the same sort of thing, except instead of a space rubble it was a giant rocket powered knife.

I'll definitely consider Wings of Goodbye, if only because that captain is a badass. Music could have been better though.