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Skullgirls Original / Fan Character Thread

Please place large posts in spoilers, they make the thread a hassle to navigate.
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Imagine the time and effort it would take to get fan characters made to that level. I can't see it realistically happening.
Chaos I don't think that Dragon was seriously considering that, so don't take it so seriously.

Also Funker please place both posts in spoilers, this thread should be kept as neat as possible.
The army thing kinda sounds like The Incredible Hulk: Bruce is pursued by the military not only for being a monster, but also so they can make their own Hulks as super soldiers. ... An interaction between Sparks and Parasoul (attempting to draft him into the Black Egrets army as punishment for his crimes) would be interesting
I actually really like this idea. Like, A LOT!

I have a couple more questions about Shockbrave.

-It seems as though Shockbrave is an alias given to her after she performed heroic feats? What name did she go by before?

-She's characterized as a brave hero, so why didn't she just attack/detain Vitale when he threatened her and her family?

-How does an undead person have "health benefits" from foods they eat when they don't even need to eat to begin with? What are the "health benefits?

-Did she know that she needed to be electrically powered from birth? How long does a charge hold for?

-And lastly, what exactly makes her a 4th wall breaker? There's nothing in her personality that gives me the impression that she would be able to do that.

Overall, the Shock and Spark siblings have a pretty solid story. They are a twist on a classic story and, for the most part, it works. There are a few things here and there that are a bit dubious, but it's not anything that a little more information and character development can't fix. They are interesting characters that have a lot of potential. I hope you continue to craft their story with the same passion and creativity you have thus far.

I haven't fully decided what the Ally should look like, so that's a tough one. But for now I'll say: the Ally looks more like a monster than a backpack; but he does function like one by clinging onto [insert name]'s back (carrying [insert name]'s objects in his mouth when he goes to school, etc.); but the appearance really depends on whether he's in his good form or the bad one. If the ally is in his negative side, he bears a similar monstrous resemblance to Samson considering how he's an offspring of the original, even calling him "Pops". When he's in his goody two-shoes form however, he hardly looks anything like Samson and doesn't look like he could hurt even a fly (or at least WOULD hurt one), losing his teeth and getting a smiley face I guess? Idk what exactly they should look like. But I meant to say that [insert name] was the one who weighs around 100 lb, not his parasite. Compared to most teens his age, he's supposed to be smaller than average in both weight and height. But yes, his ally is a remote parasite since he can just freely come off his host at anytime and technically doesn't replace any body part unlike his original and Leviathan. Alex Ahad said that if a parasite is removed from its host, they'd both die from the process. But since the ally isn't really a part of his host, nothing happens to either one of them when they separate; where Filia is pretty much stuck with Samson for the rest of her natural life :)

But when fighting, [insert name] and his ally both do an equal amount of the fighting and in most of their attacks, they combine together instead of just walking his parasite from place to place like Filia and Squigly do. They usually do it by morphing together into other animals and objects like a Giraffe, Armadillo, Snake, Elephant, or their personal favorites: an Alligator (when in bad form) and a Frog (when in good form). For example, one of their blockbusters is a command throw where they together form a giant snake and swallow the opponent whole, riding their combined body onto a roller coaster track to damage their swallowed enemy inside both their bodies (kinda gross though) who is getting rocked around from all the motion without any seatbelts. Without [insert name], the parasite would be too small and skinny to even put the opponent in his mouth, nor would he have the finesse to control the way he's going and would fall off the tracks. Roller Coaster Snake FTW

The main problem with this duo is that I think I made it a little too similar to Filia. For that reason, I made them interact only once and the two never see each others' faces again (despite saying they would), although I did make an untold alternate story where the two have a much bigger interaction between each other:

His ally remains in his bad, negative form almost all the time and rarely shows his goody two shoes dies, becoming even more brutal and darker than Samson. This occurs to the point of him persuading his host to become a full-on criminal and encourages him to commit lots of crimes, causing lots of mischief in the kingdom. Basically changing who he was: A good (but lonely) citizen transforming into a troublemaker. He also no longer has an interest in cop shows and is now pursued by the police (who formerly liked him as a good citizen). Filia, who helped him gain his new friend when they first met, regrets her actions (or rather Samson's actions, since it was he who propagated the ally from annoyance) for turning a good kid into a devious crook. So she is in pursuit of them as well, with the ambition to remove that "fiend" (as she put it) from [insert name]'s body and separate the two for good, and hopefully clear his good name so that the police would stop chasing him down and take the beast who transformed him instead. If he gets angry at her for doing it, she plans to try and convince him (and fail horribly) that he never needed [insert ally name], all he really needed was a nicer, normal friend. When they met, he could've just asked her to be his friend instead of having Samson reproduce one for him, had she known the events that would follow.

I dunno if I should tell the whole story though, this thread is kinda shallow when it comes to activity and I don't wanna feel like I typed it for nothing. Need a bigger audience before I tell the rest.
*sigh* Ok, I'm going to present some problems that I have with [Insert name]. These are just issues with the story that I personally feel don't add up.

-First of all, if they aren't totally bound together, there is no way [Insert name] should gain any sort of powers from the parasite. After all, parasites need to be bound to a host to survive. The powers given are sort of like payment in return for a permanent place of residence. No permanent binding, no powers.

-Why would Parasoul try to arrest [Insert name] just because she didn't like his answer? It seems a bit extreme and feels like it was written in just to have them fight in the Story mode.

-The method the Mafia chose to wipe out [Insert name]'s family seems like it would draw a lot of attention. I feel that it would have been easier to just send B. Dhalia to assassinate him and maybe even steal his inventions/research at the same time. Less mess and less fuss.

-When describing the attack on his family, you mentioned that Shockbrave actually apologized to [Insert name] for killing his family, but then she lights the house on fire without killing him first. Why didn't she just kill him there? She pretty much gave him a free opportunity to get away.
-Also, I might be interpreting this wrong but it seems like he gets mail at his Lego Brick house? People know to send stuff to this house, but the MAFIA can't find him?

-You mentioned that he started building his house to avoid wild animals. But it took half a year to build the house. How did he avoid the animals during this period of time?

-I find it really difficult to believe that he had NO negative feelings towards Shockbrave. Even though she killed his family. Family that he felt "comes first before anything else, even his own life." He can still see that her boss is the real reason his family is dead, but I would imagine that he would still be at least a little upset with her.
-Of course, this also means I find it even more strange that she's actually listed among his LIKES. It just seems...off.

-I also find it strange that you mentioned several times that [Insert name] is really shy, but when he sees Filia, a girl with a frightening monster for hair, he has no problem talking to her. Not only that, but he then challenges her to a fight after her parasite vomits a sentient creature onto his back? It just seems out of place with the character you have been trying to establish with [Insert name]. Maybe there's more to this, but they way it is presented, it just seems out of character.

-The Ally's origin is also kinda strange. There is no evidence (as far as I know) that parasites can create other parasites. It seems a little far-fetched and (again) written in only to give some sort of connection to a member of the SG roster.

-The PERSONALITY section brings up a couple more questions. He likes partying? But I thought he was shy? Shyness doesn't exactly mix with the extremely social environments of parties.
-Also, here it says that he enjoys hanging out with people, but in the previous section it said he "knew no way of approaching others and conversing with them." The only way I could see this working is if he gained confidence after obtaining his Ally and the former statement occurs after he meets him, whereas the latter occurs before.

-And of course, in the gameplay section, you say, "his greatest (and perhaps only) weakness: having to choose which form to switch to and (possibly, still working on it) needing Dramatic Tension meter to switch for the appropriate task." From a gameplay perspective, if the only "weakness" you have is choosing how you want to beat up your opponent, you have an overpowered character.

Mostly, I feel that you tried too hard to incorporate other characters into his story and vice-versa instead of focusing on him and his story. By the time I finished your description post, I didn't really feel as though I had gotten to know him, so much as I had been given a bunch of disjointed events that he was involved in. For example, we don't know that he has any interest in toy bricks until he starts to build a house with them. This bit of info just comes out of nowhere and feels like an afterthought. Kinda like, "Oh yeah, he is pretty good at building things with toy bricks." It might not seem out of place to you, since you created him and you have all his info in your head. But we don't have anything to go on other than what you give us. Give your character his own story first. Give him his own name! Establish your character's personality and background. Let us know who he is. Then if you want to put him into the Skullgirls story, go ahead.

But that's just how I felt while reading it. Maybe others had different experiences. And maybe I'm just weird.

Anyway, I think that's all I got.
But that's just how I felt while reading it. Maybe others had different experiences. And maybe I'm just weird.
You're not weird Bucky, I had the same experience that you had, only mine wasn't as optimistic.

That's a good and thorough criticism you have there.

Trap/zone is exactly that. Just like in chess, this character has the chess pieces, but they are destroyable (set amount of health). The more pieces he loses, the weaker he plays.

If we're using bare bones chess ideas, he could summon a knight piece which moves identically up and across, it staying on screen where it can be summoned yet again to move. However it has around 2000 or so health, so it's not exactly overpowered.

Barebones chess yet again is a bishop which functions like VJ's voomerang, charging it increases the distance and power, but it travels across the screen diagonally, as if hitting the invisible walls that make up the screen.

The pawns would be set down as they would move towards the corner farthest from it. (Like how Amingo plants a mini cactus). It's got say, 2500-3000 health, but all it does is move foward EXCEPT if you jump diagonally up by it. It will have an anti-air attack before heading on its way again. This makes the pawn keep the opponent from closing in and forcing them to kill the pawn. If the pawn is not killed and reaches the corner, a super flash happens and the player can press a set of buttons to upgrade the pawn into the knight, rook, bishop, or queen status.

I'm working on the magic concepts now that you brought that up. Bishops remind me of Fire Emblem and I can't pass up being creative with that.
Phish that sounds fucking awesome, but I still have some advice. Remember that Skullgirls is a 2D fighting game, therefore it would probably be better to focus more on style than accuracy. I'm not sure how chess movements would function in Skullgirls' limited spacial environment so I think it would be best to focus on giving abilities to the pieces that match their character rather than staying true to how they move. For example, the knight for offense, the rook for defense, the pawns for distraction, and the queen for a wicked super.

I'm actually really interested in this idea, I hope the rest of the ruler's character is as good as his gameplay concepts.
RE: People who make computer viruses
0/10, awful character, would not read again without better antivirus and malware definitions

The fun I've had over the last week aside making sure I trust this machine with my passwords again, I'm late on these and apologies. ^^;

I too wouldnt mind maybe a quick thing said about my character. if it wouldnt be too much trouble. you don't have to if you don't want to.

Hrm, dust is an interesting idea, and I like the gameplay mechanic, though it seems like they'd be easy to pick up since she's generating it off attacks and can be assumed to be pretty close to where they get placed. The gameplay inspiration choices are pretty cool, though, and you could probably spin some really neat attacks off that. I'd like a little more info about her, personally, like appearance/age, but the concept is interesting and it'd be fun to see it fleshed out more IMO.

I think someone else mentioned it, but "Titania" automatically makes me think of fairies/the fairy queen, so I wonder about the name choice, lol.

I would also like some criticism for my character, Wiglaf.

I would also love it if someone tried to draw him, my lack of artistic talent is so frustrating...

Well, first and foremost, that's a lot of backstory! Working in Rommelgrad and the war was a nice touch; really the war should affect a lot of people, given the ASG Labs and Peacock/Marie backstories. I like the allusions to Beowulf's epic, which are fun, and if I had any criticism it'd be that it's almost too well developed. :p What I mean to say is that he comes off more as a main character of a piece than a helper to Beowulf, which I mean as a compliment, but makes me wonder which his role is meant to be. I'm assuming the former. :P

His design is interesting and I like that he's based off Beowulf's young concept art. His move list seems a bit spartan, but that's hardly a pre-requisite to creation; just something I'd like to see more of.

Also, credit to Muro for posting it in the Other Alternate Characters thread, but this is totally what Gardenia's Level 3 command throw Blockbuster is based on:

Just with a jumping seed growing into Audrey II plant monster underfoot. :P I was looking for that gif for ages.
I think someone else mentioned it, but "Titania" automatically makes me think of fairies/the fairy queen, so I wonder about the name choice, lol.
I have been meaning to respond to this and now is a good time as ever.

I've always liked the name Titania, and considering one of Titania's move inspirations is Kula, who has a lot of figure skating moves that would translate well to a ballerina's movements. and considering one of the most famous ballet pieces is Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies, I thought Titania would be a good name for her.
Thanks SunnyRei, I always enjoy good feedback. I can actually explain what my intentions are with Wiglaf right now. See, Wiglaf isn't a sidekick, it's his goal to be Beowulf's right hand man but in actuality he has very little contact with the legendary hero. My excuse for this is that Wiglaf is way too busy building up the strength of The Wulf Pack so he has no time to locate Beowulf and meet with him.
I do this because I believe that the best kind of OC is the kind that has no interaction with any of the actual characters in a given universe. That way they can exist in said universe canonically if allowed.

You have a good eye in noticing that Wiglaf comes off as more of a main character, that was actually my intention. I'm not completely settled on when I'll write it, but I'm actually considering writing Skullgirls fan fiction some day. The story would revolve around the first 5 months of The Wulf Pack with Wiglaf as a main character. This story would be filled with my OCs and perhaps the Personas of certain forum users as minor characters. That reminds me, I have to ask WayForger something soon...
Yeah though, Wiglaf is the main character of fan fiction I may someday write, I hope that answers your question.

One more thing, did you mean to say that Wiglaf's move list is sparse? If so then yeah you're right, I started on that a while ago but I never finished it. Maybe I'll finish that today, just for you.
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Okay, so I'm probably not going to say much about Chess guy because he still needs more work. I'm sticking with a Persian theme, and his personality is equal to Danash VII from Suikoden Tierkries, only more calculating and sinister. With magic he can control people like the pawns and other pieces he uses. Since jewelry and gold is a big sign of wealth in middle eastern countries, the king has rings that he distributes to the ones he controls. He owns the one ring to rule them all. This is also why he gives jewelry as gifts to ambassadors and other royals.

So yeah, a little clichéd and antagonistic. He's more self-centered than antagonizing; I'm not trying to make him a bad guy, I'm just keeping with the fact that he had to voluntarily ally with the other kingdoms to kill Skullgirl Nancy (I say for his own well being). I'm sure he holds a grudge that the Canopy Kingdom was the origin of that Skullgirl so it should've been their mess to deal with.
I do this because I believe that the best kind of OC is the kind that has no interaction with any of the actual characters in a given universe. That way they can exist in said universe canonically if allowed.
This. So much this.
I am a very firm believer in that as well.
If I end up making an OC or an AU of an OC I already have, I almost never put them in the direct place or close to the original setting. Though I might reference things from time to time, I'll never put them in the original story, related to a canon character, or stuff like that
That way you can also get far more creativity across.
Keep in mind that the whole jewelry is a placeholder. It's just something on the top of my head and is probably going to be replaced. I want this character to be less generic and akin to any inkling of a fan-character as possible.

Edit because of previous post I was going to reply to: I also believe in segregating a character away from canon, but this Chess Kingdom idea helps me stay on track of how limited my biased influence should be.
I'm having way too much fun coming up with characters to populate The Wulf Pack. At some point I'll reveal my most recent fan character, Wiglaf's Lieutenant and fellow Thane of the Fighter's Branch.

For now I'll just say this, her character revolves around a twist of the old phrase, "a wolf in sheep's clothing."
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I would also like some criticism for my character, Wiglaf.
That's a nice looking character post you've got there. Would be a shame if people didn't give their personal opinions about it.

*cracks knuckles* Ok, let's do this!

-Specifying when in the SG timeline this begins is much appreciated.

-Wægmunding. Excellent tie in to the Epic of Beowulf.

-Did Stan and Lucy run away to hide from their families, or just to get some space. I'm sure it's the latter, but I just want to make sure.

-Did Stan have to join the war? Or did he join because he felt it was his duty? Maybe both?

-It's pretty cool how you shed a little light on Stan's and Lucy's family histories through their actions during the war.

-Why was Stan dismissed? Wouldn't they want such a skilled fighter to keep fighting?

-I really like how you go into detail about Queen Nancy's wish and transformation (such as her motivations and the effects of her wish) instead of just going, "Nancy became a Skullgirl. Shenanigans ensued."

-Now, the undead attack on Wægmunding Estate is where I have a few gripes. Stan is a seasoned military man. If he knew the undead were coming, he would have set up precautions. Yes, he had an armory, but why didn't he set up a platoon or anything instead of fighting alone? Why didn't he have the family escape to somewhere safe before the fighting started? I understand that you wanted him to die here in Wiglaf's story, but I feel that the one man army thing (while totally awesome) doesn't feel like something he would attempt when it means protecting his family. Of course, if he wasn't expecting them and this was a complete surprise, then it's totally believable.

-I like how he died in his favorite arm chair. It's a little touch, but a nice one.

-It's good to take a look into Wiglaf's psyche, as well as how he "deals" with the death of his father.

-The description of the destroyed estate is pretty good and very detailed. Really brings out the grimness of what happened. And the entering through the rib cage was excellent.

-BUT!!! You said the trap door was visible. Are you suggesting that over the years, no looters came to the abandoned ruins of a famous war family's estate, or if there were a few, they never saw the trapdoor? I find that slightly hard to believe. Of course, that is pretty easily remedied with a sturdy door and a good lock.

-"Nægling, this old gray blade" Clever, very clever.

-In the letter, Stan says, "...remember what I taught you." What exactly did Stan teach Wiglaf? The only thing about their time together was that, "Their days were filled with recreation and bonding." as well as something about shopping.

-So his path is to help Beowulf fight the Skullgirl, should she ever resurface? Is that the main purpose of the Wulf Pack?
-I like how you made him prone to anger, as well as how he is somewhat intimidating to others. It's good to see a personal shortcoming as a main point of the characters personality. Nothing is more boring than a "perfect" character.

-He doesn't like mailmen. That's pretty funny.

-Nifty how the outfit design has ties to his mother, father, and Beowulf.

-His style seems to fit his weapon of choice nicely. Launches, knockbacks, etc. are believable. His weapon sounds awesome.

-Interesting how he is a great assist, considering how he wants to assist Beowulf.

-For the howl staggering the opponent, is there a range to it? And when does the stagger occur; at the beginning of the howl, in the middle, or after? I'm just curious because it sounds like you could pretty much shut down your opponent's every move.

-The defensive howl, on the other hand, sounds good and more balanced.

-The specials sound good, but now you need Supers. (Wulf Pack air-strike LVL 5 Super!!!)
Over all, Wiglaf is a well designed character. His backstory is fleshed out very well and flows naturally. We get to know not only him, but his parents as well. In fact, most of this is about his father. But it works very well in helping us get to know Wiglaf because his father plays such a big part in who he's become. I also really like how even though you are trying to give us your character's history, you also take time to show the emotions and mindsets of the characters. We know that Stan is a strong man who loves his family, but is also a fierce warrior that knows that he will someday meet his end in combat. His mother gets much less development, but we still get a sense of just how sad she is over the loss of Stan. And it's great to see how hard it is for Wiglaf to let go of his anger that the absence of his father has created. It's just a wonderful thing to have in a backstory and it really helps make these characters seem like real people. And I think that's what I like most about Wiglaf, the fact that he feels like a real person. I am genuinely interested in who he is and what happens next in his story.

Another thing I want to add is how natural it feels having him be a fan of Beowulf. After all, Wiglaf is the son a man who became famous fighting Gigans. So it seem fitting that he would be inspired by a man who fights them with his bare hands. Even if you didn't have all the references to the Epic of Beowulf, I would still believe that Wiglaf would be a fan of Beowulf.
This is a lot to take in Bucky so for now I'll just answer all of your direct questions.
-Did Stan and Lucy run away to hide from their families, or just to get some space. I'm sure it's the latter, but I just want to make sure.

-Their family's stupid customs and general disapproval of their relationship drove them away. Basically it was the classic romantic "Let's run away together!"

-Did Stan have to join the war? Or did he join because he felt it was his duty? Maybe both?

-A combination of both. Stan's side of the family are very militaristic and since he was a child he always wanted to fight. Things changed when Wiglaf was born, by then he just wanted to be with his new family. However Stan was a member of the military reserves so when the war started he had no choice but to leave. Still he preformed his duty with pride.

-Why was Stan dismissed? Wouldn't they want such a skilled fighter to keep fighting?

-After seven years Stan's service was finished and he decided to go home. The government had no say in the matter. I probably should have worded that better.

-Now, the undead attack on Wægmunding Estate is where I have a few gripes.

-The attack on the estate was in fact a surprise. The danger of the Skullgirl lies in her ability to bring all corpses to life, unfortunately Rommelgrad was littered with the casualties of the war. Not even a day after the rise of Skullgirl Nancy the undead were at the Wægmund's doorstep, there was no time for assistance to arrive. (By the way I changed Wægmunding to Wægmund. The former sounded a little too archaic.)

-BUT!!! You said the trap door was visible.

-OK you caught me there. That right there is a plot hole which I must fix with a very half-assed excuse.
Hmm... just assume that any would be thieves were scared away by the sight of giant Gigan skeletons.

-What exactly did Stan teach Wiglaf?

-I'll leave that a secret...

-So his path is to help Beowulf fight the Skullgirl, should she ever resurface? Is that the main purpose of the Wulf Pack?

-The original purpose of The Wulf Pack was to serve as Beowulf's vanguard. However, in the month's leading up to the rise of Skullgirl Marie the Wulf Pack grew to an unprecedented size and adopted a new purpose, to fight for freedom wherever there is oppression, to protect the weak when the strong abuse their power. Wiglaf still follows his original path, but he gladly accepts what The Pack has become.

-For the howl staggering the opponent, is there a range to it?

-The staggering howl affects the opponent only at close range, and it starts at the beginning so it leaves him open if it whiffs. It's a very situational move.

-The specials sound good, but now you need Supers.

-I'm working on them! You actually caught me in the middle of creating Wiglaf's Command Normals and Special Attacks. I've also added a zoning option other than his grenade lob, but I've purposely rendered it sub par so that his emphasis on close range combat remains. I'll save his supers for another day but I've got some ideas in mind.
Thank you Bucky, all this effort that you've put into your opinion is touching and it will help me in the future.
(I'd also like to add that your Persona in the SG Persona thread is one of my favorites.)

On a side note, I've recently made some changes to Wiglaf, most of them are focused on gameplay and appearance. You have to look closely and be familiar with the character to notice them but I feel that they're good improvements.

Move List is coming soon so sit tight Rei.
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Answers to questions.
Thanks for the answers! Can't wait to see what other characters you have to share with us!

Now that I've asked you about Wiglaf, I guess I should also ask some questions about the Wulf Pack.

Trust is one of the most important values of The Wulf Pack and it is established through a mission trial
Is the trial mission different for everyone? If not, do you have an idea of what the trial mission would be?

These three branches have their own separate hierarchies with a single Wolf at the helm, Wiglaf of course being the leader of the Fighters. The three leaders along with three high ranking Wolves from each branch form a council of twelve known as The Thanes.
Do each of these 3 branches have their own different factions? And if so, have you given any thought into what they are?

Anyone who wishes to create a Character or Persona who is a member of this group is completely free to do so.
Now what exactly should be covered when creating a character for the Wulf Pack. After all, we can't really assign our characters ranks, and assigning our characters a specific job can be hard if we don't know exactly how many people are needed for that job/want that job, etc. Maybe there could be a sort of Template people could fill out. Have things like Name, Code name, Wolf Pelt Color and Placement, Branch, Specialty, etc.
I'm definitely hoping to see more info on how the Wulf Pack is supposed to function and what you/Wiglaf has planned for it.

(I'd also like to add that your Persona in the SG Persona thread is one of my favorites.)
Well there aren't many Personas there to begin with! Seriously, though, I would like to see more people in that thread.
Oh man answering all of these questions makes me feel like a famous author.
Is the trial mission different for everyone? If not, do you have an idea of what the trial mission would be?

-The trial is different for everyone depending on the branch applied for and the amount of people applying at once. Some people may not even get a trial if they've already proven themselves. All that The Wulf Pack requires to accept you is that you prove yourself. I haven't put that much thought into it, but I've based it heavily on the recruitment system of Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood.

-Do each of these 3 branches have their own different factions? And if so, have you given any thought into what they are?

-Presently The Wulf Pack has around 300 members. I haven't quite decided how evenly these members are distributed throughout the 3 branches. Since it's just around 300 members The Wulf Pack is still rather ragtag so everyone does their part werever it's needed. So no there aren't any official sub branches, you just do the job that you're good at or needed for.

-Now what exactly should be covered when creating a character for the Wulf Pack.

-That's a good question...
Talk to me. Send me a message and I'll work with you to make your OC or Persona fit. I'm not expecting that many people to do this so I'm willing to work with everyone personally. Right now the Thanes are off limits to personas as they will be major supporting characters, except for a select few forum users.
If everyone would rather work on their own then I'll definitely consider setting up a Wulf Pack Application Template. (Oh man that sounds so dumb, I love it...)
Thank you reporter Bucky Barkley, this has been an enjoyable experience.
Hrm, I admit I'm sorta in one camp and sort of the other on that issue.

When I try to imagine a fighting game OC, I feel like I want them to be able to respond to other characters in the game if they did exist - it feels weak if they're ridiculously closely tied to canon, but it also feels a little weak if they couldn't interact in canon either. So I made Gardenia a "sort of but not really" ASG operative (her plants are the only reason she's allowed to stay there, her official job would just be gardening/groundskeeping), though she doesn't know anyone except Hive, and Hive only indirectly in a very "notice me some day senpai" sort of way. :p

Hope you get to do your story though. That'd be cool. :)

@Sanoblaze: I see! That's neat, then, and I had never heard that so cool learning moment. Glad to hear it's a reference to something and the origins fit. :)
@SunnyRei I think you're actually sort of right.
Making a good fan character involves a certain level of distance from canon, but not too much distance where it just feels like the creator is using the established universe as an excuse to plug in a completely unrelated character.
No good FC has ever been "_____'s long lost sister" or "_____'s childhood friend," but to completely detach them from anything that happens in canon is also a mistake.

Basically, your character's relationship to the canon should be indirect, I think Gardenia accomplishes this nicely.
I actually really like this idea. Like, A LOT!

I have a couple more questions about Shockbrave.

-It seems as though Shockbrave is an alias given to her after she performed heroic feats? What name did she go by before?

-She's characterized as a brave hero, so why didn't she just attack/detain Vitale when he threatened her and her family?

-How does an undead person have "health benefits" from foods they eat when they don't even need to eat to begin with? What are the "health benefits?

-Did she know that she needed to be electrically powered from birth? How long does a charge hold for?

-And lastly, what exactly makes her a 4th wall breaker? There's nothing in her personality that gives me the impression that she would be able to do that.

Overall, the Shock and Spark siblings have a pretty solid story. They are a twist on a classic story and, for the most part, it works. There are a few things here and there that are a bit dubious, but it's not anything that a little more information and character development can't fix. They are interesting characters that have a lot of potential. I hope you continue to craft their story with the same passion and creativity you have thus far.

*sigh* Ok, I'm going to present some problems that I have with [Insert name]. These are just issues with the story that I personally feel don't add up.

-First of all, if they aren't totally bound together, there is no way [Insert name] should gain any sort of powers from the parasite. After all, parasites need to be bound to a host to survive. The powers given are sort of like payment in return for a permanent place of residence. No permanent binding, no powers.

-Why would Parasoul try to arrest [Insert name] just because she didn't like his answer? It seems a bit extreme and feels like it was written in just to have them fight in the Story mode.

-The method the Mafia chose to wipe out [Insert name]'s family seems like it would draw a lot of attention. I feel that it would have been easier to just send B. Dhalia to assassinate him and maybe even steal his inventions/research at the same time. Less mess and less fuss.

-When describing the attack on his family, you mentioned that Shockbrave actually apologized to [Insert name] for killing his family, but then she lights the house on fire without killing him first. Why didn't she just kill him there? She pretty much gave him a free opportunity to get away.
-Also, I might be interpreting this wrong but it seems like he gets mail at his Lego Brick house? People know to send stuff to this house, but the MAFIA can't find him?

-You mentioned that he started building his house to avoid wild animals. But it took half a year to build the house. How did he avoid the animals during this period of time?

-I find it really difficult to believe that he had NO negative feelings towards Shockbrave. Even though she killed his family. Family that he felt "comes first before anything else, even his own life." He can still see that her boss is the real reason his family is dead, but I would imagine that he would still be at least a little upset with her.
-Of course, this also means I find it even more strange that she's actually listed among his LIKES. It just seems...off.

-I also find it strange that you mentioned several times that [Insert name] is really shy, but when he sees Filia, a girl with a frightening monster for hair, he has no problem talking to her. Not only that, but he then challenges her to a fight after her parasite vomits a sentient creature onto his back? It just seems out of place with the character you have been trying to establish with [Insert name]. Maybe there's more to this, but they way it is presented, it just seems out of character.

-The Ally's origin is also kinda strange. There is no evidence (as far as I know) that parasites can create other parasites. It seems a little far-fetched and (again) written in only to give some sort of connection to a member of the SG roster.

-The PERSONALITY section brings up a couple more questions. He likes partying? But I thought he was shy? Shyness doesn't exactly mix with the extremely social environments of parties.
-Also, here it says that he enjoys hanging out with people, but in the previous section it said he "knew no way of approaching others and conversing with them." The only way I could see this working is if he gained confidence after obtaining his Ally and the former statement occurs after he meets him, whereas the latter occurs before.

-And of course, in the gameplay section, you say, "his greatest (and perhaps only) weakness: having to choose which form to switch to and (possibly, still working on it) needing Dramatic Tension meter to switch for the appropriate task." From a gameplay perspective, if the only "weakness" you have is choosing how you want to beat up your opponent, you have an overpowered character.

Mostly, I feel that you tried too hard to incorporate other characters into his story and vice-versa instead of focusing on him and his story. By the time I finished your description post, I didn't really feel as though I had gotten to know him, so much as I had been given a bunch of disjointed events that he was involved in. For example, we don't know that he has any interest in toy bricks until he starts to build a house with them. This bit of info just comes out of nowhere and feels like an afterthought. Kinda like, "Oh yeah, he is pretty good at building things with toy bricks." It might not seem out of place to you, since you created him and you have all his info in your head. But we don't have anything to go on other than what you give us. Give your character his own story first. Give him his own name! Establish your character's personality and background. Let us know who he is. Then if you want to put him into the Skullgirls story, go ahead.

But that's just how I felt while reading it. Maybe others had different experiences. And maybe I'm just weird.

Anyway, I think that's all I got.

I'll answer the SB questions first:
- Until discovering her own powers and sneaking off to explore and learn about the world, she didn't really have a name yet. I guess never thought about this...

- Because since she likes practically everyone she meets (even bad guys), Shocky is supposed to be a bit of a pacifist and would generally try to avoid violence at all costs unless there is no other option. She is very young, naïve, and has never seen a gun before up until meeting Vitale. When she saw him kill that deer in her yard with a headshot, she was horrified by the puddle of blood and the brain sticking out of its head that came from the headshot, and fears that he will do the same thing to her (even though it won't really kill her, she doesn't know it and it will still hurt her anyway) or her family. Unless you're filming a martial arts movie with her (even then she hates that), she's not the kind of person who'd resort to violence unless its completely unavoidable. Plus, she only recently discovered her powers a few days before the incident and isn't aware of what she's fully capable of (and she never uses them for violence, even as a heroine). There is a chance that her powers can't stop the gun he used, or at least she thinks that way. You wouldn't see her even try to kill a group of ants, and she dislikes being around such bugs (she once woke up with some crawling around her body after taking a nap outside, and biting her too). Because of these, she figures that if she just does what he says and goes along with it, no one gets hurt... not him, herself, or the family he threatens. She figures that she might learn something from his job offer and get to explore more of the world anyway, and has yet to find out what the job actually is, maybe something good could come from it. Unfortunately, only 3 things did, everything else was bad:

1. She gets to meet lots of interesting people, including Cerebella, who she became fast friends with after working part time in the Medici circus (it was the closest thing she could get to plays and filmmaking). Although, Cerebella likes to tease and play jokes on her because of her naivety, just like she does with her roommate Feng; and Shock usually does nothing about it... although I did plan on having her playfully do it back by sticking a cockroach into bella's shirt (her profile says she hates roaches) before a live performance, making her scream the hell out and publicly humiliate her in front of the audience, ruining her act. She did feel guilty about doing it, but at the same time she enjoyed watching her freak out and actually laughed.

But I don't think anyone would find this funny (especially when this game has no animated cutscenes) and that'd probably ruin the good progress I made so far, so I don't think I should put this into the biography... I don't wanna add something awkward like that.

2. Maybe one of the jobs she gets will lead her to her brother Sparks, who she usually can't find or he goes away before she can meet him face-to-face. She eventually does, but the meeting isn't exactly a happy family reunion...

3. As mentioned before, simply just explore the world and have fun :)

- Considering how she's only 6 years old and isn't remarkably intelligent, no she does not. She doesn't really know much about her own anatomy, and usually has to visit a doctor to learn more about her own body, Charge lasts for about 37 hours maybe? Not sure how she would recharge, but I'm thinking of having her just eat batteries or something.

- Simple: Absorb a small amount of nutrients, energy (fruit contains some electricity ya know, at least lemons) growth, etc. Even as undead, they can still get affected by food they eat even if they don't actually need it, just not significantly. They can also still taste the food, and would love to appeal to their own tastebuds on their tongues (mostly Sparks though, Shocky doesn't care about that as much).

- Simple, talking to the player or the in-game announcer during some parts of the gameplay, reminding them not to play for too long and other stuff like that, or occasionally getting annoyed with the announcer's voice suddenly appearing out of nowhere. Deadpool does 4th walling in UmvC3 (YOU PRESSED THE WRONG BUTTONNNN!!) and other media. She learns the 4th wall-creaking concept from watching TV and movies when she seeks inspiration for her next films when other fictional characters in the shows do it.. which makes her assume that she's fictional too... and she is right :) She only does it during fights though, doing it in the story would seem really weird and would ruin the flow. I was also thinking of having Sparks do it as well, but far less often and in very few quotes, not as noticibly as his sister would. I'm not sure I should though, could also ruin it.
Hope that answers it all!

For [insert name]Wow.... that's a big wall of questions ya got there... I'm not even sure if I can come up with good answers of all of them, but I'll try. Can't blame ya for misunderstanding them though, since my work is incomplete anyway (as mentioned before) and I'm still trying fix it. I just forgot to come back and edit it some more. I still haven't came up with a name for [insert name] (I'm terrible at naming stuff), but I'm just gonna call his parasite Cassius, referencing Cassius from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar story. Can't think of anything else, but let's go: *cracks neck*

- ??? I don't remember anyone saying that they had to be permanently stuck to each other anywhere. Think of it more like Venom (from Marvel comics), an alien symbiote who is known for having more than one host and takes over multiple bodies (most notably Eddie Brock) and giving them his powers, covering them like a suit. I did the same thing with [insert name] and Cassius. Instead of being permanently attached to his host like his original and everyone else, this one clings onto his host like a backpack, like a spider on a web, and is able to freely come off when not in fights and come back on when they do happen. [insert name] also uses this to his advantage by using him as a tool like a swing, hamster ball (running inside of him in the form of a bubble), drill, hot air balloon, etc. He is still attached to his host and makes physical contact with him, just not permanently like everyone else does. I really don't see how it would have to be that way, something like that would be beyond me.

- Answer is in different elsewhere. But I guess you're right, it was pretty extreme. I just thought about changing it right when I read this and I'll say why later on.

- Sending Black Dahlia's a nice idea, but I wouldn't get to add one of my fave parts if I did it with her instead of Shockbrave! lol

- Actually, I thought of changing that part to this: to let him live, since she felt shame in doing it and caused enough trouble already. Even if she id know she failed on killing him and I kept it that way, she would lie to the Mafia anyway so she could let at least one person live. Her primary objective was to murder his dad any numerous witnesses, not him. As long as he doesn't know who her boss is or where to find him, what can he do? He's got no proof that it was her and as mentioned before in her own story, Shockbrave is wildly popular and well-known for polite nature and heroic deeds (before serving the Mafia anyway). It would be so unlike her to murder anyone all of a sudden, and even if [insert name] name tried to tattle on her to the police and get help, no one would believe him, no one. It's kind of like Dib trying to expose Zim (in the TV show in Invader Zim) and prove that he's an evil alien who wants to conquer Earth, but almost everyone thinks he's crazy and few humans know Zim's true identity. Even [insert name] himself knows that she's a popular actress with a pacifistic nature and success is very unlikely to happen for him, and he felt something was not right. He's better off not telling anyone about it anyway, and I can answer why in the very next question:

- The Mafia thought he was dead, plus the murder was over a year ago since he built that bricky house of his. Not everyone's gonna remember something from a long time ago. Also with the mailmen issue, he masquerades as another person when they do come. Not because he fears the Mafia or Shockbrave coming back to try and kill him again, but for something else:

He's only about 15 years old, and lives in a house on his own, secluded deep in a maze-like forest where hardly anyone is ever likely to find it (even he, himself forgets the directions to home). Since his parents are gone, he lives without any adult supervision and is basically free to do whatever he wants (though that hardly makes him feel any better), and is still determined to go find Shockbrave and her boss and uncover the mystery of the incident. If he were to tell the cops about and they actually did believe him, that also means that he can't stay in his own house since he's just a kid and not an adult, especially not one that's made of nothing but LEGO bricks in a forest where animals live. If they were to discover this, they would take him to an orphanage and make him stay there until someone comes to adopt him and he finds a new home, where he'll be put back under adult supervision and won't have his freedom anymore, and would probably forbidden to go and look for the girl who killed off his family. Basically, he's trying to find her while he still can, as well as enjoy his rule-free life in general.

Admittedly, this was very hard to do until he met Cassius, where it became much easier since the two could just fuse together into a being that makes him look taller, bigger, and older than he actually is. That way, no one would try to remove him from his current home and prevent him from solving that mystery. Though people have commented on how weird he looks, it fooled practically everyone except Filia, although it isn't saying much considering how the two have little interaction with each other (except in my alternate story for [insert name]). When meeting Parasoul however, he forgot about this and spilled this secret to her by accident, which prompted her to order her soldiers to take him to an orphanage while she attempts to deal with the Skullgirl and fry other eggs, rather than arrest him like I originally planned (thank u 4 letting me know that btw). Still determined when he finally found Shockbrave, [insert name] and Cassius refuse and resist, and after knocking her out they retreat from her unconscious body and resume following that girl, so much for no adult supervision now... Hope that answered 3 of ur questions at once!

- How to avoid Wild Animals:

  • Change your scent so they can't smell you
  • Make weird noises and raise your arms up and down to frighten it, making yourself look bigger and scarier than you really are.
  • Huck Rocks and Sticks at them
  • Build a campfire to frighten them off
  • Stay away from water: Crocodiles would love to jump out of it and bite onto your leg, drag you into the water, and kill you with the spin of death. In real life they are much more aggressive and dangerous than alligators: don't ever wade in, swim in, or walk near water inhabited by these beasts. They also camouflage themselves as floating logs, make sure u don't fall for it.
  • If the animal chases you, try to cut them off by running past obstacles like trees and bushes.
That's how :P

- Glad u asked that, cuz that's the next part of the story. I can answer both of those at the same time:
After sneaking into the Medici Tower, [insert name] finally finds Shockbrave again, talking to a man named Vitale and he spies on their conversation unnoticed. Upon listening to their conversation, he finally discovers that it was he who gave her the order to assassinate his family and force her to do many other dastardly deeds against her will, and learns that he blackmails her by threatening her with a gun, which caused him to forgive the girl and pity her. She was not just trying to protect herself, but her own family as well, which was something [insert name] could relate to in a way. I admit that he was kind of mad at her for not resisting him, but the bulk of his anger was pointed at Vitale (not the entire Mafia though, doesn't know really them that well).

Nevertheless, he and Cassius came surprisingly out of nowhere (from their view) and interrupted the conversation, snatching the gun from his hand and then tossing it out of the window so he couldn't shoot her with it. He then proceeds to angrily assault and kill the man not only to gain vengeance, but also to free Shockbrave from his diabolical control and stop others from getting the same fate his own family did. While flattered that he came to try and save her (she could tell because of the gun he tossed), she was horrified by the violence he was creating and the puddle of blood he and his friend were making the floor, which reminded her of the deer killed with a headshot on her lawn. Before [insert name] and Cassius could kill Vitale, Shock herself slowly approached him and put her hand on his shoulder while smiling in an attempt to calm them down, and then she tazed them with electricity, stunning and paralyzing them so Vitale could make his escape.

After he gets away, Shock then tries to urge [insert name] not to try and kill him again, as she felt vengeance isn't going to make him or anyone feel any better when his deceased family will be gone, asking "What would they say if they saw what you now?". She also stated that a friend of hers (referring to Cerebella) also considered that man to be her father, and that killing him would do the same thing that man did to him, saddening his "daughter" and make her hate him as well if they ever meet. Understanding her speech, [insert name] gives in and goes along with it (though Cassius wanted to bite her for shocking him and ignored her speech), and she once again apologizes for the madness she created that year ago, still seemingly sad and ashamed of herself. He accepts her apology and told her it wasn't actually her fault (okay, it was partly hers), it was Vitale's. He thanks her for talking sense into his mind and she escorts him out of the tower (pretending to treat him like an intruder and simply dispose of him), telling him that her family is still in danger as the medicis placed guards over her home so that no one can try to rescue her, plus she was given the order to seek out the Skull Heart and bring it back to the Mafia, as well as take out the Skullgirl who plans to destroy them. To be continued....

I can' answer everything else yet, but I will soon :)

Yeah I don't actually create fan characters a lot, but I think the key is to make a character who isn't defined by their relationships to canon characters. You obviously want some connection with the universe, but your character's gotta be able to stand on their own and tell their own story even if they didn't exist in that universe.

You'd also want to create some kind of plausible reason why we don't see the character in canon. What a lot of people do wrong is they make a character who's Ms. Fortune's brother or whatever and I'm just like "Well, why didn't we see him in the story? Why doesn't she ever mention him?"

Mourningstar's connections to the cast are loose (she was hired by the Labs to catch Painwheel), and she jumps in AFTER the events of story mode, because the story had no need for her before then. Hopefully it works! :P
I'll answer the SB questions first:
- Until discovering her own powers and sneaking off to explore and learn about the world, she didn't really have a name yet. I guess never thought about this...

- Because since she likes practically everyone she meets (even bad guys), Shocky is supposed to be a bit of a pacifist and would generally try to avoid violence at all costs unless there is no other option. She is very young, naïve, and has never seen a gun before up until meeting Vitale. When she saw him kill that deer in her yard with a headshot, she was horrified by the puddle of blood and the brain sticking out of its head that came from the headshot, and fears that he will do the same thing to her (even though it won't really kill her, she doesn't know it and it will still hurt her anyway) or her family. Unless you're filming a martial arts movie with her (even then she hates that), she's not the kind of person who'd resort to violence unless its completely unavoidable. Plus, she only recently discovered her powers a few days before the incident and isn't aware of what she's fully capable of (and she never uses them for violence, even as a heroine). There is a chance that her powers can't stop the gun he used, or at least she thinks that way. You wouldn't see her even try to kill a group of ants, and she dislikes being around such bugs (she once woke up with some crawling around her body after taking a nap outside, and biting her too). Because of these, she figures that if she just does what he says and goes along with it, no one gets hurt... not him, herself, or the family he threatens. She figures that she might learn something from his job offer and get to explore more of the world anyway, and has yet to find out what the job actually is, maybe something good could come from it. Unfortunately, only 3 things did, everything else was bad:

1. She gets to meet lots of interesting people, including Cerebella, who she became fast friends with after working part time in the Medici circus (it was the closest thing she could get to plays and filmmaking). Although, Cerebella likes to tease and play jokes on her because of her naivety, just like she does with her roommate Feng; and Shock usually does nothing about it... although I did plan on having her playfully do it back by sticking a cockroach into bella's shirt (her profile says she hates roaches) before a live performance, making her scream the hell out and publicly humiliate her in front of the audience, ruining her act. She did feel guilty about doing it, but at the same time she enjoyed watching her freak out and actually laughed.

But I don't think anyone would find this funny (especially when this game has no animated cutscenes) and that'd probably ruin the good progress I made so far, so I don't think I should put this into the biography... I don't wanna add something awkward like that.

2. Maybe one of the jobs she gets will lead her to her brother Sparks, who she usually can't find or he goes away before she can meet him face-to-face. She eventually does, but the meeting isn't exactly a happy family reunion...

3. As mentioned before, simply just explore the world and have fun :)

- Considering how she's only 6 years old and isn't remarkably intelligent, no she does not. She doesn't really know much about her own anatomy, and usually has to visit a doctor to learn more about her own body, Charge lasts for about 37 hours maybe? Not sure how she would recharge, but I'm thinking of having her just eat batteries or something.

- Simple: Absorb a small amount of nutrients, energy (fruit contains some electricity ya know, at least lemons) growth, etc. Even as undead, they can still get affected by food they eat even if they don't actually need it, just not significantly. They can also still taste the food, and would love to appeal to their own tastebuds on their tongues (mostly Sparks though, Shocky doesn't care about that as much).

- Simple, talking to the player or the in-game announcer during some parts of the gameplay, reminding them not to play for too long and other stuff like that, or occasionally getting annoyed with the announcer's voice suddenly appearing out of nowhere. Deadpool does 4th walling in UmvC3 (YOU PRESSED THE WRONG BUTTONNNN!!) and other media. She learns the 4th wall-creaking concept from watching TV and movies when she seeks inspiration for her next films when other fictional characters in the shows do it.. which makes her assume that she's fictional too... and she is right :) She only does it during fights though, doing it in the story would seem really weird and would ruin the flow. I was also thinking of having Sparks do it as well, but far less often and in very few quotes, not as noticibly as his sister would. I'm not sure I should though, could also ruin it.
Hope that answers it all!

For [insert name]Wow.... that's a big wall of questions ya got there... I'm not even sure if I can come up with good answers of all of them, but I'll try. Can't blame ya for misunderstanding them though, since my work is incomplete anyway (as mentioned before) and I'm still trying fix it. I just forgot to come back and edit it some more. I still haven't came up with a name for [insert name] (I'm terrible at naming stuff), but I'm just gonna call his parasite Cassius, referencing Cassius from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar story. Can't think of anything else, but let's go: *cracks neck*

- ??? I don't remember anyone saying that they had to be permanently stuck to each other anywhere. Think of it more like Venom (from Marvel comics), an alien symbiote who is known for having more than one host and takes over multiple bodies (most notably Eddie Brock) and giving them his powers, covering them like a suit. I did the same thing with [insert name] and Cassius. Instead of being permanently attached to his host like his original and everyone else, this one clings onto his host like a backpack, like a spider on a web, and is able to freely come off when not in fights and come back on when they do happen. [insert name] also uses this to his advantage by using him as a tool like a swing, hamster ball (running inside of him in the form of a bubble), drill, hot air balloon, etc. He is still attached to his host and makes physical contact with him, just not permanently like everyone else does. I really don't see how it would have to be that way, something like that would be beyond me.

- Answer is in different elsewhere. But I guess you're right, it was pretty extreme. I just thought about changing it right when I read this and I'll say why later on.

- Sending Black Dahlia's a nice idea, but I wouldn't get to add one of my fave parts if I did it with her instead of Shockbrave! lol

- Actually, I thought of changing that part to this: to let him live, since she felt shame in doing it and caused enough trouble already. Even if she id know she failed on killing him and I kept it that way, she would lie to the Mafia anyway so she could let at least one person live. Her primary objective was to murder his dad any numerous witnesses, not him. As long as he doesn't know who her boss is or where to find him, what can he do? He's got no proof that it was her and as mentioned before in her own story, Shockbrave is wildly popular and well-known for polite nature and heroic deeds (before serving the Mafia anyway). It would be so unlike her to murder anyone all of a sudden, and even if [insert name] name tried to tattle on her to the police and get help, no one would believe him, no one. It's kind of like Dib trying to expose Zim (in the TV show in Invader Zim) and prove that he's an evil alien who wants to conquer Earth, but almost everyone thinks he's crazy and few humans know Zim's true identity. Even [insert name] himself knows that she's a popular actress with a pacifistic nature and success is very unlikely to happen for him, and he felt something was not right. He's better off not telling anyone about it anyway, and I can answer why in the very next question:

- The Mafia thought he was dead, plus the murder was over a year ago since he built that bricky house of his. Not everyone's gonna remember something from a long time ago. Also with the mailmen issue, he masquerades as another person when they do come. Not because he fears the Mafia or Shockbrave coming back to try and kill him again, but for something else:

He's only about 15 years old, and lives in a house on his own, secluded deep in a maze-like forest where hardly anyone is ever likely to find it (even he, himself forgets the directions to home). Since his parents are gone, he lives without any adult supervision and is basically free to do whatever he wants (though that hardly makes him feel any better), and is still determined to go find Shockbrave and her boss and uncover the mystery of the incident. If he were to tell the cops about and they actually did believe him, that also means that he can't stay in his own house since he's just a kid and not an adult, especially not one that's made of nothing but LEGO bricks in a forest where animals live. If they were to discover this, they would take him to an orphanage and make him stay there until someone comes to adopt him and he finds a new home, where he'll be put back under adult supervision and won't have his freedom anymore, and would probably forbidden to go and look for the girl who killed off his family. Basically, he's trying to find her while he still can, as well as enjoy his rule-free life in general.

Admittedly, this was very hard to do until he met Cassius, where it became much easier since the two could just fuse together into a being that makes him look taller, bigger, and older than he actually is. That way, no one would try to remove him from his current home and prevent him from solving that mystery. Though people have commented on how weird he looks, it fooled practically everyone except Filia, although it isn't saying much considering how the two have little interaction with each other (except in my alternate story for [insert name]). When meeting Parasoul however, he forgot about this and spilled this secret to her by accident, which prompted her to order her soldiers to take him to an orphanage while she attempts to deal with the Skullgirl and fry other eggs, rather than arrest him like I originally planned (thank u 4 letting me know that btw). Still determined when he finally found Shockbrave, [insert name] and Cassius refuse and resist, and after knocking her out they retreat from her unconscious body and resume following that girl, so much for no adult supervision now... Hope that answered 3 of ur questions at once!

- How to avoid Wild Animals:

  • Change your scent so they can't smell you
  • Make weird noises and raise your arms up and down to frighten it, making yourself look bigger and scarier than you really are.
  • Huck Rocks and Sticks at them
  • Build a campfire to frighten them off
  • Stay away from water: Crocodiles would love to jump out of it and bite onto your leg, drag you into the water, and kill you with the spin of death. In real life they are much more aggressive and dangerous than alligators: don't ever wade in, swim in, or walk near water inhabited by these beasts. They also camouflage themselves as floating logs, make sure u don't fall for it.
  • If the animal chases you, try to cut them off by running past obstacles like trees and bushes.
That's how :P

- Glad u asked that, cuz that's the next part of the story. I can answer both of those at the same time:
After sneaking into the Medici Tower, [insert name] finally finds Shockbrave again, talking to a man named Vitale and he spies on their conversation unnoticed. Upon listening to their conversation, he finally discovers that it was he who gave her the order to assassinate his family and force her to do many other dastardly deeds against her will, and learns that he blackmails her by threatening her with a gun, which caused him to forgive the girl and pity her. She was not just trying to protect herself, but her own family as well, which was something [insert name] could relate to in a way. I admit that he was kind of mad at her for not resisting him, but the bulk of his anger was pointed at Vitale (not the entire Mafia though, doesn't know really them that well).

Nevertheless, he and Cassius came surprisingly out of nowhere (from their view) and interrupted the conversation, snatching the gun from his hand and then tossing it out of the window so he couldn't shoot her with it. He then proceeds to angrily assault and kill the man not only to gain vengeance, but also to free Shockbrave from his diabolical control and stop others from getting the same fate his own family did. While flattered that he came to try and save her (she could tell because of the gun he tossed), she was horrified by the violence he was creating and the puddle of blood he and his friend were making the floor, which reminded her of the deer killed with a headshot on her lawn. Before [insert name] and Cassius could kill Vitale, Shock herself slowly approached him and put her hand on his shoulder while smiling in an attempt to calm them down, and then she tazed them with electricity, stunning and paralyzing them so Vitale could make his escape.

After he gets away, Shock then tries to urge [insert name] not to try and kill him again, as she felt vengeance isn't going to make him or anyone feel any better when his deceased family will be gone, asking "What would they say if they saw what you now?". She also stated that a friend of hers (referring to Cerebella) also considered that man to be her father, and that killing him would do the same thing that man did to him, saddening his "daughter" and make her hate him as well if they ever meet. Understanding her speech, [insert name] gives in and goes along with it (though Cassius wanted to bite her for shocking him and ignored her speech), and she once again apologizes for the madness she created that year ago, still seemingly sad and ashamed of herself. He accepts her apology and told her it wasn't actually her fault (okay, it was partly hers), it was Vitale's. He thanks her for talking sense into his mind and she escorts him out of the tower (pretending to treat him like an intruder and simply dispose of him), telling him that her family is still in danger as the medicis placed guards over her home so that no one can try to rescue her, plus she was given the order to seek out the Skull Heart and bring it back to the Mafia, as well as take out the Skullgirl who plans to destroy them. To be continued....

I can' answer everything else yet, but I will soon :)

And so, the tale of Bucky Barkley ended far too soon as he read the nonsensical explanations to already nonsensical things. Poor Barkley died of a heart attack as he tried to comprehend what he had just read. Rest in peace, Bucky. You will be somewhat missed.
@SunnyRei I've finished Wiglaf's Command Normals and Special Moves. I'm leaving the Blockbusters blank for now since they require a lot more thought.

Check the Move List section of his profile to see what I've added. I've also finished his Likes/Dislikes and his Character Inspirations. Yeah, he's pretty much done by now, except for the Blockbusters of course.
Mourningstar's connections to the cast are loose.
I'm sorry for the double post, but I have to say that THIS is the right way to do a pun name. She's also one of my favorite characters on this thread.
Wow, that's a lot of command normals. Maybe too many. Though I suppose that could be part of his unique character mechanic. The specials look good, but I would probably change Sorrowful Howl to Inspiring Howl, or something like that. Sorrow sounds like a downer instead of something to get you pumped up.

Oh, man! I totally forgot about Mourningstar! I remember really liking her design. I'll have to take some time to read all of her stuff again!
Geez, thanks! Speaking of, here's a drawing I made of her a while back:

fighting a one-armed titan or something, I dunno

If there's any interest in it, maybe I'll post some more doodles of her in here.
Wow, that's a lot of command normals. Maybe too many. Though I suppose that could be part of his unique character mechanic. The specials look good, but I would probably change Sorrowful Howl to Inspiring Howl, or something like that. Sorrow sounds like a downer instead of something to get you pumped up.
Yeah I was trying to go for as many as possible, he's never going to be in the game so I might as well go all out. You're right, I'll change name of the howl when I think of one. It may be a buff but I don't want the name to sound hot blooded or inspirational since it's a reference to Lucy.
Geez, thanks! Speaking of, here's a drawing I made of her a while back:

If there's any interest in it, maybe I'll post some more doodles of her in here.
Sweeeeet, please I'm definitely interested in it and I would love to see more, same goes for the other artists here.
@Sanoblaze: I see! That's neat, then, and I had never heard that so cool learning moment. Glad to hear it's a reference to something and the origins fit. :)
The only problem I have is that I wish I could draw.

But I guess the best way to describe her is a pixie cut, light blonde with fair skin, a dress similar to Tinkerbell's but with stitches and patches, and no shoes or stockings.

I just remember that I was also asked about her design and I don't have that much in terms of resources to make her on paper.
Your post about Mourningstar is short and sweet. You pretty much give us only the what we need to know and barely any extra fluff. And for a description for a merc, that's really all we need. Her name is a great example of a pun name done right, being simple and memorable. The images you posted of her are awesome, showing us exactly what she looks like, while also giving us a look at Rodriguez in all his weaponized glory! And I gotta say, they both look awesome.

The story works pretty well. The Labs want to get their dangerous, top-secret weapon/fighter back, so who better to send than an expendable individual who won't ask questions? It also helps explain why they would just give her this extremely powerful weapon. I can't say enough how much I love that you mention that she is indeed a pretty well known mercenary, but then go on to mention that she needs Rodriguez because she wouldn't stand a chance against Painwheel. It shows that you have created a pretty cool and strong character, but you also have limitations on just how much she can handle. It makes her a much more believable character. And again, you make her feel so much more genuine when you point out how obtaining Rodriguez makes her feel untouchable.

The gameplay speculation and moveset sections are cool because they show us not only how much Mourningstar relies on Rodriguez in combat, but also how well she has adapted to using him and his vast arsenal. It's also really nice how you do point out when a move is safe or totally unsafe. It makes her feel like a balanced character from a gameplay perspective.

Overall, the character you have created is simple, memorable, and interesting! Mourningstar seems like she could stand well on her own, and Rodriguez is an extremely interesting weapon with a lot of possibilities. You didn't give us much in terms of story, but that just makes me want to know more! The images you posted show us just how awesome a fight of hers would look and gives me this sort of comic-book vibe. Really, there's nothing negative to say. I just really like this character!

And you mention that you are no longer using her as a Skullgirls character anymore. Would you mind if I asked what you are doing with her now? Are you making her own world? Or did you just move her to a different one?

You're right, I should probably update her bio a little bit more when I get the chance, maybe edit it with some fun stats and junk. Thanks a lot for taking the time to read!

Mourningstar has sort of turned into my... mascot, I guess? I draw her a lot but I haven't been actually using her much. Right now the "rule" is, she exists in her own continuity but can cross over into another one whenever I feel like it. Sometimes she's in Skullgirls, sometimes I'll draw her interacting with the cast of another unrelated project of mine. I've RPed with her a couple of times. Basically, I've just got her on speed dial for whenever I need a character.

It's interesting that you asked that, though, because recently I've been kicking around the idea of making a short comic that goes into detail about her world. She lives in a cyberpunk nightmare city that expands upward instead of outward (buildings that are impossibly tall and house entire city districts, et cetera) and is ruled by an organized crime syndicate of cyborgs and monsters and cyborg monsters and basically whatever is cool.

Mourningstar used to work for those guys, but they doublecrossed her and now she's out to get revenge by hunting down the Don and kicking his ass. To do that, she first needs to fight his lieutenants shonen-protagonist style. There's no such thing as a normal weapon in this world - every bad guy has something to rival Rodriguez in craziness.

I also have this idea in my head that Mourningstar rescues another character for selfish reasons, and that character sticks with Mourningstar and trusts her completely even though everybody else is like "Yo, don't trust that chick with the headwings."

I don't have all the details down yet, but that's the gist.
And so, the tale of Bucky Barkley ended far too soon as he read the nonsensical explanations to already nonsensical things. Poor Barkley died of a heart attack as he tried to comprehend what he had just read. Rest in peace, Bucky. You will be somewhat missed.

*crickets chirp* Haha it is not funny -_-:
Does anyone want the character creation template that I used to present Wiglaf?
I'm interested. Let's see it!

And so, the tale of Bucky Barkley ended far too soon as he read the nonsensical explanations to already nonsensical things. Poor Barkley died of a heart attack as he tried to comprehend what he had just read. Rest in peace, Bucky. You will be somewhat missed.
I'll get to this later. I have to come back from the dead first, apparently.
I'm interested. Let's see it!

I'll get to this later. I have to come back from the dead first, apparently.

If you all couldn't comprehend the "nonsense" I wrote, then I guess Swaggerdoughnut and Denizen are supposed to be dead too :)