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USA New England thread - Not UK

I won't be at pax
But you will be crying into your fightstick.
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But you will be crying into your fightstick.
I'd be crying into my fight stick whether I was at PAX or not, it's irrelevant where I am or what else I am doing
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Even I will be at PAX east on saturday.

Which is weird since I never visit anything.
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I won't be at pax

I won't be either. We can cry together.
Even I will be at PAX east on saturday.

Which is weird since I never visit anything.
Cool let's play video games
Cool let's play video games
well i got only a saturday pass. will there be some gathering place for SG in one of the rooms where the consoles are or maybe at the GU booth?
well i got only a saturday pass. will there be some gathering place for SG in one of the rooms where the consoles are or maybe at the GU booth?
Aw man. I'll be there Saturday but I'm gonna be busy basically the whole time. rip
So, I am starting to believe I have the Skullgirls curse.
oh well. maybe i'll get out to one of those GU monthlies in the future. but i can't until certain life events happen.

also can anyone say what that "top player" thing at pax that is going on during saturday? or is that still a secret?
oh well. maybe i'll get out to one of those GU monthlies in the future. but i can't until certain life events happen.

also can anyone say what that "top player" thing at pax that is going on during saturday? or is that still a secret?
Still secret. Sorry.
Still secret. Sorry.

Currently, I got no planned activities for Pax beyond wandering around the show floor with some relatives and checking out booths.

None of the panels on saturday really appealed to me this year.
Sadly the best I may manage is a friday appearance at PAX, provided my ticket guy doesn't bitch out on me (he probably will). It's a shame, would've paid good money to watch Peanuts get bodied by alcohol at the Sanshee party. #krakenboys
I have to drive after the party so I'm not going to go in as hard as I do on my TF2 streams.
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I will be there Saturday as well. I may see y'all, hopefully. I...am going alone T.T
hey if anyone is at pax they have 4 setups for skullgirls at the geek and sundry booth in the main hall, hope u like pad tho cause thats all they have
hey if anyone is at pax they have 4 setups for skullgirls at the geek and sundry booth in the main hall, hope u like pad tho cause thats all they have
by main hall do you mean the front entrance area or are you talking about on the show floor?

and is it normal pc, beta, or PS3?
by main hall do you mean the front entrance area or are you talking about on the show floor?

and is it normal pc, beta, or PS3?
show floor, pc with xbox controllers
show floor, pc with xbox controllers
Yo, they are beta ready?
Im gonna be on the machines a bit after the event for the people who may have gotten interested. Preaching about the free for a limited time characters and giving info about the game in general.

Doin' me proud Ziddy, since that was like 2/3 of what I did for Anime Boston.
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Did you feel like anyone was interested?
How was playing with the Surface 2?
Did you feel like anyone was interested?

In my case yeah. Alot of people there were legit glad someone was taking the time to do that. I must admit getting bodied in vanilla all weekend was a traumatic experience lol, but I felt that was probably a better way to go than...ya know....beat everyone (kinda like how mike doesn't like to win tourneys cuz it looks bad). Not gonna say it'll be the same for pax, but having someone who knows and loves the game be there for people to interact with can make alot of difference, even if you're not great at it like me.
In my case yeah. Alot of people there were legit glad someone was taking the time to do that. I must admit getting bodied in vanilla all weekend was a traumatic experience lol, but I felt that was probably a better way to go than...ya know....beat everyone (kinda like how mike doesn't like to win tourneys cuz it looks bad). Not gonna say it'll be the same for pax, but having someone who knows and loves the game be there for people to interact with can make alot of difference, even if you're not great at it like me.
Honestly, having someone there who is both hyping it and not so great at it can be a good thing.

I used to work at a hobby store and there was another employee who was really into the ccg Warlord. His passion for it was really infectious, so he was really good at getting people to consider trying the game.

The store had a policy where if you were trying out a ccg for the very first time, you could get a starter deck for free if you gave up the rare for the store to sell as a single. So this guy would often play demo games with potential new players. They'd have their free starter. He'd take his fine tuned deck and years of experience and proceed to beat them into the ground.

Oddly, those people tended not to buy a whole lot.

Eventually one of the owners pointed out that this wasn't exactly the best sales strategy, so we zeroed out another starer and made that the store demo deck for him to use. He wasn't asked to throw games, but by toning things down a bit the overall response be came a lot better, to the point that we were running regular Saturday tournaments for several months even though none of the other staff were particularly familiar with the game.

In short, when it comes to the initial pitch, passion for the game is more important then your skill level.
fyi, guys, I wasn't planning on grinding anyone into the dirt :p
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I just got in from Pax.

it was fun but I was way too busy to attempt to meet anyone else. Maybe next year.

on the upside I got a skullgirls shirt from sanshee.
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Anybody going to GU this Friday? IIRC the general consensus was no, due to NCR, but just wanted to double check.
I know that peanuts isn't going, but I'm not sure who else is. I'll probably go regardless. Will anyone be bringing a Skullgirls setup?
I could bring a PS3 if absolute need be, but chances are I'm gunna show up later and leave before everybody else, so it prob isn't ideal. I'd offer up my PC but it's a little too big and bulky for me to put in the effort.
Anybody going to GU this Friday? IIRC the general consensus was no, due to NCR, but just wanted to double check.
I'm the only one affected by NCR. If a non-me person can bring a setup, GU can happen as usual.
I'll be there Friday night, probably gunna be playing street fighter mostly. Let me know by tomorrow night if you guys want me to bring my PS3 for some SG retail ( assuming there's no other setup )
I'll be there Friday night, probably gunna be playing street fighter mostly. Let me know by tomorrow night if you guys want me to bring my PS3 for some SG retail ( assuming there's no other setup )
I think you mean Friday night, not tomorrow. But, thanks for the offer! @Zidiane or @LordCeno will either of you be bringing a setup (assuming you guys are going on Friday)? Nate won't be at GU, so his setup is a no-go
I think you mean Friday night, not tomorrow

Gahh I literally fixed that 5 seconds after I posted it haha