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Someone put the official character art on their twitter

Why does Minerva look so...hot? It's like they gave her the ED-E treatment from Mass Effect, lol.

New art does look good, though; definitely the best so far
Didn't someone post this already?

I do really like the art; Ragna, Kokonoe, and Bang in particular.
Some I don't like; Mu-13 looks really stretched, vertically; Carl looks like he's 8; Jin looks kind of weird.
Some I still prefer the Chronophantasma art for, (I.E. Hazama, Tsubaki, Lambda) although I do think these are better overall.
I like the lambdacopter

Azreal's new art is great too
he's loving this shit

Amane is still the most beautiful and everyone else is peasants
Remember Makoto's Chronophantasma art?

That was some anti-gravity shit there.
I always thought it was to give the impression that she was just in the middle of moving.
cuz boobs aren't just stationary orbs.
like, look at the position of her feet, that's not standing.
Amane is still the most beautiful and everyone else is peasants

he's so fucking pretty, I hate him.
but I love him.
but I hate him.
but I love him.
but I hate him.

I love him and I hate him.
this new Central Fiction installment seems to be BB's biggest installment yet (could this be the final game that would conclude the series that Toshimichi Mori was talking about). I'm wondering if it would include a tag-team mode.
this new Central Fiction installment seems to be BB's biggest installment yet (could this be the final game that would conclude the series that Toshimichi Mori was talking about). I'm wondering if it would include a tag-team mode.

That would pretty much guarantee I don't buy it unless it is done KoF style.
That would pretty much guarantee I don't buy it unless it is done KoF style.

What could be your reason behind it (having a real-time tag-team mode would either be too much programming (which honestly isn't a lot) or that it would seeming rip off Skullgirls and the Marvel vs. Capcom series, although Capcom's pretty much reached the end of the line with Marvel fighting games, and with Arcsys taking over the role as the top fighting game company, so it would be great if they make a Marvel fighting game once the new BlazBlue and Guilty Gear games come out)
the fact that they didn't show it off in the reveal trailer makes me think that it isn't a thing
I can't stand team games. I like KoF's format fine, but have no interest in

I like SG because I like PW and because I can go it solo. I've accepted long ago that I'm just not playing it all that optimally.

Team games always seem to boil down to "make the most filthy set-ups possible" and/or cower behind your super solid assist until you can make something happen.

tl;dr - Just not my cup o' tea I guess.
All fighting games always seem to boil down to "make the most filthy set-ups possible"

Fixed that for you.

and/or cower behind your super solid assist until you can make something happen.

You've obviously never seen a good rushdown game in Marvel then.

Spacing and footsies exist in all fighting games. The "wall of assists" is really no different from the defensive poke/footsie game you might see in Super Turbo. It's not much stronger or more dominant either, and is just a small part of the library of tactics you have.
Fixed that for you.

You've obviously never seen a good rushdown game in Marvel then.

Spacing and footsies exist in all fighting games. The "wall of assists" is really no different from the defensive poke/footsie game you might see in Super Turbo. It's not much stronger or more dominant either, and is just a small part of the library of tactics you have.

In a sense yes, but team games are worse for it. By the very nature of having two hitboxes on the screen at the same time, you can simply do more. You get to effectively avoid hitstop (and occasionally even blockstun) allowing things that wouldn't normally be possible. And so they often end up being less about neutral and more about executing the filthiest fucking reset you have.

You can disagree all you like, but I know what I play and what I see... and the team games are generally less fun for me than the ones that aren't.

And it is much stronger... because not only do you get the wall of defense that the point has, you also get an assist call every 3 seconds putting a hitbox out while you block or two hitboxes out.
i really cant say much besides the fact each game is up someones ally but i do agree that people who do one touch is very not fun to get hit by but anime fighers like blazblue also has its fair share of well BS i hope you dont mind me chimeing in but i kinda side with anime fighters im not a fan of BB but i am a avid player of ultimax but skullgirls has given me a better fun of team games like that sorry im not exactly a pro fighting gamer but ya
You can disagree all you like,
Okay, here we go then! :^)
- A game having assists is completely unrelated to whether it is reset based or okizeme based or what. KOF has strikers, for example, and it plays nothing like Marvel.
- Both teams have access to assists when it is a universal mechanic, so the fact that you can get around blockstun or hitstun is true of both sides.
- Puppet characters in non-assist games have all the same advantages as teams, and generally have more broken things because the game is not designed around the idea of a controllable extra character. Plus, they are fighting solo characters which do not have those advantages, and are not compensated for the lack of that advantage in any way like solos are in SG.

You may enjoy Marvel-reset-oriented gameplay less, but don't conflate that with assists mattering.
Without having read Mike's post.

In a sense yes, but team games are worse for it. By the very nature of having two hitboxes on the screen at the same time, you can simply do more.

Yes, you can be more defensive, and you can be more aggressive. You can emphasize the neutral more with the greater spacing tools you have, or you can put more pressure on. And when everything is multiplied x2, nothing is.

And so they often end up being less about neutral and more about executing the filthiest fucking reset you have.

Not really. Mvc2 has one of the most intense and involve neutral games in the medium. The assist calls turn the neutral game into a multilayered game of ultra fast chess.

You can disagree all you like, but I know what I play and what I see...

What you play and what you see is the game at your level of play. Somebody who can't play fighters at all could easily make the argument "they are all button mashers" based on this logic.

And it is much stronger... because not only do you get the wall of defense that the point has, you also get an assist call every 3 seconds putting a hitbox out while you block or two hitboxes out.

And the rush down person gets to use those very same things to punish you for hitting buttons, force you to block and receive mix ups, control space, and punish your assists.

Who gets to rush down or defend is a footsies game like any other.
Last edited:
Wow... How in the hell is it that I disagree with both spencer and the people that disagree with him?


Spencer is correct in his primary assertion that assists give plus frames on offense and zero one move startup on defense. But that's where he stops being correct.

The detractors are correct in that with both teams having the same options, things balance out and are fair (depending on teams of course) And that's where basically everyone stops being correct.

Everything else is cherry picked examples that only pertain slightly to what an assist is as they are in SG or even in marvel.

Sure assists give mucho plus frames to do mixups and sure that thing doesn't really happen in non striker games. But it does happen. In GG as the biggest example many characters can use projectiles as strikers... But the caveat is that they don't USUALLY get the setup for free or even easily whereas striker games you do tend to get these setups very easily and with no startup or recovery as well.

Even most puppet characters have some form of startup or meter management to be aware of and manage whereas assists can Just be called willy nilly for the most part.

So...I see both arguments being right in certain aspects and I see both arguments being wrong in certain aspects.

We've talked about this plenty of times now, but I still don't see how you can think that playing the neutral is simply hiding behind your assists in assist games, whereas in non assist games you can't see that players hide behind other things.. such as fireballs and dps and long range normals etc etc.

I mean I do see that assists certainly fundamentally change the game at neutral and that assists have less risk to throwing out than say throwing a fireball in jumpin range in streetfighter, but assists still have risks such as them taking huge damage via smart counter calls as well as being assistless for a good amount of time should you wiff them etc.

I understand you just not liking that type of play, cause that is exactly what I DO like about SG... Being able to be so free with my offense and having so many more options to do things that I'm simply not used to being able to do in any other fighter... It's like being able to fly for real when you have a streetfighter background such as myself.

But I guess where i see nothing but freedom you see nothing but restrictions. Funny that thing called perspective, funny indeed.
Wow... How in the hell is it that I disagree with both spencer and the people that disagree with him?.

Not quite sure why you're saying this, considering...

The detractors are correct in that with both teams having the same options, things balance out and are fair (depending on teams of course) And that's where basically everyone stops being correct.

But that's basically the extent of what I was saying.

My only other point was that assists don't create a turtle focused gameplay style, and that rushdown and the neutral game have their place also. Which is what you confirm in your own post.

I'm guessing you misinterpreted what I meant when I said that footsies in assist games are equivalent to footsies in non assist games. I meant more that they are equivalent in terms of strategy, that they require fundamentals and that many concepts of spacing and punishing carries over. I was not arguing that assists don't radically change the game or create very unique situations or playstyles.
And I found some stray Naoto info. Should I start the info Master Post now in preparation for this weekend?
They'd like to make a new IP? I would be up for that, considering there isn't anything new lately.
Also, it is never a good sign to me when a companies says they want to branch out to smartphones. That never turns out well.
branching out to smartphones is just code for "we're desperately trying to stay relevant in japan's current gaming climate"
I'm just going to start this now so I don't have to find this info again on Thursday.

Central Fiction Loketest 1 Info.

System Changes

  • Exceed Accel: OD exclusive Super. Done with ABCD.
    • Holding down ABCD when activating OD instantly activates EA and shortens their start-up.
    • All have a start-up hit. If it connects, an animation will play and damage is dealt.
    • All Exceed Accels have invincibility from the start and are very safe on block.
    • Overdrive also ends when Exceed Accel gets blocked.
    • EA startup is 20 or 21F.
  • Active Flow: Gained from playing aggressively and staying active.
    • Strengthens Exceed Accel by almost double, boosts Burst recovery and buffs damage.
    • Active Flow activates if you dash forward.
    • Both characters can have Active Flow at the same time.
    • It lasts about 10 seconds before it turns back off.
    • Active Flow is achieved by landing hits and attempting/offseting throws : pressure doesn't seem to help getting Active Flow, or it does unsignificantly. Guard crushing builds Active Flow (maybe counter-hitting does too ?)
    • When you're close to get active Flow or close to get out of Active Flow, the "Attention!" message pops up.
    • Needs further check but using Exceed Accel seems to automatically end it.
    • Active Flow is signalled by a yellow Aura.
    • Backdashing/running away doesn't seem to diminish the "agression" you've been building. Simply put, if you know you're going to get Active Flow soon, you can play runaway (as long as you don't get Negative Penalty) and land a hit and you'll still get it. Getting hit does seem to delay Active Flow's activation.
    • The damage boost you get from it doesn't seem huge, but the burst you regain from it is very notable (signaled by Purple Aura on Burst gauge).
    • Happens once per round.
    • You also get "Active Points" by doing "skillful actions" and "good reads." In addition to hitting, forward dashing and pressuring, you'll gain "Active Points" by blocking highs and lows correctly, countering aerial hit with head-invincibility move, doing Perfect Block and teching Throws.
    • Counter damage during Active flow deals bonus 20% damage.
  • Counter-hits and Fatal Counters now deal 10% more damage.
    • It's not by per Hits but per Attack.
    • Standard A attack is around 300 damage, so on Counter it makes 330. Carnage Scissors is around 2500 damage, so on Counter it makes 2750.
  • Negative Penalty takes away your Barrier, causes Danger state and gives the opponent Active Flow.
  • Same Attack Proration has been removed from nearly all normals - instead, now all Specials have it. SMP is now damage only, it no longer affects the amount of hitstun.


  • Moves
    • Drive: Double Chase (Creates a copy of himself)
    • Overdrive: Schwarz Reis (Accelerates his Drive)
    • Exceed Accel: Sakuougi "Haraebimi"
    • Specials
      • Hizanshou (214C)
      • Hizanshou Kai (214D)
      • Hiyokujin Ten (214A)
      • Hiyokujin Chi (214B)
      • Hiyokujin Utsuro (Press D during Ten or Chi)
      • Zanshoukyaku (236A)
        • Senba (A during Zanshoukyaku)
        • Ressou (B during Zanshoukyaku)
        • Misagokudari (C during Zanshoukyaku)
        • Magauchi (D during Zanshoukyaku)
      • Souyokusen (623C)
      • Senshijin (j.214A)
    • Distortions
      • Ugaimai "Oboro Ootori" (632146C)
      • Kuremikazuchi "Nue"
  • Hibiki is a technical, tricky, bunshin (clones) using character.
  • His drive is Double Chase.
    • Hibiki's 5D/2D and j.5D/j.2D send the clone forward, while 6D/3D and j.6/3D make Hibiki go forward instead.
    • Hibiki's clones can get hit, but Hibiki won't receive any damage.
  • He also has a special that puts him in the air, where he then has multiple follow-ups, including a projectile.
  • His B normals can be followed up with various B attacks (Normals? Specials? No idea).
  • Has moves like makoto's 214x. Works as a high/low mixup.
  • Has a cross-up clone-image-sending move.
  • Has a move on the ground where he spins in the air and strikes like an OH, but it's not an OH, people around me were surprised by it too.
  • 214A/B: hibiki jumps forward, then attack either from the air or a low on the ground, both can be cancelled into his drive before the strike.
  • 214C is a hit grab that can be used to end combos.
  • 214 D is crossup strike.
  • 236A is a forward floating movement special with ABCD followups.
    • A is a projectile thrown towards the ground.
    • B is an attack that can be followed up.
    • C is an air throw.
    • D is a counter.
  • 623C is a DP.
  • j.214A is an attack like azrael's j.2C that hits opponents to the ground, used to end combos.


  • Moves
    • Drive: Bloodedge (Attacks using blood. Holding the button creates more powerful attacks)
    • Overdrice: Blood Repulser (Faster start-up for charged drive moves. Enhancer moves also powered up)
    • Exceed Accel: Grim of Phantom
    • Specials
      • Banishing Fang (236B)
        • Banishing Fang: Roar (236B)
          • Banishing Fang: Bash (236B)
          • Banishign Fang: Raid (236C)
      • Slash Guide (214D)
      • Inferno Crusader [Air OK] (623C/D)
        • Overhead Kick (2C during Inferno Crusader)
      • Shift Sway (214A)
        • Phantom Pain (28A during Shift Sway)
      • Enhancer (Use Specials of Distortions during Dash)
    • Distortions
      • Divine Smasher [Air OK] (632146B)
      • Divine Reaper (632146D)
  • Naoto is supposed to be easy, standard character.
  • His drive is Bloodedge and can be charged, long range but longer when charged.
    • Enhanced versions can be done as followups?
    • Naoto's Drives can be dash-canceled while you charge them.
    • Some of Naoto's Bloodedge attacks can guard-crush if you charge them.
  • His attacks get new properties when you do them from a dash.
  • If Naoto lands his Divine Reaper near the opponent, it increases the damage and changes the animation.
  • Has a stationary dodge move with invuln, cancelable into special/normals? (don't know which of his moves are specials or normals.)
  • Has a dash where he briefly disappears, crosses up. Chargeable moves that guard crushes, one useable in the air.
  • Has a long-ish poke that hits low.
  • Charged D moves have half screen range, do mad chip and guard crush.
  • If you do naoto's dp from his dash it acts like dragon install VV.
  • If you do his 214A from dash it crosses up.


  • New Moves
    • Exceel Accel: Seed of Tartaros
    • Nightmare Edge (j.214C)
      • Follow-up (214D during Nightmare Edge)
  • Ragna can't do 5C>2D.
  • 2D special cancellable.
  • 6B forcing crouch?
  • Nightmare edge always downs opponent.
    • j.214C > follow-up sends them flying away.
  • CH 2D causes stagger?
  • Corner stuff > 623D 236C 236C > 2C blah blah still works. GH+follow-up > 5B still works.
  • 5B > 2D does work.
  • 2D is also not a low anymore.
  • Nightmare edge is an attack that sends an aerial opponent down to the ground. the followup attack sends the opponent to the side, so it seems to be a good tool for close-range okizeme or corner carry.
  • 2C now combos into 2D. 5B>5C>2C>2D>Hell's Fang>Tsuika = 2.5K.
  • 6B combos into 2D due to new forced crouching.
  • First hit of Gauntlet Hades floats on hit now (used to groundbounce), similar to air GH.
  • Blood Scythe causes slide on hit.
  • Can get 3.4K off Gauntlet Hades in the corner, similar to CP2.0 damage.
  • D Inferno Divider is still a Fatal Counter hit.


  • New Moves
    • Exceel Accel: Kokuujin Ougi: Gekka Hyourou
    • Hishousetsu [Air OK] (236D)
  • 623C corner combos still work. 5B in the corner leads into ~4.4k meterless.
  • 3C got replaced by a sword trip? Functions the same.
  • His new move Hishousetsu uses 25% heat and creates an object on screen. The object remains on screen for quite a long time, so Jin can move around while it's set to control the opponent's movement. Defensively, it remains out even if Jin is blocking, and freezes the opponent on hit.
  • 3C combos from the tip of 5C, and combos into Toushouzan.
  • 5B>6A removed.
  • 5B>Throw removed.
  • 6C has less blockstun.
  • 6C>6B removed.
  • CH 623C>5B might be removed.
  • 623C might have faster animation or startup.
  • jD is only on hit (in other words, unchanged).
  • Frame advantage is probably ±0.
  • Jin seems a little more floaty.
  • Ground hit causes a stagger down. Can pick up with 2B (becomes an air hit).
  • If you land the hit close to the ground, you can combo with 2B even in midscreen. Sort of like the feel of current D Hizan.
  • OD>6D>Hiyoku(RC)>6A>Rehhyou>6B>Hizan>6C>Sekka>6C>Gekka(EA)
    • "Pretty impossible starter, but I think this did around 9012 damage. I think it was during AF too, but I was surprised to see 9000 from Jin. Might go further if 6A is moved to later in the combo."
  • Stuff>3C>cOD>5C(freeze)>Gekka.
  • Corner stuff>6C>cOD>Gekka.
  • Hisshouken got slower?
  • New move feels like something that you set out.
    • On hit, the last hit launches high.
  • Musou whiff>hit with followup has increased recovery, making 2B pickup after impossible.
  • 5C tip hit into 3C<Musou works.
  • In the corner Hirensou wall-sticks, making not even 5A or 2A connect.
  • Neither Musou nor Sekka cause wallbounce.
  • "From what I was able to determine during the BBCF loctest, it still doesn't connect from Jin's throw Musou. (sorry, this is just as confusing in the original JP) 5d2d are special cancelable, and probably due to worse proration somewhere, the 6A RC into high Musou followup hit 2b5c combo becomes techable on the 5c. 2c recovery is unchanged. 3 6a's triggered Active Flow."


  • New Moves
    • Exceel Accel: "Zero Gun: Sleipnir"
    • Revolver Blast (j.214C)
  • 6C doesn't wall stick. They tech before you can connect with any ground moves.
  • 22B no longer has SMP.
  • 22C no longer has SMP.
  • Was able to do 2B>6A>6C>6D>c4D>A optic barrel.
  • 5C5D did not connect. Might have gotten slower?
  • The trailer's J2D, from whatever height, it knocks down the opponent.
  • From 3C, you can now instant ukemi / tech、perhaps D gatlings can be added.
  • 2D's foot invuln from frame 1 is gone.
  • J4D is gone.
  • JD is the same as CP's JD?
  • 2D motion has changed, it's now a short jump over a short distance.
  • 6D motion has changed. It now moves forward a long distance to attack, and she low-profiles during the animation so she has body and projectile invulnerabiliy during the period.
  • 4D has gained projectile invulnerability.
  • 6C fully combos both hits on a standing opponent.
  • Revolver Blast input has changed, reducing accidental inputs.
  • Midscreen.
    • 2B>6A>dlhjC(2HIT)>jD>5C>6A>5C>22BC>dc>6C>5D>6A>5C>22B(multi) May be character specific.
    • 2B>6A>6C>6D>4D>A Optic>dc>sliding 6C>5D>5C>6B>5C>6B>BT
  • Corner.
    • 2B>6A>hjC>jD>6B>5D>22BC(B whiff)>dc>6C>4D>AT>22B(multi)
    • 2B>6A>jC>j2C>air dash j2C>jD>6D>5C>6A>5C>22B(multi)
    • 5B>5C>forward hj2C>jD>6A>6B>4D>AT〜


  • New Moves
    • Exceel Accel: Gerbera Lute
    • Ivy Blossom [Air OK] (214B)
    • Barel Lotus [Air OK] (22A)
  • Her j2C comes out immediately after activation but has been changed to an overhead.
  • Her new move Ivy Blossom summons a lot of tiny bats on screen. The bats have no attack hitbox, but if they get close to the opponent they will steal health. Can use wind to move them around.
  • She's lost the ability to jump cancel all moves during overdrive, but in exchange her wind recovery is very fast now.


  • New Moves
    • Exceel Accel: Kaka Clan's Hospitality
    • Trick Edge! (2 charge 8 + D [Hold 2 during the move to change it])
  • j4D is diagonal now, B cancel causes v arc(?).
  • jC AND jB replaced.
  • j2B fast again and mid.
  • 6A/5C are jc-able on block.
  • 2B recovery increased.
  • 6B>j.236B>2A confirmed on Carl.
  • 3C(3) launches higher, now special cancelable.
  • 3C>236A connects.
  • On standing opponent, 5C>6C and 2C>6C don't work.
  • 5C>jA>jC confirmed on standing opponent.
  • 214D>jC seems usable as a downgraded replacement for 214D>jB.
  • 236C is an overhead when charged.
  • 5C hitstop reduced. Depending on the proration, stuff like Butt>5C>6C or air 5C>jC will get harder to land.
  • 6C air counterhit causes wallbounce from midscreen, j236236D does not. CP1 properties?
  • j.Attacks can all be jump canceled.
  • j.Attack gatlings changed. jC only goes into j236B, j2B went into jBjC...I think. Someone please confirm.
  • 236236D and 214214C both do about 2400.
  • j2D causes hard knockdown.
  • Midscreen, point-blank 3C>236C connects.
  • Was able to do 3C>236C>hjJC>J2DA>2B>5C>hjJB>JC>JC>J2DA>2B~ etc.
  • Air hit 236C bounced a little.
  • 3C>236C->B dropped.
  • 3C>214D>jC dropped.
  • j2B>jB and j2B>jC confirmed on hit. Probably works on block too.
  • 3C>236A>4D and and 3C>236A>214D>JA probably don't work...even though 4D is faster now.
  • Tried to follow up 3C>236A>5D midscreen, but seemed tough from both 5DB and 5D6~. Corner-only route?
  • 3C>236A>5DB has amazing carry. Not sure if it can be followed up.
  • jB's motion now that akin to Valken's j214B.
  • j2B startup is very fast, jC back however no overhead.
  • j4D will bounce diagonally upwards after falling down, B variant causes a V-like movement.


  • New Moves
    • Exceed Accel: Charge Lightning
    • Gigantic Tager Driver (360 + A [Delayable])
    • Wedge Catapult (360 +B)
      • Impact Driver (360 +B during Wedge Catapult)
  • 5 A>5B>5C connects (6A doesn’t connect with 5C).
  • 5C startup slower?
  • 5D’s wall splat eliminated? (when hit in center, opponent slide).
  • A Command Grab is the old B Driver? (Faster than A Driver) Able to GF connect.
  • B Command Grab is the old A Driver? (Slower Startup and greater magnetic pull. Unknown if there’s invincibility frames) Able to pursue with 5C if you don’t use the followup command. The followup command is the usual B Driver (GF Connects).
  • After GF, the space between the opponent is greater, can’t 5A pursuit.
  • GETB damage = 5522 (yes).
  • Exceed = Raw exceed = around 2k, no magnetism.
  • 4D’s wall splat follow up with the 2 D doesn’t connect?
  • JA>JA>JC connects.
  • Collider is useless?
    • No more GF>RC>Collider mixup.
  • Both Hammers still have the guard points.
  • 2D>6A is possible.
  • 5C looked like it has invuln, invuln'd through jin's 5C cleanly.
  • 6C floats.
  • B Driver, at first is seems to only pull a little, but after a while it pulls a lot.
  • Overall magnetic pull seems stronger.
  • Impact Driver’s invincibility frame is long, without the followup command, possibility for combos.
  • 5C>6A>3C, C becomes 2C no matter what.
  • 5D blows the opponent back so follow up is near impossible.
  • B Driver damage output = 2500 with followup input. Without followup imput, can pursue with 5C>6A>2C>CT>5B>5C>AC>GF damage output = 4500.
  • 5A>5B>5C connects.
  • 3C>A Sledge>5A>jA>jB>jC>Crimson Punisher connects.
  • A Driver damage output is 2600.
  • 3C>2C won’t connect.
  • If opponent backsteps after GF, it’s pretty hard to pursue.
  • 5D no bound (counter hit or normal hit?)
  • 5A>5B>3C>AC wiff> 6A>2C>AC>GF is real easy to pull off, dishes out 2450.
  • Throw frame data the same as 2.0.
  • Exceed Accel is not a projectile and does 2200 raw.
  • Can use most of the current combos, but can’t use 3C so easily (because it becomes a 2C I’m gonna assume).
  • 6Cfc will still make the opponent fly (Fatal counter?)
  • J2Cfc is still available. (Fatal counter?)
  • New B Driver’s invincibility frame still a mystery, will go 2500 after the followup command and will connect to GF.
  • With use of CT will go up to 4500.
  • 5A>5B>Grab wiff>GETB seems impossible to do.
  • GETB causes Active Flow.
  • Gadget Finger = better frame start up.
  • Magnetic Gauge seems longer but it’s the same as CP.
  • 6A>3C is no longer available, but can instead followup with 2C unless the opponent is really far away.
  • A Driver is the old B Driver.
  • A Slegde bounds the opponent high enough so 3C connects.
  • 5A, 2A still F Startup.
  • Aerial 2A>jA>jB>jC>Crimson Punisher = 1830.


  • New Moves
    • Exceed Accel: Crimson Peafowl (Koukujaku)
    • Straight Through (With the staff 41236A/B/C [Chargeable] Use D to cancel)
    • Rensou (214 B/C With the staff)
  • Ittsuu is one hit, sends them flying up and away.
  • About the new attack / move that was seen in the Trailer that casts away Litchi's staff.... C version is slower than B version, and throws the staff far away.
  • Immediately after Ittsuu's command is input, the attack releases (can hold it). D button cancels Ittsuu. Can RC. The hit properties of the single hit from Ittsuu behave the same.
  • Jump cancels on guard for staff and without staff are unchanged.
  • Exceed Accel combos into Kokushi Musou.
  • if staff is flying, drops if you get hit. still returns to you if you go into block.
  • DP staff ends up a little further away.
  • corner stuff > DP > haku works.
  • Ittsuu:
    • Like CS Unlimited Litchi's.
    • A midscreen hit knocks them away, doesn't seem comboable.
    • You keep possession of staff on hit.
    • Ittsuu A has wallbounce properties.
    • Can be canceled from normals, 2C>Ittsuu A confirmed.
    • Ittsuu A wall bounces in the corner.
  • (midscreen) confirmed up to 2A>5B>2C>Renchan B (new move)>Hatsu>Riichi A>Chankan.
  • Exceed animation didn't change much in Active Flow.
  • Renchan: After setting it, staff is vertical.
  • Ittsuu: Can't Kote cancel. After the stance finishes, you can still launch the staff or go into Four Winds etc. like before.
  • Haku Hatsu Chun>microdash 5B, probably doesn't work due to increased recovery on Chun.
  • Counter Assault: normal hit knockback increased?


  • New Moves
    • Exceed Accel: n Factorial
    • Zero Vector [Air OK] (236D)
    • a±b [Air OK] (236D while in Curse state)
    • Denial of P (Autonatically activates if you use use "If P then Q" near the opponent)
    • f Equal (236236D while in Curse state)
  • Guard Crush Bug still there.
  • Zero Vector can be used both in the air and on the ground.
  • Arakune's cloud now doesn't go away when it hits opponent. Instead it will remain until the curse gauge is full or Arakune gets hit.
  • JC>JD connects (Gataling route).
  • 2D only one hit? Now spits towards opponent (homes in on them?)
  • JC>Dive no longer connects.
  • 3C>New move Reject P connects.
  • Able to walk/move immediately after 5D.
  • Active curse depletes on a timed basis again. Regular curse BnB still works.
  • New grab-looking move is a hit move. They tech very soon after the final hit, high in the air.
  • JA>JB no longer connects.
  • B Bug hit doesn't make opponent float?
  • Permutation (spiders) hit differently, falls down slower? When hit, opponent floats.
  • New move, P Reject, is blockable.
  • JD untechable time reduced, after JD Arakune can move (jump cancelable).
  • Dive nerfed, slower?
  • Warp Changes
    • BPQ = after taking 4, 6 steps forward, then warps back.
    • CPQ = warps after doing 6D motion.
    • Aerial CPQ = warps after doing B Dive motion.
  • New Move = P Reject
    • Will hit in air as well, around 900. Think of it as like Platinum's counter.
    • After hit, spider will bring opponent up and toss them down.
    • Able to pursue with JA, 6JA. Dive pursue seems impossible?
    • A move that will auto-activate depending on the opponents location, all PQs will activate this.
    • Once hit, the opponent will be hoisted up and drops down, Arakune will be able to move afterwards so great possibilities in ending curse with this or combos in general.
    • However, startup is relatively slow + you'd have to be sticking right next to the opponent for it to activate, so adding this into a combo may be a challenge.
    • For now, 5C>APQ>P Reject and 3C>BPQ>P Reject has been confirmed.
    • JB>5A>5B>5D>3C>BPQ>P Reject does not work, may be M Startup.
  • F=: new DD, summons new bug (looks like a anomalocaris).
    • As long as curse is active, will scurry pretty fast around from left to right (3, 4 times?)
    • If Arakune follows the bug, he has the potential to carry the opponent to the corner real easy like.
    • May interfere with combos.
    • A multi-hit move, will cause opponent to spiral and then fall, knockback upon block is huge and will push the opponent right into the corner.
    • Once the curse gauge is gone, the bug will disappear.
    • When active, the curse gauge will go from red to purple, indicating that the curse will last longer than usual.
    • No other plus effects are known, best be used as a curse time extender.
  • Exceed Accel: Turns into a rafflesia and hurls the opponent up. Can't seem to pursue.
  • Dive Nerf a mystery.
    • 5C>JA>JC>Dive doesn't connect.
    • 5C>JA>JA>JC>Dive connects.
    • Probably won't be able to connect at a very high altitude, but for the dive to connect, you might need to be a little above the opponent.
  • JD Follow Ups in depth.
    • Another JD, jump cancel (j.c), bird, Dive all are confirmed options to pursuit.
    • J6D>j.c>J3D seems possible. JD>Bird>j.c>JA>JA>JC seems plausible (hopeful?)
    • J6D>6D no longer connects due to J6D reduced untechable time.
  • Bugs have been modified as "Special" thus are now affected by SMP.
  • Curse:
    • Like in CS, the curse system is time based lasting around 9-10 seconds. D based curse gain is still 25% like in BBCPEX.
    • A, D bug remain the same.
    • B Bug: will now appear from the ground, startup is slower. Once it leaves the ground, it will gain its usual speed.
    • 5B Bug will appear in front of Arakune (Around where jD appears) going towards the enemy at a 45 degree angle.
    • Upon hit on ground, the opponent will be knocked back strongly, no down, same when guarded. Aerial hit remains the same.
    • On the ground, B Bug>D Bug will not connect if mashed out together, so you'll have to input D Bug beforehand.
    • C Bug: Faster startup (?) same guard crush properties. Upon confirm, 5A or 5B will connect (be fast about it though).
    • Even if you Guard crush, however, the combo damage is quite small. Guard crush>D bug Full combo = little under 5000.
  • F Inverse: Damage increased from 2000 to 2500. SMP rate unconfirmed.
  • Zero Vector: Now able to execute on ground.
  • Motion wise, same as spewing a slow cloud. Once the cloud makes contact, it will begin charging the curse gauge (for reference, if the opponent is at 0 curse, it will take 3-4 secs for the cloud to fully charge the gauge). The duration of the cloud staying on the field is long. Unconfirmed, but once a curse combo is complete and you do Zero Vector, it may not count in curse gauge retrieval.
  • a±b: Command is now 236D.
  • CPQ has a very early invincibility frame, so this may be your best counter (activate P Reject as a pseudo DP or just run away).
  • Dive has overhead properties.
  • 2D; Can now do 1D, 2D, 3D to adjust distance. 2D= same, 1D=real close, 3D=around where party bug lands. 1 hit.
  • jD: Upon hit, can now cancel into specials. Decreased frame advantage upon hit, opponent will go up upon hit, decreased untechable time. Unconfimed if cancelable upon guard.
  • jC>jD new gataling route.
  • jC>Dive is pretty hard to pull off.
  • 2C startup is cheap, with the curse bug now affected by SMPs, 2C startup full combo with F Inverse = 5100.
  • "Personal thoughts, combo time seems shorter. Even with 2C Startup, Wheel > CD bug> 6C3 hit, the opponent is able to tech out of it"
  • jB>5A>6B>j6D>bird>jA>jB>jC>Dive>6D>party bug + Permutaion, the moment the party bug hit, it was a blue beat combo.
  • Other than jD, jC, Dive, the combo parts remain unchanged thus combos that don't involve the edge have not really changed.
  • 6A>2B>5B>2C>6D>Party bug hit.
  • Ground Throw>B Permutation>5A>5B>jA>jC>Dive>6D>Party bug+Permutaion.
  • At the edge, jB>5A.6B>2D>5D>j6D>jC>jD>Bird>Wheel.


  • New Moves
    • Exceed Accel: Shishigami Ninpo Extreme Art: Yorozuka Ryoran Zehhana
    • Secret Art: Bang's Crushing Blast Technique (Press D after successfully blocking an attack with Guard Point)
  • Midscreen relaunch combo still works.
  • Saw people do high damage combos 4-5k with web nails and daifunka.
  • 5A>2A revolver action gone.
  • 2A>2A revolver action returned.
  • B nail feels faster/nicer to use.
  • 2B>5D doesn't combo on crouching.
  • Mussasabi no jutsu (scarf fly/hover) is doable twice in a row now, doable after airdash/itself/etc (my interpretation is that it does not consume air options now and rather just has a flat 2 usage rate), things like J2C>J22A>J2C>J22A>J2C are possible.
  • C-nail webs you even if you block it (of course this means huge blockstun will ensure when that happens).
  • Pressing D after guard point (the explosion) is extremely fast and almost always hit. They mentioned not every case has been tested out though.
    • If the D move hits, the followup is guaranteed to hit also.
    • If the D move is blocked you can/and should still do it because its safe on block (in this case if just the explosion hits you dont get a seal).
    • You can move after the explosion when your clothes come back, if you're mid air you keep your air options too.
  • 2C > ABCD (hold) connects, so is OD Daifunka > RC > Exceed Accel and it does huge damage during Active Flow.
  • They also mentioned you can cross up 3 times for doing J4B > 22A > J4B > 22A > J4B.


  • New Moves
    • Exceed Accel: Symphonia of Lamentation
  • 5B>6B gatling removed.
  • 2D animation changed.
  • 4D animation changed.
  • 6C animation changed.
  • 2B mash doesn't give 6B.
  • 6D not floating is nice, but 5B6B not working means we'll need to rethink our combo parts.
  • Also, the gauge recovery speed has gotten better.
  • No increase in moves that can be JC on block?
  • 6B has slower startup. Carl floats for a split second before the flag comes out.
  • No new moves like 4B, etc.
  • The strange floating after Allegreto finishes is gone. Works like before.
  • "Although I'm too used to CP, and this version seems unnatural now."
  • 2D>the claw in the PV: blockstun is on the long side, might have launched.
  • 4D>Tenerezza: gauge cost decreased?
  • 6C>the overhead in the PV: 5B followup doesn't come out in time. Goes forward about the same distance as one of Platinum's hops.
  • Exceed Accel>a pawn bounces off the opponent, and then a giant object falls.
  • 2D>2 hit on ground, about 1100 damage.
  • 4D>1 hit. Launches while pulling opponent in. Move for going into aerial.
  • Cantabile>rather fast. slides in a flash.
  • 6C>If it's just Carl, nothing connects? 2A didn't come out either.
  • Sis>pretty beefy. Recovery speed decreases when taking damage.
  • 3D>last hit forces crouch.
  • A Vivace>has projectile invuln?
  • OD6D>Does't power up much despite being OD. Either stronger in CP, or still unimplemented?
  • Air throw>bounces higher.
  • J2C->slower startup? Comboing from jB causes a short delay before the hit connects. Same aerials still work.
  • J2C->launches on ground hit.
  • Cantabile->projectile is fast. Connects midscreen from a 5C tip hit.
  • Allegreto->Attack density increased. If the old one was something like shushushushu, the new one feels like pewpewpewpew. You have no idea what that means? The SE changed.
  • OD might just be unimplemented, maybe.
  • OD4D instantly went blue, after all.
  • J2C feels uncharacteristically sluggish. Sort of like seeing 2D in CPEX for the first time.


  • New Moves
    • Exceed Accel: Kokuujin Kingi: "Tengai"
    • Enma (623A>A no longer consumes Magatama)
    • Yanagi (214D consumes 1 Magatama)
  • New move that dashes kishuu-like distance, with 5D (or 5D-like?) active during the dash. If it catches a move, slams opponent as seen in the trailer.
  • Renka 2nd hit kicks upwards, jump-cancellable.
  • Tsubaki no longer hits overhead.
  • Hotaru doesn't float.
  • Meter decrease on Mugen may be faster.
  • Kishuu has shorter distance.
  • Yanagi moves faster than Kishuu.
  • Kishuu seems easier to use, less worrying about spacing? Translation wasn't too sure on this.
  • Moving after Yanagi seems to happen quickly.
  • Yanagi catches lows.
  • Catching a projectile with 5D will cause the followup attack to come out again.
  • CH3C>5C does not work.
  • OD Tsubaki causes guard crush.
  • OD Zantetsu does not guard crush.
  • OD>5C>Zantetsu>CT>5C>EA ~6600 damage.
  • Agito ch>JB>5C doesn't work.
  • 3Cch>2B>Guren works on Azrael.
  • OD>5C>Zantetsu>CT>Zantetsu>CT doesn't trigger SMP.
  • OD icon recovers quickly. With your HP in the red, you can visibly see it recovering.
  • OD combo>Shippuu finisher chains into EA activation, sorry wasn't able to get it to combo.
  • Yanagi takes 1 orb, is a forward moving counter. From the left wall>reversal Yanagi doesn't reach the right wall, but you cover a lot of distance.
  • Guren's 2nd hit animation changed to a kick upwards.
  • Tsubaki>Hotaru gatling confirmed.
  • 6A startup is fast.
  • Current version's aerial combos don't seem to work?

Nu 13

  • New Moves
    • Exceed Accel: True Imprezza
    • Luminous Slave (214D Lauches a projectile by pressign D after the charge)
    • She lost Spike Chaser.
  • Luminous Slave sends out a black orb above her head that pulsates for a bit, then shoots out a sword towards opponent.
    • D button can be held down like her other moves, pressing C will activate it instantly.
    • C version has the blades fly out before the position is set.
    • The held version just has the distortion appear without blades, in that state pressing D will have the blades fly out at set timings.
    • The distortion disappears if Nu is hit or blocks an attack.
    • For the held version of Luminous Slave, the attack comes out a short while after D is pressed, so if it's used as a follow up to a low Cresecent Saber or if the distortion is placed near the opponent then you use act parser after 5D(1) to go behind the opponent, this will cause the guard to be reversed, so this causes a lot of tricky situations.
    • Luminous Slave can be canceled into from Sickle Storm, or any other move that you would normally be able to cancel into Gravity Seed, so you can do something like combo into Sickle Storm to restrict the opponent, then set up a held version of Luminous Slave.
  • j214D is a lot slower. Can feint. Can airdash-cancel forwards/backwards when you feint.
  • Can now Crescent cancel->Act Parser normally.
  • Gravity required to combo/get a knockdown after Supra. Can't do either without it.
  • Air summoner recovery is atrocious.
  • N-version Luminous has about same startup as Spike Chaser, C-version is fast, H-version is the one in the PV.
  • Homing performance is the same as Mu's bits.
  • In general, most of the existing combos which don't use Spike Chaser still work.
  • Exceed Accel: Shoots a super high speed sword that flies from point-blank to Lambda 5D distance (invuln until active frames). On hit, goes into super flash and does Gil's Gate of Babylon from behind the opponent.
  • Air Summoner recovery more or less doubled. You can act again after the recovery though (including air dash).
  • Luminous in all form is sort of slow. At the present, it doesn't go in any combos or provide any pressure.
  • N Sickle floats a little more, making it much less likely to miss your pickups. In OD, even forward Act Parser>5B works.
  • At the moment, Exceed Accel is just for combos. Would have been better if they made the trajectory like 4D.
  • Making them block Summoners gets you into Active Flow. It gets activated surprisingly easily.
  • Not much change in how you'd use the normals. The worst part is probably the air Summoner recovery increase.
  • Spike is gone, you can only combo off Supra with cancel Gravity, and Gravity gauge got longer. Not sure about the rest. Forgot to check Crescent stuff. Charged Luminous comes out when you press D even while barrier guarding.


  • New Moves
    • Exceed Accel: Shinbatsu Mei wo Iru Ikazuchi
    • Shintsui Chi wo Kudakutsuchi (22 B/D [Can be used as a follow-up after 236A/B/C/D or 214B/D])
    • Lost her previous 22B/C for a new one.
  • 623C > j.236A whiff possible, but 2C > 214B does not connect. 214D does.
  • 2C > 214B not connecting is rough.
  • New 22B downs, 22D bounds. 6C followup impossible.
  • 22B is even on block, 22D is +.
  • j.214D has increased recovery, even 2b feels tough.
  • 236236C damage increased from 1514 -> 1868.
  • Tsubaki's new super does not use IG (stock / charge).
  • 236236D damage increased from 3222 -> 3318.
  • High hit 22B doesn't seem to be able to be followed up.
  • IAD combo possible.
  • OD new move doesn't use IG, does a lot. Is a Bow attack.
  • Exceed does 4020 damage?
  • CH 6BB > 214B connects?
  • Charge speed is the same.
  • CT > 6C connects.
  • 22X ender > cross under 2BB possible.
  • Blade super unchanged? Startup might be faster.
  • Command grab unchanged.
  • Normal hit 3CC > 5C works.
  • Mugen combos do quite a bit, Connecting D moves led to 8000 damage.
  • j.CC > j.D > j.B connects.
  • Jump cancel on block for 2C & 5B remains.
  • Combo time got reduced. 5BB>5CC>623C>j.236A(w)>5C>2C>214B doesn't connect (might work from 5CC?).
  • 3CC>5C works even on normal hit.
  • JCC>JD>JB works.
  • You can go from 6CC into low dash combos, but they drop pretty early.
  • Charge cancel (something>5D to get rid of recovery) is a thing, normals give 0.25 stock, specials give 0.5.
  • 5B and 2C can be jump canceled, 6C can not.
  • 6A>5CC>6B doesn't go into 214B.
  • 6Bch>6B into 214B pickup works, the distance 6BB moves forward might have been reduced?
  • 6B slightly minus?
  • No changes to 5D 2D, only JD is different. Done high up, it looks like it quickly charges 0.5 stock, and then does another quick charge at low height.
  • Throw is pretty much unchanged, regular combo still works.
  • 623C>j.236A(w) and 623C>j.214A(w) combos are both in, can pick up with 5C.
  • The various D specials can go into their followups even on whiff or block.
  • 623C probably has invincibility.
  • j.236D>j.214D can't be followed up with 6C. Due to j.214D recovery increase there are reports that 2B is hard as well.
  • Specials seem to have different properties when done raw or as followups this time around as well.
  • Raw 214D is jump cancelable, jccCT works too.
  • 236A is probably unchanged, 236C passes through, 236D is even.
  • No change to [4]6D>236D, can pick up with 6C as usual.
  • 63214C gives 2 stock.
  • Damage on 236236C increased?
  • Banana(632146B) is probably unchanged.
  • New special, Tsuchi (22B/D).
  • B, D versions are both overheads.
  • On block B version is even, D version is plus.
  • 22B gives knockdown, can be charge canceled.
  • 22D bounces, can be followed up with 5C etc.
  • 236x>blocked>followup 22D whiffs but puts up some distance.


  • New Moves
    • Exceed Accel: Meija Gekkouga
    • Jagai (214B)
    • Jasetsu (214D or automatically after Jagai)
    • Jameijin (j.214B)
  • Ouroboros now only has 1 stock.
    • Consumed by using any follow-ups.
    • If you have no stock, you can still use follow-ups on hit or block, though you do not recover it in that case.
    • The stock recovers after about 3 seconds, even if you are in the air.
    • In OD, the stock recovers automatically, and you can use as many follow-ups as you want.
  • Gasaishou deals 2 hits and 600 damage, launches the opponent upwards.
  • Orochi's last hit wall-bounces.
  • Green Ressenga doesn't bounce on air hit.
  • After using an Ouroboros follow-up, it's impossible to follow it up with other attacks for a while.
  • New Jagai special staggers at least on ground normal hit and automatically goes into Jasetsu. You can mix up with Jagai > Zaneiga/Ressenga: though there is a jab-wide gap, Ressenga beats 2A and Zaneiga beats 5A. A combo goes something like 2A 5B 5C Jagai Ressenga/Zaneiga 2A 5B 5C Jagai into ender.
  • Since the throw after 5C 5DD j.2DD is purple now, it's possible that the guard stun on close-range Ouroboros is longer now.
  • You go into Active Flow by landing 6A three times.
  • Green Ressenga now forces crouching, connects into 5C.
  • No changes to OD Mizuchi.
  • You can score about 3400 damage from a green Zaneiga, might get better with research.
  • You can follow up Gasaishou with both B and C moves.
  • Almost all normal cancels into Jasetsu are gone now. Instead of that, most normals can cancel into Jagai.
  • If Ressenga hits, it makes the opponent stick to the ground, so you can follow it up with C moves.
  • CH 3C still connects into Zaneiga, so feel free to practice CH 3C 66 Zaneiga in CP.
  • It's just a hunch, but it feels that Jameijin's untech time is shorter than Hirentotsu's.
  • f you land j.C too high, it might not be possible to follow up with Jameijin.
  • Ouroboros's length is now infinite, so it can go outside of the screen.
  • New special that staggers, goes into stance stuff.
  • Command grab sends them flying straight upwards, does 600 dmg.
  • Air throw bounces them higher, maybe?
  • Raw stance-A > 5C works.
  • Stance-B sends them flying further away.
  • Stuff > 6C > 5D > stance-A > 5C works.
  • Jayoku Hotenjin has lost its invincibility, but it seems it comes out quicker now.

Mu 12

  • New Moves
    • Exceed Accel: Tsuchi Ikazuchi
    • Kuni no Kototachi [Air OK] (214D when planting a Steins Gunner)
    • Lost Habakiri for a special able to move steins.
  • 2C is jump cancelable. Untechable time remains long, so it's still useful midcombo.
  • 5C->6C connects on aerial opponents.
  • Her new move Kuninorokotachi causes her set steins to home in on the opponent.
  • 6B is unchanged.
  • Ikkutachi has probably even more recovery to the point you cant seen to combo from it. On block it seems to have a large pushblock.
  • Exceed Accel does about 2K damage.
  • CH Sword of Decimation seems the same.


  • New Moves
    • Exceed Accel: Cygnus Combination
    • Sirius Jolt (41236C)
    • Infinite Rush (Press C during A Asteroid Vision [Button can be mashed])
      • Mars Chopper (A during Infinite Rush)
      • Star Gazer (B during Infinite Rush)
      • Lander Blow (D during Infinite Rush [Chargeable])
    • Shooting Star (236B [Can be used after Infinite Rush or Asteroid Vision])
  • Lunatic Upper removed, can do its follow ups (Infinite Rush, Mars Chaopper, Star Gazer, Lander Blow) directly after 214A Asteroid Vision.
  • Asteroid Vision seems faster, follow-ups as well.


  • New Moves
    • Exceed Accel: Sieg Naegel
  • Ground A Keni = the time in which you can't ukemi/tech is reduced.
  • 6B command change > overhead.
  • 6B can only gatling into 5D.
  • After Rihito kicks to opponent upward, they are slightly launched diagonally.
  • Wolf Gauge Cooldown is short.
  • Wolf movement and air movement consumes Wolf Gauge.
  • Rozen moves forward, slightly.
  • 2C>6C doesn't work.
  • 6C height is lower.
  • From an N starter, A Konig Wolf>2C>6B>5D>C>A or B Konig Wolf.
  • 5D invuln unchanged.
  • JC>Sturm Wolf works.
  • CD didn't change, wolf gauge simply got longer (full recovery went from 8 5C whiffs to 13).


  • New Moves
    • Exceed Accel: Blast Angel
    • Magical Boomerang item.
    • Mami Circular (236 B/C)
  • B Mami is a low. If blocked, you are left in mid-air and can be punished with a jab. In the corner, you can connect 3C 236B 5C. If used as an ender, you can't use bubble oki.
  • C Mami is an overhead. If blocked, you are left in mid-air and can probably be punished with something like Makoto's 5B. The start-up is about 25 frames long? The animation looks similar to May's vertical dolphin. No invincibility. Doesn't seem like it can connect from anything other than 6A landing on an airborne opponent. Cannot be followed up (if it can be followed with something like 2C, it's difficult).
  • New item, a boomerang. You max stock is 1, flies out horizontally when you use it, then returns to you. Becomes transparent when it contacts the opponent, indicating it doesn't have a hitbox anymore.


  • New Moves
    • Exceed Accel: Zera Varius
    • Gira Kars (236D)
    • Lost Ignis ground projectile for a command grab.
  • Zein does not wall-bounce, but brings the opponent back in front of you.
  • Lugia's start-up is longer?
  • "Exceed is lame."
  • Mom gauge is bigger now.
  • His new move Geara Kars is a command grab for Ignis. While the opponent is grabbed Relius can continue to attack.
  • The activation time of Gira Nose when Ignis is unsummoned has been sped up.
  • Cannot charge Lugia. It's not even a low now. 6C > Lugia does not connect.
  • The doll gauge depletes completely after 6 2Ds. 8 6Ds leave a miniscule amount of it. Hitting the enemy 9 times is possible if you decide to cross the line between leaving or breaking the doll.
  • After mom recovers normally, the regeneration resumes after about 4 seconds.
  • OD Cars is not any different from the normal one? In OD, 5B 5C Lauger Haas 5B 5C 4D 6A Tedo deals about 3400.
  • Exceed doesn't seem to be punishable.
  • 6C into Leis connects on the ground.
  • 2C 6C Nose connects on airborne opponents.
  • 10 4Ds and/or j.2Ds leave very little of the gauge.
  • "Though the Lauger ender in the recovery combo went blue because I wasn't used to the new recovery frames, it seems that ending it with the aerial Naiads may recover the gauge completely."
  • CT > Cars connects! Though it seems impossible to incorporate in a combo.
  • "Because you have to hit the floating opponent with both hits while adjusting the height, it's very difficult to chain 5B in a combo. I couldn't do it no matter how long I tried. Like this, for example: 5B 3C 6D 2C 6C Leis 5B 5C Air combo."
  • The recovery on CF Relius's Leis makes it really hard or impossible to combo with 5B after if you adjust height to hit twice on an air opponent. I tried many times and couldn't get it to work.
    • Example) 5B>3C>6D>2C>6C>レイス>5B>5C>aerial~


  • New Moves
    • Exceed Accel: Banshee Lancer
    • Crusade Seraphim: α [Air OK] (623B [Only ground version chargeable])
    • Crusade Seraphim: β [Air OK] (236C [Only ground version chargeable])
    • Crusade Seraphim:γ [Air OK] (236B [Only ground version chargeable])
  • j.236D throws out 3 sonic sabers, kinda like jin's old j236D.
  • Air seraphim is angled downwards, floats opponent up.


  • New Moves
    • Exceed Accel: Hazan Gekisou "Jiyaku Aden Gekitai"
    • Gangan Senpu "Ginga" (214C)
  • 6D tracks the opponent after it lands.
  • 2D looks like it has way more vertical range.
  • A new special "Gan Gan Senpu [Ginga]" (214C) is added. Fires a tornado-like projectile at mid-range. It blows the opponent back on counterhit for possible Gekiren (623C), etc. (and maybe C series) follow-ups.
  • Also, 4C and 1C normals have been added. Each are slightly-shorter / more-compact versions of 5C and 2C. Control of the mid-range has been improved with these attacks.
  • Ginga:
    • Has a reach of a tiny bit past 5B to just before 5C, generates a tornado (projectile prop) on the ground that goes up to chest height, doesn't leave the screen when done in the corner.
    • Combos from 3C.
    • Untechable from launch to the knockdown.
    • Can't follow it up midscreen, but in the corner 5B pickup works near the apex.
    • Damage seems unaffected by drill level.
    • Minus when blocked right after startup.
    • If you meaty it on a downed opponent some distance away, it catches both forward/back rolls while also staying out long enough to force a block on emergency tech, giving you frame advantage.
  • 4C/1C:
    • Closer hitbox, 1-hit, and reduced recovery versions of 5C and 2C, respectively.
    • The recovery reduction is pretty minor, however.
    • 5C>1C, 2C>4C gatlings, while 5C>4C, 2C>1C does not.
  • 5B increased recovery? faster startup?
  • 6B reduced recovery?
  • j2B startup sped up. j2B loop works 14 times.
  • 3C faster startup?
  • j6C pull in is pretty strong now.
  • 6D increased beginning active frames? slightly tracks opponent after reaching the ground.
  • 2D, j6D - digs in even at Lv2, landing all hits.
  • Drive chip:
    • No changes to guard/barrier guard behavior.
    • Chip amount when you have the upper hand is unchanged.
  • Raibu:
    • Floats higher?
    • Raibu>5B works in corner.
  • Hariken: Ground drill counts as projectile, can be destroyed. Can't be destroyed by physical attacks.
  • Gosei: Hit density decreased, resulting in reduced damage.


  • New Moves
    • Exceed Accel: Execution Manuever
    • Cross Fire Wheel (360 +B)
      • Shot Shell: Engage (63214D during Cross Fire Wheel [Requires Heat-Up state)
  • 6B now launches on ground hit.
  • 5D reported as feeling slower, but size of the circle has been increased.
  • 6A>5C>3C did not connect.
  • 6A>2C Gatling added.
  • Flint shooter travels further in H0.
  • New command grab does approximately 2815 damage, no other information about its properties.
  • No heat loss when drive was blocked.
  • Bullet's drive will always "bounce" off the opponent, even in red-lock, red lock does not leave her in a +frames state.
  • Distance to which Bullet bounces off is increased from CPE (2B does not reach after landing).
  • Miquelet Capture -> 6B works in the corner (Reverted to CP 1.0 status?)
  • Afterburner (No charge) seems faster.
  • 6A no longer chains into 5C.
  • 5C can no longer be charged.
  • All Drive normals launch you at the opponent as soon as you lock on them. To charge it, you have to hold one of the four directions in advance.
  • That might mean that you can no longer cancel the Drive, or the cancel has been moved to some button (A?).
  • Command grab deals about 1500 damage with no follow-up. No invincibility. H2 follow-up bounces them back to you right out of 6A's reach.
  • H2 Flechette (623C 623D) sends the enemy flying really far away (cannot reach them with 3C on mid-screen).
  • 6A can now chain into 6C and 3C.
  • H2 Explode (623B 22D) bounces the enemy closer to you.
  • Afterburner after 2C leaves you at about 2-frame advantage (5B won against Azrael's 5B).
  • 623B RC 6A 236[A] works.
  • 6B j.C j.D 41236C 5B 6B j.C j.D goes to blue between the last j.C j.D.
  • j.D goes to red lock faster.
  • 5C is slower, seems to be 1.0 5C once again.
  • Just like 1.0, 2B>5C does not combo once again.


  • New Moves
    • Exceed Accel: Full Spartan
    • Panzer Strike (623B)
  • For Panzer Strike, he jumps diagonally into the air, then rapidly slams down to the ground.
    • Has invincibility frames at start-up, and different hitboxes for the ascending and descending portions of the move.
    • If opponent blocks the descending portion, Azrael has frame advantage.
  • Tiger-Cobra-Leopard rekka input changed, now it's easier with 236C>6C>6C (2nd hit used to be 46C).


  • New Moves
    • Exceed Accel: Kouryuu "Genma Rettouzan"
    • Ryuurenbu (8 charge 2 +C in midair or during Ryuujinshou)
  • 3C floats lower, can only be followed up by 2DB. Does not connect into 2DC or 6DC. It hits Relius as you're jumping up. Saw people do 5BB > 2C in the corner instead.
  • 6DC hit effect changed, now works like OD version (causes slide).
  • j.C is VERY slow, doesn't cause stagger on ground hit.
  • 5C/2C/6C are MUCH faster.
  • 2C causes slide effect on ground hit.
  • Knockdown on [8]2C is short, similar to hizansen.
  • A ryuubakusen is faster, might go further.
  • A ryuubakusen hit effect changed, 5DA>[4]6A>5B doesn't work.
  • 5DA wallstick reduced. Hits them further away.
  • C fafnir no longer causes wallstick.
  • B fafnir is slower, more recovery.
  • 6B>2C>2DC works.
  • No new gatlings after 6A.
  • Jump Cancels are the same.
  • Flashkick doesn't wallbounce.
  • 2DA connects to new move.
  • Cannot use new move during aerial stance, j2DC will come out instead.
  • When A Dragon Spirit hit in the air, the opponent will go down if low enough.
  • 5BB2C2DC, unless sticking right next to the opponent, 2DC will not hit.
  • 5C: Startup is faster, range is shorter. Can't combo into 6DA on air CH.
  • 2C: Startup is faster, can combo into it from 6B. Causes slide effect on ground hit.
  • 6C: Startup is faster. Range feels shorter(?). Doesn't seem to have head invuln.
  • 3C: Floats lower on hit, so you can't combo into 5DC,2DC or 6DC.
  • j.C: Startup is slower, landing lag has been reduced (Almost 0!)
  • 5DA: Midscreen air hit knocks them further away. Can't tech it until you hit the ground.
  • 5DB: Damage up to 2200dmg. Blows them further away on hit.
  • 5DC: Invuln doesn't seem changed.
    • Hitbox behind you might be a tiny bit extended. Although you still don't turn around if the opponent passes by overhead.
  • 6DC: On air hit, floats them like 1.1 OD, but a little lower. Wall bounds on CH.
  • Ryuubakusen: A orb moves faster, goes full screen. Knocksdown on ground hit(?)
    • Starts of as 1 hit, after travelling a bit becomes 2 hits.
  • B Fafnir: Startup increased, recovery increased.
  • C Fafnir: No longer wallsticks, Extend Cfafnir combos not possible.
  • Ryuurenbu hits overhead! Knockdown is similar to Jin's Hazansen.
    • No height limit. Charge time is short 5B(8)B>j.2C will work for quick overhead.
    • Bad on block, so needs good spacing.
    • Can't be followed up on midscreen CH.
    • In the corner, rc>5B will always hit, regardless of CH.
  • Midscreen: 5BB>2C>2DC>5DA. You can 6DA after the 5DA, but it seems character specific.
  • Corner: 5BB>2C>5C>A orb>6B>5C>2DA>6DC>Cfaf(followup).
  • Midscreen: 2DA>5DA>6DA. Again, the 6DA feels character specific.
  • New move is minus on block, but seems hard to be punished for because of the distance it opens up.
  • They got rid of his painful neutral + one-shot comeback damage playstyle, and he's become a character that sort of grinds you down in little increments by throwing out 5C willy-nilly and getting knockdowns from even anti-air Fafner/A mash ground hits. The new overhead move especially... (if I say more Mori will notice, so rest is omitted). It's like playing an entirely different character, and strong/weak talk aside, fun.


  • New Moves
    • Exceed Accel: Armament No.11 "Fullmetal Heavy Weapon Ver 2.05"
    • Armament No.02 "Broken Bunker Assault Ver 2.21" (236A [Chargeable])
    • Armament No.09 "Solid Wheel Drive Ver3.37" (236B)
    • B ver of Broken Bunker is gone.
  • Can do bunker without 2nd hit.
  • Has a fire spin move that moves like may dolphin/plat's C-mami. Usable in air. Affected by graviton.
  • 6B more startup.
  • A Bunker now explodes a short while after hit (Even during guard?) 3C->5A cannot combo now, but 3C->A Bunker->5A now combos.


  • New Moves
    • Exceed Accel: Jarakuen Gokusen
    • Tsuishouga (214C)
  • 5D's tip is back? Though hitting them at the tip doesn't lead to Jagaku.
  • Jagaku's slam does not occur if you hit them while they're crouching?
  • 6C is less negative on block.
  • B Burensen is changed; cannot be followed up? More info needed.
  • The new special is the overhead from the trailer; can probably be only canceled with RC or into DDs.
  • B Burensen's wall-bounce seems to have been given to Hazama.
  • Garengeki is impossible to follow up in the corner?
  • Seem's to have good pressure. If the opponent Barriers, you can reset the pressure with 6B or a jump, and it might be possible to mash jabs to discourage them from jumping away.
  • Jagaku can no longer connect into DDs.
  • Third level of Garengeki blows the opponent really far away, so it's going to take a while to figure out what to do with it.
  • Seems like you can cancel into Exceed Accel from anything.
  • It seems like you can cancel B Burensen during the stomp.
  • Jagaku's recovery has been increased.
  • 2D is faster now.
  • New move, 4D; he kicks up some sand, hits low. Since 2D is faster now, you can keep the pressure going by using it after a blocked 4D.
    • It's quick to come out and launches the opponent. Jump cancelable.
  • 6C's last hit wall-bounces and can be followed up easily.
  • 6D now deals about 4 hits?
  • 214C is the overhead seen in the trailer. Apparently pretty fast and cancels into supers.

Lambda 11

  • New Moves
    • Exceed Accel: Duo Cultus
    • Act Parser Tri (236B)
    • Act Parser Tri: Spada (6A during Act Parser Tri)
    • Act Parser Tri: Blade (6B during Act Parser Tri)
    • Act Parser Tri: Cavalier (236C)
    • Act Parser Zwei Blade has been removed.
  • Act Parser Tri kicks right in front of you, then follow up with either the Sparda overhead or Blade.
    • The follow ups can be inputted both during the dash or the kicks.
  • You can connect A Act into Tri.
  • You cannot connect A Act into A Act.
  • 5D 4D connects.
  • Cavalier can be followed up in mid-screen with 6A.
  • Drive is faster, the angles probably haven't changed.
  • Calamity Sword can hit right in front of you.
  • OD Calamity Sword does not track vertically.
  • Can probably connect Act into Cavalier.
  • Gravity Seed floats. They float slowly backwards.
  • j.2D does not float on normal hit, but floats on counter-hit.
  • The taunt is still long.
  • Spike Chaser gets shot down with Nu's 5D from any distance?
  • Blade slides down (what's Blade?)
  • New act parser kicks opponent in the gut, followup with a low (old 236B) or a launcher. Shoulder tackle (236C?) still goes into big damage.
  • The first hit of 236B hits mid.
  • 2B, 6A, 2B = gatlings.
  • 2D, 6C = no gatling.
  • 2D, 6B = no gatling.
  • Elevated by Gravity, 6A, 5C, 6C, Sickle = works/connects.
  • low altitude 6C, 236C = doesn't work.
  • 5D Pocket (gap / dead area / etc) = probably hasn't changed.
  • 4D, 6B = no gatling.
  • 6B, 2D(6D), CT = probably won't connect.
  • 6B, 6A pickup = doesn't work / impossible.
  • 3CcOD, Exceed Accel = connects.
  • Grab, 236D, 6C, 236C did not connect. Because of that, as expected, it seems hopeless to use 236C.
  • Feels like Summoner (D attacks, swords) got faster?
  • J5D / J6D = both do not launch on ground hit.
  • Lambda (new) 236B = Overhead option (6A) or Low option (6B)...if the initial move hits (aka 236B), you can continue into one of these moves.
  • Your aerials that you usually would use after a grab, input them as you normally would.
  • If you input 6A / 6B before 236B comes out, you will cancel out of 236B early and only use the continuation attack.
  • Midscreen 236C, 5C pickup = easily works.
  • 5C cancel is unchanged.... you can't cancel into anything until the 8 hits are done.
  • Exceed Accel looks like Terumi's Roaring Fang.
  • 5DD>236B> any 236B continuation = connects.
  • 5DD> (cancel 236B) 6A continuation = Blue Beat.
  • 5DD>(cancel 236B) 6B continuation = connects.
  • 236C, 5C, 6C knocks your opponent far back... even so, 6C doesn't have SMP.
  • SMP is only related to special moves.
  • From 6C... 6D is unconfirmed.
  • 5D>4D> 236B doesn't connect? (depends on distance? not confirmed yet).
  • 236B >6A continuation = even though it's not fatal, it connects.
  • 236B in corner >6B continuation = doesn't connect.
  • speaking of in the corner, 236B>236C = stable combo part.
  • 6A continuation > RC = leaves you in the air.
  • 6A continuation > RC >land > 6D = doesn't connect.
  • CH Calamity = can float and follow up with combo.
  • 2C float unchanged.
  • Midscreen: 6B, 2Ddl, Tri = works.
  • 3C, B gravity, 6C, 236C, Sickle = works from this point (of the combo), Spike Chaser connecting (afterward) is unconfirmed.
  • Gravity gauge recovery is about 1 second slower, regardless of whether or not you land a hit with it.
  • Center Stage 3C, B Gravity, 6C from that position, 236C, slide Sickle, microdash Spike Chaser = works.
  • in corner 236C, 22D = doesn't work.
  • Gravity disappears if the opponent isn't in it.


  • New Moves
    • Exceed Accel: Puech Vapeur
    • New System: "Recover Cap"
      • Recovery Capability is shown in the health bar when a Drive attack connects. Armure Sorbet recovers health depending on "Recover Cap". Also, by consuming Recover Cap you can use the charged version of the Specials.
      • You can recover health only after landing a D attack.
    • Marteau Flan (214B [Charge removed])
    • Lance Quiche (214C [Charge removed])
    • Armure Sorbet (632146A [Charge removed])
  • All her D attacks and certain special moves have guard points. When those guard points are triggered, a green gauge is added to her health gauge. After completion of a full sequence of 3 Drive hits, she swill heal the green porition of her health. Additionally, when Celica uses certain special moves, the green gauge is consumed but the move is strengthened.
  • You can only use the charged versions of Marteau Flan (214B), Lance Quiche (214C), and Armure Sorbet (632146A) by consuming Recover Cap.
  • Drive attacks and specials now have guard point to go along with the new Recover Cap system.
  • Based on her short part of the trailer, the animation for Recover Cap healing is the same as Armure Sorbet. It also seems Celica either got a new D3 attack or one of her old D3 attacks got replaced.




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@Squire Grooktook @Mike_Z @Dime_x

First, Squire... try not to condescend with the "at your level" bullshit. If you'd like to get some SG games in, I'm down, and I'm sure you'll find me to be plenty decent.

Anyway, I think the point you are all missing is that I wasn't talking balance. I think SG is remarkably balanced, and so I don't disagree with the notion that "since everyone has access to them, it is balanced" (everyone being not-solo of course :P ).

For me, I was asked about my preference and I expressed it. While it may be balanced, it is just simply less fun to me... that's it. I like more about SG than I do about virtually any other fighter, but BB, P4AU, GG, and others are simply more fun to me because there is less bullshit (well... regarding assists anyway... obviously). I think if you want to challenge my definition here, just think of all of those resets that make you giggle or the announcers go 'oooh' and 'ahhh'... and tell me if you can do those without an assist... with just plain old blockstun. There are still some super dope solo resets, but for the most part, they are simply less filthy

Compare PWs s.hk(x2) xx fly into throw vs PWs s.hk(x2) xx mk.buer + assist call. One is dirty and hard to react to that puts you at neutral if you make the correct read. The other is dirty and hard(er) to react to that leaves you in blockstun and gives me another mix-up.

Anyway, I'm off to work, and this is off-topic... but it is the off-topic way to answer the question as to why I won't buy BB if they make it a MvC style team game.
So Active Flow is the opposite of Negative Penalty. Boosts Exceed Accel, Burst recovery, and "offensive ability."
I'd like to imagine Active Flow is useful for OD properties overall-- I can't fathom them encouraging you being offense with an actual buff, none of this Emotion High nonsense, when Negative Penalty does it's job already.

I wonder if it improves only Gold burst recovery, Blue burst recovery, or just the rate you recover OD cooldown from consumption. I also wonder if Offensive Ability is just overall dmg or is it something even more ridiculous.

There's always something in these loketests that seems like it's "too much". UNIEL had Viel Off from Vorpal, I guess BB might have offensive buff?
So Active Flow is the opposite of Negative Penalty. Boosts Exceed Accel, Burst recovery, and "offensive ability."

It's kind of like Guilty Gear's Tension Pulse system, where being active and on the offensive speeds up your meter gain rate, and being idle, moving back, or doing "defensive" actions reduces your meter gain rate (in fact, GG's Negative Penalty punishes you by removing whatever meter you have and reducing the meter gain rate to a minimum).
From what we know now it does a lot more than GG Tension pulse. This mechanic could potentially be monstrous for Tao and Valk.
He definitely need human form standing overhead. I'm glad he finally has some mixup in CF.

No but seriously is ASW allergic to making Valk bad?
He definitely need human form standing overhead. I'm glad he finally has some mixup in CF.

No but seriously is ASW allergic to making Valk bad?

They like to keep him some where between "I can't believe you blocked that" and "There's no way you can block that".