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Contest Eliza Winpose Design Contest

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I'm curious if there's a chance for Lab Zero to reconsider putting the winner's outfit in the game
wouldn't that require re-drawing every frame?
Read the OP, the word reconsider wasn't used by mistake.

You said you were curious if there was a chance for it to happen. I gave you two quotes that say said chance is very low/nonexistent.

wouldn't that require re-drawing every frame?

It seems like all of Eliza's winposes only have one frame each, which is uncovered by a swirlyblood animation that is universally used between all of them. You meant as a winpose, right? As a DLC costume, yeah it would be way too much work.
wouldn't that require re-drawing every frame?
The alternate costumes appear as Eliza's win poses after the round ends, so it wouldn't require re-drawing of the frames for her moves, intro animation, etc. It'd still be a not-insignificant amount of extra work for them, yeah.
just remembered the win pose only appeared only during winpose...ahem...
I think I'll just go in that corner and think about my life.
This topic is making me wish the palette quick select button combinations could apply to Eliza's win pose.
Alas, I can only stand here starry-eyed, like a stranger in paradise...
Oh this is a cool contest. Sadly I cannot draw nearly as good as you guys. Good thing I have that Valentine already(still need to put it together and paint though)

Best of luck to all the winners!
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Sketch 2014-08-09 15_06_57.png

Phew, that took some time. Only having an iPad to draw on sucks...

Question: When I made this I took a screenshot of Eliza off google to get the colors. New that we have proper color palettes, I noticed that the colors are slightly different than the official palette. Do I have to recolor this one, or can I leave it?
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WOW! So many entries already! You guys are amazing! ;n;

As Vad said above, this contest is not being run by LZ, it's just something I put together and LZ was gracious enough to judge, so try not to get too hung up on the hope of getting the pose added to the game. Have fun and design some costumes!

Having said that, the point of this contest is to design costumes as if they are being added to the game, so do try to carefully read the submission guidelines:
Design a new outfit for Eliza to wear in her win pose. You must make it compatible with her default color palette.
There's been a few submissions already that use totally different colors, so they're technically disqualified already :P

If you really want to make it clear what the costume is referencing I would recommend those entries be resubmitted in a fitting color scheme alongside the original off-palette design.

Unfortunately I was in a rush out to the airport when I was writing up this contest and forgot to include reference images of Eliza's default colors. I'll add those to the op as soon as I can.

A few people have asked questions about color entries and the like. Entries do not have to be shaded, or colored. Put as much effort into them as you want. Do keep in mind that you've seen the quality of entries already being submitted, so you may be stacking the deck against yourself by leaving out color.

You do not have to use the templates provided, but Eliza must be in that pose, some variation allowed.
This has also been asked a few times in the thread. You do not have to use the bases provided either. You can redraw them as much as you want or even do an entirely traditional, non-digital entry. All that is required is that Eliza be in something very similar to the base pose as that is how she appears in game.
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Okay, thanks to @IsaVulpes we now have palette color references. As I reminded you above, all your submissions have to be in Eliza's default palette colors which are these:


Eliza, Sekhmet and all their transformations all share the same colors, so any color you see Eliza use at any point in her default scheme can be used anywhere on your winpose. Sekhmet's bone color could be used for a dress, or shoes or whatever.
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Q&A time! A lot of these were already answered in the original post, so please try to read that carefully before asking questions!
(Sorry for my fragmented posting today. I am on vacation and thus not on a very convenient laptop)

Question: Can you add win quotes to the Eliza pose you create?
You can if you want! This is a costume design contest though ;P
Technical details seem less strict than EightySixed contest. Any file format/resolution/art method is OK?
No particular file size/format restrictions. This is just a mostly for fun internet contest, not a file that needs to be a certain quality limit for printing.
Question: If we put up more than one should we just merge them to our first one posted, or just post again?
You can just post em separately. I'll be going through them to compile every entry into a single post later on anyway.
I Have A Question Does The Design Have To Be Done On A Computer Or Can I Just Hand Draw It?
Hand Drawing Is Okay. Just Make Sure She's In Mostly The Same Pose.
Do we have to use the base?
Nope. Draw your own if you want, but make sure she's in roughly the same pose as in game.
Do we have to color in our entry, or can it just be linework?
Color is optional, but you're going up against people who are coloring their entries. Might be stacking the deck against yourself by leaving it blank.
Hmmm I might enter, if not for funsies because I'm not interested in a Valentine figure. (If it was Squigly on the other hand, OHOHOHO.)
I was hoping to have a bunch of figures to offer as prizes after Wonder Festival 2014 earlier this month, but I couldn't find any on sale. :( All I had in my personal stash was this Valentine and a Squigly... and I'm keeping the Squigly :P Hopefully there'll be some new SG figures at Winter WonFest this year and I can run another contest then!
Resubmitting, this time with the right palette (I hope!)
Yup, looks good! :D As long as the color is visible anywhere on Eliza or Sekhmet or their blood it's good to go!
These entries are all so cute. How are you guys gonna pick three?
I think I rather eat nails than choose 3 winners. Too hard.
Made an account just for this contest here, so might as well show off a bit~
Might submit more pictures if I find the time.

I hope I have not exactly broken any rule with editing her hand. The tablett and the beer glasses are just accessory and are not supposed to be counted in I guess.
The whole dress was pretty unplanned, its a mix between a German dirndl (as known from the Oktoberfest) and a typical Japanese maid dress.
(Click for HQ)

Modifying the hands are totally fine. A lot of her win poses have hands in different positions.
You may want to include the Staff of Ra in there somewhere too though. I forgot to mention it in the OP, but it's in all of her poses.

Also, kudos on the creative use of her existing palette!
Modifying the hands are totally fine. A lot of her win poses have hands in different positions.
You may want to include the Staff of Ra in there somewhere too though. I forgot to mention it in the OP, but it's in all of her poses.

Also, kudos on the creative use of her existing palette!

I see! Thank you very much, but that makes me wonder.
Are we allowed to modify the staff itself?
(colour, design e.g. adding bands, ribbons etc. as long as its recognizable)
I see! Thank you very much, but that makes me wonder.
Are we allowed to modify the staff itself?
(colour, design e.g. adding bands, ribbons etc. as long as its recognizable)
As far as I can tell the Staff never changes at all in game (aside from some hit stuns, which are kind of jokey) even when Eliza incorporates it into her transformations. I'm not going to outlaw it, but keep that in mind.
I was actually gonna do one where I replace the staff with a Guitar and do a rocker type thing...but then I got discouraged because INTENSE SKILL GAP BETWEEN ME AND THE REST OF THE COMPETITORS.

it's kinda intimidating now, is this how a "skullfan" feels?
I was actually gonna do one (...) but then I took an arrow in the knee got discouraged
Naaah, don't be like that. EVO would be pretty un-hype if only the winner participated.

That's not to say I'm implying you specifically can't win, nothing like that. More like, it's taking part that counts. Join in for the fun of it. Even if you (a general you) think your design won't win, share it anyway! Contribute to showing how creative the SG community can be.
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I was actually gonna do one where I replace the staff with a Guitar and do a rocker type thing...but then I got discouraged because INTENSE SKILL GAP BETWEEN ME AND THE REST OF THE COMPETITORS.
Naaah, don't be like that. EVO would be pretty un-hype if only the winner participated.

I did like 12 designs for this (only properly finished 2 of em) and I can't even win! It's a hoot to do these things(and good practice) so enter anyway! You might surprise yourself with what you make.
oh no i'm still doing these, it's just I got hit with a little bit of reality on the way. Despite me not being FANTASTIC, I'm still learning a lot from this, and as you said it is pretty fun.
Oh! I didn't understand that palette part. Kind of a pity to be so limited but I can see the reason. Is my first entry still valid if I change colours?
Also Cell can we see your other ones? I'm curious!
Crap, I was gonna do a mummy version

That's not just any mummy my dear friend. No, that is Anakaris of the Darkstalkers series, the best mummy of any video game series.
Oh! I didn't understand that palette part. Kind of a pity to be so limited but I can see the reason. Is my first entry still valid if I change colours?
Also Cell can we see your other ones? I'm curious!
Yep he said it still counts
Another question! (I know I'm terrible :'D)
Is it okay to put makeup/facepaint onto her as well as long as it suits the palette?
(Sorry in advance if that has been asked before at some point, b/c if that's the case I overlooked it)

And an edit for a second entry. Drawing clothes for her is really fun~
This one is based on the Emporers' New Grooves' Yzma as you can probably tell.

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